评价: 力荐
Robotaxi observers worldwide believe one thing about the industry in China: It’s moving aggressively. NYT dubbed Wuhan “the world’s largest experiment in driverless cars,” thanks to significant government support both in terms of regulations for testing and data collection.
The hottest Chinese startups are going public in the US, too. Most notably, Pony.ai 小马智行 made its Nasdaq debut the day before Thanksgiving. The company recently said it would expand its robotaxi fleet from 250 to 1,000 in 2025, significantly growing its commercialization prospects.
Pony.ai’s IPO was valued at $5.25 billion. Not peanuts, but less than its $8.5 billion Series D. Compared to its heyday, Pony is being tested by a harsh market reality and may face stringent international regulatory barriers as it tries to bring its technology abroad. To understand the future of Chinese AVs, ChinaTalk dove deep into the industry’s history and interviewed both cofounders of Pony.ai. We get into:
Pony.ai’s rise to China’s leading robotaxi company
How broader changes in the robotaxi industry and Chinese companies’ fundraising environment affect Pony.ai’s IPO
The challenges of commercialization for Pony.ai
Pony.ai’s plans for overseas expansion amidst international hesitance to accept Chinese AV
In late 2016, James Peng 彭军 and Tiancheng Lou 楼天城 left their jobs at Baidu’s autonomous driving department to found Pony.ai, a company that develops Level 4 autonomous driving technology. L4 refers to the stage of automation where a vehicle can drive without a human driver.
The self-driving industry boomed during those years. Hundreds of startups were founded across a complex web of transportation systems, and autonomous driving was largely believed to be the first momentous application of artificial intelligence in the pre-GPT era. Uber started its self-driving unit in 2015 and acquired Otto, a self-driving truck startup, in 2016. The same year, Google’s self-driving unit, where Lou used to work, became Waymo and publicly demonstrated its technology. Almost every major automaker announced partnerships to develop these technologies or invested in a startup.
In China, Baidu started investing in autonomous vehicle research in 2013 and began the Apollo project to develop its own driverless vehicles in 2017. Many of the big names in China’s robotaxi industry came from Baidu, including the founders of Pony.ai and WeRide.
Thanks to the strong technical backgrounds of Pony’s founders, China’s biggest investors were immediately interested. HongShan 红杉中国 (formerly Sequoia China) led Pony’s seed round in 2017. Then in 2020, Toyota participated in Pony’s Series B, and later became a key partner in Pony’s attempts to commercialize its robotaxi tech: Pony develops self-driving software and hardware, and Toyota provides the vehicles.1
Pony also expanded quickly in its first five years. In 2018, Pony became the first company in China to launch a public-facing robotaxi service (ie, fully autonomous vehicles with safety drivers) regularly operating in Guangzhou, while obtaining a permit to test in Beijing. Around the same time, the company started to explore robotrucks and established a trucking division in 2020. In 2021, Pony began to remove safety drivers in some of its robotaxis in Guangzhou.
At the end of 2020, Pony was valued at $5.3 billion and raised $2.5 billion in Series-C funding thanks to investments from sovereign wealth funds such as Ontario Teacher’s Pension Plan and Brunei Investment Agency. By June 2021, the company was on the verge of initiating an IPO, but launch plans came to a grinding halt when SEC asked for a “pause” on US IPOs of Chinese companies.
That marked the beginning of a downturn for many USD venture funds in China and left Pony in an awkward situation: Autonomous vehicles are capital-intensive and R&D-driven, and the commercialization process had only just started. Given the company’s high valuation, there were doubts about whether Pony could drum up more interest from private funds without an IPO.
But Pony wasn’t horsing around — it closed a $1.1 billion Series D at a valuation of $8.5 billion. In October 2023, amid a bonanza of Middle Eastern investments in Chinese EV and AV companies, Pony secured another $100 million from the financial wing of NEOM, Saudi Arabia’s urban desert megaproject.
In its IPO filing, Pony disclosed the current scale of its operations. And these numbers are modest, to say the least.
Pony has a fleet of around 250 robotaxis operating across four tier-one cities in China: Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Shanghai. It’s charging fares for fully driverless rides in the first three. During the first half of 2024, each fully driverless robotaxi received an average of 15 orders per day.
By comparison, Waymo currently operates a fleet of over 700 vehicles which complete more than 150,000 rides every week in metro Phoenix, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. Baidu has a fleet of 500 vehicles in Wuhan alone.
AV companies are facing a tough reality in 2024. General Motors just axed funding for Cruise, the AV startup it acquired a decade ago. Cruise had been burning through money, and after a major accident involving a fully autonomous vehicle, it was only testing robotaxis very slowly, one city at a time, without offering public-facing services. Other automakers have been similarly unable to pony up the necessary cash for AV development.
For Pony.ai, there is an additional level of complexity, because unlike Apollo, Waymo, and even Amazon-owned Zoox, Pony is not backed by a major tech giant. It needs funding more urgently, perhaps, than any other AV company.
“It is my disadvantage,” Lou told me. “I have to wait until the cost structure is stable to add a car. But that also means that I have to do well.”
By “cost structure,” Lou was referring to per-vehicle operating margin. Usually, that’s the difference between passenger fare and per-vehicle cost which includes maintenance, research, and manufacturing. Lou and Peng were optimistic that the margin would turn positive in 2025. In other words, when adding a new vehicle to the robotaxi fleet, the company does not lose money.
But right now, Pony.ai is still a money-losing business: While revenue rose from $68 million in 2022 to $71 million in 2023, net loss attributable to the company was $148 million and $124 million in these two years respectively. R&D still accounts for the highest percentage of Pony’s operating expenses, adding up to over $123 million in 2023.
The good news is that losses have begun to narrow over time. But Pony’s IPO filing promise — that robotaxis would be the company’s main source of revenue — is still far from becoming a reality.
Pony has about 190 robotrucks, which generated 73% of its revenue over the first six months of 2024. Much of this new revenue came from transportation fees collected by Cyantrain, a joint venture founded by Pony and Sinotrans, for freight orders fulfilled by robotrucks.
Lou told me that it’s harder to scale robotrucks than robotaxis. The hardest part about robotaxi is the technology, he said. As long as the technology is mature enough to allow the vehicles to drive fully autonomously, it’s not hard to build tens of thousands of vehicles with that capacity. However, when it comes to trucks, which are larger and faster, there is a higher safety standard to meet.
Another way to diversify revenue is by selling so-called L2++ technology, which Pony started doing in 2022. L2++ refers to technology that assists human drivers instead of replacing them, which is sold to OEMs.
Other Chinese self-driving startups are choosing this road as well. WeRide went public in October but only sold 3 robotaxis and 19 robobuses in 2023. Revenue from these products declined by almost half between 2021 and 2023, from 101 million yuan to 54 million yuan. And even these numbers are padded by government contracts (“local transportation service providers”) as opposed to public-facing, fared robotaxi services. Meanwhile, WeRide’s service revenue (eg, L2 to L4 technical support and R&D services) increased from 36 million yuan to 347 million yuan during the same period.
Regardless, Pony clearly benefits from a Nasdaq IPO: US investors are likely more lenient about the intensive time and capital requirements of self-driving vehicle development. Several investors told me that they didn’t expect a newly minted tech IPO to be profitable.
But investors won’t wait forever — eventually, AV shareholders will push for a path to profitability as proof that they bet on the right horse.
Pony is already the leading robotaxi company in China, with operations in four tier-one cities, but questions remain about the company’s post-IPO international expansion plan. Pony now has research centers in Silicon Valley and Luxembourg, and potential operations in Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Luxembourg.
“We have set up a layout of operations in these places,” James Peng said in an interview. “The ‘layout’ doesn’t necessarily mean that the cars are already there. It’s more about technological partnerships or selling parts. In some of these places, the cars are still on the way, but eventually, we will have them.”
The market is still very new, so Pony is still adjusting their overseas investment, Peng added.
Pony is also partnering with Uber to offer driverless car services in overseas markets, although Uber has also inked cooperation agreements with Waymo, Cruise, and Wayve. Before Pony’s IPO, Bloomberg reported that Uber was in talks to invest in the startup’s offering.
Pony doesn’t have any immediate plan to expand operations to the US. California suspended Pony’s California driverless testing permit in the fall of 2021 after a reported collision in Fremont, a one-party incident where the vehicle hit a street sign. (The state’s Department of Motor Vehicles also temporarily revoked Pony’s permit to test vehicles with a driver in 2022, alleging the company’s failures to monitor the driving records of safety drivers, before the permit was reinstated at the end of 2022.)
“We are mostly focusing on China, because there is a large enough market, sufficient demand, and policymakers are supportive,” Peng told me.
It is not easy to compare self-driving regulations between the US and China. I’ve heard US transportation officials saying that the Chinese government is more proactive in regulating self-driving tech. To me, the main difference is that the Chinese government has adopted a more top-down approach to regulating autonomous vehicles. The first set of major guidelines for testing robotaxis on public roads was released in 2018.
Then in November 2023, China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and three other departments jointly issued the “Notice on Carrying Out Pilot Work for the Access and Road Usage of Intelligent Connected Vehicles.” This notice focuses on conducting access pilot programs and road usage pilot programs for intelligent connected vehicles with L3 (where the driver should still remain in the vehicle) and L4 autonomous driving systems within designated areas.
More than 30 Chinese cities and provinces have released their own sets of guidelines and permitting schemes for the testing and operation of robotaxis. Some are more supportive than others. Yet, in all cities, robotaxis still can only operate on designated public roads, which could negatively impact attempts to scale.
Wuhan, sometimes called the “robotaxi city of China,” is arguably also the largest testing ground for robotaxis in the world, as the opening testing area for the technology has reached about 3,000 square kilometers (over 1,160 square miles.) Even then, Baidu has yet to reach its goal of deploying 1,000 robotaxis in the city within 2024. (The consensus thus far is that at least 1,000 fully autonomous robotaxis are needed in a city to achieve scalable commercialization.) An expert from Baidu told Huxiu that the peak of robotaxi commercialization will arrive between 2028-2030.
In both US and China, “The policies are more advanced than technological development,” said Lou.
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In its IPO filing, Pony said it established a joint venture with Toyota, where the latter would supply vehicles as a fleet company. This is similar to Waymo’s partnership with Jaguar. Toyota is the biggest shareholder of Pony.ai.
新书定义:最近一两年出版的中文或英文书籍,并非指当月即将出版的预告书讯。比如这期介绍的五本书全部是 2024 年已出版图书,而非 2025 年即将出版的图书。
Westad, Odd Arne, and Chen Jian. The Great Transformation: China's Road from Revolution to Reform. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2024.
1978 - 2018 ?
从 2008 到 2018 的十年里,改开不是突然死亡,而是逐渐失去生机。
另外,有足够理由认为改开还没死透,它仍在挣扎。中国依然受惠于雅尔塔体系提供的和平和 WTO 体系提供的市场。
如同改革开放在新时代的逐渐落幕,它的启动同样长于整个 70 年代:
从中苏交恶到中美接近,从林彪坠机到怀仁堂;从周恩来的“四个现代化”到邓小平的“四项基本原则”;其间经历突变、意外和斗争。没有谁是它的总设计师,它也不是突然开始于 1978。
“长 70 年代”——中国从文革走向改开的漫长道路,是新书 The Great Transformation 的主题,由两位杰出的冷战史学家联手完成。
許成鋼,制度基因:中國制度與極權主義制度的起源,臺北: 國立臺灣大學出版中心, 2024。
Xu, Chenggang. Institutional Genes: Origins of China's Institutions and Totalitarianism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2025.
1968 年,18 岁的许成钢在北大荒上山下乡做知青。
1986 年,36 岁的许成钢在哈佛大学听科尔奈讲道。
74 岁的许成钢经历改开每一步,晚年却认定政权本质从未更改,还是那个“极权主义”。
因此这本书注定面临争议,它强调中国的“极权主义”属性,大幅偏离了当前政治学将中国视为“威权”/个人化的一党制 (personalized one-party system, Geddes 分类) 之分析框架。
但许的研究扎根于政治经济学的苏联与东欧经验,受益于比较共产主义研究范式(Comparative Communism)。中国改开僵死,越看越像晚期苏联,所以科尔奈一系的思想今天又能重焕青春。
鍾延麟,彭真:毛澤東的「親密戰友」(1941-1966),臺北: 聯經出版公司,2024。
2006 年,國立政治大學的鍾延麟师从陳永發开始做博士论文,题目是邓小平 1956-1966,2013 年专书在香港出版《文革前的鄧小平:毛澤東的「副帥」(1956-1966)》,这本书清晰地阐明了邓小平在大跃进开始后的“副帅”和储备接班人身份,帮助我们进一步认清了文革起源中的接班人斗争问题的关窍。
彭真政治生涯很漫长,文革后主管人大和政法,1987 年才退休(三老半退,四老全退);元老排序中地位仅次于邓小平、陈云、李先念。鍾延麟亦有论文涉及彭真在改开初年的角色,写得极好。
(点击链接:人文及社會科學期刊開放取用平台 可免费阅读很多台版期刊)
《中國大陸研究》是个很有趣的刊物,它前身是创刊于 1958 年的《匪情月报》。1985 年更名为 《中國大陸研究》,1996 年改隶于政治大學,自此转型为纯学术期刊。
Chen Jian. Zhou Enlai: A Life. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2024.
视频:第 46 分钟 陈兼论断周是“好人”,语境是把周和毛做对比。
你可以不必认同陈兼对周恩来是 “好人” 这样的论断,也可以读这本书。
Suettinger, Robert L. The Conscience of the Party: Hu Yaobang, China's Communist Reformer. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2024.
他不只是学者,曾任美国国安会亚太事务主任的苏葆立亲历 80/90 年代的美国对华外交,写作带有政治内部人视角。
前几个月我就被问了这个问题,我们专门做了一期长达四个半小时的播客,来回答这个问题。这期播客《活在历史的垃圾时间,如何度过时代的乱纪元》,也是我们run and rebel系列的第四期,可能是有史以来关于这个问题最直面现实的同时还能激情澎湃,高潮迭起的播客内容。它的答案不仅针对刚刚到来的2025年,还可能对未来的好几年甚至几十年都持续有效。
因为最大程度地直面了真实,这一期比以往run and rebel的每一期都更疯更勇,所以设置了比以往更高的付费门槛,想最大程度地拦截可能会给我们带来不安的人群。本来录的时候我自己觉得还好,只是畅所欲言之后的酣畅,结果剪辑出来后我在做饭的时候一听,简直心惊肉跳,觉得我自己属实有一种为了说点真话不要命的生猛。最后一个投稿的朋友更是比我还疯,我没敢说的话她比我说得更直接。
这个转变是我正在进行的行动,也是我对自己更恒久地祝福,祝福自己的行动成功。也把这个祝福送给每一位同路人,因为它本质上是在祝福:人有管理自己注意力的能力,并真的能把注意力投射给 empower自己的东西。
其次想祝福一下我们都能分辨并屏蔽噪音,稳住道心。最近刚学会了“道心”这个词,发现这就是passion and mission,激情和使命,在修仙界的别名。这个世界纷繁复杂的噪音太多了,人找到自己道心已经难如登天,想要在这样的噪音如北京春天的电钻声一样钻心入脑的世界里,稳住自己的道心,更是难上加难。甚至连分辨哪些是噪音都很艰难,人在垃圾世界活久了,甚至有时候会觉得噪音才是正确和正常的,还会内化这些噪音用来评判和攻击自己。女性在这个世界已经够处在不利的结构中了,倘若我们还用这些噪音弱化自己,才是掉入了真正万劫不复的陷阱。
但是倘若你在你不认同使你痛苦的环境里广受赞誉,说你温柔脾气好,说你勤劳善良好用有责任心(是的,特别有责任心的人一定会burn out,祝愿我们2025都学会let it burn的时代精神),那警钟今天为你而鸣,你迄今为止的人生都在按照噪音行事。倘若继续下去,你会抑郁,无力,被剥夺和损害,会毫无防线地放弃自己。会终其一生都难找到自己真正想做的事,听不到自己真正的声音,因为噪音会将你吞噬。
这是放学以后run and rebel系列第4期,不再是逃离某个地域疆域,父权制和极权统治,这一次,我们策划一起逃离这个时代的低点,逃离乱纪元,逃离历史的垃圾时间。
Do not go gentle into that good nig…
—— 《好东西》
1、 走出冰原第一步:卸下重担、轻松上路
因此,为了走出这片险恶的冰原,我们必须相信自己的潜力和无限可能。《好东西》用一句“你怎么打鼓,女孩就怎么打鼓”告诉我们「你就是这个世界的规则」。这既是我们鼓励年轻一代女性践行女权主义的方法,也是 “以柔克刚”、让父权规则不攻自破的最好方式。
除此之外,《好东西》还告诉我们要团结一切能团结的力量对抗严寒、不再割席或审判。影片中的 “举报”情节充满了导演的巧思:举报王茉莉的男同学仿佛跳梁小丑,这种行为背后的心理更是可笑。考虑到近两年女权主义者之间相互举报、党同伐异的现象愈演愈烈,我们不得不思考:“举报”真的有利于女权主义的发展吗?
在卸下重担、团结盟友之后,我们必然要经历最艰难也最重要的抗争阶段——明知现实残酷,却不能不继续在结构里挣扎求生、努力向前。在觉醒后,我们更容易洞察社会的不公,一边为“唤不醒“的受害者扼腕叹息,一边又对难以撼动的现实感到绝望。而这时我们难免会感到厌倦沮丧,只希望立刻获得一剂灵丹妙药、一张迅速通关的“加速卡”帮我们飞越争权的漫漫长路、直接到达胜利的彼岸。在这种心境下,我们面对女性主义作品很可能禁不住质疑: 只提出问题却不提出解决方案有什么意义?只批判结构性压迫却不告诉我们如何推翻结构,不是隔靴搔痒吗?而这也正是《好东西》受到批评的主要原因。
不过,虽然揭示了现实,影片的底色还是温柔的。邵艺辉导演不惧怕诉述苦难,但更想把满满的希望呈现给观众、构筑一个女性乌托邦。“正是因为我们足够乐观和自信,才可以直面悲剧。” 她让铁梅承受的母职惩罚变成了宇宙的律动、自然的声音,让茉莉在一个类似母系的环境里成长,将女性经历的悲剧拍成欢笑连连的喜剧呈现在荧幕上,在寒冬时节为我们演奏了一曲荡气回肠的「女权欢乐颂」。
这里就有一个真平等和假平等的问题。那么,什么是真平等呢?用美国法院的话说,就是“向上拉平”(level up)。我们再举个中国的例子。1911年,中国推翻了帝制,成立了中国华民国,那是亚洲的第一个共和国。中国人从臣民变成了公民。第二年,中国举行了有史以来的第一次选举,投票选出国会代表。当时只有男性公民有投票权,女性公民没有投票权。
1947年,中国举行国民大会代表选举。女性公民第一次获得了跟男性公民平等的选举权。这是“向上拉平”的平等,是真平等。1949年以后,大陆不再有公民普选,男性和女性都没了选举权。这也是一种平等,如果用美国法院的话说,就是“向下拉平”(level down),这是一种假平等。
To close out the year, we got Jake Newby, the author the China music substack Concrete Avalanche, to put together a radio hour introducing China’s best music from the past year. His set includes everything from Afrobeat-influenced Beijing funk to an electronic track crafted in a Tibetan monastery featuring Buddhist chanting.
What you should really do is listen to the mix on ChinaTalk’s podcast feed in your favorite podcast app! Here are the links for Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and every other podcast catcher.
1. Golden Seeds 黄金种子 by Sleeping Dogs
Jake Newby: This first song is called ‘Golden Seeds,’ and it’s by a band called Sleeping Dogs. They’re a Beijing bass group that put out a new four-track EP in November called Cliché, which was their first proper release since their debut album two years ago. But this track is actually from a compilation of songs from all across Asia that the Guruguru Brain label put together for their 10th anniversary. Gilles Peterson also played this track on his BBC Radio 6 music show.
2. Never Broken, Never Healed by Seon Ga 信鴿
Jake Newby: Speaking of compilations, this second track is from one of my favorite compilations of 2024. It's an ambient album put out by Beijing’s Seippelabel. The label is run by Brad Seippel, and it had a comeback in 2024 after a hiatus of about six years. They made up for lost time by releasing a bunch of excellent and interesting experimental electronic records.
‘Never Broken, Never Healed’ is the opening track of an especially beautiful ambient compilation. This song is by Seon Ga 信鴿, a duo comprised of Brad himself and the Guangzhou-based producer Yu Hein.
3. Aroma Compound by ayrtbh
Jake Newby: Our next song is from ayrtbh, also known as Wang Changcun 王长存. He’s a programmer and experimental musician based in Shanghai, and he’s been releasing interesting avant-garde computer music for around two decades now. ‘Aroma Compound’ is a track from his latest album, Bust Fossil, which is one of his most accessible works to date.
4. Stage Riot 舞台 by Carsick Cars
Jake Newby: Up next is another artist who's been around for a while. There was a time in 2007-2008 when Carsick Cars was the Chinese band known by overseas audiences. In 2007, they were planning to support Sonic Youth in China, but authorities stopped them from doing so at the last minute.
In 2009, they were featured in The New York Times and The Guardian. I wont recite the group's entire history right here, but it’s safe to say there have been a few ups and downs since then. Earlier this summer, the band made a comeback with the original lineup getting back together and recording a new album called Aha.
The first song released for that record is a beautiful track called ‘Farewell (告别)’ It’s a wistful reflection on the band’s youth and comes with a refrain of, “而你们还在吗?(Are you still there?)”
It almost felt like an end-of-a-career track. Fortunately, it was swiftly followed with a full new album. ‘Farewell’ is also definitely worth a listen — it’s in my end-of-year mix on Concrete Avalanche, but for today I selected a different song called ‘Stage Riot.’ It’s one of the livelier tracks from the album.
5. Hereditary Nightmare 遗传噩梦 by The Swan and Blossoms 天鹅与花朵
Jake Newby: “The Swan and Blossoms” sounds a bit like the name of an English country pub, but it’s actually a band from Chengdu. They put out their first album in five years (their second ever) at the end of November. A number of people — including the producer of the record, an established Chengdu indie rock musician in his own right called Uncle Hu (Hu Xike) — say that this is a record that requires a bit of time to get into. I feel like I’m still digesting it. But I wanted to include it here because it just feels so different. It’s an indication of how diverse music in China can be, which doesn't always come across in English language coverage of the Chinese music scene. This album was mixed by Mark Nevers, who's worked with the likes of Lambchop and Andrew Bird.
The record (entitled World Below the Moon 月下世界) has a lot going on. It makes use of interesting instrumentation and vocal flourishes, such as Chinese opera-style singing on one track. It moves between dark folk, quirky indie, and a range of other genres. It’s a fascinating listen.
6. Kagi 鍵 by Voision Xi
Jake Newby: Our next track is from an artist called Voision Xi, who put out her second solo full-length album just a few weeks ago, called Queen and Elf. She's been a key figure on the Shanghai jazz scene for years.
She used to work kind of behind the scenes at JZ Club — which is something of an institution in Shanghai — and then later she took to the stage herself. She's also a really skilled electronic music producer, and her interest in different forms of music is evident on this album. Although it's kind of rooted in jazz, she kind of also weaves in elements of instrumental hip hop, ambient, spoken word, and lots more. I’ve selected a track called Kagi 鍵 from that record.
7. 物件 (Object) by Mdprl & Git Bu$y Trio
Jake Newby: Mdprl & Git Bu$y Trio are from Guangdong, and they’re signed to the Space Fruity label. Their debut LP (called BA*) came out in August. It’s a fun, laid back, jazzy hip hop record with strong summery vibes.
8. Night Patrol by Fazi 法兹
Jake Newby: These next two tracks are pretty different. First, we have a band called Fazi 法兹, a post-punk band out of Xi’An. They’ve had a really interesting year — they went to South by Southwest in the spring, and were meant to go on a tour of North America after that, but only ended up playing a handful of the planned dates. They nevertheless put out a documentary about their time in the U.S. with clips where they were getting really up in the faces of the crowd in Texas and the smaller venues they played. At the end of the documentary, the band said they wished they could do that more in China, since they’ve been playling mostly bigger venues there since they were featured on the TV show The Big Band.
But then they booked a tour of smaller gig venues across China, which felt a bit contrived but actually did work. It seems to have given them a renewed kind of energy, and in November they put out an album where they took a bunch of their old songs and re-recorded them. This wasn't just a Taylor's Version-style release, they really did reinvent a lot of the tracks. The album is called Oriental 101 w Future Prairie, and the track I selected is called ‘Night Patrol.’
9. Mantra Of Buddha Akshobhya 不动佛心咒 by Howie Lee
Jake Newby: Howie Lee is one of the most interesting artists operating in China. It’s no surprise that his latest album was given a lot of attention by Jamz Supernova and Tom Ravenscroft on the BBC. The LP was recorded over two weeks at the Drolma Wesel-Ling Monastery in the mountains of northeastern Tibet. He combines Tibetan Buddhist singing with what the official introduction on Bandcamp called, “mutating bass/footwork science, glitched-out hyper-rhythms and sampled Chinese-Tibetan instrumentation.” I’m pretty sure it's unlike anything else you’ve heard all year.
10. Ghostbomb by Ghostmass 大鬼众
Jake Newby: One more track for you. But first, thank you for listening! Please support the artists if you can — all of this music is available on Bandcamp.
Our final track is a brutal one from a group called Ghost Mass. They’re a noise supergroup, uh, comprised of two members of Carsick Cars — Li Weisi 李维思 and Li Qing 李青, although they sound very different here — as well as the Chinese noise pioneer Yan Jun 颜峻. Together, they make these visceral, fascinating sounds. There’s not really a good way to describe it, but this is a track called Ghostbomb and you might want to adjust your volume accordingly.
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For more Concrete Avalanche/ChinaTalk collabs, check out our Chinese shoegaze playlist, his best of 2023 playlist, H1 2024 roundup back in June. And subscribe to Jake’s excellent substack!