Python3 Web Terminal
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而最近一次与“金桂飘香”相遇,是我在休学的去年,那是我计划了很久的gap year。
Tim Cook说未来是属于编程和创造力的。
接着进入本次的正文,这次需要解决的问题是——让从FCP中导出的片段进入到Davinci Resolve后颜色不一样
1、macOS有一套自己的全局色彩管理,并有NCLC Tags机制
3、Davinci Resolve绕过了macOS的全局色彩管理,不受系统影响,并且默认设置下(时间线 Gamma)与Apple采用的Rec.709标准不同。
解决这个问题的方法很简单,通过Davinci Resolve 16 中新增的一个Color Space Transfer(色彩空间转换)Open FX工具来解决。
保证你的项目设置为默认的状态 特别是色彩管理这一部分
交付至FCP时 在交付界面中的高级选项中选择以上选项即可
(部分Davinci Resolve16由于版本较低没有这个选项 需升级至更高版本的16或17)
由于,接力过程中需要对媒体进行多次编码。所以,建议全程使用的中间格式只为,ProRes 4444或ProRes 4444XQ。
若源媒体质量并不高,,例如手机或消费及相机拍摄的「h.264/265 420」等,或对最终要求交付的质量较低。出于对节约储存空间,使用ProRes 422作为中间格式也是可行的。
最后,强烈不建议使用h.265、h.264、VP9等,不建议使用GoPro Cine Form或DNxHD、DNxHR等
(文章没有一张图就是因为我太懒 凑活着看吧 内容还可以的)
1、FCPX to Resolve时,Resolve Timeline上的Clip会变成复合片段。
对于调色师来说,由于流程的不规范,往往很难实现一次就Locked Cut(实际上想要一次Locked Cut在规范的电影工业流程中也是很难的),所以往往调色都要先行于Locked Cut之前,而恰恰问题就出现在这个地方。正常情况下,Resolve中有一个功能叫做「Color Trace」,能够一键将另一个Timeline上所有片段的调色信息全部一一对应copy到新Timeline片段上,对于没法一次定剪的项目属实是方便的。
解决的办法也有使用AAF、xml、edl,而非使用fcpxml。但说的轻巧,fcpx是不支持其他格式的Turnover的(真不愧是你 苹果),这也是广大电影从业者诟病fcpx的地方。解决方法也是有的,App Store上有一款售价不菲的软件——「EDL-X」(价值648 逢年过节还不打折),能将fcpxml直接转换成edl cmx3600标准,看起来还不错,对卷名的编辑也有支持,当然具体如何我也没有尝试过。但除了这种氪金的方式真的没有别的办法了吗?非也。
另一个解决方案就是使用达芬奇,你可以通过达芬奇将时间线转换成各种格式的Turnover。大家直觉式的就会认为必须要先将Timline上的所有clip全部Match之后才可以转换成其他格式的Turnover,这其实是一种惯性思维,事实上并不如此。在Timeline上所有clip都offline的情况下,你还是可以转换不同格式的Turnover(那天我突发奇想的时候都被自己惊呆了 不过仔细一想确实也在情理之中)。这里有一个小细节要注意,如果你想让Timeline上所有的clip都offline,你需要在Resolve选择Match的那个界面,在媒体池中选择一个不含Timeline上的任何Clip的Source的文件夹,如果你选择的是一个内容全空的文件夹,达芬奇会直接退出导入,所以总结一下,正确的做法就是新建一个文件夹,随便导入一个和Timeline完全不相关的Source,在Match的阶段只选中这一个文件夹,这样Timeline上所有的Clip都offline了。
那么为什么要让所有的Clip都offline呢,这个放到后面说吧(其实仔细想想不非要offline也不是不可以的 只是为了防止Match后产生一些不必要的元数据错误 这是一种比较“安全”的做法)。
这时候,直接选择导出EDL,在达芬奇的Setting中打开卷名,为每一个Source的Reel Nam都赋上Source Name,导入你刚导出的EDL。好了,清清爽爽的Timeline出现了,你可以愉快的调色了。
那么细心的朋友发现了,Reel Name使用的是Source Name,这样一来其实是不能保证每一条Clip的唯一性的,特别是当「DJI_0001」这样不仅默认Source Name是重名的,而且TC码也是从零开始的。所以有一些片段其实是会Match错误的。
此外,由于EDL对于非线性变速的支持很差,你最好也要求剪辑将那些非线性变速的Clip还原初始速度再将fcpxml的Turnover给到你(要是对方是个行业大佬 还不乐意接受这样和你对接 你还是自己慢慢做这个工作吧……)。
第二点无非是麻烦点的工作,那第一点呢?其实也是有办法的……如果你再细心点,使用文本编辑器打开fcpxml,检索关键词「reel」你会发现,其实所有的Clip fcpxml都是携带上Reel Name了的。所以……你要是真遇到了重名文件、TC码还清零的素材,emmm,祈祷一下这样的Clip在Timeline上不多吧,你可以尝试根据fcpxml给出的信息,手动编辑EDL中Reel Name那一栏的文本和Resolve中的Source Reel Name。
(最后再多说一句,fcpx中,对卷名的赋值一定要做在开始剪辑之前,你修改资源库里的Source Reel Name是没法影响Timeline上Clip的Reel Name的)
2、Pr to Resolve时,DJI的素材或者Sony的素材因为重名导致Match错误。
相比于复合片段的问题,Pr to Resolve Conform不上,这个问题显得更加迫切(相同情况下 从理论上来说fcpxml应该会更少出现这样的问题)。
解决办法就是在Pr中为重名的素材填上Reel Name,Pr中文的翻译有点奇怪害得我找了半天,Pr中的Reel Name叫做「磁带名称」。不同于fcpx,直接在素材库中修改这一栏的属性会直接影响Clip的Reel Name。所以输出EDL的时候,在Reel Name一栏可以直接看到你修改的属性。
由于2020版之前的Pr是不支持批量操作Reel Name的,所以你只能one by one的修改Source Reel Name。而在2020版之后,Pr和Bridge会有更多的联动性,Pr会直接读取Bridge中修改的Reel Name info。当然,情况也要分导入前修改和导入后修改讨论,更多详细内容等我更新Adobe全家桶之后再做测试吧。你可以先访问下面的链接,看看Adobe官方是如何说明的。
Batch change Tape name Metadata
现有的条件下,我的Workflow是为每个文件夹(一般都是按照日期和卡号对文件夹做结构管理的),赋上唯一的卷名,类似于A001、B003、C001这样(具体规则可以查看我之前的文章)。完成之后导出EDL,现在这样的EDL你是无法正确匹配DJI的素材的,因为它的TC码是归零的(Sony的素材因为有唯一的时码所以只做指定卷名这一步也是可以Match上的 当然如果是HFR或者混帧的情况需要另说)。
所以,我们需要把EDL中「*From Clip Name:DJI_0001」中的Clip Name剪切到卷名之后并在两者之前添加下划线,并删除这一整行。例如,001片段有「*From Clip Name:DJI_0001」且卷名为「A001」。修改后,删除「*From Clip Name:DJI_0001」,卷名为「A001_DJI_0001」。
这里还有一点值得说,就是HFR(High Frame Rate)的素材和混帧的素材,当你在Pr中设置解释素材之后,很有可能你会发现和Resolve中解释素材后的Start TC,相同的素材两个软件中不一样。如果素材量比较少那也还好,修改哪个软件中的Start TC让两者一致都可以。如果有大量的素材Start TC不一样,你可以尝试从Pr中导出ALE,再将其转换成表格便于修改,Resolve中导出CSV表,直接复制粘贴,也是轻松简单。
做完这些,Resolve和Pr就可以正确的Turnover了。最后用Pr输出的Offline Reference Video检查一下就可以了。
关于Pr to Resolve的Turnover就到这里结束了。
Materials Needed for Post Sound
What’s an OMF /AAF?
OMF和AAF是一个特殊的中间格式,用于在不同的剪辑软件中传输或转换项目。他们能让后期声音处理软件能够从你的剪辑软件的时间线中导入声音片段。他可以让声音片段保持在剪辑软件中的相对位置、淡入淡出和一些其他功能,例如:平移、自适应声音和一些声音处理。本质上,这就是一份你剪辑软件上项目的快照,并且这个快照可以导入至数字声音处理软件(例如 Pro Tools)。
Export Settings
来自译者 :
I skip this part , if you want to know more info ,you can read on Frame IO.
Summary :
Premeire can only export OMF. Avid can export AAF. FCPX can export AAF by using X2Pro Audio Convert or Logic Pro X.
Video Export
这些是Pro Tools 11以及之后的版本比较倾向使用的视频编码。
* DNxHD (Preferred)
* Apple ProRes 422 (including HQ, LT and Proxy)
* DV25
* DV50
* H.264 (Performance may vary)
* 内容的发布渠道(广播电视、网络、电影节、特定投放、等等)
* 混音所需要的格式(立体声、5.1环绕声、7.1环绕声、杜比音效、等等)
* 任何其他相关的音频规范(对于广播电视来说,这些规范通常包含在播出现场广播的视频指南当中)
Post Audio Workflow
Basic Step By Step Process
1. 轨道管理
2. 对话片段
3. 音乐片段
4. 粗混(可变的)
5. 声音设计/声音效果片段
6. 最终混音
7. 检查和修正
8. 交付
Track Management
* VO(Voice Over) | 旁白/解说词
* Dialog | 对话
* Production Effects (anything recorded from set other than principal dialog) | 姑且可以理解为同期声or画外音or底噪之类的吧(英文解释其实说的更清楚一些)
* Sound Effects (separate from Production Effects, anything that was added in post) | 效果音
* Music | 音乐
一条特别的关于对话轨道的备注——最好将录制时所有的不同麦克风录制的轨道垂直打组在一起。这样一来,你的对话剪辑师可以轻松的为每个场景选择最好声音质量的那个麦克风通道。一个好的最简的通道设计最好包含一个挑杆麦克风和一个领夹麦克风。一个进阶的轨道设计需要包括Mix Left, Mix Right, Boom, Lav 1, Lav 2, etc.(……请你们自己去查资料吧)
Dialog Edit
* 尽可能从每个场景中的每个麦克风中找到最干净的房间声(Room Tone)(其实就是一条“干净”的底噪)。
* 用这条底噪去衔接对话片段与片段之间的剪辑,用底噪填“空”并使用十分缓慢的淡入淡出(特别是当房间声非常吵闹和大声这就十分重要了)。
* 消除任何片段碎语以及呼吸声。
* 消除任何“frankenbites”(无法重新录制的情况下,有时创造一个“不完整”的句子就显得必要了,虽然它总是不那么理想)
(更多有关「Frankenbiting」的内容 请阅读《Frankenbites/Franken-Edits|拼凑的怪异语句/奇怪的剪辑》)
(更多有关「Room Tone」的内容请翻阅 Frame IO Workflow Blog)
(更多有关「How to Choose Dialog Recordings」的内容请翻阅 Frame IO Workflow Blog)
Music Edit
需要记住的是,通常画面会比声音更具延展性。声音会被大量的因素影响,甚至会注意到一个没有正确处理好的小剪辑细节。速度、节奏、乐器的减弱(instrument decay)和延音,这些只是能够影响到音乐还有整个项目的节奏的几个因素。
Rough Mix
Sound Design
* Hard Effects — 那些通常不会被录制到画面里的声音(爆炸、汽车发动引擎、关门)。
* Foley — 角色和物体接触的声音(脚步声、衣物摩擦声、道具声)。
* Backgrounds — 环境声(大自然的声音、城市的声音、办公室的窃窃私语)
* Emotional Effects* — 通常不是现实场景中有的声音,用来加强情绪的抽象声效。
*Emotional Effects是最难解释的,并且通常很容易和音乐搞混淆。许多音乐中都会将这部分的声音(Emotional Effects)纳入到创作之中(钹的敲击、蜂鸣声、其他)/ (cymbal swells, eerie drones, etc)。理解这类声音效果的另一种方式就是不去深究字面上的意思【确实很难翻译】。Trailer style booms和Whooshes都是属于这种类型的经典例子。任何不符合真实场景的,但却更能加强情绪的声音效果,都是属于这一种类的声音设计。
Final Mix
Final Mix就是把所有的元素(对话、解说、音乐、声音效果)都放入已经处理好的声音轨道中。这是一个复杂且精密的过程,但是还是有几个基本原则需要遵守:
Mixing Formats
Mono (单声道) —— 这种格式通常用于旁白和对话一类。一些公共广播节目仍然要求需要Mono,最好确保你的混音格式能够适配手机、智能音响和一些其他的移动设备。
Stereo(立体声) —— 左声道和右声道。除了剧场之外,是最常用的混音格式。绝大多数的网路与广播内容都是Stereo的格式。所有的混音场所都会基于Stereo而设计的。
5.1 Mix(6声道)—— 左前、中、右前、左环、右环、低音。“5”指的是左声道、中声道、右声道、左环、右环,“.1”指的是分离的低音效果声道。“5.1”通常被用于电影节、广播节目和其他众多的流媒体平台。所有的后期混音制作场所都会基于“5.1”的方式去设计工作的。这种格式已经出现有一段时间了,但依然很具沉浸感和十分流行的环绕声格式。
7.1 Mix(8声道)—— 左前(Left)、中(Center)、右前(Right)、左声道(Left Side/Ls)、右声道(Right Side/Rs)、左后(Left Rear/Lr)、右后(Right Rear/Rr)、低音声道(Low Frequency Effects/LFE)。这个格式最常用于现代电影院。许多,但不是所有的声音制作工厂会基于7.1展开工作。这种格式和5.1格式之间有许多的共同之处,但是7.1为观众在周围和后方提供了更多的分离的环绕声。
VR(使用耳机来回放) —— 这是一个正在不断发展的新领域。本质上,虚拟现实的混音提供的是一个场景的声音。VR视频播放器使用的是独特的编解码器,这种编解码器是为了能让观看者看到哪就听到哪的声音(译者注:像是Apple的空间音频),而量身定做的。举个例子,如果一只狗在观看者的右边吠叫,那么声音就会从右边传来。当观众面对这只狗,这个声音就会从正面传来。这种声音的工作方式,有点像是你在玩Video Games。
Dolby Atom/DTS:X —— 这是下一代的空间混音格式,整个声音被认为是在3D空间中的不同的移动物体各自发声的,而不是仅在预先设置好的几个扬声器里平移。这能让不同的数量的音响阵列(2到64声道)回放效果更加一致。目前,这种制作格式通常会在大制作、宽荧幕电影、和特殊需求的影院(或者家庭剧场)中设计从而能正常回放。混音工厂需要特殊的系统才能正常制作Dolby Atoms,所以如果你的项目需要这种特殊格式,一定要确认制作公司有能力制作这种格式的混音。
我应该选择哪种格式? —— 不是所有的项目都需要尽可能多的音响数量。立体声通常是默认的格式。许多电影用的是立体声但听着也很不错,特别是他们主要在互联网上进行分发和传播。如果你计划在剧院中展出(像是电影节或是大型的流媒体平台),升级到5.1会有助于你的展出。和声音制作公司去谈你的需求。
Audio Specifications (aka Specs)
Measuring Loudness
LUFS/LKFS —— 这是感知响度的标准度量单位。这被用于测量整体混音响度的平均值。这被称为Integrated(译者注:一体化的意思) LUFS/LKFS。在以前,LUFS和LKFS还有些许不同,但是今天他们已经是一个意思的了。
True Peak —— 这个测量量是指在混音中最响的部分。
True Peak Limiter —— 一种工具/插件,能让用户限制音频的响度的最大值,音频的响度不能超过这个值。True Peak Limiter有时会让人和「Brick Wall」搞混。简单的来说,True Peak Limiter更加的精细精准一些。
Loudness Recommendations
Web —— 对于Web来说,最常见的混音要求是-16db(+1db/-1db)的Integrated LUFS/LKFS以及-1db的True Peak。对于Web内容的混音来说,并没有那么严格的要求,但是这一类型的内容应该和别的Web内容符合一致的规范,同时为动态调节和具有吸引力的内容留足调整空间。
Broadcast —— 电视可以说是最严格的控制响度的环境了。在美国,最典型的测量量是,-24db(+1db/-1db)的integrated LUFS/LKFS和-10bd的True Peak(在一些networks中会有更多一些的保留余地,但是这些建议应该能够覆盖所有的基本规范)。不同的国家有不同的规定,所以一定要确认什么样的测量量是符合你的项目的。
Film —— 对于Film来说,是没有什么响度的标准或者规范的。Film通常是在一个理想的被精确的校准过的房间里进行混音的,这样Filmmakers就可以通过听来调节响度。换句话说,你可以非常自由的使用数字音频提供给你的所有响度范围,只要电影是由工程师以准确的参照系进行混合的(原文:as long as the film is mixed by an engineer with an accurate frame of reference)。记住你最后是要在那里投放电影的,这也是一个技巧。举个实例,很多电影节都有环绕声系统。在这种情况下,知道电影节所要求的/能接受的格式也是很重要的(立体声、5.1环绕声、7.1环绕声、其他)。
VR —— 目前来看,还没有任何关于VR的标准,但是Web的响度级别对VR来说是一个不错的起点。VR的格式有很多,每个都有自己独特的规范要求。好好阅读有关你使用格式的相关信息是非常重要的。YouTube和Facebook 360是最流行的VR格式(这两个的格式要求都可以在网络上找到)
Stem/Splits and how to use them
Stem和Splits是可以相互交换的专业术语(译者注:同义)。他们都是指,在最终混音阶段中,那些从他们各自的原始文件(旁白、对话、音乐、声效、其他)劈开的那些独立片段/元素。Stem/splits对于像是更换语言版本或是未来内容的一些其他工作是非常有帮助的。举个例子,通过使用MDE splits(下文会解释)(译者注:MDE——Music&Dialogue&Effects),剪辑师可以在不重新创建整个混音的前提下,轻松的将英语版本的旁白转换成西班牙语的旁白。明确说明需要什么stem/splits是非常重要的,这样后期声音团队可以交付最好的质量。
1、Dipped Music —— 指在混音过程中对响度做过自动化调整。Dipped Music是指融入整个混音部分的音乐。
2、Undipped Music —— 指在混音过程中不对响度做自动化调整。在你需要对整个项目重新混音或者做重大调整,或是需要让项目在别的地方进行投放,或是需要加入更多的语言,或是在表达同一件事时需要说的话变少,这些情况下Undipped Music会帮助你很多。
Undipped Music Stem可以让剪辑做国际化的版本时,可以调整给定的不同语言种类的对话长度。
(译者注:关于Dipped/Undipped这个概念,光看翻译或是只看原文内容有些难懂。这里我引用原文以及Frame IO的另一篇关于音频的文章辅助理解这个概念,当然这篇关于音频的文章里面的其他内容也很值得看。总的来说,Dipped/Undipped Music其实是一个非常好懂也不复杂的概念。)
Dipped Music – Contains any volume automation added to it during the mix. Dipped music represents the music exactly as it is in the full mix.
Undipped Music – Does not contain any volume automation added during the mix. This can be helpful if you need to remix the project later due to major changes, or if the project needs to be repurposed elsewhere or into a language that requires more or less time to say the same thing.
An undipped music stem like this allows for international versions of the edit to be adjusted based on the difference in dialog length for any given language.
Page Keywords : Loudness , True Peak Level , Stereo and Surround Sound , Dolby Pro Logic II, LT/RT, and Lo/Ro , Stems(The M&E and the Mix Minus , Dipped and Undipped Stems)
首先,我们要做的就是遗忘Pr这种旧时代的非编软件(听说PR也是有自己的一套多人协作方式的 先别说他好不好用 至少大陆范围内不可用 更别提Adobe高昂的订阅费直接劝退)。所以如果仅使用Pr的同学,你很难从我这获取一些有关Pr的有用信息,当然如果你有多人协作的需求,我相信,看完以下内容,你很有可能会考虑更换剪辑软件。
让我们聚焦于FCPX和Davinci Resolve这两款非编软件(姑且称Davinci Resolve之为非编软件吧 当然仅限16及其之后的版本)。
事实上FCPX并没有所谓多人协同工作的功能(同一个资源库无法同时被多人打开 但解决方法也是有的 你可以使用PostLab这个软件 在只读模式下打开已经被别人打开了的资源库),但由于FCPX独特的资源库(Pr用户可以简单且不那么正确的理解为工程文件)设计,想要在FCPX上进行多人协作并非是不可能,而且实际上效率也并不低。
不同于Pr或是不完全与Davinci Resolve相同,FCPX的粗剪几乎都是在资源库的事件里进行的(你可以理解为素材库 至于什么是资源库、事件、项目,你可以去Apple的官网上查阅相关资料)。具体是通过给素材添加关键词、打标记、打出入点、进行评级来完成。而关键词可以说是FCPX的灵魂之一了。
(有关评级的内容可以访问这里 Apple的官网)
剪辑完成之后,你就可以使用FCPX自带的调色板、曲线等工具进行调色,要说的是不仅逻辑上与Davinci Resolve不一样,并且个人认为功能的强大性和易用性也没有Davinci Resolve好,在一些对色彩有要求的项目中,你仍然需要发送到达芬奇去做调色。
大概讲述完FCPX的工作流程之后,你就会发现剪辑师需要花费大量的时间在审阅素材以及在资源库的粗剪上面了(也就是区分素材并打上Good Take这一过程),很有可能DIT把素材交付给剪辑师三四天之后,你都看不到剪辑师建一条时间线(不习惯FCPX的监制应该会很难受吧……)。那么如果能在多人协作中解决这个问题,那么对于剪辑师无疑是巨大的解放。事实上,多人协作就该如此工作。
把几天的素材按照日期分成多个部分分别导入到多个资源库,多个剪辑师或者剪辑助理同时开始挑选素材,最后将各个完成粗剪的事件合并成一个资源库,交付给主剪辑师(并且由于通过雷电网桥访问的是同一处的素材 根本不会出现需要重新链接之类的破事),这时他需要做的更多是片段与片段之间的衔接与影片的故事结构,和剪辑助理在系统与文件管理层面做的目的一样,让主剪辑师更专注剪辑本身而非是其他繁杂的事,这才是多人协作的意义所在。
总结,由于FCPX资源库与磁性时间线(习惯后能节省大量时间)的独特设计,虽然并不原生支持多人协作,但在小团队制作、制作流程十分不规范、对颜色要求不高、需要一些简单包装的项目中,多人协作的效率却一点都不低,足以达到1+1>2的水准(特别是当你的项目并非是常规项目 制作流程很不规范的时候 我强烈建议你使用FCPX 不要太方便)。
如果说FCPX中的多人协作是剪辑师与剪辑助理的协作,那么在Davinci Resolve中,不仅可以是剪辑师与剪辑师的协作,剪辑与导演的协作,更是调色师和剪辑师的协同工作。
虽没有磁性时间线的便利,但由于所有人都可以在同一个项目中,所以参与制作的人越是多,达芬奇的协同作业效率就越是高(这点和FCPX的差异就体现出来了 FCPX大约会在3人或者更多之后协同作业的效率下降 并且参与项目的人越多 团队效率就越没有使用Davinci Resolve来得高 希望Apple赶紧更新下FCPX的多人协同吧)。
之前说FCPX的一切都是为了触控板而生的,那么达芬奇完全就是为了键鼠而生的,你也可以使用触控板(Mac OS上效率也不会特别低),但是效率真没有键鼠来的高。
开启多人协作的方法也简单,前提是作为主机的那台电脑上需要安装PostgreSQL(也就是数据库管理系统 达芬奇的项目是基于数据库的)。两台电脑之间用雷电3互联(其实处于同一个局域网就行),接着主机上创建共享数据库、打开共享数据库、打开项目中的协同作业、对方连接本机数据库(需要知道本机IP地址)。这就连接上了(详细的教程可以参考本博客的另一篇文章 之前别人的个人博客文章失效了 所以我另写了一份)。
当剪辑师建立完大致框架或者完成度较高的时候,导演怎么说也应该介入了。此时,传统的工作流程中,剪辑师必须停下他手头上的工作,跟导演一一对镜头,这样的方式不仅不高效,而且还容易记不住。而在达芬奇中,导演虽然不能直接编辑剪辑师正在编辑的这条时间线,却可以使用标记功能给剪辑师进行标记,这样一来,在导演讲述完大致意图之后,剪辑师可以继续他的工作,而具体的细枝末节的东西,直接看导演打的标记就行了(导演可以使用特定颜色的标记 便于辨认 或者说每个职位都应该选好特定的颜色)。这就是导演与剪辑的高效对接。
再补充一段题外话吧,逻辑上达芬奇是通过数据库共享访问的模式去实现多人协作的,并且提供了重新映射储存位置的功能(也就是说 可以两天电脑存两份素材在不同的地方 不需要重新链接 也互不影响),而数据库共享访问的方式则是通过局域网来完成。基于以上这些,就会发现,实际上通过一些操作之后,达芬奇的多人协作是有一些奇技淫巧的。
比如说,通过互联网多人远程办公。哪怕我远在天边,只要团队内都有网络,和我合作的人只需要快递一份硬盘给我,我们就能像在同一个办公室里一样,并且通过达芬奇的标记和聊天室功能实现超高效的远程办公(没错 达芬奇就是这么酷炫)。更别说5G全面铺开来之后超低的时延,我可以和剪辑助理一起带个笔记本坐在咖啡厅剪辑,调色师坐在工作室调色,视效根据我的标记要求做视效,大家一起其乐融融在聊天室聊天。我说的这些场景离现在远吗?实际一点都不远,5G只是一个又一个爆发点,现实里,你此时此刻如果技术上你能解决,就已经可以做到我说的这一切(是不是有些许未来感?)。
但话又说回来了,我说的这些需要一些计算机网络技术的知识储备,需要我能实现一些诸如内网穿透、建立网络隧道、端口转发等等技术。再此之后我说的这一切就能够完美实现了(有空真的要好好学一学了)(不过这一part的详细内容就别指望我学习完会分享了哈哈哈哈 有兴趣自己研究去)。而类似于一站式服务的解决方案也不是没有,貌似国外的Jellyfish就在做这件事,油管上有相关内容,有兴趣的话你们可以自己去看看,看得我都心动了。
实际Macbook Pro 16款的性能足以应付大多数的宣传片、纪录片、TVC、剧情短片。如果你去查一下Mac产品线的性能表,Macbook Pro 16的性能已经直逼iMac产品线了,更别说已经可以把Mac Mini轰成渣了(因为Mac Mini没有独立显卡 所以Metal跑分 MBP 16直接高出一截)。
自从16年之后苹果把MacBook上所有的接口一刀切,全部换成雷电3之后,不仅大大推动了Type C的发展进程,也在大众看不到的地方推动着雷电3设备的发展。
但由于雷电3高昂的授权费,所以推广和普及这件事一直是老大难,甚至出现了雷电3鸡肋无用的口号。事实上,对于消费级用户来说确实如此,雷电3的高昂授权费(截止目前文章发表之时 Intel已经停止收取了雷电3的费用)带来的是高昂的设备成本,想要玩转整套雷电3,对于用户的钱包着实是一件挺大的考验。
由于本人并没有完全进入雷电3的体系中(例如外接显卡 雷电3显示器等等),所以在这些功能上并不想做云评测,接下来本文针对于雷电网桥这个功能,结合影视工作中的实践进行讨论(部分功能仅针对于Mac OS 想了解Win系列的功能请自行搜索吧)。
简单的来说,雷电3可以通过雷电芯片把各种杂七杂八的协议(比如USB DP Network等)全部封包进雷电协议,传输到设备的另一端再解包,这样一来就成了“全功能”的雷电3。
所以本质上,你可以理解成,当你通过这样一根雷电3数据线连通雷电3设备的两端(比如两台MBP),他们就组成了带宽为40Gbps的超快局域网(但实际上用于数据传输的仅有22Gbps还是18Gbps 但也很快了不是吗),在有了这样的硬件基础之后,很多有意思的事情就可以进行下去了。
通过雷电网桥联通的这个共享文件夹,不仅速度很快(不考虑对方硬盘的读写瓶颈问题 大约是在SATA SSD的水准 毕竟协议会有损耗),而且延迟超级低,基本就是跟正常使用硬盘一样。
但在这种模式下,很多事情,剪辑助理可以直接帮助剪辑师做掉繁杂的工作,跟甲方对接素材,为素材打上对应的标签(比如拍摄地点 拍摄内容),统一放入「02_VideoSource」或「05_Graphic」里面去,并且统一打上黄色标签,等到剪辑师心情好导入完素材后,剪辑助理再统一把这些打上黄色标签的文件取消黄色标签,这样以来哪些没有导入,哪些导入了,一清二楚,而剪辑师可以全心全意的关注剪辑而非是技术或是其他繁杂的问题。
涉及到的软件主要是FCPX和Davinci Resolve,看看这两款软件在剪辑上谁优谁劣(可以透露的是 根据项目类型的不同 这两款软件的工作效率与方法也会截然不同)。
1、与Mac OS的联动(Finder)
而相反的,在安装FCPX之后,系统会出现一个名为「Pro Video Format」的东西,这个东西可以让你使用Finder的Quicklook快速查看素材,而非是像Adobe那样要么使用Bridge要么新建一个Pr项目。
你还可以利用Mac OS提供的Time Machine,为你的备份增加备份,你甚至可以追回几个月前的文件,这一切都是自动的。
当你使用FCPX的时候当然也会遇到问题(比较是和电子产品打交道 遇到问题是不可避免的),不过这些问题如果你不去细究的话,解决起来其实很简单,要么重启软件,要么重启电脑。
8、随开随用的罐头音效、与Apple Music联动的资料库
*NCLC标签的对应属性你可以在BBC的Github上找到一个能修改NCLC Tags的project,在这个project上有个,上面有很详细的内容。
图1是开启HDR Video(P3 ST-2084)ICC后Mac OS中 Finder和FCPX对HDR内容的映射画面
图5是在「P3 ST-2084」ICC下使用系统自带的截屏得到的画面
HDR Video(P3 ST-2084)并不是Mac OS默认的ICC文件,默认的ICC是P3 1600nits的那个。(在这个默认的ICC下 大概是不能通过QT正确显示NCLC Tags为9-13-9的HDR视频的)
根据之前验证Rec.709画面显示的经验得出来的“果式逻辑”和“果式流程”,当你修改系统ICC为「P3 ST-2084」,我们应该可以使用QT正确监看到NCLC标签为9-13-9的HDR视频(如果我没弄错的话)。
受限于Apple Store的Demo机器,无法联网下载VLC验证我的想法,更别说达芬奇了(Airdrop了VLC的DMG之后又因为Demo机器系统权限问题无法播放 难道说需要我下次厚着脸皮带自己的MBP去测试?!哭)。
1、Mac OS下的HDR并不会全局提亮(无论是哪个ICC),只针对于HDR内容会有此效果(就如RayTao老师说的那样),所以会看到应用和系统的UI亮度被明显的“限制”,看起来就跟灰色一样。
关于这点无论是使用「P3 ST-2084」还是「P3 1600Nits」都一样(不过个人感觉「P3 ST-2084」下系统UI更灰暗一些 更像是被限制在100Nits ,而「P3 1600Nits」下感觉更像是500Nits该有的样子。不太严谨哈,有小概率是我的错觉。
但是,唯有Timeline上的clip缩略图不能被正确映射,这说明了,在处理HDR内容时,苹果对于图片的处理还有些没到位的地方(图片并没有NCLC机制 只能内嵌ICC),这就导致了我如果要对HDR内容的视频截屏的时候,会被错误的映射了,最后导致了你看到的画面和截屏后的画面不一致(忘了在「P3 ST-2084」下是否也不能显示不一致 反正在任何苹果设备上默认一切参数不修改的情况下打开这张照片都是错误的映射)。
3、由于图1、2、3、4是手机拍摄,有一些问题可能没那么直观。而实际上,在「P3 ST-2084」系统ICC下,FCPX的UI也被限制在了SDR,这其实对用户并不太友好,上边画面亮瞎狗眼,下边画面乌漆麻黑看不见。
不过,需要创作HDR内容的项目,大概大家对FCPX这种剪辑软件很排斥吧,只能支持自家的.fcpxml说实话对工业流会增加很多不必要的工作(不过 磁性时间线真的好好用 至少我很喜欢)。
4、总结上文所述,由于苹果的逻辑是通过系统的ICC文件和封装在容器中的NCLC Tags来进行色彩管理的,如果我们不做点什么,在与客户沟通的时候就会产生一个很大的问题。
首先,最严重的问题,使用QT播放HDR内容,客户会得到错误的映射(如果他们使用iPhone、iPad来观看 也一样会得到严重错误的画面),你只有两种方法让客户得到一个正确的画面。
一、让客户修改系统ICC并使用QT来播放(并且通过这种方式管理后 截屏的图片依旧会被错误映射)。
二、让客户下载一个VLC(或者其他支持色彩管理的播放器)来观看(通过这种方式 截屏的图片大概率不会被错误映射)。
那么我们需要做点什么,其实和Rec.709下解决“你那打开怎么又和我的不一样了”这个问题是一样的思路,保持系统默认ICC的情况下,你需要修改视频的NCLC标签。并且,由于苹果设备下都使用Color Sync这一套处理逻辑,你也能解决SDR UI、HDR 内容这对“诡异组合”带来的不适感。
(实际上,也有极小概率存在“根本不可能通过修改NCLC Tags 而不修改ICC”的方法获得正确画面的可能性,当然,这种情况的概率也是极低的,具体等我下次有机会再测试测试吧。)
以上内容,受限于测试机——Apple Demo机器的各种权限限制,不严谨,并不十分可靠,本人概不负责(除了Rec.709的部分)。
说个简单可行的方法保证对方和你看到的东西,在色彩上基本八九不离十(本文不深入谈到色彩管理 那说起来没个完 我也怕讲不明白)。
本文项目Color Space基于Rec.709,Rec.2020、DCI-P3、Display-P3等广色域项目不在本文讨论范围内(原理和这个也差不太多 可能在HDR的内容上还有更多的地方需要注意),未来可能会更新广色域、HDR等相关内容(如果哪天我能稍微拎得清一点的话)。
3、如果不能使用VLC观看,Mac上则推荐使用QucikTime观看(默认的播放器),移动端默认播放器即可(无论是点开原始文件还是在相册里看都是可以的 前提是要下载后观看 而非使用云盘提供的“在线观看”)。
2、回批时输出Rec.709 Gamma2.4的ProRes/DNxHD等中间编码。
3.1、通过修改系统的ICC Profile文件为「HD 709-A.icc」以获得正确的画面,如果你没有这个ICC文件,参考资料中的评论区有。
JESEExtensifier或BBC qtff-parameter-editor
「1-1-1」:当你系统ICC文件为「HD 709-A」的时候你应该修改成这个。
「12-13-1」:当你系统ICC文件为「Display P3」的时候你应该修改成这个。
使用Display P3的设备:
Mac 2015 Retina及以后Mac产品
iPhone 7 / 7 Plus及以后iPhone机型
2016 款及以后的MacBook Pro机型(特别指出MacBook Air不支持P3)
iPad Pro所有机型
iPad Air 3及以后iPad Air机型
(仍有部分支持Display P3 但未列出 有需要请自行查询)
2、Mac OS——偏好设置——显示器色彩描述文件中的Color LCD/彩色LCD,实际上是一个「替身」根据设备不同自动链接上Display P3的icc或是sRGB的icc。
首先,得益于苹果全平台、各软件高度统一的色彩管理机制,我们能得到一个很清晰的画面显示的过程,以此定位问题所在,并针对性的解决(苹果还有针对QuickTime&Color Sync的说明文档 而基本上只要搞懂QuickTime&Color Sync的机制 苹果系的软硬件的色彩管理就不成问题了)。
相反,Windows与Android不仅在广色域的支持上差,而且由于发行版本众多(Win)或开源(Android),被魔改的版本实在是多(关键是你还不一定知道它们到底被魔改了哪些地方)。(更别说 国内还有个别安卓厂商居然还在用BT.601的标准)
综上,使用苹果设备观看不能说是绝对的,但是一定是省心的(真心只想黑Windows 不想黑Android来着)。
2、《关于QuickTime是如何进行色彩管理的-QuickTime Colour Management》,。
FCPX通常每隔十几分钟就会在【影片 / Final Cut Backups / 你的资源库名称】下生成一个备份资源库。使用最近的一个资源库就可以恢复你的项目,听起来非常美好,实际上却有一个难以发现又致命的坑。
而FCPX的逻辑就是,备份的资源库是只读的(一定程度上能强制用户规避掉工程的混乱 因为往往大家都不会先改名再使用)。并且,打开备份资源库,最优先定位到原始资源库的位置并尝试修复(或者其他一些想法 我也不太清楚他到底想干嘛),可以确定的是它一定会有一个尝试读取原始资源库的动作,而这么一来就又会导致软件崩溃了。恰恰是这个坑,让我以为就连备份资源库都出问题了,一瞬间还以为自己凉了,这才有了尝试修复资源库的过程。直到我打开最早版本的备份资源库,这才有了对FCPX运行逻辑的猜测,验证了一下我的想法,确实如此。
最后推荐一个实用软件【iStat Menus】,通过这软件你能监看到所有系统运行情况,以此判断当前系统在做什么,我也算是通过这个软件才想到问题的可能所在处。
当你使用fcpx链接完原始文件之后,转到代理模式一看,哇,一片红。怎么办?重新生成一遍代理文件吗?如果你之前就用fcpx生成一遍代理文件的话,那其实完全没有这个必要(当然也仅限fcpx生成的代理文件 其他的代理文件fcpx并不认)。
在说代理文件的重新链接时,我们需要分开讨论一些情况。首先是是旧版本的fcpx(Mojave),以及新版本的fcpx(Catalina)这两者。再是,你管理素材的方式,是打包在资源库交给fcpx来管理还是自己管理文件。当然区分这些情况的核心就在于,我们需要找到一个叫做「Final Cut Proxy Media」的文件夹。
而假如你实在找不到这个文件夹,不如挑一个小文件先转码,显示资源库的包内容。如果里面的Proxy Media是一个文件,那这个就是你要找的文件夹,如果是一个替身,顺着替身找到「Final Cut Proxy Media」就好了。
当你找到这个名叫「Final Cut Proxy Media」的文件夹之后一切都好办了,你只需要把代理文件放进去(文件名需要和原始文件一样 文件后缀则没有要求),在fcpx里选中需要代理的原始素材——「对媒体进行转码」——仅勾选「创建代理媒体」——「好」。
接下来fcpx就会自动识别你之前导入到「Final Cut Proxy Media」的代理文件并与原素材进行匹配,而不是重新再转码一遍。
首先,自然是软件了,无论是Windows还是Mac OS下系统自带的复制/拷贝功能都是不支持文件校验的。
同时,对于需要复制到多处的文件只需要读取一次即可,而Windows、Mac OS的逻辑就是你复制到几处我就需要读取几遍,对于需要备份到多处的文件,系统原生复制文件的方式非常容易达到存储介质的读取上限。
就是不知道是我手动复制解决了 还是在此之前它发现问题就自动重新进行复制解决问题
虽然盗版不是很好 但是我还是可以偷偷透露给你(建议用于学习与交流使用)
Hedge其实是有Mac OS的破解版本的 不过仅适用于Catalina之前的版本 Catalina版本的破解版还没出来
Win用户如果有需求 除了掏钱包你也有别的方法 具体看下面
Since arrived in Australia, I didn’t read a lot this year. I guess I should read more in 2025. I finished four books, meanwhile, some other books are still on the half way. Anyway, the bellowing is book reviews of my 2024.
Focusing on the foundation of contemporary technologies, the chips, this book explains well about how global chip industries and supply chains were shaped as we see today. Almost all crucial parts in the advanced chip industry are either controlled by the US or controlled by geopolitical allies of the US. Basically, people can say the industry is intended to be shaped as this. From technologies to history, and to geopolitics, this book explains the logics behind the scenes of why some global policies were made at certain levels, and potential risks of wars.
This book is extremely suitable for people interested in technologies and geopolitics.
Having experienced the zero-covid policy and various private real estate giants, the whole world witnesses the local governments’ debt crisis and, of course, therefore the unstoppable and ominous economic downturn, after long time economic development of the P.R.C.. Now, nobody would deny this factual situation, except CCP itself. But for many Chinese living in a world where information and news are strictly censored and controlled, it’s probably hard to understand why we’re here today. This book offers the whole logic chains in the political and economic levels. It unbiasedly provides insights of the pros and cons of economic development of nation capitalism. For every Chinese who wants to know deeper about their own status quo, the economic, political and historical background must be figured out first.
Written by Xiaohuan Lan, a professor of economics at the School of Economics, Fudan University, though, this book didn’t use any obscure lingos invented by the CCP, instead, this book uses plain language and even explains lingos very well.
Overall, it’s a highly recommended book, the best non-fiction books of my 2024. However, depending on the topics of interest, both books, “Chip War” and “How China Works,” are considered to be the best of the year.
Comparing to the former book, how China works, this book provides more detailed personal experience of doing business from the opening ups to the very recent . It also mentions some really important policies that shaped today’s P.R.C.’s economy. It is important to include policies, especially for doing business in the P.R.C., simply because the market of the P.R.C. is highly policy-oriented. The path to wealth becomes much smoother when you’re on the “right” way.
I rate this book much lower than the others, because I’ve read a book called Red Roulette by Desmond Shum before. He was also a businessman in the P.R.C.. What is different is that he can speak fluent mandarin, which is essential in affairs between the CCP in the P.R.C. politics. Though, this book, Wild Ride, is still worthy to read.
Written by the author who wrote the famous book called 1984, this book is much more overwhelming, personally speaking, especially after I know the exact year when it was published. Published in 1945 before the P.R.C. was established, whereas, it was written like a prophecy. If you know some history about the P.R.C., you can relate loads of plots with real history and real persons. Though I didn’t read a lot this year, Animal Farm is still the best fiction books of my 2024. And it is so gripping that I was still reading it in the middle of the night when I was in my bed. I just couldn’t resist to know what would happen in next.
Come on, read this prophecy!
In narrow terms, SOEs are state-owned assets performed the investor’s responsibilities and supervised by the State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC). According the list released by the SASAC, there are 97 SOEs showed at the link.
In broad terms, more than 97 SOEs are included, including Enterprises managed by other institutions directly under the State Council(List of Central Financial Enterprises): mostly, they’re financial SOEs regulated by the Ministry of Finance(MOF), Enterprises operated by the military or armed police forces, such as those in the defense industry, and other enterprises where the central government holds the majority of investment or control.
Before diving into this, one thing should be made clear that shares & ownerships and regulatory authority or operation entities are different topics. If we don’t recognize this, you may see many entities showing in discussing SOEs. Specifically, in this subtopic, we focus on entities capable of holding ownerships of SOEs.
The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC) is a special commission of the People’s Republic of China, directly under the State Council. It was founded in 2003 through the consolidation of various other industry-specific ministries. SASAC is responsible for managing state-owned enterprises (SOEs), including appointing top executives and approving any mergers or sales of stock or assets, as well as drafting laws related to SOEs.
State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council
Considering the politics of the P.R.C. and operations of SOEs in reality, the SASAC of the State Council and the SASAC of the local government should be separately discussed in this topic. Within the pyramid structure, the local government level of SASACs are, indeed, responsible for the central government level, whereas, local governments have more self-decision rights in economic and public affairs, aligned with the political framework of the P.R.C. proposed by Economist Chenggang Xu, called regionally decentralized authoritarianism (RDA) regime. This is one of the foundation of rapid economic development of the P.R.C. in the recent past decades, because this provides competition ground between local governments. Without competition, it’s easily assumed inefficient operation of local governments and economy. More than that, the words “央企”(Centrally Owned SOEs) and ”国企”(State-Owned Enterprises) also prove the essence of division of central-level and local-level, as ”国企”(State-Owned Enterprises) can be centrally owned or locally owned or Central-Local Mixed.
Aspect | SASAC (of the Local Government) 国资委, 国务院国有资产监督管理委员会 | SASAC (of the State Council) 地方国资委 | MOF (Ministry of Finance) 国务院财政部 |
Scope of Oversight | Local SOEs owned and controlled by municipal or provincial governments. | Central SOEs (nationally strategic industries and enterprises). | Primarily financial SOEs and state-owned financial institutions. |
Type of Enterprises Managed | Local infrastructure, utilities, public services, and regional development enterprises. | Enterprises in energy, transportation, telecommunications, defense, and other key sectors of the national economy. | Banks, insurance companies, asset management firms, and sovereign wealth funds. |
Key Responsibilities | 1. Represent local governments as the owner of local SOEs. 2. Manage regional SOEs to promote local economic development. | 1. Represent the central government as the owner of central SOEs. 2. Ensure national-level SOEs operate efficiently and align with state economic strategies. | 1. Act as the owner of state financial institutions. 2. Oversee the financial performance and ensure capital efficiency in financial SOEs. |
Ownership Mechanism | Direct ownership of local SOEs via local government-controlled entities or SASACs. | Direct ownership of central SOEs under the supervision of SASAC of the State Council. | Ownership through intermediaries like China Investment Corporation (CIC) and Central Huijin Investment Ltd. |
Examples of SOEs | – Shanghai Electric Group (Shanghai SASAC). – Guizhou Moutai (Guizhou SASAC). | – China Mobile, China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), State Grid Corporation of China. | – Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), China Life Insurance, China Investment Corporation (CIC). |
Industry Focus | Local economic development and infrastructure projects. | National strategic industries critical to economic security and growth. | Financial sector, including banks, insurance, and capital markets. |
Revenue Source | Dividends from local SOEs, local taxation revenues. | Dividends from central SOEs, profits from national-level operations. | Dividends from financial SOEs, investment returns from sovereign wealth funds. |
Role in SOE Reform | Implement regional SOE reforms to align with local needs. | Drive national-level SOE reforms, especially in areas like market competition and mixed-ownership reforms. | Oversee financial reforms and ensure SOEs in the financial sector align with national economic strategies. |
Connection to State Budget | Typically not directly tied to the national budget but may receive transfers from the central government. | A portion of central SOE profits goes into the national budget through the SASAC. | State financial SOEs contribute directly to the national budget, and MOF allocates funds for national financial policies. |
Take ICBC, the largest bank in terms of market value as an example.
Its ownership composition is as follows:
Meanwhile, the Central Huijin Investment Ltd. is fully owned by China Investment Corporation which, further, is fully owned by MOF. Therefore, the MOF, in the end, controls 34.71% plus 31.14% of its shares, holding most of its shares on MOF’s hands.
To recap, there’re only three entities that legitimately carry out duties and obligations of the representative of the P.R.C. as the owners or shareholders of SOEs: the SASAC of the State Council, the SASACs of the local governments, and the MOF. And, of course, the SASACs of the local governments are sub-departments of that of the State council.
As we discuss before, in the terms of investment, there’re only three entities involved. Whereas, in terms of regulations, more entities are involved, especially in certain industries, such as military or armed police systems. The followings are some of the entities, but not all.
Entity | Scope of Regulation | Examples of Regulated SOEs |
National Energy Administration (NEA) | Supervises energy industries, including electricity, coal, oil, and renewables. | State Grid Corporation, China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), China Huaneng Group. |
China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (CBIRC) | Regulates banking and insurance industries, ensuring financial stability and risk control. | Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), China Life Insurance, China Construction Bank (CCB). |
China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) | Oversees securities markets, including publicly listed SOEs and fund management companies. | CITIC Securities, listed SOEs like PetroChina and Sinopec. |
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) | Regulates telecommunications, high-tech manufacturing, and software industries. | China Mobile, China Unicom, Huawei (state-influenced). |
National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) | Guides SOEs in major economic projects, infrastructure development, and industrial policy implementation. | China Railway Group, China State Construction Engineering Corporation. |
State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) | Ensures market competition, fair trade, and consumer protection, regulating SOEs’ compliance with antitrust laws. | SOEs involved in domestic trade, including food processing and healthcare. |
Ministry of Transport (MOT) | Oversees logistics, ports, and transportation infrastructure SOEs. | China COSCO Shipping, China Communications Construction Company (CCCC). |
National Health Commission (NHC) | Regulates healthcare and pharmaceutical SOEs to ensure compliance with health policies and standards. | Sinopharm, China National Pharmaceutical Group. |
Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) | Regulates resource exploration, land use, and environmental compliance. | China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), Sinochem Group. |
State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense (SASTIND) | Supervises military-related industries and dual-use technologies. | China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC), Norinco. |
Ministry of Culture and Tourism (MCT) | Guides cultural and tourism-related SOEs, ensuring alignment with national cultural strategies. | China Culture Media Group, China Travel Service (CTS). |
Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) | Investigates corruption and misconduct in SOEs as part of anti-corruption efforts. | All state-owned enterprises. |
Borrowed phrase from economist Chenggang Xu, the P.R.C. implemented regionally decentralized authoritarianism(RDA), which means central government in the P.R.C. maintains an authoritarian regime while delegating substantial administrative and economic authority to local governments, allowing local experimentation, economic competition, and development within a centrally controlled framework. The phenomena of SOEs just reflect this theory.
SOEs | Chinese | State-Owned Shares | Public Shares | Private Shares | Foreign Shares | Examples |
Fully State-Owned | 全部国有企业 | 100% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 1. 国家电网 SGCC, State Grid Corporation of China 2. 中国石油 CNPC, China National Petroleum Corporation |
Majority State-Owned Listed | 国有控股上市企业 | >50% | <50% | 0% | Optional | 中国工商银行 ICBC, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China State-Owned Shares: 66% Public Shares: 34% |
Hybrid Ownership | 混合所有制企业 | <50% | >0% | >0% | Optional | \ |
Foreign Joint Venture SOEs | 外资合资企业 | >50% | 0% | 0% | <50% | 上汽通用 SAIC-GM |
Partially Privatized SOEs | 部分私人化企业 | <50% | >0% | >50% | 0% | 海尔集团 Haier Group |
Fully Publicly Listed | 全部公众上市企业 | 0% | 100% | 0% | 0% | 中国中车 CRRC Corporation 100% Public Shares, but still indirectly controls by the State |
Chinese | Control Right Features | |
Wholly State-Owned Enterprises | 全资国有企业 | 100% State-Owned, Fully Controlled |
Majority State-Owned Enterprises | 控股国有企业 | State Holds Over 50%, Forms Absolute Control |
Minority State-Owned Enterprises | 参股国有企业 | State Holds Less Than 50% but Retains Significant Influence |
Jointly Controlled Enterprises | 共同控制的国有企业 | State Shares Control with Other Shareholders |
Indirectly Controlled Enterprises | 间接控制的国有企业 | State Controls the Enterprise Indirectly Through a Parent Company |
De Facto Controlled Enterprises | 实际控制的国有企业 | State Forms De Facto Control Through Agreements or Capital Arrangements |
About two-thirds of all lending in China by shadow banks are “bank loans in disguise”.[7] One of the controversies of this industry is that retail investors are largely unsure about what sorts of risks they are taking on when engaging in shadow banking.[8] The connections between traditional banks and the shadow banking system further cloud the picture and at the same time contribute to increased risk.[9]
How China Works: An Introduction to China’s State-led Economic Development
Without understanding of China’s politics, then it’s impossible to understand China’s economy. Starting from the last year of the ominous China’s economy, I also got much more interested in macroeconomics, or, I got interested in for the first time in my life. Of course, I think English helps a lot in terms of cultivating my interest, which I don’t have to read about written in a monotonous CCP’s language.
This is a book showing several important periods of transition and development, terminologies of the Party and the economics, historical background and factors, logics of how it develops and works, etc. Although the PRC’s economics and politics are closely associated, this book focuses more on economic sides. So, whether your political spectrum is more pro-CCP, neutral, or pro-democracy, this book is beneficial for everyone who wants to know and understand China’s economy about where should and would it go. In fact, if you take closer to think about its publication date and the contents written in the book, you can see the author even “predicted” the future to some degree, which requires you to know clearly about the current situation.
It also takes time to read, considering its terminologies, background and complexity. If I could borrow a word from Mandarin to describe its category, I would use “通识”, stands for liberal education in English. If there’s no other book surprises me this year, I think this will be my “The Book in 2024”. Anyway, hope you enjoy it.
The following is extracted from the book that I think they’re interesting, combined with some other materials I researched.
条块关系& 四套班子
The departments’ relationship can be called “vertical strips and horizontal blocks” relationships, namely, “条块关系”, in the China’s unique political structures consisted by the “four teams”, namely, “四套班子” : party committees, administrative government, the National People’s Congress and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.
The “four teams” structure is replicated at each level of the government, with a few notable exceptions. For example, the central government has the Ministry of Finance, the provincial government likewise has a finance department and the city and county government has a finance bureau.
Most local government departments have to accept dual leadership from both stripes and blocks. As an example, a county-level education bureau needs to accept the leadership of both the city education bureau vertically and the leadership of the county-level party committee and county government horizontally. In this example, the “strip” means the higher department and the block means the party committee and the government in the same level.
属地管理 & Externality
The geographical scope and authority of China’s local government is determined by administrative districts, and the extent of local power is bound together with the administrative district in question (属地管理).
Division of Administrative Districts
Factors: Languages, population
Areas of population inflow can merge counties and establish districts to expand the city, however areas of population outflow rarely abolish administrative districts, preferring instead to merge facilities to save cost (e.g., merging two schools together).
Regions located at the boundary of administrative districts tend to be underdeveloped. This phenomena, known as “三不管地带” roughly translated as “anarchic regions”, can also be explained using the framework of scale effects and boundaries of public goods. Interestingly, such problems are also existed in the ROC era, moreover, these anarchic regions provided a fertile space for the Communist party during the revolutionary period(1921-1949). Such phenomenons were demonstrate on roads a few decades, but this is limited to roads and expressways invested by the provincial government, not national roads and railways. Now, traffic is not a major problem. Some provinces choose to locate factories and businesses that have a high level of water pollution on downstream provincial borders, in doing so the pollution released mainly affects the downstream province and the average level of pollution in the polluting province may actually decrease.
To solve the anarchic regions problem, the best way to manage the cross-district externalities is to appoint a supervisor with authority to coordinate and make decisions. This is why strips and blocks systems are needed.
According to the most recent regulations on the handling of government and party documents issued by the State Council in 2012 (which I will refer to here as “the regulations”), there are 15 types of official document. These include “Decisions” and “Orders” which must be strictly implemented by lower levels, those that can be handled relatively flexibly, such as “Opinions” and “Notices”, as well as those which have less information content such as “Letters” and “Minutes”.
Before the firm moves in, the local government will make some initial investments in the area, including providing electricity, transport links, heating, ventilation, supplying water, drainage and communication networks, and the land must be leveled as well. (a process known in Chinese as “七通一平” which translates to “7 openings and 1 leveling”).
Local governments can also provide tax incentives or subsidies for certain businesses. Examples may include tax credit for research and development or subsidies on export. One common tax incentive involves businesses paying no corporate income tax for the first three years of operation and paying half the rate for years 3 to 6 (known as the “three tax-free and three half-tax” or “三免三减半”).
The reasons why land finance became such prominent, namely, the surging price of houses
However, in 1998, two significant changes occurred, and the true value of urban land began to emerge. The first change is that government and state-owned enterprises (SOEs) stopped building housing for their workers, and instead paid money to the workers in the form of a housing subsidy. The era of commercial housing and real estate development therefore started in earnest. From 1997 to 2002, the average annual growth rate of newly constructed residential areas reached 26%, and the absolute number increased 4x in 5 years. The second change is that the implementation of the revised “Land Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China” which stipulated that rural land could only be used for non-agricultural construction purposes if it is first transferred to state-owned land, thereby giving city governments a monopoly over urban land construction.
Land Finance & Debt & Snowball
The real power of “land finance” is not the high sales value of land use rights, but its ability to use land as collateral to mobilize capital markets and leverage up more funds for investment. It snowballs in size, leading to more and more investment, but also more and more debt for local governments, which has become a significant problem for China’s economy in recent years.
LGFVs(Local Government Financing Vehicles)
aka. 地方政府融资平台
However, the official name of these vehicles does not contain the word “financing”, rather most of them use words such as “investment and development” or “construction”, which emphasizes the company’s role in investment rather than financing. So in China, these vehicles are also collectively referred to as Urban Investment Corporations (城投公司).
To use some Chinese terminology, a piece of “raw land” (生地) that has been marked for development, can turn into “ripe land” (熟地) ready for development, only after the land is leveled and cleaned up.
Government industrial Guidance Funds / Private Equity Funds
Local governments cannot borrow directly from banks, therefore urban investment corporations act as financing vehicles. Similarly, governments cannot make direct equity investments in capital markets, therefore it is necessary to set up a company to operate and manage the guidance fund.
These fund managing companies fall into 3 broad categories. The first group are wholly state-owned enterprises, such as Beijing Yizhuang State Investment, an investor in BOE. The second group are mixed-ownership companies, such as Shenzhen Capital Group Co. Ltd., which is entrusted to manage the huge Shenzhen Guidance Fund. The largest shareholder of this company is the Shenzhen city government, but it only holds a 28% share. The third category is more like CFLD discussed in the previous chapter. Guidance funds in small cities are small in scale, and local governments have neither the resources nor the expertise to establish special management companies for them, so they simply entrust the funds to private companies, such as Prosperity Investment Group.
Shadow Banking 影子银行
The bank may therefore create a so-called wealth management product that attracts household savings at a rate of 5%, entrusting the money to a trust company. Then the trust company lends the money to the real estate company. In this so-called bank-trust cooperation, the wealth management product created by the bank is not recorded as bank deposits, and the money entrusted to the trust company is not recorded as bank loans, so the entire transaction is not recorded in the balance sheet of the bank and is therefore not subject to bank regulations. This is a form of shadow banking.
For most of people, even who live in the PRC for years or decades, it’s still highly possible that the political structure couldn’t be understood, especially when it comes to the difference between the Party and the State, as well as I did.
This is the very first step of learning politics for me. And, I believe that it would also benefit others like I did, so I decide to publish and share it with you. Moreover, this is a part of a series. In the future, I would also try to learn other nation’s political structures, like US, AU, and ROC.
Notice: During the process of searching and learning, I’m aware of that even wikipedia did uncomfortable censorship to some degree, although it’s much better than BaiduBaike(百度百科) in the terms of tools of information collecting and resources. So, if you want to dive deeper, I highly suggest you learn and do research in English. Other than that, if you’re a bi-linguist, it would be much better, and the comparison of the context in two different languages would surely bring sarcastic joys for you.
Anyway, please enjoy it. You can e-mail me if you find out something wrong.
Update logs are included in the files.
When I was very little, I was very nervous and terrified every time I went back to my primary school, because my teachers are very cruel, and it’s even okay to say they are evil. They would punish me for very small things by hitting, kicking, whipping or even slapping in my face. For example, I would get hit because I forgot submitting my homework even if I’ve already done it.
The weapons they used were stories. They shifted from tools to tools.
The first generation was wooden rulers, hollow iron handles of brooms, and solid wooden handles of brooms. Whereas, they all had a similar problem: bad endurance. After using them as punishing tools for many times, they would be broken, as they were originally not designed as weapons. Until now, I still vividly remember, once during the punish, the hollow iron broom handle split into halves, students whose eyes almost got hurt by the accident splinter, the terrified classmates and the gloomy weather. And I was just fearfully sitting on my own seat, watching them getting beaten, unsure of whether I would be the next.
These weapons hurt, but not durable.
To solve this problem, the math teacher ordered a tailored, solid and iron stick. Even in the mainland China at that time, it wasn’t quite usual. Most of Chinese teachers would just use the aforementioned tools for punishing, instead of buying some special tools. But how did I know it was tailored, instead of something I didn’t know, considering I was still very young at that time? In fact, it was the woman who taught the math told us this information. She announced one day in public that after waiting for days, the stick was finally delivered, excitingly, with her big goofy smile on her ugly face and squinting eyes behind her thick glasses. The outside was made by iron. The inside of the stick was filled with some kind of concrete powder or something. Up to now, I still didn’t know what was that. It can be slightly bent with some efforts, a bit of weighty, considering its slender shape. The most important was it hurts. Hands would get swollen up every time I got beaten, much worse than rulers, because of its slender shape.
The woman who taught mandarin also showed her creativity. She used the off-the-shelf tool: skipping rope.
I call it the third generation of weapons. It perfectly catered the principle of what weapons would be used for punishment: endurance and pain. Personally, it’s unable to compare which one was the worst: skipping rope or the tailored stick. In the terms of shape and pain, they were quite similar. Although math wasn’t her specialty, mandarin was indeed her talent. She told us that “Although she was the one beating us and we hurt physically, emotionally she was so hurt, she didn’t feel good for beating us”. Wow, what a wonderful way to use language, huh. Now, she was even the suffer.
Other than these I listed, I also got physically punished by different means, but I wasn’t the worst one.
The worst was one of my classmates. My teachers once publicly announced they’ve gotten the permission from his parents to beat him as a punishment. And teachers even artificially said they didn’t have the heart to do so, although they did so many times in fact. My classmate once showed me the plentiful long bruises on his back in the dormitory: they are dark, purple and red. Purple ones meant they have been for a while since the time he got hit. Dark ones meant they were getting to recover. While, red ones meant they’re so fresh. Some of them were gotten from the teachers, and the others were from his parents. What makes it more miserable was his back always had dark, purple and red ones.
I told my parents about this. The only feedback I got is “Teachers are for students’ own good”. After that, I totally gave up on resorting for their help. I knew it’s worthless and what would I get if my teachers know I told my parents. Of course, normal connections of trust between me and my parents has never been built since that.
All of these lead that every time I saw the gate of the school in distant, my heart would start pounding. I still remember vividly I sat in the back of the electric vehicle of my parents’, quietly listening the pounding of my heart and the sound of the wind streaking clearly. I kept telling myself to calm down for years. But, my heart remained pounding during those years.
Situations got slightly better after I grew up a little. The day I graduated from the primary school, I feel deeply relieved, instead of sadness. Once I read a news saying a student beat his teacher after he had graduated for years, when he accidentally run into his teacher. Of course, he said he had been terribly treated when he had been in the school. I asked myself a question after I read this news, if I had been in the same situation, would I have done the same thing? During a long period of growth, I didn’t know. What I did know is such evil thoughts had once been in my mind.
Backing to the question, I’ve been practicing this ability of keeping calm since I was in the primary school, so negative emotions wouldn’t easily and heavily affect me. It’s not a gift, it’s something through learning and practicing.
Force System to Use Integrated Graphics Card
sudo pmset -a GPUSwitch 0
Force System to Use Discrete Graphics Card
sudo pmset -a GPUSwitch 1
Auto Switch by System
sudo pmset -a GPUSwitch 2
For people who live within the GFW, accessing their own local network, like the home network and company or school network, is usually an annoying issue, because we normally want to access global services and local services at the same time. Whereas, the tools providing the local network accessing ability, famously like VPN, WireGuard, NAT traversal, port forwarding, would take over all your network traffic when you use them, which means you have to keep switching it on and off to access both local and global services, not to mention they’re usually complex to set up
But by using QX and SS you can take advantage of the followings:
For people who live within the GFW, accessing their own local network, like the home network and company or school network, is usually an annoying issue, because we normally want to access global services and local services at the same time. Whereas, the tools providing the local network accessing ability, famously like VPN, WireGuard, NAT traversal, port forwarding, would take over all your network traffic when you use them, which means you have to keep switching it on and off to access both local and global services, not to mention they’re usually complex to set up
“SS Proxy Protocol” is really famous in the group of users who use it to bypass the GFW’s censorship, which is originally designed to use it in that way, basically everyone knows it. QX, formally Quantumult X, is a proxy client exclusively for Apple devices, providing cross-platform experience based on iCloud synced configuration file. Both of them have their alternative products, like v2ray or SSR for SS, and Surge, Loon or Shadowrocket for QX. Choose one you like, I will exemplify by using SS and QX in this article.
Because of SS’s popularity, the Big Brother has already targeted on it. Moreover, the GFW has already had the capability to identify SS protocol and therefore to block it. But, according to the realistic considerations and the reasonable assumption based on the technology, the censorship reputedly only deploys on the gate of global networks traffic in some main cities, like Shanghai and She Zheng, which means it should be fine to deploy SS domestically, especially at your home.
Moreover, according to P.R.C.’s laws, it should and would have been totally legal to use SS for local network access, as you had been intentionally setting it to access local network, instead of global network. But you know what I mean. The concerns of security still remain in this land. But, to remember, once you read this, it should be concerning enough.
After all, according to my assessment and real experience, it wouldn’t be a problem. I’ve been using it for at least a half-year. But, if you still have concerns, please use other up-to-date and relatively less common proxy protocols, like Reality or hysteria. Because, if the GFW cannot catch you outside, it cannot be possible to identify your network access behavior domestically, unless you’re doing really really dangerous things.
So, Without further ado, let’s heading to the main section.
While I would like to help you to set up SS server step by step, there’re already enormous tutorials on the internet suitable for any operating systems, and I don’t think I can do better than them. The deploying script is extremely simple to use, usually just copy one command into your terminal, it would install automatically.
macOS: Please use built-in SS Server in Quantumult X, located in “Setting – Misc Settings – VPN – SS Server”
So, in this part, I would only point out some important requirements.
Bonus one: If you have Mac or Apple TV at home, then I would highly recommend you to “deploy” SS on them, as it’s the simplest way to do so. Just download QX in AppStore, go into the “Settings – Misc Settings – VPN – SS Server” and turn it on. No need for extra complex settings at all.
Hypothetically assuming you’d already acquired a public IPv4/IPv6 address, the next thing you should do is setting a DDNS service, because even if you have a public IP address, it usually wouldn’t be a permanent one, which means it would change automatically and irregularly, unless you pay a bunch of money to your ISP. By setting a DDNS service, you would access the real-time IP address indirectly. Anyway, if you’re interested in more informative details, you can find more on YouTube. After all, it’s necessary for home broadband, but, if you’re a commercial broadband user, it would usually be a static IP address, then use the IP address directly.
DDNS is not always free for using. Some of them are free, and some are not. I would highly recommend you to use free ones, it’s unnecessary to pay for it. But, unfortunately, the choice is limited to the current the law in the mainland China, because most of domestic DDNS services now require Chinese citizens identification of users. Instead, you can use global DDNS services. Although they mostly don’t get blocked by the GFW, it’s getting blocked. So, pick the right one and make sure you have several for backing up.
Here’s my personal recommendation for DDNS service providers, according to the principles: free of using, free of identification and accessible in the mainland China:
The process of deployment shouldn’t be tough, just follow the instructions that DDNS service provides provide you.
Import your SS proxy server here.
After importing the server, make sure that you have a IPv6 address on your client device before you test it, if you’re using IPv6 address on your proxy server.
QX provides several policy methods, allowing users to select different proxy servers
Option 1 (Basic)
Manually switch between “direct” and “proxy”
Add the following
static="YOUR POLICY NAME", direct, "YOUR SS PROXY SERVER's NAME", img-url=homekit.system
Or if you have multiple servers
static="YOUR POLICY NAME", direct, "YOUR SS PROXY SERVER01's NAME", "YOUR SS PROXY SERVER02's NAME", "YOUR SS PROXY SERVER03's NAME", img-url=homekit.system
Option 2 (Advanced)
Manually switch between “direct” and “proxy” & automatically select available SS proxy server from multiple SS servers(if you have several ones for backups)
Add the following
static="YOUR POLICY NAME 01", direct, "YOUR SECOND POLICY NAME SUCH AS 'available proxy' ", img-url=homekit.system
More Options(More advanced)
You can modify it, based on your own needs and referencing to the example above.
Notice: Please replace the part in the double quotation marks, including the double quotation marks – “” themselves.
If your local network is ranged from “” to “”, then add this. Modify the part suitable for you, if it is not. And replace the part in the double quotation marks, including the double quotation marks – “” themselves.
ip-cidr,, "YOUR POLICY NAME 01"
Unconventional Monetary Policy at the Zero Bound includes credit easing, quantitative easing, forward guidance, and signaling.
Types of Interest Rate
Notice the difference between fiscal policy and monetary policy.
IPO, Initial Public Offerings, 首次公开募股
Financial Market
Types of Financial Products
Incompletely, there’re some financial products can be seen as zero-sum games, including futures, forwards.
Market & Business
PBC(officially used by PRC) / PBOC(informal) / People’s Bank of China, 中国人民银行, 人民银行, 央行, 中国中央银行
CBRC, China Banking Regulatory Commission, 中国银行业监督管理委员会, 中国银监会, authorized by the State Council, except the territories of Hong Kong and Macau
The Federal Reserve System / the Federal Reserve / the Fed (simplified), 美联储
Island chain strategy
First island chain, second island chain
MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction)
Nuclear proliferation
ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missile)
Nuclear Submarine
Espionage, pilferage
The Pentagon
MI5 (Military Intelligence, Section 5)