Python3 Web Terminal
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I’d love to be able to bring you a Mac magic trick every Friday, but they aren’t so easy to discover. Today’s is mainly for those with Apple silicon Macs, and is all about gaming the way that macOS allocates threads to their cores. Here, I’ll show you how to more than double the performance of the E cores at no cost to the P cores.
To do this, I’m using my test app AsmAttic to run two different types of core-intensive threads, one performing floating point maths including a fused multiply-add operation, the other running the NEON vector processor flat out.
When I run a single NEON thread of a billion loops at low Quality of Service (QoS) so that it’s run on the E cores, it takes 2.61 seconds to complete, instead of the 0.60 seconds it takes on a P core. But how can I get that same thread, running on the E cluster, to complete in only 1.03 seconds, 40% of the time it should take, and closer to the performance of a P core?
The answer is to run 11 more threads of 3 billion loops of floating point at the same time. That might seem paradoxical, particularly when those additional threads perform the same with or without that NEON thread on the E cores, so come for free. Perhaps I’d better explain what’s going on here.
Normally, when you run these threads at low QoS, macOS runs them on the E cores, at low frequency for added efficiency. On the M4 Pro used for these tests, the NEON test that took 2.61 seconds was on E cores pottering along at a frequency of less than 1,100 MHz across the whole of the E cluster, not much faster than their idle frequency of 1,020 MHz.
One way to get macOS to increase the frequency of all the E cores in the cluster is to persuade it to run a thread with high QoS that won’t fit onto the P cores. In this M4 Pro, that means loading its CPU with 11 floating point threads, of which 10 will be run on the two clusters of 5 P cores each. That leaves the eleventh thread to go on the E cluster. macOS then kindly increases the frequency of the E cluster to around 2,592 MHz, giving my NEON thread a speed boost of around 235%, which accounts for the performance increase I observed.
These two tests are shown in the CPU History window from Activity Monitor. The single NEON thread run alone in the E cluster is marked by 1, when there was essentially no activity in the P cores. The figure 2 marks when the same NEON thread was run while all 10 P cores and one of the E cores were running the floating point maths. Yet the NEON thread at 2 completed in less than half the time of that at 1.
With just two substantial threads running on the E cluster, there’s just as much processing power as when there was just the one floating point thread. So the 11 floating point threads complete in the same time, regardless of whether the NEON thread is also running. Therefore this extra performance comes free, with nothing else being slowed to compensate.
Of course in the real world, this sort of effect is likely to be extremely rare. But it might account for the occasional unexpectedly good performance of a background thread running at low QoS, and I can’t see any downsides either.
The other way you could get that low QoS thread to perform far better would be running it in a Virtual Machine, as that runs everything on P cores regardless of their QoS. Sadly, despite searching extensively, I still haven’t discovered any other way of convincing macOS to run low QoS threads any faster, except by magic.
One of the features of CPU cores in Apple silicon Macs is that they aren’t run at a single standard frequency or clock speed, but that varies depending on macOS. Moreover, those frequencies not only differ between generations, so aren’t the same in M2 chips as in the M1, but they also differ between variants within the same family. This article gives frequencies for each of the chips released to date, and considers how and why they differ. This has only been made possible by the many readers who generously gave their time to provide me with this information: thank you all.
The most reliable method of discovering which frequencies are available is using the command tool powermetrics
. This lists frequencies for P and E cores, and this article assumes that those it gives are correct. Although it’s most likely that these frequencies aren’t baked into silicon, so could be changed, I’ve seen no evidence to suggest that Apple has done that in any release Mac.
If powermetrics
is to be believed, then the maximum frequencies of each of the CPU cores used in each generation differ from some of those you’ll see quoted elsewhere. Correct values should be:
However, not all variants within a family can use those maximum frequencies. The full table of frequencies reported by powermetrics
This is available for download as a Numbers spreadsheet and in CSV format here: mxfreqs
Depending on workload, thread Quality of Service, power mode, and thermal status, macOS sets the frequency for each cluster of CPU cores. Those used range between the minimum or idle, and the maximum, usually given as the core’s ‘clock speed’ and an indication of its maximum potential performance. In between those are as many as 17 intermediate frequencies giving cores great flexibility in performance, power and energy use. Core design and development uses sophisticated models to select idle and maximum frequencies, and undoubtedly to determine those in between.
Looking at the table, it would be easy to assume those numbers are chosen arbitrarily, but when expressed appropriately I think you can see there’s more to them. To look at frequency steps and the frequencies chosen for them, let me explain how I have converted raw frequencies to make them comparable.
First, I work out the steps as evenly spaced points along a line from 0.0, representing idle, to 1.0, representing the core’s maximum frequency. For each of those evenly spaced steps, I calculate a normalised frequency, as
(Fmax – Fstep)/(Fmax – Fidle)
where Fidle is the idle (lowest) frequency value, Fmax is the highest, and Fstep is the actual frequency set for that step.
For example, say a core has an idle frequency of 500 MHz, a maximum of 1,500 MHz, and only one step between those. Its steps will be 0.0, 0.5 and 1.0, and if the relationship is linear, then the frequency set by that intermediate step will be 1,000 MHz. If it’s greater than that, the relationship will be non-linear, tending to higher frequency for that step.
I’ll start with the E cores, as they’re simplest and have fewer steps.
For the M1, Apple didn’t try any tricks with the frequency of its E cores. There are just three intermediate steps, evenly spaced at 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75, and that’s the same with all E cores regardless of variant, from the base up to the Ultra.
With the M2, shown here in red, Apple added an extra step, and in the base M2 there’s also a lower idle frequency, not shown here. What is obvious is that those intermediate frequencies have been increased relative to those of the M1, turning the straight line into a curve.
The M3, shown here in blue, and M4, in purple, deviate even further from the line of the M1, with more steps and relatively higher frequencies.
This shows progress from the M1 in black to the M4 in purple, whose frequencies follow the polynomial shown.
Across the families, intermediate frequencies are most apparent in the E cores, where background threads are run at lower frequencies, and high-QoS threads that should have been run on P cores are run at higher frequencies. In M1 Pro and Max variants, with their two-core E clusters, macOS increases the E cluster frequency when they are running two threads to improve performance and compensate for their small cluster size.
With P core frequencies, the initial design for the M1 is different. The majority of the frequency steps follow a straight line still, but with a steeper gradient (1.23 against 1.00). Then in the upper quarter of the frequency range, above the step at 0.71, that line eases off to the maximum. This gives finer control of frequency over higher frequencies, and those higher frequencies are also reduced slightly in the base M1 compared to those here from the Pro, Max and Ultra.
In the M2 family, Apple divided frequencies into two: base and Pro variants have two less steps, with the base having a lower idle frequency. Shown here in red are those for the M2 Max, which are faired into a polynomial curve. That increases frequencies lower down, reduces them slightly at the upper end, then has a significantly higher maximum frequency.
Apple continued to tweak the P curves in the M3 (blue) and M4 (purple), with increasing numbers of steps but the same finer control at the upper end.
Here’s the comparison between M1 Max and M4 Max, with the same underlying ideas, but substantial differences. In the M4, each of the three variants released so far is different. The base M4 has a lower idle and maximum, the M4 Pro has a higher idle and maximum but one less step between them, and the M4 Max adds another step to the Pro’s series.
Apple’s engineers have clearly put considerable effort into picking optimised frequencies for each of the families and variants within them. If you still think that this is all fine detail and only the maximum frequencies count, then you might like to ponder why so much care has gone into selecting those intermediate frequencies, and how they’ve changed since the M1. Both P and E cores spend a lot of their time running at these carefully chosen frequencies.
Since Apple released the first M1 Macs over four years ago, I’ve been guilty of making the assumption that P and E cores used in the variants (base, Pro, Max and Ultra) in each family are identical. Thanks to the persistence of Thomas, I have learned the error of my ways and can now tell you that, while their hardware might be the same, there’s at least one significant difference between some, their operating frequencies, or clock speeds.
This all came to light when I claimed that the E cores in M4 family chips have a maximum frequency of 2,592 MHz, and Thomas tried to correct me by informing me that his have a maximum of 2,892 MHz, a substantial 300 MHz greater. His are in a base M4, mine in an M4 Pro, which seems even stranger, as the trend is for faster CPUs to run at higher frequencies, and that’s true when you compare their P cores: his can only rise to 4,462 MHz, while mine are slightly faster at 4,512 MHz.
The lesson is learned: E and P cores within the same family can have different operating frequencies. Going back to look at my records of the M1 family, I then realised that, while their E cores have identical frequencies, the P core maximum in a base variant is 3,204 MHz, while Pro and Max variants can run up to 3,228 MHz. Although that difference of only 24 MHz is far less, it can’t have occurred by accident.
The purpose of this article is to show the core frequencies that I have already measured [, and ask for your help in filling in the blanks in this table – no longer required, thank you]
The only variant I was missing from those in the M1 family is the M1 Ultra.
I didn’t have any M2 Macs at all, as we decided to skip them and our only M2 chip is in my wife’s iPad Pro. I now have all four, thank you.
I only had one in the M3 family, the M3 Pro in my MacBook Pro, but have all of them now.
Thanks to Thomas, I already have two from the M4 family, the base and Pro variants, and I now have an M4 Max completing these before the Ultra comes later this year.
If you’re able to add to this collection, please open Terminal and run the commandsudo powermetrics -n 1 -s cpu_power
which then prompts you for your admin password. A few seconds later the window will fill with a single set of measurements looking like this:
All I’d like is a copy containing 3 lines from that:
To help, I have highlighted those three lines in the screenshot above.
I now have all the frequency sets that I needed to complete the table.
I have added your entries to my Numbers spreadsheet, and will make that available for free download from here, so anyone who wants to check those frequencies can do so.
Frequency information also builds our understanding of Apple silicon chips. My next questions are going to be why there are those differences, and whether they significantly affect the performance of our Macs.
Thank you for helping, and thanks to Thomas for demonstrating that CPU cores of the same type aren’t the same after all.
Thank you to all who responded so quickly. I now have all the frequencies and no longer require any more, thank you. I will post an updated table with a brief analysis on Monday. There are a lot of differences, many of them surprisingly subtle!
Few comparisons or benchmarks for M-series chips take into account the reason for equipping Apple silicon chips with more than one CPU core type, according to Arm’s big.LITTLE architecture. Measuring single- or multi-core performance ignores the purpose of E cores, and estimating overall power use can’t compare those core types. This article tries to estimate the cost in terms of power and energy of running identical tests on M4 P and E cores, and thereby provide insight into some of the most distinctive features of Apple silicon, and their benefits.
To run these two in-core performance tests I use a GUI app wrapped around a series of loading tests designed to enable the CPU core to execute that code as fast as possible, and with as few extraneous influences as possible. Both tests used here are written in assembly code, and aren’t intended to be purposeful in any way, nor to represent anything that real-world code might run. Those are:
Source code of the loops is given in the Appendix.
The GUI app sets the number of loops to be performed, and the number of threads to be run. Each set of loops is then put into the same Grand Central Dispatch queue for execution, at a Quality of Service of the maximum of 33. That ensures they are run preferentially on P cores, but will spill over to E cores when no P core is available, when more than 10 threads are run concurrently. Timing of thread execution is performed using Mach Absolute Time, and the time for each thread to be executed is displayed at the end of the tests.
For these tests, the total number of loops to be executed in each thread was set at 5 x 10^8 for floating point, and 3.5 x 10^9 for NEON. Those values were chosen to take 2-3 seconds per thread, to ensure the whole test period was available for analysis.
Immediately before running each test, I launch powermetrics
from the command line, to gather core power and performance data in sampling periods of 0.1 second for a total of 50 samples. Its output is piped into a text file, which is then analysed using Numbers and DataGraph. All tests were conducted on a Mac mini M4 Pro with 10 P and 4 E cores, running macOS 15.1.1 in standard power mode.
Each test was inspected individually, and seen to contain the following phases:
Means and standard deviations were then calculated for each series of power measurements, and pooled with times taken to execute threads.
The first pair of graphs shows average power use for the number of threads run, shown here with error bars giving the range of +1 standard deviation. These show two sections: for 1-10 threads, when all were running on P cores, and for 11-14 threads, when the 10 P cores were fully committed and 1-4 threads spilt over to run on E cores at their maximum frequency. Maximum power used during testing was just short of 34 W.
That for the floating point test above, and NEON below, have regression lines fitted, indicating that:
Although linear regressions aren’t a bad fit, there’s consistent deviation from the linear relationship seen in previous analyses on M1 and M3 cores. More remarkably, the pattern of deviation is identical between these two tests, although they run in different units in these cores. In both cases, power use was high for 2 and 7 threads, while that for 3 and 8 threads was slightly lower. The only unusual pattern seen in powermetrics
output was that, when running 2 and 7 threads, thread mobility was much higher than in other tests.
Previous tests on M1 and M3 P cores found that each additional floating point thread run on those requires about 935 mW, indicating a substantial increase in power used by M4 P cores when running at their higher maximum frequency. E cores in an M1 Pro require about 100 mW each when running at maximum frequency, similar to those in the M4.
As power is the rate of energy use over time, the next step is to examine total execution time for all the threads running concurrently, which should form a linear relationship with different gradients for P and E cores. The next two graphs demonstrate that.
For both floating point (above) and NEON (below), there’s a tight linear relationship between total execution time and numbers of threads. Floating point demonstrates that each thread costs 2.4 seconds on P cores and 3.6 seconds on E cores, making E core execution time 150% that of P cores. NEON is similar, at 2.5 seconds on P cores and 3.4 seconds on E cores, for a ratio of 136%.
Time taken for the slowest thread to complete execution shows interesting finer detail.
For both tests, performance falls into several sections according to the number of threads run. With less than 5 threads run, there’s a sharp rise in time taken per thread. From 5-10 threads, time required remains constant, before increasing from 10-14 threads, when additional threads are spilt over onto E cores.
This has implications for anyone trying to measure core performance, as it demonstrates that a single thread can run disproportionately fast, compared with 3-10 threads. Basing any conclusion or comparison on a single thread completing in little more than 2 seconds, when 5 concurrent threads would take 2.34 seconds, 117% of the single thread, could be misleading.
Although power use determines heat production, so is an important factor in determining cooling requirements, total energy required to execute threads is equally important for Macs running from battery. Simply reducing core frequency will reduce power used, but by extending the time taken to complete tasks, it may have no effect on energy used, and battery endurance. My final two graphs therefore show estimated total energy used when running test threads on P and E cores, the ultimate test of any big.LITTLE CPU design such as that in the M4.
Graphs for floating point (above) and NEON (below) are inevitably similar in form to those for power, with a near-linear section from 1-10 cores, when the threads are run only on P cores, and from 11-14 cores when they also spill over to E cores.
Fitted regression lines provide the energy cost for each additional thread:
It’s important to remember that the E cores here aren’t being run at frequencies for high efficiency, but at their maximum so they can substitute for the P cores that are already in use.
Considering the small deviations from those linear relationships, it appears that running 2, 6 or 7 threads on P cores requires slightly more energy than predicted from the regression lines shown.
Unfortunately, assessing the energy used by E cores running at low frequencies, as they normally do when performing background tasks, is fraught with inaccuracies due to their low power use. My previous estimate for floating point tests is that a slow-running E core uses less than 45 mW per thread, and for the same task requires about 7% of the energy used by a P core running at maximum frequency, but I have lower confidence in the accuracy of those figures than in those above for higher frequencies.
Inside M4 chips: P cores
Inside M4 chips: P cores hosting a VM
Inside M4 chips: E and P cores
Inside M4 chips: CPU core performance
STR LR, [SP, #-16]!
MOV X4, X0
ADD X4, X4, #1
SUBS X4, X4, #1
B.EQ fp_while_done
FMADD D0, D4, D5, D6
FSUB D0, D0, D6
FDIV D4, D0, D5
FADD D4, D4, D7
B fp_while_loop
LDR LR, [SP], #16
STR LR, [SP, #-16]!
LDP Q2, Q3, [X0]
FADD V4.4S, V2.4S, V2.4S
MOV X4, X1
ADD X4, X4, #1
SUBS X4, X4, #1
B.EQ dp_while_done
FMUL V1.4S, V2.4S, V3.4S
FADDP V0.4S, V1.4S, V1.4S
FADDP V0.4S, V0.4S, V0.4S
FADD V2.4S, V2.4S, V4.4S
B dp_while_loop
LDR LR, [SP], #16
In this article, I’m gonna show you some marvelous tools that you may not have found or you have but don’t know their potentiality. These built-in system features are gonna blow your minds, I hope they can bring you to the next level of English learning journey or you just wanna have more digital entertainments. Believe me it won’t be only something elementary but also advance.
Since some parts of this article are written for everyone, so I’m gonna write it in dual-languages. Btw, if you have some confusions after reading, please don’t hesitate to contact me whether through the E-mail or the WeChat official account (but I don’t really check it often, email would be better). Back to the topic, here’s my E-mail address and the outline of today’s post:
* Books & Z-Library
* Dictionary & Spotlight & Lookup
* Spelling and Grammar Checker
* Podcast & RSS
* Accessibility / Spoken Content
* 图书app & Z- Library互联网藏书阁
* 字典 & 聚焦搜索工具 & 查找
* 拼写和语法检查器
* 播客 & RSS订阅
* 辅助功能 / 朗读内容
Thanks to highly unified design of the Apple platform and the iCloud service, you’ll get same experience across the different Apple devices, whether you’re using iPhone, iPad, or Mac. That means once you’ve learned how to use the tool on one device, you can naturally use the same tools on the other without any extra cost.
Maybe you guys deleted the books app once you’ve gotten a new iPhone, especially the function of ‘book store’ doesn’t work in mainland China, so all you can see is a blank in this app, but what if I told you that you have some remedies to read books in this app? Before we get started, let me clarify somethings, first you can easily redownload the BOOK app on the AppStore, then you can’t access the bookstore doesn’t mean you can’t use the whole app, you still can import books that you download from the internet.
也许你们在拥有新iPhone后删除了书籍应用,特别是在中国大陆,‘书店’功能不可用,所以你在这个应用程序中只能看到一个空白,但如果我告诉你,在这个应用程序中,你有一些阅读书籍的方法呢?在我们开始之前,让我澄清一些事情,首先,你可以轻松地在App Store上重新下载BOOK应用程序,然后无法访问书店并不意味着你不能使用整个应用程序,你仍然可以导入从互联网上下载的书籍。
Here it is, Z-Library. I kind of like the concept that it expresses, even I know technically it’s illegal and it’s literally a piracy action. But still, it really brings me back to the days when the Internet wasn’t as thriving as it is nowadays. The whole concept is mainly about getting everyone educated without financial problems, since all books are free for everyone who can access the Internet in this website. I’m not gonna say it’s totally a kindness, even it does help people who are in the financial backwardness at least for now, and in my perception, knowledge and education shouldn’t be some ‘‘rich’’ people’s privileges, right? Everyone around the world has the right of getting educated. On the other side, it does infringes some people’ rights. As for these people, they really make a lot of efforts on it, not only these writers but also the publisher. And don’t even mention the costumers who paid the real money for the books. So what would you say, it’s kind of a judgment call, it’s literally up to you.
Then, use or not, make you own decision. Here I’m gonna give you some quick views here, instead of leading you deeply, cause I don’t wanna risk it to teach you how to use it step-by-step, like how you setup the network, how you access the websites and things like that. It can rise the law problems in the mainland China, I’m just gonna say the following website that I give you still works, if you can’t access it, that will be your networking problem, hope you can get the point.
After you register, you can see a website like that, as you can see there’re enormous books, I highly recommend you download the EPUB format if you choose Apple Book app for reading. And it would be best if the books you prefer existed here and was formatted as the natural EPUB format, cause it’ll rise some annoying problems, such as layouts, picture missing, wrong words and so on, if you have to choose the converted the EPUB format to read.
完成注册后,你会看到一个类似于这样的网站,其中有大量的书籍可供选择。如果你选择使用Apple Book应用程序来阅读,我强烈建议你下载EPUB格式的书籍。如果这有你想要的书籍,并且如果是是原生EPUB的,那就更好了。因为如果你不得不选择转换格式来进行阅读,可能会遇到一些令人烦恼的问题,例如布局问题、图片缺失、错字等。
The limitation of downloading is 10 books within per 24hrs for free, it’s enough for most cases, but if you want additional 10 books for free within the 24hrs, you can connect your Z-Lib account to the telegram bot, not only for people who want to up their limitation for free, but also for who are ”lazy” like me. It’s much handier to search a book, download a book in the telegram bot. The setup is not tricky, follow the step-by-step guide the website gave, then all set.
Now, I assume you had the ebooks, open the ebooks by using the Apple Book App, it will automatically import to the app.
现在,我假设你已经拥有了电子书,在Apple Book应用程序中打开电子书,它将自动导入到应用程序中。
Now, tap on any imported books, enjoy it. (BTW, you can categorize these books as I did like left bottom side. Click “Edit” button on the top-right side then you’ll know how.)
Tap the right-bottom button

The main functions – Bookmarks & Highlight & Themes are here.
(To highlight the words or sentences by long pressing, then the selection will pop up.)
You won’t wanna miss it, get the immersive experience you prefer.
BTW, hit this button so that you can keep scrolling, instead of flipping pages while you’re reading .
Make sure you’ve already turned on the backup settings of Apple Book App, so that you can synchronize all the informations across all the Apple devices you have.
确保你已经打开了Apple Book应用程序的备份设置,这样你就可以在所有你拥有的Apple设备之间同步所有信息。
Same on macOS. Then, have a great fun. Btw, the best experience you can get is using the other countries/regions’ Apple ID, but it’s not a good choice for everyone, it will lead other annoying problems such as payment method, reliability(Apple may ban your account) and so on. To cap, it’s up to you.
macOS上也是如此。然后,尽情享受。顺便说一下,你可以通过使用其他国家/地区的Apple ID来获得最佳体验,但这不适用于每个人,它会带来其他令人烦恼的问题,比如支付方式、可靠性(Apple可能会封禁你的账户)等等。总之,这取决于你。
Do you unlock your phone, find an app, open it, wait for it, type the words, wait for it, simply because you just wanna figure out some words’ meanings? Don’t you feel it’s such a hassle? Here’s a better option for you.
Spotlight – The tool that you maybe haven’t fully utilized its potentiality. Pull down on your home screen or lock screen, type random words you’re looking for, even without unlock your iPhone or iPad. Pretty handy, huh? And on macOS, the shortcut of the Spotlight is “COMMAND + SPACE”.
Spotlight——这个工具,你可能还没有充分发挥它的潜力。在你的主屏幕或锁定屏幕上向下拉,输入你要查找的随机单词,甚至不需要解锁你的iPhone或iPad。相当方便,对吧?在macOS上,Spotlight的快捷键是“COMMAND + SPACE”。
Then dictionary, maybe you’re not satisfied with the default dictionaries, you want more. Through Setting – General – Dictionary on your iPhone and iPad, select some dictionaries you prefer. Once you’ve downloaded and clicked on, you can use it in the spotlight.
Further, here’re some advance usages on macOS, you can import some third-part resources of dictionaries into the dictionary app. Yeah, here’s an individual app on macOS. But, thanks to Apple’s artificial limitations on iOS system, you can’t add third-part resources to the dictionary, and you can’t open an app like macOS does either.
Dictionary on macOS
Select ones you prefer
Shortcut: COMMAND + ,
快捷键:COMMAND + ,
You can also find some third-part resources on the Internet, but I highly recommend this one, LDOCE, aka, Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. There’re two main versions on the Internet, LDOCE5 and LDOCE6. So, what’s the difference between them, huh? Let Chat-GPT tell you.
你也可以在互联网上找到一些第三方资源,但我强烈推荐这个,LDOCE (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English),即Longman当代英语词典。互联网上有两个主要版本,LDOCE5和LDOCE6。那么,它们有什么区别呢?让Chat-GPT告诉你。
LDOCE 5 is the 5th edition of the dictionary, which was published in 2009. This edition features over 230,000 words, phrases, and meanings, as well as over 165,000 examples of how to use the words in context. It also includes a CD-ROM with interactive exercises and games to help users improve their English language skills.
LDOCE 5是该词典的第5版,于2009年出版。该版本包含超过230,000个单词、短语和含义,以及超过165,000个单词的使用示例。它还包括一个带有交互式练习和游戏的CD-ROM,帮助用户提高英语语言技能。
LDOCE 6, on the other hand, is the most recent edition of the dictionary, which was published in 2019. This edition features over 300,000 words, phrases, and meanings, as well as over 165,000 examples of how to use the words in context. It also includes new features such as the ability to search for words using voice commands, and a mobile app that allows users to access the dictionary on the go.
另一方面,LDOCE 6是该词典的最新版本,于2019年出版。该版本包含超过300,000个单词、短语和含义,以及超过165,000个单词的使用示例。它还包括新功能,如使用语音命令搜索单词的能力,以及一个移动应用程序,允许用户随时随地访问词典。
In summary, LDOCE 6 is an updated and expanded version of LDOCE 5, with more words, features, and tools to help users improve their English language skills.
总之,LDOCE 6是LDOCE 5的更新和扩展版本,拥有更多的单词、功能和工具,帮助用户提高英语语言技能。
Why Apple Dictionary App? Let me explain it for you.
1. It’s a mono-language/English-English dictionary.
2. Each example sentence has real human pronunciation. (English English, if you prefer American accent, it can’t satisfy you well at least at this part, but we can progress that problem through some alternative ways) But each single word has two pronunciations.
3. Word family, thesaurus, collocation and so on. As the literal meanings of these names, this book not only explain the words you’re looking for, and also list related words, synonyms, phrases, idioms. So not like some dual-languages dictionaries, you’re not gonna only know the meaning of the words in translation, you can master the words with this dictionary’s help.
4. Don’t be panic about mono-language dictionary, the explanations are pretty simple. Using the core vocabulary to explain the words is pretty easy to comprehend, the core vocabulary capacity is about 3000 words, they’re all not sophisticated words, spending 1-3 months would be sufficient. Remember don’t try to memorize all the spellings, thanks to modern tech tools, the writing and spellings are less essential than before, why do I say that? If you don’t believe that theory, just think about yourself, are your Chinese spellings getting worse since you’re no longer a student or the time you finished your ‘高考’? But it doesn’t influence your communication, the grammar checker will help you improve your spellings, I’m not saying spellings is not a big thing, I just think we can spend the very limited time on something more fruitful.
5. No ADs and free!
6. Of curse, there’re plenty and not bad dictionary apps we can choose especially on macOS, why we choose the built-in dictionary app? Yeah, that’s an easy one, simply because it’s built-in. Move your cursor on the word, force touch your touchpad with a single finger, then a window pops up, now you can see the definitions and explanations immediately, pretty handy if you ask.
1. 这是一本单语/英语-英语词典。
2. 每个例句都有真人发音。(如果你喜欢美式英语口音,它可能无法完全满足你的需求,但我们可以通过其他替代方法解决这个问题)但每个单词都有两种发音。
3. 词族、同义词词典、搭配等等。正如这些名称的字面意义,这本书不仅解释你正在寻找的单词,还列出了相关单词、同义词、短语、习语。因此,不像一些双语词典,你不仅会知道单词在翻译中的含义,还可以在这本词典的帮助下掌握这些单词。
4. 不要惊慌,单语词典的解释非常简单。使用核心词汇来解释单词非常容易理解,核心词汇容量约为3000个单词,它们都不是复杂的单词,花费1-3个月就足够了。记住不要试图记住所有的拼写,由于现代技术工具的发展,写作和拼写比以前不那么重要了,为什么我这样说?如果你不相信这个理论,只需想想你自己,你的汉语拼写是否自你不再是学生或你完成“高考”以来变得更糟糕了?但它并不影响你的交流,语法检查器将帮助你提高你的拼写,我并不是说拼写不重要,我只是认为我们可以把非常有限的时间花在更有成效的事情上。
5. 没有广告,而且免费!
6. 当然,我们可以选择很多不错的词典应用程序,尤其是在macOS上,为什么选择内置的字典应用程序?是的,这很简单,只是因为它是内置的。将鼠标光标移到单词上,在触控板上用一个手指强制点击,然后一个窗口弹出,现在你可以立即看到定义和解释,非常方便。
But due to macOS, we are still limited in few parts.
– One, we can’t click on the button within the popped up lookup window to pronounce the word, which you do can use this function within the Apple dictionary app.
– Two, dark mode, the third-part dictionary sources commonly aren’t flawless, especially dark mode, but we can modify a specific file to work on that, but the pope up window of the lookup function can’t be repaired (but if you find a way, please let me know, thx).
– Three, the resources of dictionaries are very restricted. As apple usual, Apple Dictionary uses the exclusive format – 「.dictionary」, which isn’t a prevalent format over the mainstream. Unfortunately, the plenty great dictionaries are formatted as MDict, Stardict, GoldenDict, and stuff. They’re not available on macOS. You wouldn’t be limited within several selections, unless you converted them to the Apple dictionary format on your own. But trust me, that can’t be easy, even there’re some tutorials and tools you can find out on Internet, you have to fix several files errors before you actually use it within Apple Dictionary app, otherwise the experience would be complete a disaster.
– Dictionary doesn’t support JS(A scripting language). That means you can’t fold and unfold the selection such as thesaurus, word family, examples, phrases and so on. It will dazzle you if you list all possible features simultaneously, cause you can’t hide them. But if you choose hide all of them, you just hide all the merits of this dictionary, seem like we’re in a dilemma, right? Ok, at least we have an alternative way to avoid some of issues, not perfect, but can be better. Remember the fore-showed picture of the dictionary setting on macOS? It gives you some selection, if you uncheck the selection(like Chinese), it won’t show up. But to notice, not every third-part dictionary supports this feature.
– 一、我们无法在弹出的查找窗口内点击按钮来发音单词,但在苹果字典应用程序中,你可以使用这个功能。
– 二、暗黑模式,第三方词典资源通常不完善,特别是暗黑模式,但我们可以修改一个特定的文件来解决这个问题,但是查找功能的弹出窗口无法修复(但是如果你找到一种方法,请告诉我,谢谢)。
– 三、词典资源非常有限。和苹果一贯的做法一样,苹果字典使用独占格式 – 「.dictionary」,这不是主流的普遍格式。不幸的是,很多优秀的词典都是格式化为MDict、Stardict、Goldendict等格式,它们在macOS上不可用。除非你将它们转换为苹果字典格式,否则你不会受到几个选择的限制。但是相信我,这并不容易,即使你可以在互联网上找到一些教程和工具,在你实际在苹果字典应用程序中使用它之前,你必须修复几个文件错误,否则体验将是完全的灾难。
– 四、字典不支持JS(一种脚本语言)。这意味着你无法折叠和展开选择,比如同义词词典、词族、例句、短语等。如果你同时列出所有可能的特点,那会让你眼花缭乱,因为你无法隐藏它们。但是如果你选择隐藏它们,你只是隐藏了这个词典的所有优点,似乎我们陷入了两难境地,对吗?好吧,至少我们有一种替代方法来避免一些问题,虽然不完美,但可以更好。还记得在macOS上显示字典设置的图片吗?它给你一些选择,如果你取消选择(比如中文),它就不会显示。但需要注意的是,并不是每个第三方词典都支持这个功能。
Nevertheless, after the comprehensive consideration, if that’s still accessible for you, the highly recommended dictionary on macOS is this one —— 《朗文当代高级英语辞典》by yuhaowin. You can find out the download link at this website. It’s handy to install and use.
不过,如果综合考虑后,你能接受上面这些缺点的话,在macOS上强烈推荐的词典是《朗文当代高级英语辞典》by yuhaowin。你可以在这个网站上找到下载链接。它很方便安装和使用。
If you’re an Apple guy, I guess you would love the dark mode feature. But as I fore-mentioned, this dictionary doesn’t support dark mode perfectly, here’s the remedy. Find this CSS file at this following path, and add the codes into it at the end.
/Users/your user name/Library/Dictionaries/LDOCE5.dictionary/Contents/Resources/DefaultStyle.css
(E.g, mine is “/Users/ts/Library/Dictionaries/LDOCE5.dictionary/Contents/Resources/DefaultStyle.css”)
@media (prefers-dark-interface)
html {
-apple-color-filter: apple-invert-lightness();
a {
-apple-color-filter: apple-invert-lightness();
color: -webkit-link;
img {
filter: invert(0);
The lookup window still isn’t perfect, but at least it fixes the error within the dictionary app. BTW, I suggest you turn off the Chinese selection since you’re gonna immerse the language environment. I’m not gonna say this’s the best option of dictionary apps on macOS, but it has its own special advantages, so, depending on you.
Without of persistence about built-in apps, there’s several ’‘better‘’ chooses. Here’s a quick peek about it, maybe I’ll give you the tutorial in the next article~
No ads, beautiful layouts, free, JS available.
Whatever you name them, this feature has already been in you devices, this is a great feature, relief you from endless self-doubt of spelling, and that’s the reason I recommend you don’t have to memorize the spelling, the pronunciation and the phrases and example sentences are much more essential.
I mean how many times you actually write English words in the real life besides you’re a student nowadays? And how difficult these words can be? Once you‘ve remembered the pronunciation, it will pop up several possible words after you typed several first letters or you just spelled the several words in a wrong way, but it will correct it automatically after you tapped on the space key on keyboard. This scenario is similar to typing in Chinese, like we ZheJiang Province People don’t usually distinct ‘’前后鼻音’’ like the phonetic symbols in English, /n/ and /ŋ/. But it doesn’t bother me, since I can use ‘模糊音’(Fuzzy Pinyin) function in input, and it doesn’t influence my daily communication.
I watched lot of YouTube recently, these people who learnt English well on their own lighted me, they didn’t spend much time on memorizing spellings either. I mean really, why should I spend lot of time on these? The modern technology is pretty advance, and I’m a tech guy, it’s just not worth.
How many apple built-in apps haven’t been discovered? This must be one of them. I was a Podcast fan when I was a sophomore, it’s a stressless way whether you’re gonna improve your English listening, you’re on your way home, or you wanna some gossips… There’re alway some suitable shows for you.
Because of some reasons, your chooses are limited, here’s the website can help you find out the much more spectacular shows in the cyberspace.
Explaining what RSS is cant’t be possible within several words, but I can tell you RSS is more than podcast subscriptions, and also instagram, twitter, personal blogs, Weibo, and so on… To discover its potential if you want to know more.
Now, the final part of this article, Accessibility. As its name shows, accessibility is used to help disable persons, btw, Apple’s accessibility is industry-leading, Apple really makes a lot of efforts with it. But for us English learners, it can be more than the ‘accessibility’.
First, you can go to ‘Setting – Accessibility – Speak Selection’ to turn on this function on iOS devices. As for macOS, ‘Setting – Speak Content’. And make sure that you turned on “Highlight Content” feature, so that you can monitor which one sentence and word is currently being spoken.
Then, you can choose the voice that is used, in my personal experience, Siri’s voice sounds pretty good. Thanks to the AI thriving, Siri’s voice now is really natural and sometimes you even can hear the tone and the gap between words and words when Siri speaks. But due to limited AI computation of Intel processor, it sounds less natural and human-like on Intel Mac, but since new product lines all switch to the Apple Silicon(Apple’s own Processor), the structure architecture is basically same to the A series Chips, the Siri’s Speaking should be same as iOS devices, unfortunately I don’t have the new Mac, I can’t help you experience it, I just hope my thoughts are right.
然后,你可以选择使用的语音,在我个人的经验中,Siri的声音听起来非常好。由于人工智能的发展,Siri的声音现在非常自然,有时你甚至可以听到Siri说话时单词和单词之间的语调和间隔。但由于Intel处理器的有限人工智能计算能力,它在Intel Mac上听起来不太自然和类人,但是由于新的产品线都转向了苹果自己的处理器(苹果自己的芯片),结构架构基本上与A系列芯片相同,Siri的说话应该与iOS设备相同,不幸的是我没有新的Mac,无法帮助你体验它,我只希望我的想法是正确的。
The usage is pretty easy, on iOS, long-press the words or sentences you want to hear, and press the speak button, the method just like I fore-mentioned lookup feature. And things are little different on macOS, it supports shortcuts, as the following picture I show you, the default shortcut is “Option+Esc”.
That’s all, then go have fun in the cyberspace.
Spoiler Warning:
I know you won’t be satisfied with these elementary tools, so maybe I’ll take you further to exploit the fabulous cyberspace someday, like the most prevalent tool nowadays – ChatGPT, or even telegram. Since I don’t wanna risk it, I definitely won’t post it on the WeChat channel, so if you’re interested in, go to my website to find out after I post it.
我知道你不会满足于这些基本的工具,也许有一天我会带你更深入地探索美妙的网络空间,比如现在最流行的工具- ChatGPT,甚至是Tele。我不想“作”,在公众号上我肯定不会发布这些内容。所以感谢你来到了这里,你可以下滑到本站最后,找到我的RSS订阅链接,这样当我发布新文章时,你就会第一时间收到通知。