闲鱼收了一个 Air M1,有点重,意外
秤了一下 1.3kg ,和官网对得上,但还是有点意外
之前用的 Surface go 3 ,只有 0.5kg ,自己配一个键盘也才 0.7kg
秤了一下 1.3kg ,和官网对得上,但还是有点意外
之前用的 Surface go 3 ,只有 0.5kg ,自己配一个键盘也才 0.7kg
跑不太大的模型, 比如 Llama 3.1 8B
这个模型 16G 内存的丐版也能跑起来。
之前电脑一直是悬挂半空使用,没有太大的问题,最近开始将放到桌面上办公、coding 、剪辑视频,时不时的就开始卡了,我怀疑是底部扇热效率慢,于是又在某东购买了一个底部扇热的风扇,也没啥作用。
有没有 V 友有类似情况的,可以在评论区讨论一下,真拿它没招了,刚扩容的硬盘又不想换新设备了。
最开始 launchd 大量写,随后按照 v 站上的方法关闭了搜索索引,降下来了,现在内核这个又开始大量读写了
备注:2 天左右没有关机的读写量
Macos 系统版本:15.0.1 (24A348 )
之前用得好好的,手机收到短信 mac 这边也会同步到,登陆网站接收验证码特别方便,从上周开始实时同步就没了,都是前一天的数据,也没找到相关配置的地方,只有打开同步这种设置,有人遇到相同的情况吗
如题,天猫 11.10 ~ 11.11 又有 5000-400 券了,想看看 256GB 是不是降速严重,需不需要多花一千多升级到 512GB
因为前几天好多人买,我就在京东使用国补,一下就抢到了,到手 3599 。想了两天,也没想出这个 mini 主机要用来干啥,请教大佬们都是拿来做什么呢?(我和媳妇都是程序员,在用 Mac book pro )。 也想了解下如果当作 Apple TV 使用和买个 Apple Tv 有什么区别吗?
买之前各种刷帖子都在说夹头,双 11 看到百亿补贴好价格就下单了,然后到了之后发现不仅没有夹头,反而有点晃,是前后的方向,不知道什么原因,有点像夹不紧的感觉,怎么会有这么大的差别啊
试了一下用 Mac 的导入,好像文件夹很大的时候会卡死。 用 AirDrop 也是,文件夹大的时候会卡死。
我的照片都备份到云盘上了?竟然找不到批量删除照片的方法。我说的批量是几千张一起删,用相册 app 滑动下来根本不现实。
而且我发现连接 mac 批量删除也不行,傻眼了。
17 、17pro 、17slim 、17ultra 。
如果真是这样的产品线的话,我怀疑 flod 也快要出了,slim 明显是 flod 的技术下放。
Why is Apple Intelligence not supported on external boot disks?
如果不支持的话,使用这个 Github Repo 中的方法是否可以绕过这个限制?
这样的话是不是利好低配 256G 销量
哪个性价比高点, 看京东有政府补贴,16g 的版本 M3 比 M2 的贵 800 左右, 主要是给老婆工作用,基本都是文本工作 office(wps ),钉钉之类.
2001 年,《老友记》第七季正在美国播出,斩获了约 2000 万平均收视人数,位列当年全美电视节目收视率的前五名。
这部从上世纪走来的经典美剧,虽然热度有些下降,但漫长的播出生命线带来了一些额外的彩蛋——剧中的产品伴随时代更迭而变迁。无论是 Nokia 手机、PlayStation 还是 Windows 系统,都有着浓烈的时代属性,寻找这些代表了一个时代的「标志物」,一度是观众津津乐道的话题。
iMac G3,这是乔布斯回归苹果后发布的首批重要作品之一。
iMac 让电脑使用变得更简单。
苹果想让 iMac 成为人们探索这个未知世界的门户,所以它技术理念先进、它使用直观易懂、它设计优雅好看,苹果甚至专门推出了一条宣传片,就为了表明 iMac 简单又有趣,连小孩子都能轻松使用。
▲ iMac G3 活跃在各大影视作品中
不负众望,以这个角度切入市场的 iMac G3 大获成功,被视为苹果复兴的标志。
二十六年后,iMac M4 发布。
第一眼看过去,iMac M4 最显眼的就是同样多的配色,甚至连官网的宣传标题都将彩色元素置入其中。
iMac M4 的整体配色遵循了 iMac M3 的方案:搭配相同颜色的不同饱和度,形成 iMac 的色彩美学。
高饱和度的颜色覆盖了 iMac 的整个背部面板,使其在任何角度下都能呈现出浓郁的视觉冲击力,清淡的同色系 logo 与背面的浓烈形成对比,以便在任何环境中,人们都可以一眼看见这个协调又亮眼的家伙。
清淡的颜色与 iMac M3 一样,保留在更换了 USB-C 接口的妙控键盘与妙控鼠标上,虽然键鼠与 iMac 不是一个整体,但依然能在复杂的环境中轻松辨认它们的配套身份。
值得一提的是,这一代的电源线也拥有了与 iMac 本体匹配的清淡颜色,而不是标配白色了。
与配色相符合的就是它的产品定位——看到这样颜色鲜艳讨喜,设计简约的 iMac,你只会想做些愉快轻松的事情,而不会想把它带到枯燥又烦闷的专业环境中。
就像全球著名设计咨询公司 IDEO 的首席执行官兼总裁蒂姆·布朗说的:
在这一代 iMac 上,最大的变化是它的大脑——M4 芯片登场。
爱范儿拿到手的是一台顶配 iMac,搭载满血 M4 芯片,32GB 内存与 2T 固态硬盘,我们先按照惯例,对它进行了一次跑分。
在 GeekBench 6 中,iMac M4 获得了单核 3699 分、多核 14833 分的成绩,作为对比,上一代 iMac M3 的单核成绩为 3138 分,多核 11912 分,获得了约百分之二十的性能提升。
今年的 WWDC,苹果宣布了 Apple Intelligence 的登场,AI 正式成为苹果产品必须具备的功能,AI 性能成为躲不开的话题。
同样是 GeekBench,iMac M4 在 AI 测试中通过 CPU 获得了单精度 4687 分、量化分数 6268 的成绩,作为对比,iMac M3 的得分为 4103 和 5615。
单精度分数代表 iMac M4 在高精度、细致计算任务(如复杂图像识别)中的能力,而量化分数则展示了它在快速、省电任务(如实时语音助手)中的效率。
不过,我们始终认为纸面参数仅供参考,只有当这些参数化作这台 iMac 的实际体验时,才赋予其真正的意义。
作为一位文字工作者,与一名摄影师,正好模拟日常大部分的使用场景,试试这台设计与性能并驾齐驱的 iMac M4。
由于资料散落在互联网的各个角落,我常常需要同时打开许多网页进行翻阅。然而,许多网页包含复杂的脚本、动画或后台任务,一旦开启,CPU、GPU 和 RAM 需要并行处理各种任务,成为电脑性能的隐形杀手。
此时,iMac 能支持我同时浏览多少个网页,很关键。
测试中,我打开了 50 个网页,覆盖视频、小游戏、新闻、带动效的官网等类别,在网页全都加载完成后,我快速切换每个网页,并使用其中的动效和小游戏,iMac M4 依旧丝滑,没有任何卡顿出现。
虽然大家更为熟知的是透明大背头 iMac G3 与台灯电脑 iMac G4,但 iMac G5 才是至关重要的一代。
2004 年,一根支架撑起的「白色相框」,为未来的 iMac 设计奠定了基础。
20 年后,同样是一根支架撑起了 iMac M4,以及正面分辨率 4480 x 2520 的 24 英寸 4.5K 视网膜显示屏。
经过测试,这台搭载满血 M4 芯片的 iMac 支持同时连接两台分辨率为 6K(60Hz)的外接显示器,并且同时运行 Safari 浏览器、飞书、微信、剪映等日常生活工作需要的应用时没有出现明显卡顿。
一台 iMac 再加两台外置显示屏,每个任务终于都可以优雅地排列在屏幕上,不用从一堆软件的堆叠中找自己需要的界面了。
摄影是我的爱好,也是我工作的一部分,在此之前,我从不会使用公司的 MacBook Air 做图片工作——因为太卡。
▲ MacBook Air M1
在 M4 的加持下,新 iMac 能否承担一定的图片处理任务,这至关重要。
为了测试 iMac M4 的图片处理功能,我准备了 7 张由富士中画幅相机 GFX 100S 拍摄的图片,通过 iMac 背部的四个雷雳 4 接口传输到 Photoshop 中,使用 Photomerge 功能进行全景接片。
这七张照片每张 1 亿像素,接片后去掉重叠部分,再进行矫正,像素量达到了 4.7 亿,工程文件大小为 10.7GB。
在 iMac M4 上,我对这张全景接片先后进行了曝光调整、曲线调整、HSL 调整,并使用了三个蒙版工具,对照片做精细化调整。
在二十分钟的后期过程中,无论是对图片进行接片、畸变矫正,还是后续的曝光、颜色等基本参数进行调整,或是用蒙版精细处理局部细节,iMac 都没有掉链子。
普通的剪辑肯定不在话下,但生活中难免遇到偶尔超标的需求,比如调色,iMac M4 能胜任吗?
在这次测试中,我将单条 4K 60 帧,Apple ProRess 422 Proxy 规格的 Log 视频放进达芬奇,进行了一系列调整,包括:Lut 还原、白平衡调整、曝光调整、添加胶片光晕、添加胶片颗粒、降噪与锐化等一系列操作。
这对于 iMac 而言是一个不小的挑战。
在前面的还原与调色效果中,我可以在预览界面实时查看渲染过的视频,当加入胶片光晕与颗粒效果后,预览帧率下降到每秒 15 帧左右,此时还能勉强对画面进行实时的动态预览。
等降噪效果登场,iMac 才彻底吃力起来——预览界面的帧率下降到每秒 3 帧左右,几乎不可用于动态预览,只能在设置好降噪参数后先关闭节点,等输出前再打开。
这条测试视频总时长为 20 秒,共 1200 帧,输出为 4K 60 帧 H.264 视频所用时间为:
从实时预览的帧率与输出速度来看,此时,iMac 几乎已经触及了自己的性能边界。
我通常只用达芬奇做粗剪与调色,等到输出以后再放到 Final Cut Pro X 中做剪辑(更偷懒的话就用剪映),这很容易让输出的片段四处散乱,得益于 iMac M4 上双双突破 3000MB/s 的读写速度,我可以在非常短的时间里完成这些零碎片段的整理工作。
从这一系列测试来看,iMac 在 M4 的加持下,完全可以轻松处理繁琐的基础任务,偶尔的「出格」需求也不在话下,虽然差点没扛住比较基础的降噪处理,但表现足以让我满意。
我们以十年为一期,纵观 iMac 的发展,背后其实隐藏着很有意思的变化。
1998 年,第一台 iMac G3 诞生。
凭借设计的优越与使用的简单,让 iMac 成为大众喜欢用、乐于用的电脑,由此成为了苹果的常青树之一。
2009 年,iMac 27 英寸与 21.5 英寸推出。
两种尺寸的屏幕、更强的 intel core i5 和 core i7 处理器、更多的 RAM,都是为用户日益多样化的使用需求准备的配置。
爱范儿的办公室里就还有一台搭载 intel 处理器的 iMac,它没有先进的 M 系列芯片,也没有多彩的颜色设计,但得益于当时苹果提供了足够多的定制选择,让它依旧很强大——在同时期的 MacBook Pro 已经相当吃力的今天,这台老 iMac 依旧可以快速响应我的需求。
▲ 搭载 intel 芯片的 iMac
隔行如隔山,不同的行业之间的需求可能大相径庭,由于 iMac 本身一体机的特性,苹果官方提供的配置已经不足以满足所有用户五花八门的个性化需求了。
这才有了现在的 Mac 现状——Mac mini 凭借高度拓展性快速崛起,而 iMac 定位逐渐向基础使用收拢。
专业需求的转移,让 iMac 的「高配」之路戛然而止,但这并不是一件坏事,各司其职,才能为用户提供更精准的选择。
褪去了「束缚」的 iMac,比历史上任何时期都更接近诞生时的定位——凭借设计与性能的平衡,让人们乐于在日常生活中使用它。
就像 2021 年,颜色再次回归 iMac 时,库克说的那样:
iMac 是让人们感到快乐、充满灵感的设备。
这与 iMac 诞生时,乔布斯的愿景一脉相承。
京东渠道的 显示预计 19 号发货
看了一圈各个国家的店, 就 tm 坡县的是 pick up not available, 在线的订单要十二月才发货, 怎么这么生气啊啊啊啊!
Your item has shipped and is on its way to the Apple Store. Here’s a few things to keep in mind: Bring a valid government-issued photo ID and your order number. Please wait until you receive a pickup notification email before coming in to the Apple Store.
今天我的iPhone 15 Plus在运行“科普中国”App时出现了“未能读取数据,因为它的格式不正确”的提示,其他App都可以正常运行,只有“科普中国”App不正常,第一次遇到这种情况。
In the light of recent news, you might now be wondering whether you can afford to wait until next year in the hope that Apple then releases the M4 Mac of your dreams. To help guide you in your decision-making, this article explains what chip options are available in this month’s new M4 models, and how to choose between them.
Intel CPUs in modern Macs have several cores, all of them identical. Whether your Mac is running a background task like indexing for Spotlight, or running code for a time-critical user task, code is run across any of the available cores. In an Apple silicon chip like those in the M4 family, background tasks are normally constrained to efficiency (E) cores, leaving the performance (P) cores for your apps and other pressing user tasks. This brings significant energy economy for background tasks, and keeps your Mac more responsive to your demands.
Some tasks are normally constrained to run only on E cores. These include scheduled background tasks like Spotlight indexing, Time Machine backups, and some encoding of media. Game Mode is perhaps a more surprising E core user, as explained below.
Most user tasks are run preferentially on P cores, when they’re available. When there are more high-priority threads to be run than there are available P cores, then macOS will normally send them to be run on E cores instead. This also applies to threads running a Virtual Machine (VM) using lightweight virtualisation, whose threads will be preferentially scheduled on P cores when they’re available, even when code being run in the VM would normally be allocated to E cores.
macOS also controls the clock speed or frequency of cores. For background tasks running on E cores, their frequency is normally held relatively low, for best energy efficiency. When high-priority threads overspill onto E cores, they’re normally run at higher frequency, which is less energy-efficient but brings their performance closer to that of a P core. macOS goes to great lengths to schedule threads and control core frequencies to strike the best balance between energy efficiency and performance.
Unfortunately, it’s normally hard to see effects of frequency in apps like Activity Monitor. Its CPU % figures only show the percentage of cycles that are used for processing, and make no allowance for core frequency. It will therefore show a background thread running at low frequency but 100%, the same as a thread overspilt from P cores running at the maximum frequency of that E core. So when you see Spotlight indexing apparently taking 200% of CPU % on your Mac’s E cores, that might only be a small fraction of their maximum capacity if they were running at maximum frequency.
There are no differences between chips in the M4 family when it comes to each type of CPU core: each P core in a Base variant is the same as each in an M4 Pro or Max, with the same maximum frequency, and the same applies to E cores. macOS also allocates threads to different types of core using the same rules, and their frequencies are controlled the same as well. What differs between them is the number of each type of core, ranging from 4 P and 4 E in the 8-core variant of the Base M4, up to 12 P and 4 E in the 16-core variant of the M4 Max. Thus, their single-core benchmark results should be almost identical, although their multi-core results should vary according to the number of cores.
This mode is an exception to normal CPU and GPU core use, as it:
However, my previous testing didn’t demonstrate that apps running in Game Mode were given exclusive access to E cores. But for gamers, it now appears that the more E cores, the better.
These are also used for tasks other than graphics, such as some of the more demanding calculations required for Machine Learning and AI. However, experience so far with Writing Tools in Sequoia 15.1 is that macOS currently offloads their heavy lifting to be run off-device in one of Apple’s dedicated servers. Although having plenty of GPU cores might well be valuable for non-graphics purposes in the future, for now there seems little advantage for many.
M4 Pro and Max, but not Base variants, come equipped with Thunderbolt ports that not only support Thunderbolt 3 and 4, but 5, as well as USB4. Thunderbolt 5 should effectively double the speed of connected TB5 SSDs, but to see that benefit, you’ll need to buy a TB5 SSD. Not only are they more expensive than TB3/4 models, but at present I know of only one range that’s due to ship this year. There will also be other peripherals with TB5 support, including at least one dock and one hub, although neither is available yet. The only TB5 accessories that are already available are cables, and even they are expensive.
TB5 also brings increased video bandwidth and support for DisplayPort 2.1, although even the M4 Max can’t make full use of that. If you’re looking to drive a combination of high-res displays, consult Apple’s Tech Specs carefully, as they’re complicated.
Although TB5 will become increasingly important over the next few years, TB3/4 and USB4 are far from dead yet and are supported by all M4 models.
The table below summarises key figures for each of the variants in the M4 family that have now been released. It’s likely that next year Apple will release an Ultra, consisting of two M4 Max chips joined in tandem, in case you feel the burning desire for 24 P and 8 E cores.
Models available next week featuring each M4 chip are shown with green rectangles at the right.
There are two variants of the Base M4, one with 4P + 4E and 8 GPU cores, the same as Base variants in M1 to M3 families. There’s also the more capable variant, for the first time with 4P + 6E, which promises to be a better all-rounder, and when in Game Mode. It also has an extra couple of GPU cores.
The M4 Pro also comes in two variants, this time differing in the number of P cores, 8 or 10, and GPU cores, 16 or 20. Those overlap with the M4 Max, with 10 or 12 P cores and 32 or 40 GPU cores. Thus the gap between M4 Pro and Max isn’t as great as in the M3, with the GPUs in the M4 Max being aimed more at those working with high-res video, for instance. For more general use, there’s little difference between the 14-core Pro and Max.
Chips in the M4 family also determine the maximum memory and internal SSD capacity. Apple has at last eliminated base models with only 8 GB of memory, and all now start with at least 16 GB. Base M4 chips are limited to a maximum of 32 GB, while the M4 Pro can go up to 64 GB, and the 16-core Max up to 128 GB, although in its 14-core variant, the Max is only available with 36 GB (I’m very grateful to Thomas for pointing this out below).
Unfortunately, Apple hasn’t increased the minimum size of internal SSD, which remains at 256 GB for some base models. Smaller SSDs may be cheaper, but they are also likely to have shorter lives, as under heavy use their small number of blocks will be erased for reuse more frequently. That may shorten their life expectancy to much less than the normal period of up to 10 years, as was seen in some of the first M1 models. This is more likely to occur when swap space is regularly used for virtual memory. I for one would have preferred 512 GB as a starting point.
While Base M4 chips come with SSDs up to 2 TB in size, both Pro and Max can be supplied with internal SSDs of up to 8 TB.
I hope this proves useful in guiding your decision.