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不能在中文目录右键打开 Cygwin 的解决方法

By: 胡中元
24 February 2020 at 12:54

Cygwin 是一个 Windows 下的 Linux POSIX 模拟器,通过它我们可以直接运行一个 Linux 终端,非常好用。

网络上关于如何添加一个 “在当前目录打开 Cygwin” 的右键菜单的教程有很多,但是这些方法都有一个问题,那就是不能在中文目录下正常工作,于是研究了一番,修复了这个问题。


既然英文路径可以但中文不行,我最先想到的是使用 Cygwin 自带的 base64 命令,将 encode(path) 后的非中文字符串传给 Cygwin 之后,再 decode 得到包含中文的路径。然而不行,正确的 base64 传递到 Cygwin 之后 decode 却是乱码。

问题的原因很容易想到,那就是编码的问题。经过几次输出中间变量后验证了这个猜想:Windows 采用的是 GB2312 编码,而 Cygwin 采用的是 UTF-8. Windows 将当前路径作为参数传递给 Cygwin 主程序时,Cygwin 不能正确读取路径。


修改 Windows 或者 Cygwin 的默认编码肯定是下下之策。解决该问题最终还是绕不开编码转换。我最终的思路为:

  1. 右键点击后,Windows 将当前路径作为参数 1 传递给 run_by_right_click.bat 入口程序
  2. run_by_right_click.bat 将路径写入 chere.path 文件(GB2312 编码),并运行 Cygwin
  3. Cygwin 运行后,将 chere.path 转换为 UTF-8 编码,读取后 cd

我的 Cygwin 安装目录为 C:\cygwin64,Shell 为 ZSH,如果你使用的是 Bash,有的地方与我的不同。具体步骤如下:

step1. 创建右键按钮

导入注册表文件 cygwin.reg:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
 @="打开 Cygwin 终端"
 @="C:\cygwin64\run_by_right_click.bat \"%V\""

step2. 编写入口程序

我们的入口程序 C:\cygwin64\run_by_right_click.bat

@echo off
 SET dir=%1
 REM 双引号删除
 SET dir=%dir:"=%

 chdir C:\cygwin64
 rem del /Q chere.path
 set /p="%dir%">chere.path
 bin\zsh.exe -li

bat 代码是真的难写。。。写这段代码我便踩了无数的坑。

step3. 完成目录跳转

在 Cygwin 内编写 ~/.zshrc,在末尾添加目录跳转命令:

if [ -e /chere.path ];then
     /usr/bin/enca -L zh_CN -x utf-8 /chere.path
     CPWD=/usr/bin/cat /chere.path
     rm /chere.path
     cd /bin/cygpath "$CPWD"

这里用到了 enca 用于自动编码转换,所以需要在 Cygwin 包管理器中安装这个软件。

over! 现在便可以在中文文件夹中右键打开 Cygwin 了。

为啥我要用 Cygwin

最后最后。你可能会说,为啥都新世纪了,你还在用 Cygwin 这种… 模拟器?原生 Linux/ 虚拟机 不好用嘛?WSL 不香吗?甚至 Powershell 不也不错?

那我还真觉得 Cygwin 秒杀上述所有的方案。首先,我只是想在 Windows 上安装一个代替 cmd 的 Shell 环境用于日常操作,并不需要高性能什么的,所以原生 Linux 系统、虚拟机、Docker 就不是解决同一个问题的东西。

至于 Powershell,虽说是比 cmd 好多了,但毕竟是另一套语法和体系,我不想学它也对它不感兴趣。Bash+GNU tools 那才是世界通用法则。ZSH 作为日常使用的终端也确实美观好用!

而 WSL 这东西确实很吸引人,性能比 Cygwin 强太多,几乎就是原生系统。然而!WSL 运行于内核态,与 Windows 平级,就算有文件系统的映射,WSL 也并不能直接当作 Windows 的 Shell 来使用的。看下面的图你就知道我在说啥了。

Cygwin+ZSH 很好用

图中,npm 和 git 是我在 Windows 中安装的 exe 包,而 ssh、tail、md5sum 是 Cygwin 中提供的 Linux 命令,直接相互调用无压力,这才是 Windows 中我想要的 Shell 的样子。可是 WSL 是不能这么做的,两个系统是隔开的。

How to Scoop

By: Erease
5 September 2019 at 08:00


Github:lukesampson/scoop的README对Scoop有了大概的介绍,我初次接触到是读到了 再谈谈 Scoop 这个 Windows 下的软件包管理器


  • 安装常见命令行工具
  • 自带配置环境变量,方便配置简易的开发环境
  • 有脚本自动化执行的优势,方便快速部署(比如重装系统的时候)




Invoke-Expression (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')
# or shorter
iwr -useb | iex



scoop install aria2



scoop bucket add extras
scoop bucket add java
scoop bucket add dorado
  • 默认的main仓库以命令行工具为主(比如收录的cmder是个有GUI的终端软件),例如Linux常用的sed, grep, gawk,vim可以大大方便Powershell的日常使用
  • extra仓库收录的高质量的gui软件比较多,比如说googlechrome,typora,vscode
  • java仓库收录了多种多版本的JDK,结合下文的scoop reset,可以便捷的切换环境变量下的JDK
  • dorado仓库收录了相当一部分国内常用的软件如微信,网易云,besttrace,因为下载源在国内下载速度很OK


除去上面介绍的一些,其实想得到软件都可以在Scoop中使用scoop search找下看看

$ scoop list
Installed apps:

  7zip 19.00
  chromedriver 76.0.3809.126
  cmder-full 1.3.11
  concfg 0.2019.03.09
  ffmpeg 4.1.3 #编码工具
  gawk 3.1.7
  gcc 8.1.0
  grep 2.5.4
  innounp 0.48
  iperf3 3.1.3 #网速测试工具
  nodejs 12.5.0
  pshazz 0.2019.04.02
  R 3.6.0
  sed 4.2.1
  tesseract #OCR工具
  vim 8.1.1302 
  youtube-dl 2019.05.20 #偶尔下载视频
  trafficmonitor #任务栏网速,CPU内存占用监测
  screentogif #Gif录屏软件
  ntop #类似htop的的终端下的资源监视器(但是做不到htop那么强大)
  glow #终端下的Markdown Render
  openjdk #添加java仓库后,默认安装最新版的openjdk
  openjdk9 #java9




scoop alias add ethd 'sudo netsh interface set interface eth0 disabled' 'disable eth0' 

输入scoop ethd之后就会弹出用户账户控制的弹窗,提示需要管理员权限,用键盘确认就好,省去了再开一个窗口的麻烦(如果是长串命令都需要管理员权限的话还是开一个吧)





ffmpeg -i m3u8 'test.ts'  



ffmpeg -i v.mp4 -i a.mp4 -c copy output.mkv




ffmpeg -i input-video.avi -vn -acodec copy output-audio.aac

-vn没有视频 -acodec copy说使用已经存在的相同的音频流






Powershell的别名设置不方便,直接使用WSL的自定义别名(.bashrc)调用Windows下的程序又不能直接在Powershell中运行,直到发现Scoop可以自由的添加“环境变量”,想起来Scoop alias来设置程序运行的scoop别名


# Install app
scoop alias add i 'scoop install $args[0]' 'Innstall app'
scoop alias add add 'scoop install $args[0]' 'Install app'

# Uninstall app
scoop alias add rm 'scoop uninstall $args[0]' 'Uninstall an app'
scoop alias add remove 'scoop uninstall $args[0]' 'Uninstall an app'

# List apps
scoop alias add ls 'scoop list' 'List installed apps'

# Update
scoop alias add u 'scoop update $args[0]' 'Update apps, or Scoop itself'
scoop alias add upgrade 'scoop update $args[0]' 'Update apps, or Scoop itself'


比如说给WinMTRCmd添加一个scoop mtr的别名

scoop alias add mtr '~/winMTRCmd $args[0]' 'MTR tools for Win CMD'

之后使用scoop mtr [host]就可以愉快的使用mtr工具了



$ java -version
openjdk version "9.0.4"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 9.0.4+11)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 9.0.4+11, mixed mode)

$ scoop reset openjdk
Resetting openjdk (16.0.1-9).
Linking ~\scoop\apps\openjdk\current => ~\scoop\apps\openjdk\16.0.1-9

$ java -version
openjdk version "16.0.1" 2021-04-20
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 16.0.1+9-24)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 16.0.1+9-24, mixed mode, sharing)

Linux 学习笔记(1): Linux Shell Powerful Tools

By: Onlyone
15 December 2011 at 17:46
Linux Shell Powerful Tools

Connecting and expanding commands
A truly powerful feature of the shell is the capability to redirect the input and output of commands to and from other commands and files. To allow commands to be strung together,the shell uses metacharacters. As noted earlier, a metacharacter is a typed character that has special meaning to the shell for connecting commands or requesting expansion.

Piping commands

The pipe (|) metacharacter connects the output from one command to the input of another command. This lets you have one command work on some data, and then have the next command deal with the results. Here is an example of a command line that includes pipes:

$ cat /etc/passwd | sort | cut -f1,5 -d: | less

This command lists the contents of the /etc/passwd file and pipes the output to the sort command. The sort command takes the user names that begin each line of the /etc/passwd file, sorts them alphabetically, and pipes the output to the cut command. The cut command takes fields 1 and 5, with the fields delimited by a colon (:), then pipes the output to the less command. The less command displays the output one page at a time, so that you can go through page by page.

Using file-matching metacharacters
To save you some keystrokes and to be able to refer easily to a group of files, the bash shell lets you use metacharacters. Anytime you need to refer to a file or directory, such as to list it, open it, or remove it, you can use metacharacters to match the files you want. Here are some useful metacharacters for matching filenames:

• * — This matches any number of characters.
• ? — This matches any one character.
• [...] — This matches any one of the characters between the brackets, which can
include a dash-separated range of letters or numbers.

Sample Examples:

Using file-redirection metacharacters
Commands receive data from standard input and send it to standard output. Standard input is normally user input from the keyboard, and standard output is normally displayed on the screen. Using pipes (described earlier), you can direct standard output from one command to the standard input of another. With files, you can use less than (<) and greater than (>) signs to direct data to and from files. Here are the file redirection characters:
• < — Direct the contents of a file as input to the command (because many commands take a file name as an option, the < key is not usually needed).
• > — Direct the output of a command to a file, overwriting any existing file.
• >> — Direct the output of a command to a file, adding the output to the end of the existing file.
Here are some examples of command lines where information is directed to and from files.

Managing background and foreground processes
If you are using Linux over a network or from a dumb terminal (a monitor that allows only text input with no GUI support), your shell may be all that you have. You may be used to a windowing environment where you have a lot of programs active at the same time so that you can switch among them as needed. This shell thing can seem pretty limited.

There are several ways to place an active program in the background. One mentioned earlier is to add an ampersand (&) to the end of a command line. Another way is to use the at command to run commands in a way in which they are not connected to the shell. (See Chapter 12 for more information about the at command.)
To stop a running command and put it in the background, press Ctrl+z. After the command is stopped, you can either bring it to the foreground to run (the fg command) or start it running in the background (the bg command).
