Apple, Amazon, Google, Meta and others learned during the last Trump administration to expect the unexpected when it came to Washington scrutiny and support.
Another Trump presidency will be good for crypto and Elon Musk, but every big tech company may not benefit from a more hands-off approach to antitrust.
We must make sure that superintelligent machines remain aligned with human values and interests as they use their powers to go off in their own directions.
Eight years after Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election, foreign influence with American voters has grown more sophisticated. That could have outsize consequences in the 2024 race.
Efforts by the Beijing-backed Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation, or SMIC, to break through innovation barriers have landed it in a geopolitical tech battle.
尽管众多以文生图的 Ai 工具已经大幅度降低了创作门槛,但是在那之前,各种咒术、法门终究是拦住不少普通人接触 Ai 绘画的一块巨石。我自己也曾在用过某些 Ai 工具后,在一条展示初次接触的创作成果的视频里提醒大家,不要忽视它,但也不要过分害怕它。它一定会给我们的生活带来巨大的变化,只是目前还没积累到那一刻,仅此而已。
如果说有什么场景,类似发红包那样简单明了,人人都可以参与,我觉得有一个非常合适的应用场景,那就是用 Ai 生成定制头像。对于不具备绘画能力、不懂念咒语、不会使用绘图软件的大多数人而言,Ai 画头像就是各类修图美容软件一级的场景,既有尝新和娱乐,也有充分的社交属性,和红包非常相似。
最近试用了一下漫镜,一个感觉是,神情抓得不错,风格也足够多,用它来探索自己不同造型的可能性,还是挺有启发的!因此中途我想到一件事,如果这类产品的效率再高一些,跟各大连锁发型屋合作,预约时就上传几张照片,生成几套发型方案,人到了现场就让托尼老师根据效果图来剪,这不是非常好的体验升级么?谁说 Ai 必然逼得人失业呢?还得是看人怎么用。