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Yesterday — 19 September 2024Main stream

Has the Federal Reserve Pulled Off a Soft Landing?

Investors have sent stocks and bonds higher on expectations of a soft landing. But some Republicans think the central bank overstepped its bounds.

© Richard Drew/Associated Press

The markets are rebounding after the Fed’s outsize interest-rate cut on Wednesday.
Before yesterdayMain stream

Heroines 10: Ariadne’s revenge

By: hoakley
4 August 2024 at 19:30

Among Ovid’s Heroines, Ariadne is in a class of her own. She’s the only one who not only survives, but emerges from her crisis rather well in the end. The daughter of King Minos of Crete, her half-brother, from her mother’s extraordinary bestial relationship, was the Minotaur. Her father blamed the Greeks for the death of her full brother Androgeus, so demanded they provided the Minotaur’s annual diet of seven young men and seven young women. The Minotaur was kept concealed inside the Labyrinth, an ingenious maze designed and built by the master artificer Daedalus.

Theseus was the son of King Aegeus of Athens, and decided to put an end to this attrition of young Greeks by killing the Minotaur. The only way he could gain access to it was by including himself in that year’s batch of sacrificial victims. When Theseus arrived on Crete, Ariadne fell desperately in love with him.

Ariadne came up with an ingenious plan to enable Theseus to make his way back out of the Labyrinth once he had killed the Minotaur: she provided him with a ball of thread, which he used to mark his route of entry. He could then retrace his steps along the line of thread and escape. In return for this assistance, Theseus agreed that, once he had killed the Minotaur and escaped, he would marry her.

When it was Theseus’ turn to enter the Labyrinth, Ariadne held the end of the thread, he went in, killed the Minotaur, and found his way back to her. They wasted no time, and sailed immediately from Crete, stopping off overnight on the island of Dia (Naxos), where they consummated their marriage. The following morning, Theseus and his crew set sail before Ariadne had awoken, abandoning her on the island, as she watched Theseus’ ship heading towards the horizon and Athens beyond.

John William Waterhouse (1849–1917), Ariadne (1898), oil on canvas, 151 x 91 cm, Private collection. Wikimedia Commons.

John William Waterhouse paints the moment that Ariadne (1898) starts to wake, as Theseus’ ship has just sailed. As she hasn’t yet realised she has been abandoned, she lies back at ease. On and under the couch are a couple of leopards, a clear reference to the imminent arrival of Bacchus, although his chariot is more usually drawn by lions or tigers.

Angelica Kauffman (1741–1807), Ariadne Abandoned by Theseus (1774), oil on canvas, 90.9 × 63.8 cm, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, TX. Wikimedia Commons.

By the moment shown in Angelica Kauffman’s Ariadne Abandoned by Theseus (1774), she has seen Theseus’ ship heading back to Athens, and is now swooning in the realisation that she has been jilted.

Paulus Bor (circa 1601–1669), Ariadne (1630-35), oil on canvas, 149 x 106 cm, Muzeum Narodowe w Poznaniu, Poznań, Poland. Wikimedia Commons.

The painting that perhaps captures best Ariadne ready to write her letter to Theseus, is Paulus Bor’s Ariadne (1630-35). She looks desolated, is still undressed from bed, and clutches the thread with which she had saved his life, the thread that she thought held them together as a couple, only now there is no one at the other end.

Evelyn De Morgan (1855–1919), Ariadne in Naxos (1877), oil on canvas, 90.8 × 132.8 cm, The De Morgan Foundation, Compton, Guildford, England. Wikimedia Commons.

Evelyn De Morgan envisages her alone on the beach, in her painting of Ariadne in Naxos (1877). It’s possible that Ariadne had slept there, in the large brown blanket still wrapped around her legs, but there’s now no trace of her former husband, not even a sail on the horizon.

Herbert James Draper (1863–1920), Ariadne (c 1905), oil on canvas, 100 × 77 cm, Private collection. Wikimedia Commons.

The other painting that’s truly Ovidian is Herbert James Draper’s Ariadne (c 1905). Still half-naked, kneeling on a rock by the sea, she beats her breast in the grief of Theseus’ betrayal. This is a direct reference to Ovid’s lines in Ariadne’s hypothetical letter.

Ovid’s letter also contains some subtle allusions as to what happened next, but is written in ignorance of that. In a remarkable turn of fortune, who should turn up on the island of Dia/Naxos but the god Bacchus, who promptly marries Ariadne, and carries her off to Olympus with him. Maybe Bacchus’ lifestyle didn’t make him an ideal husband, but this was far better than the fate of Ovid’s other heroines.

Eugène Delacroix (1798–1863), Autumn – Bacchus and Ariadne (1856-63), oil on canvas, 196 × 165 cm, São Paulo Museum of Art, São Paulo, Brazil. Wikimedia Commons.

Eugène Delacroix’s Autumn – Bacchus and Ariadne (1856-63) shows the moment of his arrival, as he helps the despondent Ariadne back up from her gloom. Behind is his chariot, here drawn by lionesses.

Jean François de Troy (1679–1752), Ariadne on Naxos (1725), oil on canvas, 163.3 x 130.4 cm, Musée Fabre, Montpellier, France. Wikimedia Commons.

Jean François de Troy’s Ariadne on Naxos (1725) is the ideal romantic ending, the couple staring longingly at one another as putti cavort with fruit. But look carefully at what’s going on down at the beach, in the background.

Maurice Denis (1870–1943), Bacchus and Ariadne (1907), oil on canvas, 81 x 116 cm, The Hermitage, Saint Petersburg, Russia. Wikimedia Commons.

Maurice Denis’ Bacchus and Ariadne from 1907 is a radically modern treatment of the story of Ariadne’s abandonment on the island of Naxos, which could be mistaken for a recreational beach scene at a coastal resort. Buried in there are some more traditional references.

Just to the right of centre, Dionysus stands behind Ariadne, helping to hold a red and white striped cloak or sheet on her left shoulder. Ariadne’s three attendant nymphs are resting on the rocks at the left. Various bacchantes and other figures are riding black horses down in the water at the right, one of them clutching the thyrsus (staff). There is no sign of Silenius, a chariot, or big cats, and a yacht at the right edge may not have anything to do with the narrative.

Lovis Corinth (1858–1925), Ariadne on Naxos (1913), oil on canvas, 116 × 147 cm, Private collection. Wikimedia Commons.

My favourite painting of this scene has to be Lovis Corinth’s vivacious and complex Ariadne on Naxos (1913). He uses multiplex narrative to tell the whole story, from Theseus’ betrayal at the left, to the arrival of Bacchus at the right.

None, though, shows Ariadne’s revenge on Theseus.

Theseus had made an elaborate arrangement with his father, the king of Athens, to signal to him the outcome of his mission. When Theseus had sailed from Greece, his ship had black sails. The agreement was that he would change those sails to normal white or, more probably, tan ones in the event that he had successfully killed the Minotaur.

In his rush to abandon Ariadne, Theseus forgot to change the black sails. As the ship approached the Greek mainland, his father noticed this. Knowing that meant that they would have to continue sending young Greeks to their death on Crete, King Aegeus threw himself to his death from a cliff. Theseus was broken by grief when he realised that his carelessness had caused the suicide of his father. I wonder if Bacchus and Ariadne ever visited Theseus to remind him of how his treachery backfired.

Reading visual art: 143 Apes and monkeys, singerie

By: hoakley
24 July 2024 at 19:30

Not only were monkeys and apes featured in some early European paintings, but in the early 1600s they featured in their own sub-genre of singerie, French for monkeying, as in monkeying about. In these, monkeys dressed up as humans assume the role of humans in an everyday activity. Among the artists who painted singeries were members of the Teniers family.

David Teniers the Younger (1610–1690), A Monkey Encampment (1633), oil on copper, 33 x 41.5 cm, Private collection. Wikimedia Commons.

David Teniers the Younger’s A Monkey Encampment from 1633 shows monkeys in human roles in a camp. They sit talking outside a large tent, staff a stall, and in the background are arriving at a military meeting, presumably involved in the recruitment of the population into its army or militia.

Abraham Teniers (1629–1670), Barbershop with Monkeys and Cats (date not known), oil on copper, 24 x 31 cm, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria. Wikimedia Commons.

By about 1650, Abraham Teniers developed this into his comic undated Barbershop with Monkeys and Cats. Two cats are sat in the chairs in a barbers, and their attendants are monkeys. The barbershop shown is traditional in that it not only caters for the cutting of hair, but also has facilities and instruments for minor surgery, hence the use of hot coals in cleaning the surgical instruments.

When Holland grew rich in the Golden Age, much of those profits were gambled on tulip flowers, during what became known as Tulipmania or Tulipomania. Bulbs of varieties in demand fetched extremely high prices, which speculation drove into a bubble. When reality returned to the market, prices crashed and fortunes were lost.

Jan Brueghel the Younger (1601–1678), Allegory of Tulipmania (c 1645), oil on panel, 30 × 47.5 cm, Private collection. Wikimedia Commons.

Jan Brueghel the Younger’s Allegory of Tulipmania from about 1645 shows tulip trading during its height, with each figure a monkey dressed in human clothing.

Anthropomorphism of monkeys persisted long after the Golden Age, and elsewhere in Europe.

Antoine Watteau (1684–1721), The Monkey Sculptor (c 1710), oil on canvas tondo, 22 × 21 cm, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Orléans, Loiret, France. Wikimedia Commons.

Antoine Watteau’s tondo of The Monkey Sculptor from about 1710 is another singerie, this time set in the sculptor’s studio.

Zacharie Noterman (1820–1890), Monkey Business (date not known), oil on panel, 31.5 x 26 cm, location not known. Wikimedia Commons.

By the latter half of the nineteenth century, when Darwin was busy unravelling the mysteries of evolution, singerie came back into vogue. One of its exponents was Zacharie Noterman, who painted Monkey Business after about 1850. A monkey dressed as a businessman is plodding through his paperwork, as the bartender stands in front of him, smoking his clay pipe.

Monkeys became popular visual devices for those who wanted to criticise juries and organisers of art exhibitions for excluding their art, and showing members as monkeys is wicked satire.

Hans Canon (1829–1885), African Jury Meeting (1870), oil on canvas, 104 x 143 cm, location not known. Wikimedia Commons.

Hans Canon’s African Jury Meeting from 1870 makes just that comment about a jury which had apparently rejected the artist’s work. In the top right corner is the upper face of the artist himself.

By the end of the eighteenth century, many artists were attempting to portray animals and birds more faithfully to nature, in paintings becoming increasingly objective.

George Garrard (1760-1826), A Marmoset in Three Attitudes (1793), oil on panel, 38.1 x 48.9, Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT. Wikimedia Commons.

George Garrard’s A Marmoset in Three Attitudes from 1793 appears to have been intended for a reference description of the species, setting it in its natural habitat and in three postures which the artist took as being characteristic. Unlike later illustrations, though, this painting is painterly in its depiction of vegetation, and is by no means academic or dry.

For one or two artists, singeries were not enough. Gabriel von Max probably painted more works of monkeys or apes than any other artist, from models he kept at his residence by Starnberger Lake, in the Bavarian countryside, where he painted each summer.

Gabriel von Max (1840–1915), Monkeys as Judges of Art (1889), oil on canvas, 85 x 107 cm, Neue Pinakothek, Munich, Germany. Wikimedia Commons.

In von Max’s Monkeys as Judges of Art (1889), a crowd of monkeys are packed together in front of a canvas which already has a gilded frame, and will shortly be announcing their decision on that work. The artist avoids anthropomorphism, and his monkeys look very natural and non-human.

Gabriel von Max (1840–1915), A Visit to the Artist’s Studio (date not known), oil on canvas, 88 х 124 cm, location not known. Wikimedia Commons.

His undated A Visit to the Artist’s Studio shows a similar group of monkeys watching their leader handle von Max’s paint and brushes in his studio. I suspect that the artist may have supplemented his sketches of the group with some photos, as it appears implausible for the monkeys to have remained in much the same positions for long.

Gabriel von Max (1840–1915), Go to Sleep! (1900), oil on canvas, dimensions not known, Private collection. Wikimedia Commons.

Von Max appears to have had tender and personal relationships with his monkeys. In Go to Sleep! from 1900, a young woman, possibly his daughter, is nursing an infant monkey who is staring with tired eyes into the distance. Charles Darwin’s book The Descent of Man had been published in 1871, so by this time von Max would have been well aware of the proposal that monkeys and humans had common ancestors.

Gabriel von Max (1840–1915), Self-Portrait with Monkey (1910), further details not known. Wikimedia Commons.

Von Max’s Self-Portrait with Monkey (1910) shows him at the age of seventy with another young ape.

Serhiy Kolyada (b 1972), The Theory of Origins (2012), ballpoint pen on paper, dimensions and location not known. Courtesy of and © Serhiy Kolyada, via Wikimedia Commons.

Finally, contemporary artist Serhiy Kolyada uses the figure of a painting monkey at the heart of The Theory of Origins (2012). The artist explains:
A painting monkey perhaps a commentary of contemporary art? Protective of its bottle of Teacher’s whisky and looking over its shoulder at a naked Teacher pointing to the supposed “cradle-of-civilization” Africa on a world map; both Teachers providing pupils with an escape? Or knowledge? An Egyptian pyramid, Stonehenge, Mount Kailish, the Temple of Tibet, a UFO and dinosaur, Sator Arepo and yin-&-yang all tease but fail to appease. Puzzles, a Bible, equations and runes add to the confusion, offering no real explanation except to say: Maybe Origin Theories are a mess and human beings have no idea, in fact, of their origins on this planet.


By: fivestone
13 July 2024 at 16:39

湄洲岛,传说是妈祖林默的故乡。北宋年间,岛上出现了最早的妈祖庙(灵女祠),经历朝扩建为大片宫殿,文革期间全毁,1980 年代后,由散落到各地的香火信徒集资重建的仿宋建筑群。被妈祖信徒们戏称为「东方麦加」……


但其中一些庙,路不熟的话,并不好找。于是我上岛时,被唤醒了踩地图之魂,骑着电动车,把所有妈祖庙都找了一遍,标上准确的 GPS 位置。

每座庙的 GPS 位置(WGS 84),由北向南:

地点纬度 °N经度 °E



岛上还有很多其它的庙:有耶稣教会、有完全不供奉妈祖的佛寺、有很小只的土地庙、关帝庙、海神庙、有家族私姓的祠堂、有看着很像妈祖庙,但不知是做什么的「三一教」……海边的「天后行宫」,在妈祖庙背后,修了个更大一号的如来大雄宝殿,于是感觉并不是很靠谱,有人介绍岛上除了祖庙,有 15 家妈祖庙,就没有把天后行宫算在里面。










By: Steven
15 May 2024 at 14:30





好离乡 – 2

By: fivestone
8 April 2024 at 20:23





我所在的文化里,有很多糟粕、或是庸碌,是我们日常在坚持努力抵抗着的。读到这篇文章的人,同样也有很多,是日常和这些文化氛围对抗着的少数派。如果有一天,我们也遭遇战火,成为难民,那么,在这个关于难民或离乡者(diaspora)的叙事中,我们之前在群体内部的反抗,那些苦苦坚持着的自我,就,消失了?变得全无意义?甚至,在和 diaspora 同温层的交流中,仅仅是提到这些,都变得不应该?

关于 diaspora 如何不自觉地被迫形成群体性,以对抗整体的政治性,在学术界大概也不是什么新鲜话题。我只是从被湮没的个体的角度,又一次想到这些。









黄丝:艹,你们的啥啥传统才叫做垃圾,blah blah


好离乡 – 1

By: fivestone
7 March 2024 at 23:37

我还以为这篇早就写成 blog 了,想引用的时候,却发现并没有。当年只是在 mastodon 发了一条。那么还是贴过来吧。感觉最近想写的很多话题,都与之隐约关联。回头再慢慢展开(大概会写一堆「同温层里标榜个人主义」的画风……




Nomadland – 6,燃气系统

By: fivestone
4 November 2023 at 15:39

关于车里用的燃气炉灶方案。因为只是简单的 van,而不是正式的房车,不存在内嵌的燃气系统,只是每天把各种气罐炉头搬来搬去。简要地说,每天使用最多的方案是:

从大号液化石油气罐(POL),先转成美式一磅罐卡口(UNEF 1″),再转接到户外圆罐炉头(Lindal B188)上。



① POL,也就是最常见的大号「煤气罐」,准确地说,叫「液化石油气罐」。我这边日常可以买到的,有 3.7kg 和 8.5kg 两种容积。大的更划算,但我的床板下面只能放进小号的,换一瓶气大约 $20,Bunnings 和很多加油站都有换。

还有一种 LCC 27 接口,是 POL 的升级版。近年来政府渐渐把 POL 气罐,升级成更安全的 LCC 27 接口。这个是向下兼容的:原先用在 POL 上的管线,仍然可以拧进 LCC 27 的气罐;反之则不行,LCC 27 专用的管线,不能用在 POL 气罐上。所以,使用 POL 的管线,就不必在乎每次换到的气罐,是旧接口还是新接口。

② 3/8″ BSP-LH,另一种大号石油气罐的接口,通常只有专门的户外型房车才会使用。加油站很少见,更换气瓶也远不如 POL 方便。可以很方便地改成 POL,户外店有转接头卖($15)。

③ UNEF 1″ / BOM,北美常见的一磅重的绿气罐,北美的加油站和便利店到处都是,但澳洲和中国很少,只有专门户外店才有。

④ Lindal B188,又名 7/16 UNEF,户外背包露营时,最常见的扁圆气罐。虽然北美有很多炉头,都是 ③ 的 UNEF 接口,但毕竟 UNEF 接口过于笨重,自己背而不是车载露营的话,国际通用的炉头,更多的还是 ④ 的接口。

⑤ 常见的火锅店长气罐。虽然工艺远不如 ③ ④,但是更便宜也更好买,所以很多用 Lindal 圆罐炉头 ④ 的人,都会常备一个 ⑤→④ 的转换头($5)。(长罐到美式一磅罐 ⑤→③ 的转接头我从来没见过,大概因为美式罐太笨重了)

还有一些不常用的接口,譬如和 ④ 很像但是不带螺纹的气罐、以及一些笨重烧烤台用的 1/4” BSP……与本文无关,就不面面俱到地提及了。


  • ① POL 大号液化气罐,3.7kg,连瓶 $60,换气 $20
  • ③ UNEF 美式一磅罐,$10
  • ⑤ 火锅长罐,通常是聚餐时剩下的,在车里慢慢用掉,$1.5
  • ⑥ POL 转接 UNEF 的管线,①→③,价格和管线长度有关,感觉 1.5m 的比较舒服,$30
  • ⑦ UNEF 转接 Lindal 圆罐炉具的转换头,$5
  • ⑧ 户外炉头,和 ④ 匹配的 Lindal B188 接口,$30-50。这款 Kovea Camp 4 已经陪我二十多年,早就停产了。如今有很多国内牌子(火枫、兄弟…)也很好用。这种自带支架的款式,架七寸锅也没问题。于是,本来准备了更大的、火力更强的炉头,但日常也很少拿出来用。
  • ⑨ 火锅长罐转接 Lindal B188 户外炉头的转换头,⑤→④ ,$5
  • ⑩ 从 POL 大罐往美式一磅罐里灌注燃料 ①→③ 的装置,把一磅罐反复使用,$5。关于灌装的事情,后面会说。


  • ①→⑥→⑦→⑧,从大气罐直接连到户外炉头
  • ③→⑦→⑧ 或 ⑤→⑨→⑧,有时做饭的地方离车远,不想拎着大气罐,就把小气罐接在炉头上
  • ①→⑩→③,从大气罐往美式一磅罐里灌装



  • ⑪ Mr Heater 暖气炉,UNEF 接口,冬天直连大气罐 ①→⑥→⑪,或者用一磅罐 ③→⑪
  • ⑫ 更大的、火力更猛的炉头,可以架更大的锅,甚至炒菜,Lindal 圆罐接口,①→⑥→⑦→⑫
  • ⑬ 喷枪,做炙肉料理!,Lindal 圆罐接口,通常接小罐用,③→⑦→⑬ 或 ⑤→⑨→⑬
  • ⑭ 本生灯,做一些手工时加热用,Lindal 圆罐接口,接一磅罐用(因为需要很稳的底座),③→⑦→⑭
  • ⑮ 热水淋浴装置,Lindal 圆罐接口。这个很少用,因为日常都在蹭健身房淋浴间





By: fivestone
10 October 2023 at 23:49



这些年 emo 的主线之一,就是看着曾经能够一起讨论的朋友、乃至喜欢的人,渐渐地沉到各种坑里。——「坑」当然只是我的视角,他们都很快乐。







我知道这一篇充斥着巨大的 ego。其中的很多环节,并不是必然的断言,只是我个人在这个时代的主观经历中,总结出的感受。不对劲的也很可能是我自己。我也能看到新的一代人的,可能的好的一面:虽然大多数人沉的更深,但幸存下来的人,也有更多的机会和氛围,变得更清醒,清醒到有足够能力来意识到,之前说的那些加诸自身的细微文化影响。希望能抱抱他们。

里世界 – 6

By: fivestone
14 August 2023 at 06:49







再变成「这样的地方不存在,那又能怎样呢」,然后再分析,那样的一个理想化的环境,——无论是期望现实中存在的,还是在脑海中凭空构造的,——它对我的吸引力,是由哪些因素导致的呢?很多因素,经过这样的分析后,都可以选择从自我身上去剔除(aka 修仙)。

Stop finding neverland,不是因为要脚踏实地了,而是接受「没有」的状态,让自己根本不再需要,任何形式的 land,作为支撑。

