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Novel way to beat dengue: Deaf mosquitoes stop having sex
Quincy Jones, giant of US music, dies aged 91
一早起来就看到影视飓风 Tim 和小鱼离婚的消息,我还以为起猛了
4 岁半的孩子,总不是不好好喝奶,有什么办法吗?
4 岁半的孩子,总是不能好好喝奶,好话歹话都说尽,制定规则限时喝奶,超过时间就倒掉,也没有用,就是哭,让她好好喝依然不喝,又不愿意你倒奶。很想揍她,又怕留下心理阴影,很想关她小黑屋,又怕破坏安全感。
iPhone 用户们,你们门禁卡怎么解决的?
时至今日,iPhone 还不支持 NFC 写入门禁卡, 各位 V 友怎么解决携带门禁卡的? 我是在手机背后贴了 3 个门禁卡贴,但不美观而且手机壳有些不贴合。
OPPO 授权体验店购买一加 13 的垃圾体验
- 线下官方授权体验店预订一台一加 13
- 沟通的赠品是耳机 + 充电宝
询问是否能换成其他赠品,比如充电头,告知不行,还先后强调了两次 “耳机卖二手都有 200 块”
- 事实是闲鱼全新也就一百
- 有种以前超市购物中奖 “XX 元即可带走 YY 元玉石” 那种被人当傻子骗的感觉
- 表达了对这种连哄带骗话术的不满 + 不要赠品了到此为止
手机到店,取机,离店后拆袋发现,赠送了一个耳机 + 一个三无充电宝,感觉吃了个苍蝇
- 没有品牌,没有生产厂家,没有中文标识
- 该充电宝是门店赠送,有导购企业微信 & 在线客户电话录音证明)
- 追究门店行为,于是向收款主体所在的市场监督部门进行了举报,主张销售/赠送三无产品
- 期望 OPPO 加强监督,于是拨打了 OPPO 客服电话进行反馈
- 我的回复是 ”没有换货诉求,正常处理,不要道德绑架“
OPPO 电话客服从第二通电话就开始摆烂,而且是特别讨厌的那种你爱咋咋地的语气
- “我们会处理,但是不能告诉你具体的处理方式”
- “你不接受这也是最终结果”
- “工商告诉我们没问题”
- “OPPO 确认体验店赠送了三无充电宝,但是我们的处理就这样了”
- “你要继续投诉客服,我会帮你记录,但不会给你任何回复”
- 致电 OPPO 的监察和廉政部门,答复是可以写个邮件,会转交客服部门处理
- 等待杭州市场监督部门的回复和处理
- 没啥意愿给 OPPO 监察部门写邮件了
- 从头到尾,没有人想要去解决问题,很多时候,只需要不敷衍的去加强监管即可
- 从合同主体的角度,购买过程和 OPPO 总部没有关系,但是这种针对门店管理的消极态度让人没有信心
- 接触过的最差品牌客服,没有之一
Linux 微信 4.0 来了!牛逼
求助 这个网页咋实现的 有点帅
Novel way to beat dengue: Deaf mosquitoes stop having sex
Scientists believe they have found a quirky way to fight mosquito-spread diseases such as dengue, yellow fever and Zika - by turning male insects deaf so they struggle to mate and breed.
Mosquitoes have sex while flying in mid-air and the males rely on hearing to chase down a female, based on her attractive wingbeats.
The researchers did an experiment, altering a genetic pathway that male mosquitoes use for this hearing. The result - they made no physical contact with females, even after three days in the same cage.
Female mosquitoes are the ones that spread diseases to people, and so trying to prevent them having babies would help reduce overall numbers.
The team from the University of California, Irvine studied Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, which spread viruses to around 400 million people a year.
They closely observed the insects' aerial mating habits - that can last between a few seconds to just under a minute - and then figured out how to disrupt it using genetics.
They targeted a protein called trpVa that appears to be essential for hearing.
In the mutated mosquitoes, neurons normally involved in detecting sound showed no response to the flight tones or wingbeats of potential mates.
The alluring noise fell on deaf ears.
In contrast, wild (non-mutant) males were quick to copulate, multiple times, and fertilised nearly all the females in their cage.
The researchers from the University of California, Santa Barbara, who have published their work in the journal PNAS, said the effect of the gene knock-out was "absolute", as mating by deaf males was entirely eliminated.
Dr Joerg Albert, from the University of Oldenburg in Germany, is an expert on mosquito mating and I asked him what he made of the research.
He said attacking sense of sound was a promising route for mosquito control, but it needed to be studied and managed.
"The study provides a first direct molecular test, which suggests that hearing is indeed not only important for mosquito reproduction but essential.
"Without the ability of males to hear - and acoustically chase - female mosquitoes might become extinct."
Another method being explored is releasing sterile males in areas where there are pockets of mosquito-spread diseases, he added.
Although mosquitoes can carry diseases, they are an important part of the food chain - as nourishment for fish, birds, bats and frogs, for example - and some are important pollinators.
Plans to ban smoking outside schools and hospitals
The government has announced plans to make it illegal to smoke in children's playgrounds and outside schools and hospitals in England, with some places also becoming vape-free.
In Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, it is already an offence to smoke on NHS hospital grounds.
The Tobacco and Vapes Bill would also make it impossible for anyone currently aged 15 or under to buy cigarettes - something the previous government had planned - and give more powers to restrict vape flavours, displays and packaging.
A ban on the sale of single-use disposable vapes from next June in England and Wales has already been announced.
Health Secretary Wes Streeting said the government was taking "bold action" to create a smoke-free generation, "clamp down on kids getting hooked on nicotine through vapes" and protect the vulnerable from the dangers of second-hand cigarette smoke.
Plans include extending the indoor smoking ban to certain outdoor settings, such as schools and hospitals, to protect children and the most vulnerable.
But the government has rowed back on plans to ban smoking in gardens of pubs and bars in England.
It said it was considering outdoor vaping bans too in some places.
The proposals will all be open to public debate over the coming months.
Under the bill, shops would have to obtain a licence in order to sell tobacco, vape and nicotine products in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
This would mean on-the-spot fines of £200 for retailers selling unregulated products or to people aged under 18.
A registration system for retailers selling these products has been in place in Scotland since 2017.
Smoking puts huge pressure on the NHS. It kills 80,000 people a year in the UK and is responsible for one in four of all deaths from cancer.
It also increases the risk of many illnesses including heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, asthma and dementia.
The government said smoking also cost the economy £18bn a year in lost productivity, with smokers a third more likely to be off work sick.
Health charities have welcomed the bill, which will be subject to consultation for the next six months.
Action on Smoking and Health said it would help create a country where young people would never start smoking.
“It is important to have the debate about how we will protect children and vulnerable people from the harms of second-hand smoke," said the charity's chair, Prof Nick Hopkinson.
He added: "A key next step is for the government to set out further how it will help the UK’s six million smokers to quit. This will require a properly funded plan, paid for by a levy on tobacco companies.”
Dr Charmaine Griffiths, British Heart Foundation chief executive, said she welcomed the government's commitment to protect children and vulnerable people from second-hand smoke in schools, playgrounds and hospital grounds.
"We also welcome measures to make vaping less appealing to young people," she said.
Shoplifting levels 'unacceptable', inquiry finds
Shoplifting is at "unacceptable" levels and not being tackled properly, a Lords inquiry has found.
The crime is seriously underreported and the problem is so urgent police forces need to take "immediate action", according to the House of Lords Justice and Home Affairs Committee.
It says retailers need to be able to report crimes more easily, more funding is needed for offender rehabilitation, and regulations should be introduced to make it more difficult to sell stolen goods online anonymously.
The Home Office said it was making assaults on shopworkers a criminal offence and deploying "thousands" of police officers dedicated to tackling shoplifting.
The Lords committee held an inquiry into tackling shoplifting in which it heard evidence from police chiefs, retailers and industry experts in May and September.
In a letter published today, it said there were more than 443,000 incidents of shop theft recorded by police in March 2024 – the highest ever since records began 20 years ago.
But they were "a drop in the ocean" when compared with likely real figures estimated at 17 million annually – which has "devastating consequences for businesses and families".
Shop theft has evolved from "individualised offending to relentless, large-scale, organised operations accompanied by unprecedented levels of violence", it added.
Tracey Robertson, co-owner of Paw Prints – a small chain of pet shops across Yorkshire – says shoplifting costs her business around £8,000 a year.
"It’s a financial impact on a family business. It’s bad in the fact that it affects the staff that work for us because sometimes it’s aggressive and violent," she said.
The committee supported schemes like Project Pegasus - a partnership between retailers and police to tackle organised shoplifting gangs - but said there needs to be a strategy to deal with local prolific offenders too.
"The scale of the shop theft problem within England and Wales is totally unacceptable and action, like that under way in the Pegasus scheme, is vital and urgent," said Lord Foster of Bath, chair of the committee.
The committee found there is a widespread perception that shop theft is not treated seriously by the police which "risks undermining confidence in the police and wider criminal justice system".
It said shoplifting cost the retail sector nearly £2bn last year – which resulted in price rises impacting individuals, families and communities.
"We acknowledge the pressures on police resources, but we believe that the urgency of the situation relating to shop theft requires immediate action within existing police staffing levels," the letter said.
It has made a series of recommendations to the government which it says would "help tackle the problem and keep the public and our economy safer".
These include:
- Phasing out the use of the outdated term "shoplifting" which serves to trivialise the severity of the offence
- Developing improved reporting systems to enable retailers to report crime to the police quickly and easily
- Increasing funding to community-based reoffending and rehabilitation initiatives
- Introducing regulations to make it more difficult to sell stolen goods on online marketplaces anonymously
- Introducing regulations and best practice guidance for the use of facial recognition technology by private companies
Shop owner Tracey Robertson believes the recommendations do not go far enough and wants to see much tougher sentences for repeat offenders.
Professor of criminology Emmeline Taylor, who gave evidence to the inquiry, said the committee recommendations are "far-reaching" and understand the multiple root causes of shop theft.
"If adopted by the police, the industry and the government it will certainly do a huge amount to begin to turn the tide on the tsunamic of shop theft that has impacted the retail sector across the UK."
The National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) said it welcomed the report which further highlights the significant impact retail crime has on its victims.
"We are doing all we can to reduce thefts and pursue offenders, especially those prolific and habitual offenders, who cause misery within the community," said Chief Constable Amanda Blakeman, the NPCC’s lead for acquisitive crime.
The Home Office said it understands the "devastating impact" of shop theft has on communities.
A spokesperson added: "We are taking immediate action through our commitment to scrap the £200 shop theft threshold, and making assaults on shop workers a criminal offence.
"We will also put thousands more dedicated police officers on our streets, and establish a Retail Crime Forum for retailers to confidently implement tactics against shop theft."
影视飓风 Tim 的前妻倒追男方,他们在谈恋爱的时候,本来还没有准备结婚,但女方由于被检查出有抑郁症,所以 Tim 答应了。
不知道 V 站有没有得过抑郁症并且在医院检查过的人,来说一说医院有没有什么办法确保患者真的有抑郁症,而不是假装的。是否存在一种客观的、无法伪造的检测方法?例如一个抑郁症脑部扫描仪,扫描一下脑袋就知道是否有抑郁症?或者能不能检测血液中某种激素的含量,来判断有没有抑郁症?
求推荐一款 3k 左右的安卓手机
现在用的是 iqoo neo3 ,谢谢
xdm,怎么看待“15 岁山东初中生做 CTO,开源项目刚刚被数百万元收购了”
15 岁山东初中生做 CTO ,开源项目刚刚被数百万元收购了
好久不见,Chat Nio 回来了!(开源一站式商业平台)附赠我的初中开发经历
MacBook Pro 用了 AlDente,控制在 60%电量,是不是还是会用电池的电量?我发现循环次数还是会增加?
关于 Apple watch 的优化充电功能
我来分享一下所谓的国内安卓手机渠道价及寻找方法,适用于 HOVM
“渠道价”是啥?很难找一个正式的定义,按我个人理解,就是通过非官方的销售网络以相对官方售价更便宜的价格购买新产品,我了解到的最容易找到的品牌分别是 OPPO 、Vivo 、荣耀、某些非热门华为机型,小米直销为主,很少有公开的渠道。
不同品牌价格优惠空间不一样,比如去年一加 12 首发,16+1T 官方售价 5299 ,我走下线渠道 4850 买的,优惠了 450. 今年一加 13 上市后我问了一下,顶配 24+1T 官方加 5999 ,渠道售价 5499 ,其余配置的优惠大致在 400 左右。
Vivo X200ProMini 16+512G ,官方价格 5299 ,我 4690 买了一台给媳妇用。
Oppo 本家的优惠力度跟 Vivo 差不多,一加稍微少一点,荣耀我本身不怎么关注,印象中以前问过一次,大概也是有 500 左右优惠。
首先上咸鱼,搜索你的目标产品,筛选本地,比如“全新 Vivo X200Promini”,然后那些一看就是商家的,点开来看,如果他主页挂着 vivo 、oppo 、华为等各种产品的新机,那八九不离十,可以问下价格,实体店在哪里等,多问几个总能找到的。
一般一个城市某一类产业都是聚集起来的,比如我在上海,当年买 x90 时候在咸鱼上搜,搜出来好些商家,发现他们基本都集中在上海火车站那边,实地去买了一次。到了才发现一整层都是手机店,每家店都是啥品牌都卖,价格大差不差。大家留意下自己城市的类似地方,去问问也许有惊喜。
我喜欢干脆直接的价格优惠,所以近两年先后在渠道买了 Vivo X90 、一加 12 、Oppo Find X6Pro 、Vivo X200 Pro mini 这些手机,优惠基本都在 500 以上,x6p 甚至夸张的优惠了小 1000.
如果真的实在找不到渠道价,也可以蹲一蹲咸鱼,新机上市有些分期套现出全新未拆封手机的,基本也能优惠 2 、300 左右。
初入股市听信别人的被套了 20 个点,所以越发觉跟着别人走永远都是吃剩下的(操作滞后性,别人吃肉自己基本高位接盘).所以问下 v 友你们一般是用什么工具分析股市的,工具一般从哪些点来分析股市哪些信息的.
[求助帖] 请教跨网调度(异网调度)是什么工作原理?
求好用的 Markdown 编写工具
由于经常从磁力网站下载一些学习资源,最近一个月发现,每当 pc 打开迅雷,前几分钟还能维持 20M/s 左右的速度,然后就掉到几十 kb ,并且此时还会把家里的两台路由器网络干崩,手机等无线设备都无法联网了。 当关闭迅雷时一切问题就会自动解决
一早起来就看到影视飓风 Tim 和小鱼离婚的消息,我还以为起猛了
Nginx 能不能实现按域名限制网速? -> ->
想要实现的效果: 限制访问带宽为 2M (外网访问,不限制访问 ) 限制访问带宽为 3M (外网访问)
1 、防火墙或网关限制(只能基于 IP 限制,而且不灵活)
2 、Nginx 自带的访问频率和访问速率控制 (有一定效果,不够灵活并且如果是已建立的连接,限制带宽操作不生效,需要断开本次连接,重新再连时才生效)