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Today — 22 December 2024Main stream

M4 Mac Mini 终于到货了,但遇到个问题, HDMI 显示器黑屏

By: fancy2020
22 December 2024 at 16:43

我有两台显示器,LG Ultrafine 5K 用 Type-C 线连接雷电口,还有一台 Dell 的连接 HDMI 口。 刚开机的时候 Dell 显示器一直闪烁,然后我把线重新插拔了一下可以点亮了。但是之后每隔几分钟就黑屏闪一次。


iPhone mirroring 做的真烂, mac 上还不如小米互联好用

By: Awes0me
22 December 2024 at 16:27


mac 上的 iPhone mirroring ,摄像头不让用,抖音也打不了字,连接还间歇性失败,但是 mac 上的小米镜像就很好用,上面三个问题全都没遇到过,还能很方便的传文件。

Windows 上小米互联也挺烂的,当然我是 diy pc 装的开心版小米管家,只能说极其臃肿,还挑无线网卡,Intel 的网卡就是龟速,不得不给他换了 mtk 的 Wi-Fi7 网卡,但就算这样 Windows 上的小米镜像,同样的网络环境下我感觉还不如 mac 上流畅,明明理论硬件性能比 mac 好太多。


By: twoz
22 December 2024 at 16:10
twoz: 以前一直用银联 visa 卡订阅的尼日利亚区的 premium ,一个月只要五块钱左右,但是这个月被禁止了,要用尼日利亚原生的卡才行。
现在把一个 apple id 改成了尼日利亚区,App Store 订阅个人 premium ,一个月 1500 尼币。
因为没有当地的信用卡,只能咸鱼买礼品卡兑换,9000 尼币大概要 70 块钱。

headscale+derper+tailscale 组网问题

22 December 2024 at 15:49

环境: 1 、云服务器:A 、香港、B 、新加坡、C 、广州 2 、家里局域网:PVE ( ros+openwrt+ubuntu ( tailscale )) 3 、headscal+derper 部署在 B 服务器上

现状: 1 、科学上网:A 服务器装 xui 面板,全屋终端通过 OPENWRT ( passwall 通过公网连 A 服务器),问题:延时大,时不时丢包。 2 、使用 chatgpt:按照 1 的方式部署,切换到 openwrt 连 B 服务器;

3 、延时:家里终端 ping C 服务器,延时是 10ms 左右,c 服务器 ping A 服务器也是 10ms 左右,C 服务器 ping B 服务器 40ms 左右

需求:家里终端科学上网的流量通过 tailscale 虚拟局域网,先到达 C 服务器,再由 c 服务器转发给 A 服务器,或者 B 服务器,如果 c 服务器能自由选路最好。 请教大神,静态路由怎么写,或者方案可以怎么设置

支持 MCP 协议的,新的 Chat 客户端,支持 Windows+🍏MacOS

22 December 2024 at 15:09

支持 MCP 协议的 Chat ,使用 OpenAI 的协议,兼容 Claude Desktop 配置文件。支持 Client 热加载,重启,禁用。已经开源。

欢迎大家使用,Star ,提 bug 。



  • 🪟Windows+🍏MacOS
  • 支持 nvm
  • Resources 支持
  • Prompts 部分支持
  • Tools 支持
  • 支持英文和中文


Namecheap 免费域名。以及 com 新注册 6.49 刀

By: tunggt
22 December 2024 at 15:05
tunggt: Namecheap 就不多介绍了,知名域名服务商
最近活动,可以免费注册 .news 域名

此外还有 com 域名注册 6.49 刀
优惠码 NEWCOM649
其他域名也可以使用 24 周年优惠,3-5 刀不等

有需要的可以去注册,3 数字或 3 字母的如今还剩下很多。

有需要代购加拿大 aritzia 羽绒服的吗

22 December 2024 at 15:04

这周媳妇在小红书上发了 aritzia 羽绒服的开箱视频,没想到挺多人来咨询代购的,已经代购三件了。之前在 V2EX 看到有问羽绒服的帖子,就想看看有没有这边有没有朋友想代购的,媳妇好久没工作了,最近干的挺起劲的,就帮她推下哈哈哈。

简单介绍下 aritzia ,跟 lululemon 差不多的加拿大本地服装品牌,价格也差不多,大概一千多人民币一件羽绒服,可以在-30℃到-22℃穿。

我媳妇自己买了一件长款和一件短款羽绒服,给我买了一件短款的,前两天-22℃ 的时候出门办事体验了下,她说完全不冷,我觉得前胸稍微有一点点凉,不知道是因为我的是人造羽绒,还是号买大了(国内都是 L ,到这边买的 M 还大)的原因。今天去换了另外一件 S 码的长款了...



macmini 做软路由 在手机上用 shadowrocket/wiregurad 实现科学上网以及访问家里的局域网

By: wynemo
22 December 2024 at 15:04
wynemo: 在 mac mini 上打开流量转发 sudo sysctl -w net.inet.ip.forwarding=1
跑一个小火箭或者 sing-box 实现了局域网的科学上网
在手机上用 wiregurad 连接到家里的 macmini
实现科学上网 以及访问家里的局域网的服务
这个方案要求有公网 IP 有自己的域名
然后用 DDNS 把自己的公网 IP 指向自己的域名
推荐用 cloudflare 来做 ddns

mac 商店里下载一个 wireguard 配置好打开服务,作为服务节点
路由器里把 macmini 的监听端口映射到公网

iphone 上下载一个 shadowrocket 来连接家里
android 可用手机版的 wiregurad

用 shadowrocket 记得去掉家里局域网的网段
这样访问局域网就是通过 wireguard 用 mac mni 去访问

这样既能科学上网 用模块去广告 还能回家



By: yin039512
22 December 2024 at 14:52

30 岁,没有多么热爱技术,所以技术专家的路径个人走不远,我不信程序员 35 是个坎,但是 45 、55 一定是个坎,所以还是想切换个可持续性更长的赛道。


1 、利用双休及下班时间(除了干干家务,其他时间我都打游戏了),这些时间可以做些什么,要对我近几年想换可持续赛道有帮助的,实际也务实一些的。

2 、我只想到了考公考编,这个感觉实现的概率太低,千军万马过独木桥。除此之外还有什么别的选择吗,后续可以接受月薪 4-5000 ,但是要稳定的行业职业

3 、这些时间当然可以学学英语,打打游戏,提升软实力或者是放松身体,但是这对我近 2-3 年换赛道是微不足道的,我需要一个或者几个明确的方向,按照这个目标一点点积累,准备


『关闭 JavaScript 也能确保页面工作』是否仍是开发目标之一?

22 December 2024 at 14:49

事情的起因是这样的:最近在制作一个页面,其中有一个 tabs 标签页,点击不同的标签,tab 变色,下面的内容也相应切换。当然,用 js 可以很容易的实现,只要到哪个被点击了触发事件,就显示隐藏某些内容,然后变色就行

但是最近好像又看到说法说,很多网页关掉了 JavaScript 之后(选择关掉 js 的,好像是对隐私极度敏感的人)就是功能缺失,页面崩坏,影响浏览体验。很显然,我写的这一个 tabs 关掉 js 也是不能正常运行的

网上当然能找到很多的纯 HTML+CSS 就能做出同样效果的,但是我看过代码,基本上都是手动编码各个情况,代码量复杂了很多,维护不便,感觉用在实际的环境中可能不太妙?

不知道各位 V 友怎么看,是主要照顾关 js 的体验,还是说 js 不用白不用,还是说根据不同的项目而定?

大连 TOB 招 前端高级开发 以及 UI 设计各一位

By: bsg1992
22 December 2024 at 14:40

大连 TOB 招 前端高级开发 以及 UI 设计各一位


  1. 至少 6 年以上前端开发经验
  2. 有从 0-1 的中大型前端项目开发经验
  3. 有低代码平台开发经验
  4. 有完整前端工程化体系搭建能力
  5. 熟练掌握 Vue 技术栈
  6. 对 nodejs 也得有一定程度上的熟练
  7. 有良好的沟通表达能力,有责任心
  8. 全日制本科 计算机相关专业


  1. 英语读写熟练,能日常交流最好
  2. 有后端开发经验,或者掌握一门后端开发语言
  3. 对主流关系型数据库有了解并且有使用经验
  4. 有开发过 UI 组件库

薪资范围 10K-20K

UI 设计

  1. 3 年以上 tob 类软件设计经验
  2. 在工作中有一定程度上的参与过项目业务
  3. 具备良好的 UI 交互设计能力
  4. 有一定的视觉表现以及色彩能力
  5. 全日制本科 设计,艺术 计算机类相关专业
  6. 有良好的沟通表达能力,有责任心


  1. 对 HTML CSS 有一定程序的了解
  2. 参与过桌面端软件设计
  3. 英语读写熟练,能日常交流最好

薪资范围 10K

工作时间、休假和福利 一周 5 天 7:50~4:40 (中午有一小时午休) 双休,年假以及节日休息均按照国家标准 有班车上下班接送(如果开车公司每月提供油补) 公司有食堂午餐免费,加班晚餐也免费提供,食堂也提供早餐需要个人付费 提供员工宿舍(个人付费) 五险一金按照满额缴纳

其他 没有年龄要求的限制,如果个人能力优秀,学历可以不做要求 团队不提倡加班,入职后无需担心加班问题,当然如果项目临近交付节点,或者个人原因导致交付进度落后还是得加班追赶进度


iOS 开发,是选 XCode 还是 VSCode?

22 December 2024 at 14:39

好久没做 iOS 开发了。

想用 Github Copilot 的话,是用 VSCode 还是 XCode 呢? XCode 也有 Copilot 插件,但不知道是不是 VSCode 配合 Copilot 更好用? XCode 的好处大概是文档很方便? 另外最近 Copilot 免费是仅仅针对 VSCode 吗?其他编辑器可以吗?

现在主流 iOS 开发是怎么选?


By: sickoo
22 December 2024 at 14:20


租房换房,如果遇到不能开孔、天地锁等原因装不了智能锁,不如动手学一下换锁芯,标配 C 级锁芯

附近实体店、美团 喊价都需要 150-200 多 这种一锤子买卖很多坑,即使录了音可能还会中途给你加价,它们就是专业干这个的,别说打 110 问公安备案,那种跟墙上贴的、美团打广告的、坑人的是同一批人

锁芯价格要看长度,比如我的 110mm (有所偏差) 30-50 之间,我挑了个 40 且顺丰包邮的(原子龙)


German police probe market attack security and warnings

22 December 2024 at 16:51
EPA Three German police officer stand behind red and white police tape by the Christmas marketsEPA

Grief and anger are boiling over in Magdeburg after an attacker used an access lane for emergency vehicles to drive into a Christmas market, killing five people and injuring hundreds.

On a visit on Saturday, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, ministers and regional political leaders were heckled by members of the public, some seemingly outraged by what was criticised as a lapse in security.

German authorities have defended the layout and security at the market.

Authorities are also facing questions after reports that they were warned last year about the suspect, with police saying they had conducted an evaluation as to whether the perpetrator might be a potential threat a year ago.

The suspect has been ordered into pre-trial detention and faces charges of murder, attempted murder and dangerous bodily harm.

Usually at this time of the year, German city centres are full of shoppers and revellers drinking mulled wine, but this year the mood is very different.

The main Christmas market is cordoned off by tape and surrounded by police vans as armed officers patrol the shops and malls nearby.

There is sadness in the air in Magdeburg, as well as bafflement and anger, as people ask how could this have happened.

As Scholz and his colleagues walked out of the cordoned-off market during their visit on Saturday, they were met with booing and heckling and shouts of "hau ab", an extremely aggressive form of "get lost".

Some people seemed enraged by a perceived lapse in security. Others appeared simply annoyed and irritated in general at Germany's political leaders.

Security has ramped up at Christmas markets across Germany since a similar attack in Berlin in 2016 when a man drove a lorry into a market crowd, killing 12 people.

Open-plan Christmas markets now have some sort of barrier around them — typically large concrete blocks, which is the case in Magdeburg.

However, the gap in the barriers was large enough to allow emergency vehicles to pass through.

City official Ronni Krug told reporters at a press conference on Saturday that emergency responders needed an evacuation route in case of a "conventional" emergency, and all the relevant agencies approved the plan.

"A safety and security concept must, on the one hand, protect those visiting an event as much as possible, but also needs to ensure, at the same time, if something does happen, they are able to leave the site safely and rapidly", he said.

"Perhaps it is something that could not have been prevented", he added.

German media reported that before the attack, there had been warnings into a potential threat from the suspect.

The suspect, a doctor from Saudi Arabia named Taleb al-Abdulmohsen, arrived in Germany in 2006 and in 2016 was recognised as a refugee.

An atheist, he ran a website that aimed to help other former Muslims flee persecution in their Gulf homelands. His social media was full of anti-Islamic sentiment and conspiracy theories.

At Saturday's press conference, Magdeburg police chief Tom-Oliver Langhans said police had conducted an evaluation as to whether the perpetrator might be a potential threat, "but that discussion was one year ago".

He added that investigations into the suspect's past were ongoing and declined to comment further.

One of those tip-offs is believed to have come from Saudi Arabia, the suspect's home country.

A source close to the Saudi government told the BBC it sent four official notifications known as "Notes Verbal" to German authorities, warning them about what they said were "the very extreme views" held by al-Abdulmohsen.

However, a counter-terrorism expert told the BBC the Saudis may have been mounting a disinformation campaign to discredit someone who tried to help young Saudi women seek asylum in Germany.

On Saturday, Langhans said he did not have information when asked about Saudi Arabia issuing warnings.

Later, the head of the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), Holger Münch, told public broadcaster ZDF that his office had received a notice from Saudi Arabia in November 2023. He said local police took appropriate investigative measures, but the matter was unspecific.

He added that the suspect "had various contacts with authorities, insulted them and even made threats, but he was not known for violent acts".

Past investigations would need to be revisited, Münch said.

Who is the suspect? What we know so far about Magdeburg market attack

22 December 2024 at 17:11
Reuters A pedestrian walkway through a Christmas market is littered with rubbish and other debrisReuters

On Friday evening, a man ploughed a car into a crowd of shoppers at a Christmas market in the German city of Magdeburg.

The attack has left five people dead and more than 200 injured, with many in a critical condition.

One man has been arrested over the attack, and police believe he was solely responsible.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz travelled to Magdeburg on Saturday, and a city councillor declared Christmas over for the city.

How did the attack unfold?

Unverified footage on social media showed a black BMW travelling at high speeds through the pedestrian walkway between Christmas stalls.

Eyewitnesses described jumping out of the car's path, fleeing or hiding. One told the Reuters news agency that police were already at the venue and chased after the car before arresting the suspect.

Footage from verified sources showed armed police confronting and arresting a man who can be seen lying on the ground next to a stationary vehicle - a black BMW with significant damage to its front bumper.

BBC correspondent Damien McGuinness in Magdeburg reported that the market is "surrounded by concrete blocks". However, "there is a gap which is wide enough for pedestrians to go through, but tragically wide enough for a car to go into the Christmas market", he said.

City officials said around 100 police, medics and firefighters, as well as 50 rescue service personnel rushed to the scene in the aftermath of the attack.

Images from the scene on Friday night showed an area outside the market awash with blue lights as dozens of first responders attended to the injured.

Video shows arrest of Magdeburg attack suspect

Who are the victims?

Five people have died in the attack, one of whom is a child.

More than 200 people have been injured and at least 41 are in a critical condition.

The toll had earlier been reported as two dead and 68 injured, but was revised to the much higher totals on Saturday morning.

None of the victims have been identified yet.

Reuters Bouquets of flowers, candles and teddy bears lean against steps at a makeshift memorialReuters
Tributes have been left at a church by the scene

Who is the suspect?

German media has identified the suspect as Taleb A, a psychiatrist who lives in Bernburg, around 40km (25 miles) south of Magdeburg.

The motive behind the attack remains unclear, but authorities have reported that they believe he carried out the attack alone.

Originally from Saudi Arabia, he arrived in Germany in 2006 and in 2016 was recognised as a refugee.

He ran a website that aimed to help other former Muslims flee persecution in their Gulf homelands.

Evidenced by social media posts, the suspect is an outspoken critic of Islam, and has promoted conspiracy theories regarding a plot to seek Islamic supremacy in Europe.

A report from Der Spiegel said a complaint was filed against Taleb A with the authorities a year ago over statements he made. Officials did not see any concrete threat, the report says.

What have officials said about the attack?

"The reports from Magdeburg raise the worst fears," the German chancellor, Olaf Scholz, said on social media platform X.

Magdeburg's city councillor for public order, Ronni Krug, said the Christmas market will stay closed and that "Christmas in Magdeburg is over", according to German public broadcaster MDR.

That sentiment was echoed on the market's website, which in the wake of the attack featured only a black screen with words of mourning, announcing that the market was over.

The Saudi government expressed "solidarity with the German people and the families of the victims", in a statement on X, and "affirmed its rejection of violence".

UK Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer said he was "horrified by the atrocious attack in Magdeburg", adding that his thoughts were with "the victims, their families and all those affected" in a post on X on Friday night.

美国军舰红海误击己方战机 两名飞行员幸存

22 December 2024 at 17:47


(德国之声中文网)美国中央司令部(CENTCOM)周六晚间宣布,一架F/A-18超级大黄蜂战斗机在从航空母舰“哈里·杜鲁门”号(USS Harry S. Truman)起飞后,被己方导弹巡洋舰“葛底斯堡”号(USS Gettysburg)“误击”后坠毁。这架飞机属于弗吉尼亚州大洋娜海军航空站第11攻击战斗机中队“红色裂缝者”。










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