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烏克蘭接受30天停火提議 傳俄羅斯已提條件

13 March 2025 at 14:17









至於烏克蘭多次強調的安全保證,據路透社報導,一位高階的烏克蘭官員透露美烏會談有討論到此事。先前法國、英國為首的歐洲國家曾表態願意派維和部隊駐烏克蘭;這次美烏聯合聲明也提及,烏克蘭認為應把歐洲的夥伴納入和平談判過程。另外,北約秘書長呂特(Mark Rutte)週四(13日)將赴白宮。





美國國務卿盧比奧(Marco Rubio)說,「現在就看俄羅斯怎麼接球」。「我們希望俄方盡快給出正面答覆,這樣我們就能展開第二階段,也就是真正的談判。」

盧比奧指出,美國將透過多種渠道向俄國提出30日停火的提案。白宮國安顧問沃爾茲(Mike Waltz)接下來幾天會跟俄方會晤;川普的特使威特克夫(Steve Witkoff)這週也預計造訪莫斯科會見普丁。


華府智庫德國馬歇爾基金會的「保障民主聯盟」專家薩沃(David Salvo)告訴DW:「從沙烏地阿拉伯這場會談,我會希望看到的是美國立場或許能有一點彈性,展現出美方會像對澤倫斯基一樣,也向俄方提出同樣困難的問題。」


美烏聲明發布前,川普第一次任內的國安顧問波頓(John Bolton)接受DW訪問。他認為,不管後續有沒有進一步談判,這時候達成的立即停火都不符合烏克蘭和西方整體利益:「我不認同可能導致烏克蘭逐漸變成實質分治的停火協議。」


據俄國官媒塔斯社報導,俄國外交部發言人扎哈羅娃(Maria Zakharova)11日僅回應,「未來幾天不排除跟美國的代表聯繫」。




德國外交部長貝爾博克(Annalena Baerbock)在X平台上表示,30天停火計劃可能成為烏克蘭追求持久和平之路的「重大轉折點」,「終止這場侵略,現在就看俄羅斯了」。

法國總統馬克宏(Emmanuel Macron)也表示接下來要看俄羅斯怎麼做。英國首相斯塔默(Keir Starmer)則表達支持美國停火提議。

歐盟委員會主席馮德萊恩(Ursula von der Leyen)、歐盟理事會主席科斯塔(António Costa)發布聯合聲明,表示歐洲已準備好「跟夥伴共同在接下來的和平談判中發揮充分作用」。



© 2025年德國之聲版權聲明:本文所有內容受到著作權法保護,如無德國之聲特別授權,不得擅自使用。任何不當行為都將導致追償,並受到刑事追究。

Thousands of high-risk toxic sites unchecked due to lack of cash

13 March 2025 at 08:54
Getty Images A power station pumps smoke into the skyGetty Images
Sites with possible contaminated land could be where old factories, power stations, railway lines or landfill sites once were

Thousands of sites potentially contaminated with toxic chemicals have never been checked by councils, a BBC investigation has found.

Nine out of 10 "high-risk" areas have not been tested by councils responding to a BBC Freedom of Information request, and scientists fear they could pose a health risk.

The sites are thought to contain substances such as lead or arsenic.

The BBC Shared Data Unit found of 13,093 potentially toxic sites that councils have identified as high risk, only 1,465 have been inspected.

The UK government has said that local unitary authorities have a statutory duty to inspect potentially contaminated sites but councils claim they do not have the money to do it.

The research comes after the release of new Netflix drama Toxic Town which tells the story of families fighting for justice following one of the UK's biggest environmental scandals.

The BBC's findings raise fresh questions about what exactly has been left beneath our feet from the UK's heavy industrial past.

"What we don't do in this country is do a full economic evaluation on the cost of things, including health and that feels almost criminal," said Dr Ian Mudway, a leading expert on the effect of pollution on human health.

"I'm not even certain we've achieved the point of scratching the surface."

Contaminated land is a site that might have been polluted from its previous use - it could have been a factory, power station, a railway line, landfill site, petrol station or dry cleaners.

If you live in a property constructed after 2000, any contamination issues should be covered by updated planning laws.

How much land is contaminated in the UK?

But if you live in a property built before 2000, the rules are less clear.

The Environmental Protection Act requires councils to list all potential contaminated sites, and inspect the high-risk ones to make sure people and property are not at risk.

But after contacting all 122 unitary authorities in Wales, Scotland and England about their contaminated land, 73 responded to the BBC's Shared Data Unit Freedom of Information request which revealed there were 430,000 potential sites identified in the early 2000s.

Of those, 13,093 were considered to be potentially high-risk, which experts said should have then been subject to physical testing. Yet, more than 11,000 of them remain unchecked to this day.

Half of Wales' 22 councils told the BBC they could not or would not give us figures - but those that did, identified 698 high-risk sites of which 586 have not been inspected.

An aerial shot of the River Ystwyth valley. The river is on the left of the photo and there are houses in the green fields to the right of photo.
Despite the stunning backdrop, the River Ystwyth that flows through Cwmystwyth in mid Wales is among the most heavily polluted rivers in the UK due to the area's industrial past

Where Robin Morris lives is home to more than 400 of Wales' 1,300 abandoned metal mines and its three rivers, the Ystwyth, Rheidol and the Clarach, are some of the most heavily-polluted in the UK.

The Cwmystwyth mines in north Ceredigion date back to the Bronze Age and were abandoned in 1950, but spoils including a high level of zinc, cadmium and lead scatter the landscape and have polluted the River Ystwyth below.

Many Cwmystwyth locals, like Robin, have filtration systems installed if they receive their water from the hills where the old mines were.

"We installed an advance filtration system and were assured it would take absolutely everything," he said.

'Alarm bells'

The BBC took a soil sample from Robin's garden on the banks of the Ystwyth and it revealed a very high reading of lead - well above the recommended safe level for gardening.

"It causes alarm bells to ring," Robin told BBC Wales Investigates.

"In light of the figures from your soil sample, we should have stopped growing vegetables long ago."

It's just one sample, but other things that have happened in the past now seem to make more sense.

Robin Morris in a blue shirt near his home on the banks of the River Ystwyth in mid Wales.
Robin Morris added a water filtration system to his home's water supply so he can drink clean water

"We had ducks and chickens, a couple of the ducks went lame and we did consult the vet, he thought it was because of lead contamination," added Robin.

Ceredigion council said it was liaising with Wales' environmental body National Resources Wales to continually assess the health impact from the area's mining legacy.

Dr Mudway insists there was "no safe level" of lead and told the BBC it could impact children's development as well as kidney and cardiovascular disease in adults.

"Nothing is more of a forever chemical than lead," added the environmental toxicologist at Imperial College London.

"This is a hazard that has not gone away and is still a clear and present danger to the population.

Dr Ian Mudway in a white lab coat at his university. He is looking at the camera, he has grey hair and is wearing a pair of glasses.
Dr Ian Mudway wants to raise public awareness of lead and other toxic chemicals

"It's one of the few chemical entities for which we can calculate a global burden of disease - between half a million to just under a million premature deaths per year because of the release of lead into our environment.

"When you talk about the cost of ensuring that land is safe... that costs money up front.

"The costs of potential health effects, especially if they contribute to chronic diseases which people live with for 10 or 20 years, or the costs of remediating land, after when you realise that it's a high-level, dwarf the profits made at the other end of that cycle. That feels almost criminal.

"The health cost is hardly considered at all."

Huw Chiswell Manon Chiswell with her father Huw. Huw is looking at the camera and has his mouth open. He is wearing a blue shirt with a dark-grey cardigan over the top. He has black shades on and grey hair. He is holding his daughter, who is in the right of the photo, she has light-brown hair, and is wearing a white top. The sea and beach are behind them.Huw Chiswell
Huw Chiswell believes his daughter was most likely poisoned at their home

When Manon Chiswell was a toddler she suddenly stopped talking - doctors advised her family she was showing lots of autistic traits.

"I do have memories of being very closely monitored in Meithrin [nursery]... I always had an adult with me," said Manon, now 20.

"I couldn't speak... they had to use a traffic light system, and yes or no cards to redirect me and help me communicate."

But a blood test later found high levels of lead in Manon's blood.

She was not autistic, she had been poisoned.

Her father, Huw Chiswell, believed Manon was most likely poisoned at their home in Cardiff, which was near an old industrial site.

Manon Chiswell is looking at the camera. She is sat on a picnic table with her hand on the table itself. She has blue nail varnish and blue fingerless gloves. She is wearing a black leather jacket under a black t-shirt.
A blood test found high levels of lead in Manon's blood

"She used to eat earth [as a toddler] in the garden," he said.

"There were railway sidings not far from where we lived at the time, so it's difficult to draw any other conclusions really, because once she'd stopped the eating, she got better."

But it is not just about lead - a government report suggests that sites posing the greatest health risks were also contaminated by chemicals such as arsenic, nickel, chromium, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) found in soil or water.

PA Media A picture of Zane Gbangbola. Someone is holding the large photo which has Zane who is of mixed heritage and has curly hair. PA Media
An inquest into Zane Gbangbola's death concluded he was killed by carbon monoxide but his parents dispute the coroner's verdict

Campaigners want a new law forcing councils to keep a public register of all potential contaminated sites.

It is led by the parents of a seven-year-old boy who died from poisonous gas after the River Thames flooded their home in 2014, and they believe the fumes came from a nearby landfill.

Zane's law - named after Zane Gbangbola - also calls for measures such as more money for councils to identify and test possible sites.

"You have to know that it exists before you can protect yourself," said Zane's dad Kye Gbangbola, who was left paralysed after the gas poisoning.

"Until we have Zane's Law people will remain unprotected."

When tighter regulations on dealing with potentially contaminated land became law 25 years ago, the minister that pushed them through wanted just that.

Now John Selwyn Gummer feels UK government funding cuts has meant far fewer inspections.

John Selwyn Gummer in a blue suit is to the left of the image, looking slightly away from the camera.
John Selwyn Gummer, now Lord Deben, was secretary of state for the environment between 1993 and 1997

"There is no way in which local authorities can do this job without having the resources," said Lord Deben.

"Successive governments have under-provided for the work that we need to do."

'There's a possibility some people's health is being threatened'

Several councils have told the BBC that funding is the reason they had stopped checking possible contaminated land.

Phil Hartley was one of hundreds of officers across the UK that used to check potential sites and Newcastle's former council contamination officer.

He said the central government grant removal had led to a "collapse" in checks.

"Since the money dried up very, very few councils proactively go out looking for contaminated land sites because the council doesn't want to take the risk of finding them," said Mr Hartley.

"There's a possibility that some people's health is being threatened, which is not great."

The UK government said local authorities had a statutory duty to inspect potentially contaminated sites, require remediation and maintain a public register of remediated land.

"Any risk to public health from contaminated land is a serious matter," a spokesperson from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs said.

They also asked the Environment Agency to produce a new state of contaminated land report to provide the "best possible baseline of data to measure future policies related to contaminated land against".

The bodies that represent councils in Wales and England both said a lack of cash meant they could not fulfil their duty.

The Welsh Local Government Association said while Wales' 22 councils took their responsibility to check sites "seriously", progress was "increasingly constrained by a lack of dedicated funding and specialist resources".

England's Local Government Association said: "Without adequate funding, councils will continue to struggle to provide crucial services - with devastating consequences for those who rely on them."

You can watch Britain's Toxic Secret on BBC iPlayer and BBC One on Thursday 13 March at 20:30 GMT

SpaceX rocket due to bring stranded astronauts home stays grounded

13 March 2025 at 08:16
BBC Breaking NewsBBC

A SpaceX mission that aimed to clear the way for two stranded astronauts to get back to earth has been postponed.

The launch from Florida's Cape Canaveral Space Force Station was put back due to a hydraulic ground issue. There is another possible launch opportunity on Thursday.

The rocket aimed to fly four new crew members to the International Space Station (ISS) and pave the way for the return of Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore.

The two NASA astronauts flew to space in June but were not able to return on a Boeing spacecraft after it was deemed unsafe. The pair would be able to return to earth within days of the SpaceX mission reaching the ISS.

This breaking news story is being updated and more details will be published shortly. Please refresh the page for the fullest version.

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By: xing666
13 March 2025 at 09:24

2023 年和 2024 年这两年我因为重度焦虑症一直失眠,曾经好多次想过自杀,但是每次想到死亡的时候都是汗毛炸立,一身冷汗。我害怕死亡,害怕再也见不到心爱的儿子和爱人,再也见不到朋友和这个世界。也是因为害怕死亡,让我逐渐放弃了自杀这种念头,焦虑症慢慢的好了。




By: xtx
13 March 2025 at 08:07
xtx: 去杭州找朋友玩,待了两天。
很多路口都有可变车道,调节车道流量,而且每条车道都用数字 12345 标记好,黄牌大货车只给走指定一条道路,这个在上海我是真没见过。车让人做的确实不错,杭州这点比较出名。


By: Amose2024
12 March 2025 at 21:58

公司新入职一小年轻,一本 CS 专业出身,无项目经验。最近公司立项,做一个内容类分享网站,新同事作为主要开发者,我只负责 Review 代码。他向老板给出的完成日期是 8 个工作日。有点惊到我了。虽说网站不算复杂,但是这在需求都没明确,技术选型也没定,测试也要他包的情况下,真的这么快能完成吗?

半个小时前, ollama 上线了目前单显卡里,最强的中小模型 gemma3

By: tool3d
12 March 2025 at 17:28

由 google 出品,ollama 介绍就一句话“The current strongest model that fits on a single GPU.”,足以证明其强悍程度。

我去 google ai 官方页面看了跑分,27b 的小体积,竟然把体积大自己 20 倍的 deepseek v3 满血模型给灭了?有点令人难以置信。


Windows 求推荐能秒开的纯文本编辑器

12 March 2025 at 16:15





要求 UI 支持支持简体中文


Pydoll,取代 Selenium,一个无驱动异步网页自动化库

By: Abnl
13 March 2025 at 12:33

有人了解这个很新鲜的 python 网页自动化库吗,看介绍很高效、很牛逼的样子。

之前尝试用 Selenium 写过一个自动预约健身房的小项目,结果一直过不了网页的反爬机制,打开网页一片空白... 不知道用这个能不能轻松搞成。


By: 492
13 March 2025 at 12:19




金三银四 怕是凉了 24 届后端求职

By: tpeng9240
13 March 2025 at 11:55






我用 Cursor 开发的一款 iOS 应用 涂色乐园 上线了《有小朋友的可以进来看看 文末有兑换码

13 March 2025 at 11:41


家里小朋友正处于幼儿园阶段,喜欢画画,所以我会在 iPad 上给她找一些涂色应用让她偶尔玩玩!其中比较出名的一款是《迪士尼魔法涂色》,但是市面上很多涂色应用都是收费的,而且还不便宜,涂色主题内容还是单一固定的!

所以我就想到了为啥不自己利用 AI 大模型来做一个可以生成涂色图片,并且可以直接涂色的应用?哪怕我之前没上架过 APP ,但是有了 AI 我一点都不慌,于是说干就干~


现阶段启动一个全新领域的新项目最快的办法毫无疑问是通过 AI ,通过 Cursor 编辑器,我提了我的需求和大纲(主要用 claude-3.7-sonnet-thinking),给我建好了项目结构文件目录和一些基本的页面设计!

其实一开始还有考虑到用 SwiftUI 来开发,项目都创建好了,但是后面看到 Bolt 等网站都可以直接开发 React-Native 应用了,我发现 AI 写 React-Native 比 SwiftUI 更强一点!所以果断转到 React-Native + Expo 来开发。

技术选型和整体需求设计都通过 AI 搞定了,接下来就是慢慢给 claude 提示词来实现我的具体功能!

claude-3.7-sonnet-thinking 好用但并不完美

在开发过程中,像图片生成展示等简单静态页面用 AI 都是比较快就写好来的,哪里不满意再稍微调整一下就好了!

但是在开发涂色页面的时候,这个 AI 有时候就显得有点弱智,如果是真的编程小白而不是像我这样有一点的编程经验的人可能还真处理不了!比如涂色页面一般需要画笔橡皮擦等功能,但是橡皮擦不能擦掉原图,但是 AI 实现的版本就可以把原图擦了,然后我提示它可以再加一层画布在上面;但是他加完之后之前实现的保存图片功能又出问题了,不知道要把两个画布图层合并再保存!


总之就是 AI 编码现在确实好用,尤其是一些逻辑简单,交互简单的需求!但是对一些富应用来说有很多细节可能还得自己来把握,不然把你坑了都不知道!不过有时候和它对话,看它的 thinking 过程,有时候会也会有一些启发!



Simulator 和真机测试差距大

因为这个 APP 是我在公司利用摸鱼下班时间写的,全程在 Simulator 上开发测试的,但是后面提交审核的时候发现给拒绝了,后面在家里用 iPad 一看,好家伙差距这么大,连全屏展示都没有!

于是第二天带着 iPad 去公司赶忙修改了一版重新提交。所以各位有真机的还是不能偷这个懒!


一开始 APP 名字就是通过 deepseek 取的叫 ColorJoy ,上架大陆商店的时候发现 没问题就直接提交了,后面第二天想提交到美国商店的时候发现这时候应用被占用了,只能让 deepseek 重新取一个,选了好久才发现一个没占用的 ColoringLand 。但是这样一来不就两英文名字了么,于是我就在大陆市场重新取了一个名字叫 涂色乐园!

好家伙,上架个 APP 取个名字都这么麻烦。


一开始想着做给自己娃用的,但是想着要是免费上架了,我的 API 不会给人刷爆吗?所以赶紧加了一个售价,暂时就卖 18 元。不想着赚钱,只希望有个门槛,API 不会被人家刷爆。



开源作品 CloseTab,浏览器插件,支持一键关闭当前窗口所有 tab 页并保存,支持一键恢复关闭的标签页

By: redbin
13 March 2025 at 11:37
redbin: 仓库地址:

1.下载 ZIP 压缩包 到本地


想了解一下 NAS,及 NAS 类管理软件

By: KING754
13 March 2025 at 11:29

想组新电脑来着,一直各种看。 看来看去,也要 1W 多,准备先暂时弃了。让我 12 年前的电脑再战一段时间(最起码坚持到 6 月)。

但是,又想要组个 NAS ,没有弄过和了解过。

NAS 要点:

1.公网访问(现在是联通,有公网 IP )

2.手机一键剪切(不是复制,主要是为了清理手机空间)到 NAS

3.也不想额外花钱,买 NAS 。家里有一台电脑。是不是什么别的文案?

4.长期开机的电费费用和购买 NAS 然后常期的费用 三年内来算。哪个划算一点?

