这样的趋势引发了一个问题:在台湾现行的法律体制下,有线、无线电视台的营运和内容受到“国家通讯传播委员会”( National Communications Commission,NCC)的监管,然而一旦电视台失去了执照无法上架电视节目,转战YouTube或其它网路平台后,反而言论尺度大开,经营上更可以放手与中国外宣机构合作。
中国传媒研究计划(China Media Project)执行董事班志远(David Bandurski)告诉亚洲事实查核实验室,想有效对抗中国外宣及假信息的渗透,台湾必须先处理本身媒体的问题,也就是创造一个“免疫系统”(immune system)。透过揭露强化媒体韧性、建立社会对外宣及假信息的认知,以及增强大众的媒体识读,才是最终对抗媒体统战的解方。
11月6日至7日,X账号“杨凡”及“豫章信使”转发一则短视频,内容是哈里斯对着人群大喊:“我们不走回头路”(“We’re not going back”)。视频上字幕写着:“哈里斯大势已去,现场发飙,再也笑不出来了”。“豫章信使”更是直接在文案写道:“哈哈哈姐落选后,再也笑不出来了,破口大骂,表达不满。”
“Let’s put her with a rifle standing there, with nine barrels shooting at her; let’s see how she sees about it.” (让我们给她一把步枪让她站在那里,有九把枪在对着她开火,再来看看她会怎么看待这件事。)
“His daughter is a very dumb individual. Very dumb. she's a radical warhawk. Let's put her with the rifle standing there with nine barrels shooting at her. Let's see how she feels about it, you know, when the guns are trained on her face. You know they're all warhawks when they're sitting in Washington in a nice building saying, ‘Oh gee let's send 10,000 troops right into the mouth of the enemy’. But she's a stupid person and I used to have meetings with a lot of people, and she always wanted to go to war with people.”
检视“日本人集体秀梅毒”的照片,会看到图里的手环上印有“404”及“party”等字样。 AFCL再以关键字反搜,找到中国ICG娱乐集团旗下的“404 Club Not Found”夜店,其官网和Instagram(1, 2)上多张活动照片中都有顾客佩戴橘色、且印有“404 ”字样的夜店手环,与网传照片中的手环非常类似。
这份命令提到,对于住在“具毁灭性的新自由主义国家”(destructive neoliberal countries)但认同俄罗斯“传统价值”的人民,俄罗斯将提供短期居留权。申请通过者既不受人数配额限制,也无须证明俄语能力及具备俄罗斯的法律和历史知识,就能拿到这张“共同价值签证”(shared value visa)。
其中一个例子是X账号Bakalaofresco,该账号于8月16号转发此图,并以西班牙文发表以下说法:“英国还有什么能让我们感到惊讶的吗?现在事情都更加清楚了。”(¿Hay algo más que pueda sorprendernos en el Reino Unido? Ahora se entienden mucho mejor las cosas.)
对于其中的“broke and broken”(穷困而分裂)的说法,不少中文媒体将“broke”翻译成“破产”。在中文中,“破产”一词确实在非正式场合、带有玩笑性质时用于表示穷困、没钱的意思,对应“broke”的意思,但在正式法律、财政用语中,“破产”对应的则是英文词汇“bankrupcy”,意思是按照法律程序、宣告无力偿还债务,并由司法部门接收财产、走破产清偿程序。
“Everybody knows, everybody with a brain in their head,Jake, knows that this was always going to end in negotiation. The idea that Ukraine was gonna throw Russia back to 1991 borders was preposterous. Nobody actually believed it. Ukraine is functionally destroyed as a country. The average age of a soldier in the Ukrainian army right now is 43…”
“What's in America's best interest is to accept Ukraine is gonna have to cede some territory to the Russians, and we need to bring this war to a close. We need to bring the killing to a stop, and that's what American leadership should be doing, not writing more blank checks to the… ”