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南方周末记者 李桂

















Trump’s Tariffs by Whim Keep Allies and Markets Off Balance

7 March 2025 at 10:01
Investors sent stock prices down on Thursday amid the uncertainty over what President Trump’s inconstancy means for the global economy.

© Maansi Srivastava for The New York Times

President Trump in the Oval Office on Thursday, hours after delaying most tariffs on Mexican and Canadian products.

Why Do Republicans Want to Dismantle the Education Department?

7 March 2025 at 09:46
President Trump’s fixation reinvigorated the debate over the role of the federal government in education, and created a powerful point of unity between the factions of his party.

© Al Drago for The New York Times

The Republican Party has called for the shuttering of the Education Department since it first opened its doors in 1980.

科技爱好者周刊(第 340 期):技术炒作三十年

7 March 2025 at 08:11










  • 1998-2001 年:互联网 WWW
  • 1999-2006 年:Java
  • 2004-2007 年:Web 2.0
  • 2007-2010:云计算
  • 2010-2015:社交媒体
  • 2012-2015:物联网
  • 2013-2015:大数据
  • 2017-2021:区块链
  • 2021 年至今:人工智能



当中,还有许多次小的技术炒作,但都没有那么成功,持续时间就没有这么久,很快退潮了,比如元宇宙、Web 3、AR/VR 眼镜、3D 打印、自动驾驶等等。










[活动] AI FOR CODE 创意挑战赛

上周提到的全国 AI 编程大赛,大家还有印象吗。


只要有创意,就能参加,不需要具体的实现,实现交给 AI。


如果你有想让 AI 实现的创意(点子),不妨发布到作品提交专区。发布时,需要按照模版要求提交。












慕尼黑工业大学的数学教授马西莫·福纳西耶(Massimo Fornasier)得知了这件事,决定基于这些数码照片,使用计算机进行壁画还原。














5、微软将在今年5月关闭通信服务 Skype,由 Teams 替代。智能手机出现之前,Skype 是最流行的国际电话软件。


1、流式 HTML(英文)

AI 的聊天对话都是流式加载的,本文介绍一个技巧,不使用 JS 也能加载流式内容。

2、不要用 TypeScript 枚举(英文)

TypeScript 官方已经不建议使用 enum(枚举)语法,作者建议改用字符串的联合类型代替。

3、我如何使用 roboscribe 音频转文本(英文)

一篇教程,作者使用软件 roboscribe 将播客转成可用的文本,这事要比听上去麻烦。


本文将电梯抽象成一个"有限状态机",设计测试用例。(@lezhi12 投稿)

5、我为什么选择 Firefox(英文)

作者介绍 Firefox 浏览器胜过 Chrome 的几个地方,有些功能大家可能未必知道。



7、Tailscale 对我很有用(英文)

作者介绍自己的 Tailscale 用法,将不同的设备组成一个虚拟局域网。



一个测试 API 的开源桌面软件,功能比较全。


清理 macOS 系统的一个命令行脚本。


字节开源的一款跨平台原生应用开发工具,使用 Web 语法,生成各个平台的原生应用,类似于 React Native。


监控 Windows 应用的资源占用(内存、CPU、网络)的一款工具。


一个 Web 和 手机的 UI 测试工具,只要写好配置文件,就能自动运行测试。

6、Git Worktree Manager

VS Code 插件,方便在不同的 Git 仓库、不同的分支之间切换。(@jackiotyu 投稿)

7、Hugo Translator

一个 Python 脚本,将 markdown 格式的中文 Hugo 博客帖子,翻译成英文。(@Rico00121 投稿)


一个 Web 应用的记录并回放用户操作的工具,用来远程调试。(@wqcstrong 投稿)


开源的离线翻译服务器,号称资源消耗低,CPU + 1G 内存即可运行,支持调用沉浸式翻译。(@xxnuo 投稿)

10、Screen Sharing Application

一个开源的 Next.js 应用,通过点对点通信,实时分享你的屏幕。它会生成一个房间码,其他人访问这个房间,就能看到你的屏幕。

AI 相关


一个使用 AI 模型进行文字识别(OCR)的 Python 工具。


一个基于 AI 的电子表格软件,可以在浏览器中对表格运行 Python 代码。

3、Hacker News 每日播报

每天自动抓取 Hacker News 热门文章,通过 AI 生成中文播客。(@Y024 投稿)


基于大模型,进行知识库管理与生成知识图谱的工具。(@xerrors 投稿)


西北工业大学 ASLP 实验室开发的一个 AI 音乐生成模型。(@JoeDeanx 投稿)


1、Meta 的 AI Demo

Meta 公司的 AI 实验室,展示最新的成果。


一个基于 AI 的单词记忆平台,根据职业身份生成例句,代码开源。(@winterfx 投稿)

3、圣彼得大教堂 3D 导览

梵蒂冈的圣彼特大教堂(St. Peter's Basilica)是世界最大教堂,这个网站提供它的 3D 模型还原。


这个网站根据你画出的形状,返回匹配的 Unicode 字符,包括 Emoji 字符和东亚文字。













作者:伊森·埃文斯(Ethan Evans)



今天我想谈谈一个小问题,先介绍一下我自己的情况,就举四点:1) 我没有任何抵押贷款,2) 每两周有一个女佣为我打扫一次住宅,3) 我付钱请别人帮我的花园割草, 4) 我50岁就退休了。


在我上面的高管,享有的福利就更多了,我看到的就有:1) 有专门的度假屋,雇了多个工作人员长期看守;2) 私人飞机;3) 私人助理,不用自己付账单、买杂货或接孩子,助理处理一切;4)私人司机;5)孩子上贵得惊人的私立学校;6)他们想住哪儿就住哪儿。











-- 《关于独立开发》



-- 金茨·齐巴洛迪斯(Gints Zilbalodis),拉脱维亚导演,他的作品《猫猫的奇幻漂流》(Flow)获得今年的奥斯卡最佳动画片奖


你编写的每一行代码都可能是一个潜在的 bug。除非你绝对需要这行代码,缺了它程序就会受影响,否则就不要写。不要编写你用不到的抽象层。如果优化会增加任何复杂性,就坚决不要优化。

-- 《每一代码都可能是 bug》


我对 AI 的看法是,AI 本身不会创造,需要人类与它共同创造,创造的结果好坏与使用它的人的质量高度相关。

与 AI 交谈不像在与一个人交谈,而像在与人类的集体思维交谈。AI 不应该让你减少思考,而应该帮助你增加思考,AI 是你的杠杆,可以让你拓展自己。

-- Alex Komoroske,美国程序员




-- 《你的下两个零》



与孔子 AI 聊天(#243)





  • 版权声明:自由转载-非商用-非衍生-保持署名(创意共享3.0许可证
  • 发表日期: 2025年3月 7日


7 March 2025 at 09:09





潘季馴時良、惟良, 印川,浙江烏程人,明代官員兼水利專家,廣東巡按御史、官拜太子太保工部尚書都察院副都御史刑部尚書,曾在廣東推行「均平銀」徭役政策,成效顯著。潘季馴四度負責總理河道,撰有《河防一覽》等著作討論治水,其治河措施代表了當時河道治理的最高水平,後來被清朝政府沿用,受譽為中國歷史上最偉大的治水英雄。


纽约时报 出版语言


台湾总统赖清德与台积电董事长魏哲家周四在台北的记者会上。 Ann Wang/Reuters
台积电是全球最大的芯片制造商。公司表示,将斥资1000亿美元在亚利桑那州生产用于人工智能和其他高科技应用所需的芯片。 I-Hwa Cheng/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
台积电董事长魏哲家和美国总统特朗普周一在白宫宣布了这家芯片制造商的1000亿美元投资计划。 Doug Mills/The New York Times

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Zelensky hopes US-Ukraine talks next week will be 'meaningful'

7 March 2025 at 06:29
EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky walks in Brussels after a crisis EU summit. Photo: 6 March 2025EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock
President Zelensky revealed that Ukrainian and American teams had already "resumed work"

US-Ukraine talks will be held in Saudi Arabia next week, President Volodymyr Zelensky has said, expressing hopes that it will be "a meaningful meeting".

The Ukrainian leader, who will be in the Gulf kingdom but not take part in the talks, said Kyiv was working to reach a "fast and lasting" peace.

US President Donald Trump's special envoy, Steve Witkoff, said the American team wanted to discuss a "framework" for peace to try to end the Russia-Ukraine war.

Last Friday, Zelensky and Trump were involved in a public clash at the White House - during which Trump said Zelensky was not ready to end the fighting. The US proceeded to pause military aid to Ukraine and stop sharing intelligence.

The Ukrainian president has expressed regret about the incident and tried to repair relations with the US - the country's biggest military supplier.

On Thursday, Witkoff said Trump had received a letter from Zelensky that included an "apology" and "sense of gratitude".

"Hopefully, we get things back on track with the Ukrainians, and everything resumes," Witkoff said.

Zelensky has been under strong US pressure to make concessions ahead of any peace talks, while the Ukrainian president has been pushing for firm security guarantees for Kyiv.

Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, and now controls about 20% of Ukrainian territory.

Zelensky announced the US-Ukraine talks in Saudi Arabia in a series of posts on social media, after attending Thursday's crisis summit in Brussels where European Union leaders endorsed plans for a boost in defence spending.

"Ukrainian and American teams have resumed work, and we hope that next week we will have a meaningful meeting," he wrote on X.

"Ukraine has been seeking peace since the very first moment of the war, and we have always stated that the war continues solely because of Russia."

Zelensky urged the global community to put more pressure on Moscow so it "accepts the need to end" the war.

He also made an apparent reference to a truce plan outlined earlier this week by French President Emmanuel Macron, which proposed a ceasefire in the air and at sea, and an end to attacks on energy and other civilian infrastructure.

Russia has not publicly commented on the French proposals.

On Thursday, Putin said Moscow was seeking a peace "that would ensure calmness for our country in the long-term perspective.

"We don't need anything that belongs to others, but we won't give up anything that belongs to us either," the Kremlin leader added.

Russia annexed Ukraine's southern Crimea peninsula in 2014, and claims another four Ukrainian regions in the south-east as its own - although Moscow doesn't fully control them.

Ukraine and its European allies have in recent weeks expressed alarm over what many on the continent see as Donald Trump's overtures to Russia.

Trump vowed during the US election campaign to bring the war to an end quickly, and preliminary US-Russian talks were held in Saudi Arabia last month - without European or Ukrainian representatives present.

The US's decision to halt its military aid Ukraine has been cast by Trump administration officials as a means of getting Kyiv to co-operate with the US-led peace talks.

Any corresponding pressure the US has been putting on Moscow to make concessions has not been made public.

Watch in full: The remarkable exchange between Zelensky, Vance and Trump

Trump expands exemptions from Canada and Mexico tariffs

7 March 2025 at 06:42
Getty Images US President Donald TrumpGetty Images

US President Donald Trump has said Mexico will not be required to pay tariffs on goods that come under the trade pact between the two countries and Canada until 2 April.

Trump has not confirmed if the suspension also applies to Canada, but Commerce Secretary Howard Lutnick said earlier on Thursday he was hopeful the reprieve would apply to both of America's neighbours.

The latest move is the second climbdown in two days from Trump on his tariffs.

On Wednesday he said he would temporarily spare carmakers from 25% import taxes just a day after they came into effect.

Lutnick told CNBC the temporary exemption of tariffs for car part imports from Canada and Mexico could be extended to all products that are part of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).

The USMCA was established during Trump's first term of office. Its 34 chapters covered cars, dairy and lumber amongst other things, and the agreement included a review every six years.

On Thursday, Trump wrote on Truth Social that Mexico would be exempt until 2 April.

"After speaking with President Claudia Sheinbaum of Mexico, I have agreed that Mexico will not be required to pay Tariffs on anything that falls under the USMCA Agreement," he said.

This breaking news story is being updated and more details will be published shortly. Please refresh the page for the fullest version.

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The King reveals his playlist, from Marley to Kylie

7 March 2025 at 08:04
PA Media King Charles sitting behind a desk with an 'on air' sign beside himPA Media
King Charles is putting out a Commonwealth playlist, from reggae to disco

King Charles III is launching a personal playlist of music that lifts his sprits and brings back important memories, including Bob Marley, Kylie Minogue and Grace Jones.

He was photographed at Buckingham Palace for the music project, the King's Music Room, with an "on air" sign on the desk of the royal DJ.

A video trailer shows the band for the changing of the guard outside the palace playing Bob Marley's Could You Be Loved, in a project to celebrate music from Commonwealth countries.

"So this is what I particularly wanted to share - songs which have brought me joy," the King said.

"Throughout my life, music has meant a great deal to me," the King says in the video launching the project, which is a partnership with Apple Music.

"I know that is also the case for so many others.

"It has that remarkable ability to bring happy memories flooding back from the deepest recesses of our memory, to comfort us in times of sadness, and to take us to distant places.

"But perhaps, above all, it can lift our spirits to such a degree, and all the more so when it brings us together in celebration.

"In other words, it brings us joy."

The full choice of tracks, with more royal commentary, will be published on Monday, for Commonwealth Day.

As well as as reggae from Marley and dance music from Minogue, there are expected to be contributions from Nigerian-American singer-songwriter Davido and British singer-songwriter Raye.

Marley's message

The King saw Raye at a concert at a Christmas market at the former Battersea Power Station, where Apple has its London headquarters.

The project is intended to be a different approach to Commonwealth Day, which sees the Royal Family gathering for a service in Westminster Abbey.

It will reflect the King's musical interests through his life, ranging from 1930s crooners to Afrobeat stars.

He is also expected to share anecdotes about some of the artists and reveals why the songs help form the soundtrack to his life.

"This seemed such an interesting and innovative way to celebrate this year's Commonwealth Day," the King said.

He has a longstanding interest in Marley and has visited the singer's former home in Jamaica, which has been turned into a museum.

And outside the palace windows, the band played Marley's message: "Don't let them change ya, oh! Or even rearrange ya! Oh, no!"

Thin, purple banner promoting the Royal Watch newsletter with text saying, “Get insider stories and expert analysis every week, straight to your inbox”.
​​There is also a graphic of Queen Camilla, King Charles, Prince William and Princess Catherine on a floral, white background.

Sign up here to get the latest royal stories and analysis straight to your inbox every week with our Royal Watch newsletter. Those outside the UK can sign up here.

Horizon scandal: Widow received compensation offer days after husband's death

7 March 2025 at 08:12
BBC Janet Walters BBC
Janet Walters says victims of the Post Office scandal should be given compensation more urgently

A widow whose husband was caught up in the Post Office Horizon scandal is calling for compensation payments for victims to be speeded up after she received her husband's offer of redress days after he passed away.

Terry Walters, who was 77, died last month after years of ill health. He was one of the former sub-postmasters who took the Post Office to court in the landmark case led by Sir Alan Bates, which helped expose the scandal.

Despite submitting a claim for full financial redress more than a year ago, he died without receiving all the money he was owed.

The government says it has doubled the amount of payments made to former sub-postmasters.

Days after losing Terry, his widow Janet received a letter making an offer of compensation – far below the amount the couple had claimed.

She describes the offer as a "slap in the face," and says it's prompted her to share their story publicly for the first time.

"Enough is enough."

Terry used redundancy money to take over the Hockley Post Office in Stockport in 2005. But less than two years later he was suspended for alleged shortfalls. He was never allowed back behind his counter again and his contract was terminated the following year for thousands of pounds of losses that didn't exist.

He and his wife Janet had to sell their home and have been living in rented accommodation ever since.

"To have a big institution such as the Post Office come along and accuse you of doing something – it was devastating," says Janet, "and humiliating."

Now, ahead of Terry's funeral, Janet has decided to share their story – and is urging the government to make sure others who are still waiting for compensation are paid quickly.

"Enough is enough" she says. "We've lived on promises all this time," she adds. "17 years out of somebody's life is a long time."

There are no official figures for how many victims have died before receiving full compensation but according to The Times the number had reached more than 250 early last year.

Terry had received an interim payment, which Janet says helped them manage as his health declined. But she insists that Terry would have been "over the Moon," had he lived to receive his full compensation. She believes that receiving the money in the years before Terry's health declined could have made a huge difference to their quality of life.

"We could have done the things we had wanted to do all these years, buy a proper home perhaps, treat ourselves to a nice holiday, go out and do things."

According to the most recent figures, in the scheme created to provide redress for those in the original Group Litigation Order, 227 of 492 eligible claimants are still waiting for full and final compensation.

The government says 407 offers have been made of the 425 people who have so far made full claims.

With so many others still waiting for their full compensation, Janet now says she's considering writing to His Majesty, King Charles.

"There must be someone in a high authority that can say, well, it's time this was finished," she says, "so people have a chance to move on with their lives."

Janet says she will only scatter Terry's ashes when his compensation is paid in full even though she knows the process will likely take many more months to settle.

A Department for Business and Trade spokesperson said:

"We are sorry to hear of Terry's death and our thoughts are with Janet and the rest of his family and friends.

"We have doubled the amount of payments under this Government to provide postmasters with full and fair redress."

She added, "We are also making offers to 89% of GLO claimants within 40 working days of receipt of a full claim, with over half of eligible claimants having now settled their claim."

Baywatch star Pamela Bach found dead at 62

7 March 2025 at 06:48
Getty Images A close up of Bach's face. She wears red lipstick and has long blonde hair.Getty Images

Pamela Bach, the former Baywatch actress and ex-wife of David Hasselhoff, has died aged 62.

Bach was found at home in the Hollywood Hills on 5 March after she died by suicide, said the Los Angeles Medical Examiner's office.

She met Hasselhoff while acting with him on the set of TV series Knight Rider, and the two married in 1989. She went on to star alongside him on lifeguard TV drama Baywatch before their divorce in 2006.

"Our family is deeply saddened by the recent passing of Pamela Hasselhoff," Hasselhoff said in a statement.

Getty Images Hasselhoff and Bach seen seated beside each other in 2005. He wears a black sweater and she has long blonde hair, is wearing sparkly jewelry and a white coat.Getty Images

"We are grateful for the outpouring of love and support during this difficult time but we kindly request privacy as we grieve and navigate through this challenging time."

Born in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Bach began acting in the 1970s. She and Hasselhoff have two daughters together.

Her acting credits included soap opera The Young and the Restless, Cheers, The Fall Guy, T.J. Hooker, Superboy and Viper.

Her daughter, Hayley Amber Hasselhoff, posted a photo of her parents on Instagram, with a white star, in apparent tribute to her mother.

In Bach's last Instagram post, published on New Year's Eve, she wrote about being excited to welcome 2025.

She said she was also excited to watch her granddaughter, London, "grow and seeing her smile light up my world is truly the greatest blessing".

"May 2025 be filled with beautiful moments, laughter, and all the blessings your hearts can hold," she continued.

"Here's to a year of making cherished memories, spreading joy, and embracing every precious moment!"

Bach's representative, Sharon Kelly, told TMZ she was shocked by her death.

"My heart goes out to her family, her beautiful daughters and granddaughter who Pamela constantly gushes about and loves so dearly," she said.

If you have been affected by any of the issues raised you can visit the BBC's Action Line pages, or contact Samaritans.

If you're in the US, call 988, or contact Lifeline.

Private spacecraft lands on Moon - but may be on its side

7 March 2025 at 05:54
Intuitive Machines A picture of the IM-2 Athena spacecraft with Earth in the background after launch from Earth on 26 FebruaryIntuitive Machines
Intuitive Machines's Athena spacecraft blasted off from Earth on 26 February

A private US company will attempt to land a spacecraft close to the Moon's South Pole on Thursday, carrying scientific instruments including a hopping robot and the first lunar mobile communications antenna.

Intuitive Machines is working with US space agency Nasa to look for evidence of water and ice on the lunar surface.

Lunar landings are very difficult, and the company will be hoping for a smooth touchdown after its first craft landed on its side last year.

The spacecraft Athena is currently orbiting the Moon and will attempt to land at 1730GMT (1230EST).

Athena is aiming to land 100 miles (160km) from the South Pole in an area of the lunar highlands called Mons Mouton.

If all goes well, the craft will have 10 days to complete scientific observations and measurements.

The instruments on board include a jumping robot called Micro Nova Hopper or Grace, which will leap and fly across the Moon's surface to reach a large crater that is in permanent shade.

The hopper should be released from the main spacecraft in coming days and fly up to 100m in altitude.

It will travel up to 1.2 miles (2km) and after five leaps, it should land inside the crater with a camera to take the first images of the interior.

The crater is in permanent shadow from the Sun's rays, so it has very low temperatures and is considered an ideal place to look for ice.

A graphic showing how the Micro Nova Hopper will explore the Moon, jumping up to 100m altitude and landing in a crater

Intuitive Machines, who made the hopper, say it can travel to places that other machines, like robots with wheels, can't reach or would take a very long time to get to.

"These hoppers are really suited to the lunar environment because there's no atmosphere there, practically speaking, so doing a series of controlled leaps is a great way to move around," says Prof Simeon Barber, a lunar scientist with the Open University.

The IM-2 mission is also carrying three scientific instruments made by Nasa.

A drill called Trident will churn up rocks to reach the surface under the Moon to see if there is evidence of ice.

Then an instrument called a mass spectrometer will analyse any gases that are released.

Intuitive Machines Intuitive Machines' IM-2 mission lunar lander, Athena, in the company's Lunar Production and Operations Center.Intuitive Machines
The lander Athena is about the size of a telephone box

And a type of antenna mast developed with Nokia should also be planted on the Moon that uses the same 4G cellular technology as on Earth.

The mission is part of Nasa's long-term goal to take humans back to the lunar surface, as the agency hopes to send astronauts in 2027 with the Artemis programme.

"This is another step towards assessing the viability of the lunar South Pole as a place to go and set up future bases for humans," says Prof Barber.

Experts want to explore options for building settlements and find out if there are reserves of water that could provide drinking water and potentially be turned into oxygen.

"A lot of planning of future exploration is being predicated on the presence of water ice, but if you want to use it, you need to know where it is and how much there is," says Prof Barber.

Intuitive Machines On Feb. 22, 2024, Intuitive Machines’ Odysseus lunar lander captures a wide field of view image of Schomberger crater on the Moon approximately 125 miles (200 km) uprange from the intended landing site, at approximately 6 miles (10 km) altitude.Intuitive Machines
Intuitive Machines flew a craft last year called Odysseus that captured pictures of the Moon's Schomberger crater

Nasa is partnering with a range of private companies that transport spacecraft and instruments to the Moon. It says this is cheaper than developing and blasting off their own missions.

Intuitive Machines successfully landed a craft called Odysseus on the Moon in February last year, but it tipped over during the descent, meaning not all the scientific work could be carried out.

Space agencies globally are competing to build human settlements on the Moon in a race to exploit resources and advance scientific understanding of other worlds.

In the US, the Moon mission is seen as a stepping stone for the longer-term and much more ambitious goal of human settlement on Mars.

The IM-2 mission could also help to answer broader questions about why there is ice in the inner solar system, closer to the Sun's warming rays.

"The permanently shadowed regions on the Moon are kind of a store and archive of ancient water that might have been delivered to the Earth-Moon system after their formation," explains Prof Mark Fox-Powell at the Open University.

Inquiry into claims Nottingham victim records were accessed

7 March 2025 at 07:39
PA Media Ian Coates, Barnaby Webber and Grace O'Malley-KumarPA Media

A hospital trust is investigating reports staff may have "inappropriately" accessed the medical records of the three people killed in the Nottingham attacks.

Barnaby Webber and Grace O'Malley-Kumar, both 19, and Ian Coates, 65, were stabbed to death by Valdo Calocane in the city in June 2023.

Dr Manjeet Shehmar, medical director at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, said the trust was investigating "concerns that members of staff may have inappropriately accessed the medical records" of the three victims.

He said the families had been informed of the investigation and would be updated.

"The families of Ian, Grace, and Barnaby have already had to endure much pain and heartache and I'm truly sorry that this will add further to their suffering," Dr Shehmar said.

"Through our investigation, we will find out what happened and will not hesitate to take action as necessary."

The claims of the medical records being accessed inappropriately were first reported by the Daily Mirror.

Calocane was sentenced to a hospital order in January 2024 after admitting manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility.

In February it was announced that a judge-led public inquiry into the attacks would take place "within weeks".

Raducanu loses on first appearance since stalking ordeal

7 March 2025 at 07:30

Raducanu loses on first appearance since stalking ordeal

Emma Raducanu looks down to the court during her Indian Wells first round matchImage source, Getty Images
Image caption,

Emma Raducanu has won only one of her past six WTA Tour matches

  • Published

Emma Raducanu struggled in a testing Indian Wells wind as she was beaten on her first appearance since being targeted by a stalker during a match.

The 22-year-old Briton was unsure if she was going to even play in the California tournament following the incident at the Dubai Championships on 18 February.

A visibly upset Raducanu recoiled behind the umpire's chair after spotting a man who she had reported for what WTA officials described as "exhibiting fixated behaviour".

After deliberating whether to take an extended break from the WTA Tour, Raducanu decided to make the journey to Indian Wells - one of the biggest events outside of the four majors.

However, the world number 55 was out of sorts as she lost 6-3 6-2 to Japan's Moyuka Uchijima in the first round of the BNP Paribas Open.

In tricky conditions created by a brisk wind in the Californian desert, Raducanu looked uncomfortable throughout.

The 2021 US Open champion made a host of errors to allow Uchijima, a tenacious opponent who adapted to the breeze quickly, to come out on top of the often scrappy rallies.

Raducanu faced break points in her opening six service games as a result of the pressure created by the mistakes caused by her lack of accuracy.

Five of those games ended in Raducanu losing serve as she trailed by a set and a break to the 52nd-ranked Uchijima.

The Briton cut a subdued figure after she could not convert any of three chances to break back for 3-3.

After Uchijima dug deep to hold, Raducanu did not win another point and trudged off court having lost for a sixth time in her nine matches this year.

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蔚来再获国资投资,控股增资至 82.57 亿元


AMD 推出全开源 3B 语言模型,媲美 Qwen2.5-3B


极氪悬赏 500 万打击黑公关和网络水军


REDMI K80 系列销量突破 360 万


Anthropic CPO:AI 将进化为「智能引导者」


大众官宣 ID. EVERY1 纯电新车型






苹果最贵 iPhone 被曝售价超 2000 美元

昨日,分析师郭明錤发文透露了苹果将在 2026 年量产首款折叠屏 iPhone,而该款手机将成为苹果最贵的 iPhone 机型,售价将达到 2,000 至 2,500 美元(约合目前人民币 14,488 至 18,111 元)。

郭明錤同时透露了折叠屏 iPhone 的硬件规格及发布时间预期:

  • 受厚度和空间限制,侧边 Touch ID 将替代 Face ID;
  • 采用左右对折的开合方式,配备 7.8 英寸无折痕内屏和 5.5 寸外屏;
  • 折叠后的厚度将控制在 9mm 至 9.5mm,展开厚度控制在 4.5mm 至 4.8mm;
  • 转轴采用包括不锈钢、钛合金的复合材料,中框有望采用钛合金。
  • 值得关注的是,新机或将采用超薄款 iPhone 同款高密度电芯
  • 折叠屏 iPhone 将在今年 Q2 定案,并在 Q3 正式开案,预计 2026 年 Q4 量产;
  • 此外,第二代折叠屏 iPhone 预计在 2027 年量产。

郭明錤指出,初代折叠屏 iPhone 生产难度高,因此大面积铺货可能要等到 2027 年,2026 年预计出货量为 300 至 500 万部,考虑到第二代折叠屏 iPhone 将在 2027 年发布,届时折叠屏 iPhone 出货量预估达到 2,000 万部。

价格方面,郭明錤也做出了分析。因 iPhone 需求量大且苹果的品牌价值高,只要新机品质够好,其认为初代折叠屏 iPhone 即使售价高昂,但预期带动的换机需求仍能非常强劲。

同日,郭明錤还透露苹果正在研发一款「升级版」C1 基带芯片。该基带芯片预计明年投入大规模生产,目标是改善功耗及传输速度。值得关注的是,升级版 C1 将支持毫米波技术。


Manus AI 回应邀请码被炒至高价,附最新实测

近日,Manus AI 发布了其首个 AI Agent 项目「Manus」,号称全球首个通用 AI Agent 产品。一经公布后,Manus 迅速在互联网各大社交平台引起热议。

但目前 Manus 采用邀请码的方式进行内测体验,且邀请码数量有限,导致市场出现「一码难求」的局面,在某二手平台甚至出现高达 5 万元的「转手邀请码」价格。

对于「一码难求」的情况,Manus AI 合伙人张涛于昨日发文回应称,感谢大家对 Manus 的关注,但团队低估了大众的热情。张涛表示,一开始的初心只是分享一下在探索 Agent 产品形态过程中的阶段性收获,因此服务器资源完全是按照行业里发一个 demo 的水平来准备的,目前只好采用邀请码机制。张涛还透露,团队正在全力输出,争取让大家早日体验到更好的产品。

同时,张涛还澄清了「付费获取邀请码」的传闻,并表示 Manus 从未投入任何市场推广预算。

据了解,Manus 可以解决各类繁杂的任何,能够通过独立思考、规划并运用各类「工具」,最后交付完整的结果给用户。官方表示,在 GAIA 基准测试中,Manus 获得优秀的 SOTA 水平,领先 OpenAI。值得关注的是,Manus 创始人为华中科技大学软件工程专业毕业的肖弘,其连续创业,打造出了「壹伴助手」「Monica」等多个爆款产品。

据我们实际体验后发现,Manus 让人机交互的范式,升级为人机协作,比其它同类选手更接近真正意义上的通用 AI Agent,但其也有部分需要努力完善的。


实测 Manus :我用它生成了 10 个邀请码

DeepSeek 位列全球 AI 应用榜第二

今日凌晨,全球著名风投机构 Andreessen Horowitz(简称 a16z)发布了 2025 年全球生成式 AI 应用前 100 排行榜,具体榜单共分为前 50 生成式 AI 应用(网页端)和前 50 生成式AI(移动端)。

其中,DeepSeek 在网页端中排名第二,其凭借 1 月开源自家 DeepSeek-R1 模型,在全球引起巨大热议,仅用 20 天便达成一千万用户的突破,比排名第一的 ChatGPT 快了近一倍(ChatGPT 打破一千万用户耗时 40 天);而 ChatGPT 凭借 4 亿的周活跃用户和 1.75 亿的移动端用户,在网页端、移动端排名双第一。

值得一提的是,中国其他知名大模型也进入了该排行榜:字节跳动的豆包排名第 10;月之暗面排名 11;海螺视频排名 12;快手可灵排名 20,全部超过了 Sora、Midjourney、Runway 等知名产品。在移动端中,百度 AI 搜索排名第 4;夸克 AI 第 6;豆包排名第 7;DeepSeek 排名第 14。


3 月 6 日,据北京日报发布视频,全国人大代表、小米集团创始人雷军在北京团小组讨论中提到,其去年在全团会上表态,一定把小米汽车干好,不让全国用户失望。

随后,雷军透露了小米造车的进展,其表示,小米 SU7 上市 11 个月销量超 32 万辆,已经交付了 18 万辆,还有十四五万辆在排队;上个月新发售的 SU7 Ultra,两小时就已经有 1 万大定。雷军还感叹,都不敢想这辆车今年能卖多少辆,成功来得有点猝不及防。

同日,全国人大北京团在北京会议中心接受中外媒体采访。雷军在采访中表示,小米 SU7 Ultra 定价 52.99 万元,已经算豪车领域了,万万没有想到发布后的三天时间内,该车型的销售锁单就超过了 1 万辆,提前完成了全年任务。他认为,这意味着豪华车的大门对小米打开。

值得关注的是,雷军曾在本月的一场直播中表示,自己也不知道 Ultra 这辆车到底能卖多少辆,但其坚定表示,小米会努力保交付、保质量,把服务做好,同时希望车开起来又好,又开心。


3 月 6 日,全球最大的 AI 开源社区 HuggingFace 更新了大模型榜单,近期刚发布并开源的阿里通义千问推理模型 QwQ-32B 成功登顶。据显示,目前 QwQ-32B 居于榜单第一,超越微软的 Phi-4、DeepSeek-R1 等模型。

据了解,千问 QwQ-32B 在数学、代码及通用能力上实现质的飞跃,用更小参数实现整体性能比肩 DeepSeek-R1,并突破性地让高性能推理模型在消费级显卡上实现本地部署,大幅降低了模型应用成本。

在一系列权威基准测试中,千问 QwQ-32B 模型表现异常出色,几乎完全超越了 OpenAI-o1-mini,比肩最强开源推理模型 DeepSeek-R1。其中,在测试数学能力的 AIME24 评测集上,以及评估代码能力的LiveCodeBench中,千问 QwQ-32B 表现与 DeepSeek-R1 相当,远胜于o1-mini及相同尺寸的R1蒸馏模型。

目前,千问 QwQ-32B 已在魔搭社区、HuggingFace 及 GitHub 等平台基于宽松的 Apache2.0 协议开源,所有人都可免费下载模型进行本地部署,或者通过阿里云百炼平台直接调用模型 API 服务。同时,用户也将可通过通义 App 免费体验最新的千问 QwQ-32B 模型。


3 月 6 日,腾讯混元发布图生视频模型并对外开源,同时上线对口型与动作驱动等玩法,并支持生成背景音效及 2K 高质量视频。

官方介绍,基于图生视频的能力,用户只需上传一张图片并简短描述,混元即可按照用户要求让图片动起来,变成 5 秒的短视频,还能自动配上合适的背景音效。此外,上传一张人物图片,并输入希望「对口型」的文字或音频,图片中的人物即可「说话」或「唱歌」;如果选择动作模版,还能一键生成同款跳舞视频。

腾讯混元表示,此次开源的图生视频模型,是混元文生视频模型开源工作的延续,模型总参数量保持 130 亿,适用于多种类型的角色和场景。开源内容包含权重、推理代码和 LoRA 训练代码,支持开发者基于混元训练专属 LoRA 等衍生模型。

目前用户通过混元 AI 视频官网即可体验,企业和开发者可在腾讯云申请使用 API 接口使用;同时,混元视频生成开源模型目前在 Github、HuggingFace 等主流开发者社区均可下载体验。

蔚来再获国资投资,控股增资至 82.57 亿元

据天眼查信息显示,蔚来控股有限公司于 3 月 5 日发生工商变更,新增合肥建翔投资有限公司、安徽高新舆文蔚源科技合伙企业(有限合伙)为股东,同时注册资本由约 78.57 亿人民币增至约 82.57 亿人民币。


据悉,蔚来中国曾在去年 9 月宣布获得国资股东 33 亿元增资。随后,蔚来创始人、董事长兼 CEO 李斌在朋友圈发文表达了对安徽及合肥的信任与支持的感谢。

AMD 推出全开源 3B 语言模型,媲美 Qwen2.5-3B

昨日,AMD 发文宣布全面开源 3B 参数语言模型「Instella」。

AMD 介绍,Instella 是一款完全开源且最先进的 3B (30 亿)参数语言模型(LMs),其基于 128 张 AMD Instinct MI300X 显卡从头进行了训练。据 AMD 发布的数据显示,Instella 的性能与 Llama 3.2 3B、Gemma-2 2B 和 Qwen 2.5 3B 等同类模型媲美。

据 AMD 透露,Instella 基于此前 1B 的「AMD OLMo」语言模型所训练,而 AMD OLMo 有助于展示在 AMD 显卡上进行端到端训练语言模型的可行性。

AMD 方面表示,Instella 相关的所有工件,包括模型权重、详细的训练配置、数据集和代码,都将会公布开源。目前,Instella 已上架 GitHub。

极氪悬赏 500 万打击黑公关和网络水军


极氪称,收集到的黑公关和网络水军的相关线索和证据,经查证属实、有效、来源合法,并最终采纳的,其将给予 1 万至 500 万元不同额度的人民币奖励。


REDMI K80 系列销量突破 360 万

3 月 6 日,REDMI 手机发文宣布,旗下 K80 系列手机上市 100 天,累计销量突破 360 万台。随后 REDMI 品牌总经理王腾转发并表示,未来将继续努力,REDMI K80 系列还会取得更大的成绩,同时其表示,将在今晚 7 点开启直播,与大家聊聊 REDMI 和 K 系列的故事。

据了解,REDMI K80 系列于上年 11 月发布,提供第三代骁龙 8 及骁龙 8 至尊版 2 款处理器可选;均采用 2K 新国屏,并且搭载超声波指纹。其中 REDMI K80 Pro 还支持 50W 无线充电。REDMI K80 系列起售价为 2,499 元,配置为 12GB+256GB 起。

同日,小米通讯技术有限公司产品行销总监马志宇还公布了 REDMI Book Pro 2025 系列笔记本的首销情况:销量同比上一代首销期增长 117%。

💡 Anthropic CPO:AI 将进化为「智能引导者」

近日,Anthropic CPO Mike Krieger 接受播客 20VC 采访,其透露了不少 未来方向的思考。

Mike 在采访中提到 AI 将超越「工具」或「助手」的局限,突破优秀的提示词工程的限制,并进化为「智能引导者」,主动洞察用户需求,指引方向,辅助决策,成为用户达成最重要目标的关键伙伴。

Mike 还表示,未来软件开发人员需要掌握的技能,首先是跨学科的,或者说是多面手的。并且他想象了未来三年软件开发工作的面貌:提出正确的想法,进行正确的人机交互设计,弄清楚如何正确地委托任务,然后弄清楚如何大规模地审查代码。

此外,Mike 还与主持人谈及了 DeepSeek。Mike 表示,DeepSeek 从默默无闻到如今的火爆程度,令他不得不深思到底是哪一步有所失误;同时,他认为 DeepSeek 让更多人接触到了全新的 AI 体验过程,他也反思,Claude 也应该早点意识到并去努力实现。


大众官宣 ID. EVERY1 纯电新车型

3 月 6 日,大众汽车正式公布了旗下入门纯电车型「ID. EVERY1」,其凭借约 2 万欧元(约合人民币 15.6 万元)的售价成为大众品牌历史上最便宜的电动车,也是大众口中「欧洲市场最后一块拼图」。

外观方面,大众 ID.EVERY1 车长 3.88 米,方盒子造型搭配倾斜的 C 柱设计,复刻了初代高尔夫的经典线条;前脸拥有一对圆润的 LED 大灯与一颗发光车标;配备 19 英寸五辐轮毂。

平台方面,ID. EVERY1 基于 MEB Entry 前驱平台打造,轴距比同门 ID.2 all 概念车更短,电池容量也因此下降,续航仅能提供「至少 155 英里(约 250km)」。虽车身紧凑,但后备箱容积仍达到 305 升,后排座椅放倒后可扩展至近 1,000 升。

性能方面,为了降低成本,大众还在 ID.EVERY1 上使用了目前燃油版 Polo 的后桥,它的电机功率也仅为 ID.2 all 的三分之一:只有可怜的 94 马力,最高时速为 130km/h。

此外,ID.EVERY1 将首次搭载大众与 Rivian 联合开发的「分区式软件架构」,该系统基于 Rivian R1T 皮卡现有的车机系统改造而来。大众研发负责人凯·格鲁尼茨(Kai Grünitz)强调其优势在于「高度灵活和可升级性」,支持 OTA 升级。对于外界关注的订阅制服务,格鲁尼茨谨慎回应:「我们目前不计划依赖付费解锁功能。」

据悉,大众宣称会在 2027 年推出 9 款新车型,包括 ID.2 all 和 ID.EVERY1。

2025 款小鹏 G9 亮相

昨日,小鹏汽车正式公布了旗下 G9 2025 款车型的外观信息。据小鹏汽车 CEO 何小鹏透露,全新小鹏 G9 更新升级了 66 项体验。

与旧款相比,新车外观方面并未作出太大调整,依然采用贯穿式前灯带以及贯穿式尾灯。值得关注的是,新车将取消激光雷达,预计将与小鹏 P7+ 采用相同的智驾解决方案。

从工信部的公告中可以了解到,小鹏 G9 将提供标准续航和长续航两个版本,电池容量分别为 79kWh 和 93.1kWh,对应的 CLTC 续航里程为 625km 和 680km。

电机最大功率也有所提升,从 230kW 提升至 258kW,双电机版的综合功率也从 405kW 提升到了 423kW(567 马力)。

丰田十万级纯电 SUV 铂智 3X 发布

3 月 6 日,广汽丰田首款新势力车型铂智 3X 正式上市,新车共有 7 款配置,建议零售价为 10.98 万元至 15.98 万元。

据悉,新车配备一颗英伟达 Orin-X 智驾芯片,以及包含一颗激光雷达在内的 27 颗高精度传感器,同时引入了感知和规划整合一体的 Momenta 最新一段式端到端大模型。依托本土化供应体系和丰田「育成式采购体系」,铂智 3X 实现行业内首次将激光雷达高阶智驾价格打入 14 万级。

安全方面,铂智 3X 车身高强度钢材占比高达 70% 以上,车身中部采用由热成型材料构成的「十字贯穿式结构」和「5 道地板横梁」;三电系统采用内外双绝缘、蓝光复合激光焊、电芯翼翅顶盖等多项独家设计,从源头降低电池短路的可能性。

舒适性方面,铂智 3X 车内纵向高度达到 1,215mm,后排最大膝部空间达到 984mm;车内座椅还拥有多种布局方式,前排座椅支持 180° 一键放平,后排靠背支持 20° 大角度调节;此外,细节上铂智 3X 的座舱还支持四音区独立语音交互、前排 11 处灵活收纳空间、80° 车门开度等。

Google 确认安卓 16 将在 6 月发布

近日,据 Android Police 报道,在 2025MWC 上,Google 确认了将于 6 月发布安卓 16 系统。

Google 安卓生态系统总裁 Sameer Samat 在 2025MWC 上透露,团队目前正全力以赴,目标计划在 6 月发布安卓 16 系统。据悉,安卓 16 目前处于第 2 个测试版阶段。Samat 表示谷歌目前采用 Trunk Stable 开发模式,目的是缩短 Bug 修复周期,并加快新版本的发布,从而更快、更稳定地为用户提供系统支持。

Samat 强调,全球用户对安卓系统的功能和更新频率提出了较高要求。因此 Google 通过模块化和组件化改造安卓系统,让部分功能可以独立更新,从而无需等待操作系统版本发布。这一优化不仅提升了用户体验,也为开发者提供了更大的灵活性。






据悉,目前美团外卖商家评分主要基于用户在近 30 天内的总体评分平均值,存在差评影响大、用户对评分信任度较低、新上线商家获评难等挑战。

Beats 联手 Sandy Liang 推出限量版 Solo 4 耳机

近日,Beats 联手 Sandy Liang 推出限量版 Solo 4 耳机。

据官方信息公布,联名款 Beats Solo 4 将采用银粉配色,耳机头梁部分加入粉色「蝴蝶结」设计。

据了解,Beats Solo 4 采用定制的 40mm 音频单元,支持个性化空间音频和动态头部追踪;采用 USB-C 接口,支持 Fast Fuel 闪充技术,充电 10 分钟,即可持续播放 5 小时。

目前联名限量版 Beats Solo 4 已上架苹果美区官网,售价为 199.99 美元。

奈雪的茶推出树番茄双抗小红瓶 Pro

近期,奈雪的茶携手健康品牌 Swisse 斯维诗,联名首发「树番茄双抗小红瓶 Pro」。

据悉,树番茄双抗小红瓶 Pro 升级添加斯维诗双抗丸同源虾青素冻,并选用超级食材滇西树番茄,搭配蓝莓、圣女果、柠檬,打造健康自然酸甜饮品。




而电影官方也在今天定档上映日期 — 将于 3 月 22 日上映。

《我会好好的》讲述女孩赵小满重复着打零工的生活,一只流浪狗的闯入让她逐渐放下家庭伤痛,形影不离的朝夕相处温暖了同样孤独的两个灵魂。当告别无可避免,还要养它吗?小满选择用行动坦然做出回应 —「我要养,我们都会好好的」。

电影《此心安处》定档 4 月上映

近日,电影《此心安处》定档 4 月 11 日全国上映。




电影《武替道》发布定档海报,并定档将于 3 月 14 日中国大陆上映。


《武替道》由梁冠尧、梁冠舜执导,曾宪宁、叶伟平编剧,刘俊谦、董玮、伍允龙、蔡思韵领衔主演;于 2024 年 9 月 26 日中国香港上映。

该片获得第 61 届台湾电影金马奖最佳动作设计提名,并入围 2024 年中国金鸡百花电影节「金鸡华语影展」,获「年度期待华语电影奖」。


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Walgreens to Be Acquired by Sycamore Partners in $10 Billion Deal

7 March 2025 at 08:28
Shares of Walgreens Boots Alliance have lost about half their value in the past year, as the chain has faced pressure in its retail and pharmacy businesses.

© Allison Dinner/EPA, via Shutterstock

Walgreens has faced declining prescription reimbursements and falling sales at its retail locations for years.

Syrian forces and Assad loyalists in deadly clashes in Latakia province

7 March 2025 at 07:31
Reuters Syrian forces ride on military vehicles as they head to Latakia, after fighters linked to Syria's ousted leader Bashar al-Assad mounted a deadly attack on government forces on Thursday,Reuters
Syrian forces head to Latakia after heavy clashes were reported

Syrian forces loyal to the new government in Damascus have engaged in heavy fighting with remnants of the ousted Assad regime in a coastal area in the country's north-west.

At least 13 soldiers have been killed in the clashes in Latakia province, close to a Russian-controlled airbase, according to state TV.

A curfew has been announced until Friday morning.

They are some of the most violent attacks on forces linked to Syria's Islamist government since the fall of Bashar al-Assad in December.

Clashes continue in coastal areas that form the heartland of the Alawite community and are a stronghold of the Assad family.

Alawite activists said their community had been subjected to violence and attacks since Assad fell, particularly in rural Homs and Latakia.

State news agency Sana reported that "huge military reinforcements" were heading to the city of Jableh.

Late on Thursday, Syrian-based Step news agency, was reporting that government-aligned forces had killed "about 70" former regime fighters, while more than 25 others were captured in Jableh and surrounds.

The AFP news agency said 28 gunman loyal to Assad were killed, citing monitors, and added that government forces were using helicopters to attack targets.

The BBC has been unable to verify the figures.

A spokesman for Syria's defence ministry, Colonel Hassan Abdul Ghani, issued a warning to Assad loyalists via state media.

"Thousands have chosen to surrender their weapons and return to their families, while some insist on fleeing and dying in defence of murderers and criminals. The choice is clear: lay down your weapons or face your inevitable fate," he said.

The region has become a major security challenge for interim president Ahmed al-Sharaa.

He is also facing resistance in the south, where there have been clashes with Druze forces in recent days.

Earlier this week, Syria's foreign minister told the global chemical weapons watchdog that the new government was committed to destroying any remaining stockpiles produced under-Assad.

Assad's government denied ever using chemical weapons during the 14-year civil war, but activists accused it of carrying out of dozens of chemical attacks.


7 March 2025 at 08:17

From today's featured article

Illustration of an infant class
Illustration of an infant class

The history of infant schools in Great Britain began in 1816, when the first infant school was founded in New Lanark, Scotland. It was followed by other philanthropic infant schools across Great Britain. Infant teaching came to include moral education, exercise, and an authoritative but friendly teacher. Infant schools increased the education that many children received before leaving school to work. State-funded schools in England and Wales were advised in 1840 to include infant departments. Infant education came under pressure to achieve quick academic progress, notably through rote learning. Beginning in 1905, infant lessons in England and Wales shifted towards more child-centred methods of teaching, where education was meant to reflect the preferences of children. The child-centred approach reached its peak following a report in 1967. In 1988, a more centralised curriculum was introduced. The term "infant department" was used widely in Scotland in the 1960s but is no longer much used there. (Full article...)

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Brian Driscoll
Brian Driscoll

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Ōfunato wildfire

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March 7: Feast day of Saints Perpetua and Felicity (Catholicism, Anglicanism, Lutheranism)

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Police attacking civil rights activists outside Selma, Alabama
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From today's featured list

The American women acknowledge the crowd in Vancouver after winning silver medals at the 2010 Winter Olympics.
The American women acknowledge the crowd in Vancouver after winning silver medals at the 2010 Winter Olympics.

Ten goaltenders and seventy-three skaters have played for the United States in the Olympic Games. The United States women's national ice hockey team has participated in every Winter Olympic tournament since 1998, when the Olympic Games first featured women's ice hockey. The American women's team has played in every gold medal match except for 2006, winning two gold medals, four silver medals, and one bronze medal. Four players from the American teams over the years (Natalie Darwitz, Cammi Granato, Angela Ruggiero, and Krissy Wendell) are members of the Hockey Hall of Fame. (Full list...)

Today's featured picture

SpaceX CRS-20

SpaceX CRS-20 was a Commercial Resupply Services mission to the International Space Station (ISS) launched on March 7, 2020. Contracted by NASA and flown by SpaceX, the mission was the final flight of Dragon 1, before the introduction of Dragon 2. CRS-20 was launched aboard Falcon 9 from Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, and used Dragon capsule C112, which had previously flown to the ISS on CRS-10 and CRS-16. CRS-20 arrived at the ISS on March 9, 2020, and was captured by the station's robotic arm. It carried 1977 kilograms (4358 lbs) of cargo. This photograph shows the CRS-20 capsule approaching the ISS while around 267 miles (430 kilometres) above Namibia.

Photograph credit: Johnson Space Center; edited by Nythar

Trump Ramps Up Attacks on Law Firms With Order Targeting Perkins Coie

7 March 2025 at 06:57
The order against the firm, which did work for Democrats during the 2016 campaign, represents an escalation of efforts to punish groups the president sees as aiding his enemies.

© Maansi Srivastava for The New York Times

President Trump’s order makes Perkins Coie, which did legal work for Democrats during the 2016 presidential campaign, the second law firm to be targeted for retribution.

U.S. and Ukrainian Officials to Meet Next Week About Path to End War

The officials plan to meet next week to discuss the first steps of an agreement, after President Trump cast doubt on U.S. support for Ukraine in recent days.

© Eric Lee/The New York Times

President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine has made conciliatory gestures toward President Trump after a blowup in the Oval Office last week.

Intuitive Machines’ Athena Lander Is on the Moon, but Its Fate Is Unclear

7 March 2025 at 07:50
After hours of uncertainty, officials from the Houston company said there are clues that the spacecraft is on its side, which could limit the mission’s scientific accomplishments.

© NASA, via Associated Press

An image beamed from the Intuitive Machines Athena lander as it approached the moon on Thursday.

What to Know About Measles Cases in New York and New Jersey

7 March 2025 at 07:36
Experts recommend vaccines as the best defense against the viral illness.

© Desiree Rios for The New York Times

People who receive both doses of the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine are 97 percent immune to the measles virus.