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Today — 9 January 2025Main stream

为什么我的 mac 打开 goland 会爆这个错误,如何解决

By: liaowb3
9 January 2025 at 21:46


Internal error. Please refer to

java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: /Users/liaobin/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/GoLand2023.3 at java.base/sun.nio.fs.UnixException.translateToIOException( at java.base/sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException( at java.base/sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException( at java.base/sun.nio.fs.UnixFileSystemProvider.createDirectory( at java.base/java.nio.file.Files.createDirectory( at at at com.intellij.platform.ide.bootstrap.DirectoryLock.lockOrActivate( at com.intellij.platform.ide.bootstrap.StartupUtil$lockSystemDirs$result$1.invokeSuspend(main.kt:626) at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:33) at at kotlinx.coroutines.internal.LimitedDispatcher$ at at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler.runSafely(CoroutineScheduler.kt:584) at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.executeTask(CoroutineScheduler.kt:793) at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.runWorker(CoroutineScheduler.kt:697) at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$

Your JRE: 17.0.10+1-b1087.17 aarch64 (JetBrains s.r.o.) /Applications/


By: guisheng
9 January 2025 at 21:39





9 January 2025 at 21:09
mushokumunou: 想找个基于 py go node.js 的 cms 或者 headless cms 也行,做二开。
前端有配套的最好,没有也拉到,基本都提供 api 。

最好接近视频站的应用方向,不造大轮子,小轮子(如 dplay 二开等)无所谓。

苹果 cms 这种剧集 + youtube 这种自由投稿 ,综合体。(让网友自己投稿剧集,网站只负责前台展示和归类整理)


第一次购买 65w 氮化镓充电头分享

By: nathanw
9 January 2025 at 20:55

第一次用氮化镓充电头,买了号称第六代氮化镓充电头,4 个口,2 个 type-C ,2 个 USB

官方介绍,4 口同时用,C1=45w,B2=5w,C2 和 B1 为 15w

实际测试: C1 口插入安卓机,其他同时 3 个口接入 3 台 iphone ,这时候会断流充不上了,应该是第一台安卓机充电功率太高了,总的超过了 65w ,拔掉其他一台其他的就正常了。

反过来,如果 C1 插入 iPhone ,C2 接入安卓,其余 2 个不变,这时候就正常了。 插拔的时候,只能说极小概率还是会断流(广告说双 c 口不断流)。

发热感觉还行,不过现在是冬天。 主要用途是出去旅行的时候,手机,充电宝,相机,耳机晚上放着慢慢充电。 没有快充需求,主力 iPhone 也就 15w ,也就不买 100+w 的充电头。 对于个人来说也就够用了,体积也比较小。


By: kkkkh
9 January 2025 at 20:48


  • 1 、不了解前端,不知道前端重要性;
  • 2 、不知道前端的能做什么,不能做什么;
  • 3 、有时候还尊重前端;


[全职远程] 英国伦敦二游公司直招 unity 开发工程师

By: blogcool
9 January 2025 at 20:38


我们是一家总部位于伦敦的科技公司,专注于 unity 二次元移动端游戏开发,核心团队拥有超过 10 年的游戏开发和发行经验,致力于通过技术创新为玩家提供卓越的游戏体验。公司目前正在开发一款二次元卡牌手游,当前团队人数在 40 人左右。目前有多位 HC 开放,从中级到高级,欢迎您加入我们的创新旅程。




北京时间 10:00-20:00 。




unity 主程序(二次元方向):


1.负责 Unity 游戏客户端架构设计与核心功能开发;





2.5 年以上 Unity 开发经验,1 年以上二次元游戏主程经验;必须有二次元游戏开发经验。

3.对 Unity 引擎及其相关领域有深入的研究和理解;



unity 开发工程师:









1.5 年以上 Unity 引擎使用经验。至少完整参与过 2 款移动游戏的开发。熟练掌握 Unity 引擎在移动端的开发。

2.熟悉 Lua 、C#的语法和特性。







加分项: 有远程工作经验。

薪资福利: 中高级:面议+项目奖金

投递说明: 所有职位都是公司直招,非中介。 投递简历后,我们会在一周内主动联系(一周内无反馈,视为不通过,没法一一回复,请理解)。

面试形式: 线上面试,正常流程会有二至三轮面试。




顶不住了,快疯了, Mac 上使用 colima 安装 docker 到底怎么才能改源啊

By: Jinnrry
9 January 2025 at 20:25

在公司使用 docker ,由于 docker-desktop 授权问题,换到 colima 。于是便开始了折磨

1 、安装 colima 官方的安装方式,使用 brew 安装完 colima 和 docker client 非常流程,毫无卡点

2 、安装完后测试 docker ps 、docker images 等命令,都没有问题。非常开心,居然这么顺利就换掉 docker-desktop 了

3 、docker pull 发现拉不下来镜像。没事,这个我熟,熟练的修改~/.docker/daemon.json,改为源后,结果发现 docker pull 依然走官方源

4 、搜了下 colima 原理,原来他底层就是一个虚拟机,那我懂了,得去他的虚拟机里面改配置文件。按照网上说的,通过colima ssh顺利进入虚拟机,然后准备改配置,结果发现这个虚拟机里面没有vim等命令,没法改配置。

5 、看了下虚拟机版本,使用的是 ubuntu 。那就简单了,闭着眼睛敲了了个sudo apt update && apt install vim 。敲我之后发现,tmd 虚拟机内 ubuntu 的源也连不通。没事,这我也熟,闭着眼睛覆盖掉/etc/apt/source.list。覆盖完之后发现 apt 还是用不了,又看了下source.list的原文件,上面写着Ubuntu sources have moved to the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu.sources ,这好像还是用的 ubuntu clound 版本,于是又看了下/etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu.sources,好像是模板生成的,上面注释写着要改镜像模板,我去你大爷的,我哪知道你模板在哪啊

6 、喝杯水冷静了一些,想了想,我是为了改 docker 配置啊,费这么大劲跟 apt 较什么劲啊。于是秀一波操作echo 'xxxxx' > ~/.docker/daemon.json 成功修改配置文件。感叹还好自己基本功扎实,没有 vim vi 这些编辑工具,照样有办法改配置文件。

7 、改为配置文件后,当然得重启了,敲下一个colima restart,然后dokcer info一看,我去,没生效啊。再进虚拟机一看,你大爷的,配置文件给我还原了。

8 、又去网上一通搜索,网上说要改~/.colima/default/colima.yaml配置,于是又照着网上说的,把 docker 源写到这里面,写完发现colima start根本起不来了,又费了九牛二虎之力,改了半天格式,好不容易把 colima 虚拟机启动起来了,但是 docker pull 还他大爷走的官方源

9 、又在网上一通搜索,网上又有人说要通过colima start --edit编辑配置文件,于是又照着改,改了半天发现虚拟机又起不来了。colima start --edit~/.colima/default/colima.yaml这两个文件反复核对反复改,改了无数遍,虚拟机终于起来了。docker info里面的registry_mirrors也变了。激动得不行,感叹终于没问题了。结果他大爷的一拉镜像,还是走的官方源。

10 、反复检查我配置的源,检查了无数遍,我又拿服务器去测试了一下,源肯定是可以用的,服务器上使用这个源都是正常的。而且这个源肯定也是没有被墙的,本地 ping 、tcpping 、telnet 各种花式测试,都是通的。

11 、濒临崩溃,不知所以,怀疑人生,上 v 站发个帖,哪个大哥走过路过帮忙看看

12 、md ,狗屎玩意,抬头一看时间,8 点了。瞎几把搞了一天,需求一行代码都还没写,收拾收拾下班,明天再来


9 January 2025 at 19:37
qinshihuang: 专业承接各类软件算法开发工作( APP 类/PC 类/Web 类/AI 类)价格透明、用工灵活、先用后付、货到付款。专治各类屎山代码盘活、开源二次定制、快速从 0 到 1 技术原型攻坚,擅长应对各种技术疑难杂症,以及狂野的产品想法,已有数百万项目业绩。有意者联系微信 MTQ4NDUxNDg1== (base64),欢迎转发推荐成功有提成。

分享一个 AI 帮我开发的简单图片裁剪工具 - 寻求建议

By: AsherReed
9 January 2025 at 19:09

大家好! 我是一名业余摄影爱好者,平时用索尼 A7 拍了不少照片。最近遇到一个困扰 - 每次外出拍摄回来都要处理大量照片,特别是裁剪构图这块特别耗时。

作为一个编程小白,我一直在自学 JavaScript 。这周末突发奇想,何不让 AI 帮我写个简单的裁剪工具?说干就干,在 ChatGPT 的协助下,花了整个周末总算搞出了一个能用的版本(。


支持拖拽裁剪 保持原图比例 可以预览效果 支持常用图片格式 不过我还想加入去除背景的功能,但对这块完全没经验。想请教下各位大神:

实现去背景功能,需要用什么技术栈? 有推荐的开源库吗? AI 方面该用什么模型? 这是我的第一个小项目,代码可能写得比较粗糙,欢迎各位提建议!


9 January 2025 at 23:17

















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9 January 2025 at 23:17



涉案的为两名男性和一名女性,2024年4月在杜塞尔多夫和巴特洪堡(Bad Homburg)两地被逮捕。当时警方搜查了他们的住所以及办公场所。




© 2025年德国之声版权声明:本文所有内容受到著作权法保护,如无德国之声特别授权,不得擅自使用。任何不当行为都将导致追偿,并受到刑事追究。

Russia says it is keeping close eye on Trump's claim to Greenland

9 January 2025 at 19:32
EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock A plane on the tarmac at Nuuk airport in GreenlandEPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock
Earlier this week Donald Trump Jr amplified his father's claims with a private visit to Greenland

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said Russia is closely monitoring the situation, after US President-elect Donald Trump refused to rule out military action to take Greenland from Denmark.

Peskov said the Arctic was in Russia's "sphere of national and strategic interests and it is interested in peace and stability there".

Trump's remarks on Greenland - a largely autonomous Danish territory - have drawn a warning from European leaders.

EU foreign affairs chief Kaja Kallas has stressed that "we have to respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Greenland", and Germany's Olaf Scholz has made clear that "borders must not be moved by force".

Trump said earlier this week that the US needed both Denmark and the Panama Canal "for economic security", and refused to rule out using either economic or military force in taking them over.

He also referred to the border with Canada as an "artificially drawn line". Denmark and Canada are both close Nato allies of the US.

Dmitry Peskov said Trump's claims were a matter for the US, Denmark and other nations, but Russia was watching the "rather dramatic" situation surrounding his remarks. "We are present in the Arctic zone, and we will continue to be present there," he said.

Map of Greenland

Outgoing US Secretary of State Antony Blinken sought to dampen concern about the president-elect's remarks during a visit to Paris: "The idea is... obviously not a good one, but maybe more important, it's obviously one that's not going to happen."

About 56,000 people live in Greenland, and it is home to US as well as Danish military bases. It also has considerable untapped mineral and oil wealth.

Greenland Prime Minister Mute Egede has been pushing for independence, although the territory's economy relies heavily on Danish subsidies.

Both he and the Danish leader have emphasised that it is "not for sale" and that its future is in the hands of Greenlanders themselves.

UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy played down Trump's comments, although he acknowledged the "intensity of his rhetoric and the unpredictability sometimes of what he said can be destabilising".

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen has said Copenhagen has a clear interest in ensuring that the US - "absolutely its closest ally" - plays a key role at a time of rising tensions in the North Atlantic, particularly involving Russia.

The European Commission said Trump's threat to Greenland was "extremely theoretical" and "wildly hypothetical", considering he was not yet in office.

However, it has confirmed that Greenland, as an overseas territory, does come under a mutual assistance clause requiring all EU states to come to its aid in case of attack.

The Kremlin ridiculed the European response, suggesting it was reacting "very timidly... almost in a whisper".

Last week, Greenland's leader said the territory should free itself from "the shackles of colonialism", although he made no mention of the US.

A former Greenland foreign minister, Pele Broberg, who now heads the biggest opposition party, told the BBC that most Greenlanders he talked to believed the US was vital for their defence and safety.

"We are part of the North American continent, that's why the defence of the US is in such a great place with regards to Greenland, because we create a buffer zone that doesn't need to be militarised."

He has called for a "free association agreement" with the US covering trade and defence which would give Greenland independence but hand the US responsibility for security.

Trump's allies have reinforced his views on Greenland.

Keith Kellogg, chosen by Trump to bring an end to the war in Ukraine, said a lot of the president-elect's remarks on Greenland made sense, "putting the United States in a position of global leadership".

Republican congressman Mike Walz told Fox News that the issue was "not just about Greenland, this is about the Arctic", because Russia was trying to take control of the polar region, with its mineral and natural resources.

"Denmark can be a great ally, but you can't treat Greenland, which they have operational control over, as some kind of backwater - it's in the Western hemisphere."

Truss issues legal threat to PM over claim she crashed economy

9 January 2025 at 21:42
Getty Images Liz Truss speaking at the launch of the Popular Conservatives grouping, PopCon, in London in February 2024Getty Images

Former Prime Minister Liz Truss has sent a legal "cease and desist" letter to Sir Keir Starmer demanding he stop saying she "crashed the economy".

Her lawyers argue the claim made repeatedly by Sir Keir is "false and defamatory" and harmed her politically in the run-up to losing her South West Norfolk seat in the general election.

Truss was the UK's shortest-serving PM, forced to resign after just 49 days in office when borrowing costs soared in the aftermath of her government's mini-budget.

Downing Street has been approached for comment.

But Commons leader Lucy Powell told MPs "we won't cease and desist from telling the truth that they [the Conservatives] crashed the economy".

Also speaking in the Commons, Chief Secretary to the Treasury Darren Jones said the actions taken by the Conservatives in government were "not just reckless and negligent - they had a direct impact on family finances".

Meanwhile, the pound has dropped to its lowest level in over a year and government borrowing costs have continued to rise as concerns about the public finances mount.

Sterling began to fall in value after UK 10-year borrowing costs rose again, surging to their highest level for 16 years.

Economists have warned these rising costs could force further tax rises or cuts in spending as the government tries to meet its self-imposed borrowing targets.

Powell said the cost of government debt often fluctuated "because of global markets", but argued the Truss government's mini-budget, in September 2022, which included wide-ranging tax cuts, had led to a market reaction "directly and immediately".

A "cease and desist" letter usually represents a warning that the recipient will face legal action if they continue the allegedly unlawful activity.

In the letter sent to Sir Keir on Wednesday, Truss's lawyers say his statements about their client are "false and misleading".

"Their publication is not only extremely damaging but also grossly defamatory and indefensible... It would be hard to avoid a conclusion that they were made maliciously," the letter adds.

Truss's lawyers say they are seeking "an amicable basis on which you will agree to cease repetition of what is clearly a factually incorrect and defamatory statement about our client.

"This request is made in the context of the basic levels of civility which is due between senior politicians, and we trust that you will respond accordingly."

The letter argues that the movements in financial markets during Truss's tenure in No 10 should not be classified as an economic crash.

The weeks following the mini-budget saw adverse market reaction and mortgage costs soar.

At the Conservative Party conference in October, Truss said it would be "economic illiteracy" to suggest that tax rises from Labour - at that point anticipated in Rachel Reeves' upcoming first Budget - were a result of her economic inheritance.

Before and after: How wildfires tore through the county

9 January 2025 at 20:20
Getty Images A person runs past a building on fireGetty Images
More than 100,000 people had to be evacuated due to the deadly wildfires

Deadly wildfires have devastated parts of the city of Los Angeles and the wider county, destroying many homes and businesses, as well as schools and places of worship.

Here are some of the most striking images of places seen before and after the wildfires tore through them.

Pacific Palisades

This affluent suburb is among those that have been the hardest hit, with many residents being unable to gather much or anything of value before they were had to flee.

Below are images showing the destruction some businesses have suffered.

A graphic shows a Pacific Palisade business before and after it was destroyed by fire
A graphic showing the damage done to a cafe in the Pacific Palisades

The Palisades Charter High School is among landmarks in the Pacific Palisades area to have been damaged in the fires.

The well-known school counts celebrities including and Forest Whitaker among its alumni, and has been a filming location for Hollywood hits including Carrie, Teen Wolf and Freaky Friday.

Read more about what happened to the school here.

Palisades Charter High School/Facebook An exterior view of Palisades Charter High SchoolPalisades Charter High School/Facebook
Getty Images Pali High School rests across the street from homes destroyed in the Palisades fireGetty Images
Pali high school has reportedly suffered significant damage in the fire, which destroyed the homes opposite it

Pacific Coast Highway

Houses that sit along parts of the major state highway have also been hit by the Palisades fire, including in the city of Malibu.

Satellite imagery below shows what the coastline looked like before and after the fires took hold.

Reuters A satellite image shows the Pacific Coast Highway along the Malibu coastline before devastating wildfiresReuters
Reuters A satellite image shows smoke covering the Pacific Coast Highway along the Malibu coastline due to the devastating wildfires.Reuters


The Eaton Fire has destroyed hundreds of homes and businesses in Altadena, which lies behind the mountains north of Los Angeles.

Below you can see the damage the fire caused to one home, as well as a wider look at the full extent of the damage the neighbourhood has suffered.

A before and after gfx of a wildfire destroying an Altadena home


In nearby Pasadena, a Jewish temple was among the buildings lost to the Eaton Fire.

According to its website, the temple's congregation has more than 100 years of history in the area.

A gfx showing the Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center before and after it was destroyed by flames

Powerful photos reveal dramatic scenes as LA fires rage

9 January 2025 at 20:25
Kyle Grillot/Bloomberg via Getty Images Silhouetted firefighters gather in front of a fire engine next to a burning house in the Pacific Palisades areaKyle Grillot/Bloomberg via Getty Images
The blaze started in the wealthy Pacific Palisades neighbourhood, and quickly spread with strong winds and dry conditions

A wildfire that started in the Pacific Palisades area of Los Angeles on Tuesday morning has spread across the west of the city at an alarming rate throughout Tuesday and overnight.

High winds and very dry conditions further fuelled the flames, causing the blaze to rip through neighbourhoods at alarming speeds. The fires reportedly spread from a size of 10 acres to nearly 3,000 in a matter of hours.

Firefighters have been battling the flames throughout the night, as residents were forced to flee amid evacuation orders affecting tens of thousands of people.

Photographers have captured dramatic scenes across the west of the city as firefighters work to control the fires.

David Swanson/AFP A helicopter drops water over burning hills, with a huge plume of smoke rising above them, in Pacific Palisades.David Swanson/AFP
Thick smoke has engulfed huge areas of the city as wind gusts of more than 80mph (126km/h) fanned the flames

The BBC's Regan Morris reported on fires raging out of control, leaving those without power and phone signal unable to receive updates on the latest evacuation alerts.

Meanwhile, CBS reporter Jonathan Vigliotti said firefighters were no longer "trying to save" houses in the Palisades, "they're trying to prevent these flames from jumping to other neighbourhoods".

Ringo Chiu/Reuters Sparks and debris fly through the air with a firefighter holding a water cannon in the foreground and a fence and trees in the background, on the west side of LA.Ringo Chiu/Reuters
Firefighters battled windy conditions as debris blew through residential areas
Caroline Brehman/EPA A group of firefighters walk through a clearing in woods with a burning hill in the background, in the Pacific Palisades.Caroline Brehman/EPA
California Governor Gavin Newsom said that more than 1400 firefighters have been deployed to tackle the "unprecedented" fires
Wally Skalij/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images A police officer escorts a homeless woman pushing her belongings on a trolley, on a street with a police car and burning mountain in the background, in Topanga Canyon Blvd.Wally Skalij/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images
Police officers have been out on the streets, escorting people to safety and aiding evacuation efforts
Caroline Brehman/EPA A close up view of a group of firefighters as they climb a smoky burnt hill with trees on it, in the Pacific Palisades.Caroline Brehman/EPA
Los Angeles County firefighters took up positions to tackle the blaze
Caroline Brehman/EPA A woman holds her dog and belongings while evacuating, as she walks down a street with fire in the background, in the Pacific Palisades.Caroline Brehman/EPA
More than 30,000 people have been ordered to evacuate the area
David Crane/Los Angeles Daily News Firefighters are silhouetted against a yellow sky as they battle fire from the on the beachfront along Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu.David Crane/Los Angeles Daily News
Beachfront homes along the Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu are at risk of being engulfed by the flames
Caroline Brehman/EPA A Los Angeles firefighter drags a hose past cars trying in a smoky street in Pacific Palisades.Caroline Brehman/EPA
Firefighters had to dodge residents evacuating areas affected by the fires
Caroline Brehman/EPA Rear view of a firefighter wearing a yellow helmet with the word 'Williams' on the back of it, as they fire a water cannon at a burning building in the Pacific Palisades.Caroline Brehman/EPA
They deployed water cannons to extinguish the flames in affected areas
David Crane/Los Angeles Daily News A sign saying 'Malibu: 21 miles of scenic beauty' is seen in front of a burning building with firefighters in front of it, in MalibuDavid Crane/Los Angeles Daily News
The Pacific Palisades area of Los Angeles borders well-known Malibu and Santa Monica
Mike Blake/Reuters People walk through a car park carrying luggage and belongings, with a smoky background and palm trees bending in high winds, on the west side of LA.Mike Blake/Reuters
People rushed to gather important belongings and pets while fleeing
Josh Edelson/AFP A McDonald's restaurant is seen behind a burning palm tree bent by high winds in PasadenaJosh Edelson/AFP
The usually iconic-looking palm trees of Los Angeles have bent and burned in the wake of the wildfires
David Swanson/AFP A silhouetted firefighter fires a water cannon in front of huge flames in a valley with burning hills and a fire helicopter in the background in Pacific PalisadesDavid Swanson/AFP
Helicopters worked alongside fire officers to try and stop the spread across hilly, wooded areas of west LA
Caroline Brehman/EPA A firefighter helps their colleague wrap up in gear with burning forestry in the background in the Pacific Palisades.Caroline Brehman/EPA
Weary firefighters have been battling the wildfires throughout Tuesday and into Wednesday