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英国财政大臣周末将访问北京 工党政府寻求缓和对华关系

英国财政大臣蕾切尔·里夫斯(Rachel Reeves)将前往北京和上海。

(德国之声中文网)英国财政部周五(1月10日)表示,财政大臣蕾切尔·里夫斯(Rachel Reeves)将前往北京和上海,并与中国国务院副总理何立峰举行会面。




据英国财政部称,英国央行行长安德鲁·贝利(Andrew Bailey)和英国金融行为监管局首席执行官尼基尔·拉蒂(Nikhil Rathi)也在访华代表团中。英国一些最大的金融服务公司的代表也将随行。一些媒体报道称,汇丰银行和渣打银行的代表也在其中。

去年10月,英国外交大臣戴维·拉米 (David Lammy)访问了中国。去年7月新当选的英国首相斯塔默,则于去年11月在巴西举行的G20峰会期间会见了中国国家主席习近平








© 2025年德国之声版权声明:本文所有内容受到著作权法保护,如无德国之声特别授权,不得擅自使用。任何不当行为都将导致追偿,并受到刑事追究。





墨西哥总统辛鲍姆指着现为美国领土的老地图反讽道,“我们就叫它墨西哥美洲(Mexican America)吧,听起来很美,不是吗?”

美国资深政治评论员Jonathan Chait把特朗普当选之后迄今的言论称为“新特朗普帝国主义”,分析认为它具有很强的“表演”性质。特朗普之所以要向盟友发出一系列“象征性”的威胁,更多是想通过这种“虚张声势”的方式来向盟友施压,并且还能够迎合大量普通选民的想法。Chait认为,这就是特朗普很重要的政治风格,他要通过这种“表演”展示权力,好比“建墙”,虽然特朗普从未在南部边境线上真正建起“又大又漂亮的墙”,但其支持者并不因此责怪他,因为建墙本身不是重点,其背后的象征意义才更令选民激动,因为这代表着美国的威慑力。









美国第一位女性白宫幕僚长:特朗普胜选后宣布的第一位内阁人选就是他的竞选团队经理、67岁的威尔斯(Susie Wiles)。威尔斯从事政治幕僚工作多年,相当低调,甚少接受公开访问。正如同许多政治明星的幕后推手,她故意避开镁光灯,因此特朗普替她取了“冰姑娘”的绰号。但她的名声响亮,很多人认为她有能力控制住以不受约束著称的特朗普,让他严格遵循竞选行程。她将成为美国史上第一个担任白宫幕僚长的女性。
对华强硬派卢比奥被提名出任国务卿:11月13日,美国候任总统特朗普提名参议员马尔科·卢比奥(Marco Rubio)出任国务卿。《华尔街日报》指出,如果该提名获得确认,卢比奥将成为首位遭到北京方面制裁且被禁止前往中国的在任美国国务卿。卢比奥被认为是美国参议院中坚定的反共派,多次直接点名批评中共总书记习近平。2020年卢比奥先后两次因新疆种族灭绝指控和香港反修例事件被中国制裁限制入境。
福克斯新闻主持人将担任国防部长:特朗普11月12日宣布,他已经选择了福克斯新闻(Fox News)主持人兼退伍军人赫塞斯(Pete Hegseth)担任国防部长。数天后,赫格塞斯被曝2017年曾被控性侵一名共和党女党工。赫格斯否认受到性侵指控。其律师称其没有性侵,两人当时是两相情愿,但证实赫格斯有针对这起事件支付对方封口费。赫塞斯曾为美国陆军国民兵上尉,并于伊拉克和阿富汗服役,2012年参选明尼苏达州参议员败选后,在2014年加入福克斯新闻。过去曾批评北约盟国软弱、落后,并称中国正在打造一支“专门致力于击败美国”的军队。
前佛州检察长帕姆·邦迪(Pam Bondi)将担任司法部长:特朗普11月21日宣布将提名前佛罗里达州检察长帕姆·邦迪(Pam Bondi)担任司法部长。当天,特朗普的第一人选、前共和党众议员马特·盖茨(Matt Gaetz)因涉嫌性贩运的指控,宣布退出司法部长提名。现年59岁的邦迪曾于2011年至2019年担任佛罗里达州的最高执法官员。她是特朗普的忠诚支持者。在特朗普首次弹劾审判期间,邦迪是他的律师之一。她还一直为特朗普声称因广泛的选民欺诈而输掉2020年大选的言论辩护。
华尔街知名对冲基金总裁贝森特将担任财长:特朗普11月22日提名亿万富翁斯科特·贝森特(Scott Bessent)作为财政部长的候选人。62岁的贝森特是一名投资家、全球宏观投资公司Key Square Group的创始人,曾担任过索罗斯基金管理公司的首席投资官,并在耶鲁大学任教。特朗普宣布贝森特将着眼于解决外贸失衡、专注经济增长并控制美国国债增长。贝森特曾赞扬特朗普对监管和现有国际贸易秩序持怀疑态度的经济哲学。
北达科他州州长伯格姆为内政部部长人选:11月15日,特朗普宣布提名北达科他州州长道格·伯格姆(Doug Burgum)担任其就任总统后的内政部部长及新成立的美国国家能源委员会主席。68岁的伯格姆(图正中)曾角逐2024年美国大选的共和党党内初选,后公开表示支持特朗普。内政部负责管理公共土地和矿产、国家公园和野生动物保护区,还履行美国政府对原住民的信托责任。作为新成立的国家能源委员会主席,伯古姆预计将与多个机构协调,以提高石油和天然气产量。
对华强硬派霍华德·卢特尼克将担任商务部长:特朗普11月19日提名其过渡团队的负责人霍华德·卢特尼克(Howard Lutnick)担任他上任后的商务部长。卢特尼克是金融服务公司建达(Cantor Fitzgerald)的首席执行官,也是特朗普的盟友,曾被认为是财政部长的热门人选。大选期间,卢特尼克曾表示支持对中国商品征收60%的关税,并对所有进口商品征收10%的关税。他还批评中国是美国境内芬太尼泛滥的根源。
反疫苗、公卫阴谋论小罗伯特·肯尼迪提名担任卫生部长:特朗普11月14日宣布将任命知名“反疫苗”、公共卫生阴谋派人士小罗伯特·肯尼迪(Robert F. Kennedy Jr.)为卫生部长,领导美国卫生与公众服务部(HHS)。特朗普称,他将让美国卫生机构恢复最高标准的科学研究传统,结束慢性病流行,“让美国再次伟大和健康”。小罗伯特·肯尼迪也在社群平台上发文回应:“我期待与HHS的8万多名员工合作......让美国人再次成为地球上最健康的人”。小罗伯特·肯尼迪被报道过去多次宣扬与科学家研究悖离的公卫理论,包括儿童疫苗导致自闭症,该说法已被证实为假资讯。新冠疫情期间,小罗伯特·肯尼迪声称新冠疫苗会致命,还曾暗示新冠病毒本身“有种族针对性”,旨在伤害非裔和白人,不会伤害德系犹太人和中国人。
美国优先政策研究所所长罗林斯将出任农业部长:特朗普提名52岁的美国优先政策研究所 (America First Policy Institute) 所长布鲁克·罗林斯(Brooke Rollins)出任农业部长。其职权范围包括农场和营养计划、林业、家庭和农场贷款、食品安全、农村发展、农业研究、贸易等。美国优先政策研究所是一个右倾智库,其工作人员与特朗普的竞选团队密切合作,帮助为新政府制定政策。在特朗普第一任期时,罗林斯曾担任国内政策委员会的主席。
众议员、福克斯新闻主持人肖恩·达菲将任交通部长:特朗普提名原共和党众议员肖恩·达菲(Sean Duffy)、福克斯新闻主持人担任美国交通部长。特朗普誓言要推翻拜登政府促使汽车制造商生产更多电动汽车的车辆排放规则。达菲被认为在交通领域,尤其是在关键的海运行业缺乏相关经验。
特斯拉CEO马斯克将领导“政府效率部”:亿万富翁埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)在美国大选举行前至少向特朗普的团队捐赠了1.19亿美元,是特朗普竞选活动的主要资金来源。特朗普在选战期间就发誓,如果当选将为马斯克量身打造一个“效率沙皇”的职位。在此职位上,马斯克将推动经济放松管制。但由于马斯克本人是美国经济中的重要人物,拥有特斯拉、X和SpaceX等公司,且部分直接受益于政府合同,因此马斯克在“政府效率部”担当职务也将面临巨大的利益冲突。与马斯克一起将挑起削减美国政府支出和精简官僚机构重任的还有一位名叫拉马斯瓦米(Vivek Ramaswamy)的印度裔美国企业家。
沃尔兹预计将成为特朗普政府的国家安全顾问:50岁的瓦尔兹(Mike Waltz)是美国政坛上对中国持强硬立场的鹰派人物。他曾呼吁美国抵制2022年的北京冬季奥运,理由是中国未说清新冠疫情起源,以及中国对维吾尔人的迫害。瓦尔兹是特朗普的忠实拥护者。2020年美国大选之后,特朗普欲推翻选举结果,瓦尔兹对此表示支持。《华尔街日报》指出,和卢比奥一样,瓦尔兹很可能也是中国领导人习近平所担心的特朗普上台后导致中美紧张关系加剧的关键人物。
新任“边境沙皇”曾支持拆散非法移民家庭政策:11月10日,特朗普在社交平台“真实社交”(Truth Social)上宣布,他提名霍曼(Thomas Homan)将担任“边境沙皇”一职。霍曼曾在2017年至2018年担任美国移民海关执法局代理局长。今年早些时候接受哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)新闻节目《60分钟》(60 Minutes)采访时,被问到是否有办法在不拆散非法移民家庭的情况下进行大规模驱逐出境时,霍曼说回答:“当然有办法。家人可以一起被驱逐出境。”今年7月在共和党全国代表大会上,他称非法移民应该“现在开始打包行李了”。
前国家情报总监拉特克里夫被提名出任中情局局长:拉特克里夫(John Ratcliffe)曾在特朗普第一届总统的最后一年半担任过美国国家情报总监。特朗普在11月12日宣布提名拉特克里夫出任中情局局长。他表示,拉特克里夫“将成为捍卫所有美国人宪法权利的无畏斗士,同时确保最高水准的国家安全,以实力带来和平”。拉特克里夫曾在担任国家情报总监的时候将中国称作是“二战以来对全球民主自由的最大威胁”。
卡什·帕特尔(Kash Patel)将被提名领导FBI:特朗普11月30日宣布计划提名前国家安全官员、其忠实支持者卡什·帕特尔(Kash Patel)领导美国联邦调查局(FBI),称他“在揭露‘通俄门骗局’中发挥了关键作用。此举表明特朗普打算将FBI现任局长克里斯托弗·雷(Christopher Wray)赶下台。克里斯托弗·雷在特朗普上一任期内被任命为联邦调查局局长,其任期应到2027年。
众议员斯特凡尼科将出任美国驻联合国大使:11日,特朗普宣布提名众议员斯特凡尼科(Elise Stefanik)出任美国驻联合国大使。特朗普形容斯特凡尼科“非常聪明”、是“美国优先”政策的捍卫者。斯特凡尼科过去十年来是代表纽约州的众议员。她是特朗普的长期支持者,曾在特朗普遭弹劾时对其表示支持。斯特凡尼科已表态将接受新职位。
特朗普任命“气候怀疑论者”领导环保署:特朗普将任命前纽约州众议员李·泽尔丁(Lee Zeldin)担任美国环境保护署(EPA)署长。泽尔丁是特朗普的长期盟友,在2015年至2023年任职国会期间,他多次反对扩大环保政策。泽尔丁在X发文表示:“我们将恢复美国的能源主导地位,重振汽车产业,把就业机会带回美国,让美国成为人工只能的全球领航者,我们实现这些目标的同时,也会保护干净的空气与水。”
马斯克盟友卡尔被提名为联邦通信委员会主席:特朗普于提名布伦丹·卡尔(Brendan Carr)担任联邦通信委员会(FCC)新一任主席,领导媒体监管工作。卡尔曾参与起草保守派智库传统基金会(Heritage Foundation)发布的《2025计划》中有关FCC的章节。他支持特朗普对广播公司所谓的政治偏见进行惩罚,同时也呼吁对Meta、谷歌和苹果等科技巨头进行监管。据报道,亿万富翁马斯克的星链卫星互联网服务于2020年底从联邦通信委员会获得了8.85亿美元的资助,但由民主党领导的委员会后来撤销了这项资助,理由是该服务无法证明其能够覆盖足够多未接入互联网的农村家庭。卡尔对此决策“强烈反对”。
小女儿公公马萨德·布洛斯被提名为阿拉伯和中东事务高级顾问:12月1日,特朗普宣布,黎巴嫩裔美国人马萨德·布洛斯(Massad Boulos)将担任下一任美国总统的阿拉伯和中东事务高级顾问。特朗普在一份声明中称,马萨德·布洛斯是一位才华横溢的律师、是商界备受尊敬的领袖,也是中东和平的坚定支持者。马萨德·布洛斯出生于黎巴嫩一个基督教家庭,十几岁时搬到了德克萨斯州。2022年,布洛斯的儿子迈克尔迎娶特朗普的女儿蒂芙尼。今年大选期间,布洛斯试图在关键摇摆州,尤其是密歇根州的阿拉伯裔美国人和穆斯林中争取对特朗普的支持。


这个对美国扩张历史的简要回顾说明,虽然其领土扩张主要局限在北美,不像欧洲列强那样在海外占有庞大殖民地,原因不是美国不想,而是19世纪特别是早中期的美国总体实力还较弱,无法远征,等到美国实力强起来后,世界殖民地基本被欧洲列强瓜分完了,美国也就只能从实力已衰落的西班牙手中夺取几个海外殖民地。认识到自身的力量局限后,美国将开疆拓土的注意力放在北美,重点是经营美洲,把美洲划为自己的势力范围,这便是 “门罗主义”由来。1823年,美国第五任总统詹姆斯·门罗提出了后来被称为“门罗主义”的地缘政治主张。其核心内容是,美国不干涉欧洲列强的争端,欧洲列强也不能把殖民之手再伸进美洲,美洲是美国人的美洲,美洲大陆由美国来控制。




美国之所以被看作是良善 “霸权”,是因为它有自由民主的制度,维持和盟友的良好关系,适度让利盟友,承担“世界警察”的责任,即向全球提供国际公共品等。这是美国让人服膺的一整套软实力体系。现在特朗普觉得这套体系有碍“让美国再伟大”目标的实现,偏要对盟友进行经济胁迫和武力威胁,来减少美国承担的国际责任。而经济胁迫和武力威胁,是美国常常用来指责中国的,特朗普仿效中国,有过之而不及,尽管不太可能立刻在盟友间造成大规模冲突,但大概率会激怒盟友,让盟友对美国心有余悸,从此难以信任美国,使美盟友体系很可能事实上将处于瘫痪状态。没有盟友的加持和配合,如何让美国再伟大?





© 2025年德国之声版权声明:本文所有内容受到著作权法保护,如无德国之声特别授权,不得擅自使用。任何不当行为都将导致追偿,并受到刑事追究。


Monir Ghaedi

(德国之声中文网)周四(1月9日),右翼选项党 (AfD) 党首魏德尔在X上与拥有该社交媒体平台的美国亿万富翁马斯克进行音频对话,讨论了德国政治等问题。





说法:马斯克在他的X Space对话标题中将魏德尔称为“德国领先的总理候选人”。


根据 ARD Deutschlandtrend的最新民意调查,中右翼的基民盟及其巴伐利亚姊妹党基社盟目前是德国最强大的政治力量,支持率为31%。选项党的支持率约为20%。
















核电站每千瓦时产生的二氧化碳量数字各不相同:2014年,政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC) 报告估计每千瓦时 (kWh) 产生4至110克二氧化碳当量——因此它不是碳中性的。










德国政府当时则表示,其行为符合欧盟关于移民的《都柏林 III》规定,该规定允许一国审查某人的庇护申请,即使没有义务这样做。

















© 2025年德国之声版权声明:本文所有内容受到著作权法保护,如无德国之声特别授权,不得擅自使用。任何不当行为都将导致追偿,并受到刑事追究。

What's the latest on the LA fires, and why can't they be put out?

Moment house collapses in Studio City as LA wildfires rage on

Out-of-control wildfires are ripping across parts of Los Angeles, leading to at least five deaths, burning down hundreds of buildings, and prompting more than 130,000 people to flee their homes in America's second-largest city.

Despite the efforts of firefighters, the biggest blazes remain totally uncontained - with weather conditions and the underlying impact of climate change expected to continue fanning the flames for days to come.

What's the latest?

More than 137,000 people have been forced to leave their homes - many of them simply carrying whatever belongings they can.

Police say at least five people have died, and their bodies found near the Eaton Fire - but their cause of death is not yet known.

Like the even larger Palisades Fire, the Eaton Fire remains totally uncontained. Meanwhile, the new Sunset Fire is menacing the well-known Hollywood Hills area.

More than 1,000 structures are known to have been destroyed - including houses, schools and businesses on the iconic Sunset Boulevard. A fire ecologist has told the BBC that "entire neighbourhoods... have been wiped out".

Among the celebrities who have lost their homes are Leighton Meester and Adam Brody, who attended the Golden Globes just days ago, and Paris Hilton.

There is a glimmer of hope for firefighters, as the fire weather outlook for southern California has been downgraded from "extremely critical" to "critical".

But BBC weather forecaster Sarah Keith-Lucas says there is no rain forecast in the area for at least the next week, meaning conditions remain ripe for fire.

Mass disruption has been reported due to traffic buildup. A number of schools and the the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) have been forced to close.

A political row about the city's preparedness has erupted after it emerged that some firefighters' hoses have run dry - an issue seized upon by US President-elect Donald Trump.

Where are the fires?

A BBC map plots the locations of five fires in Los Angeles - the Palisades, Eaton, Sunset, Hurst and Lidia fires. Prominent locations including the Hollywood Hill are marked nearby

There are at least five fires raging in the wider area, according to California fire officials early on Thursday:

  • Palisades: The first fire to erupt on Tuesday and the biggest fire in the region, which could become the most destructive fire in state history. It has scorched a sizable part of land, covering more than 17,200 acres, including the upscale Pacific Palisades neighbourhood
  • Eaton: It has struck the northern part of Los Angeles, blazing through cities such as Altadena. It's the second biggest fire in the area, burning around 10,600 acres
  • Hurst: Located just north of San Fernando, it began burning on Tuesday night and has grown to 855 acres, though firefighters have had some successlimited in containing it
  • Lidia: It broke out on Wednesday afternoon in the mountainous Acton area north of Los Angeles and grew to cover almost 350 acres. Authorities say it has been 40% contained
  • Sunset: It broke out Wednesday evening in Hollywood Hills, growing to about 20 acres in less than an hour. It now covers around 43 acres

The earlier Woodley and Olivas fires have now been contained, according to local fire authorities.

How did the LA fires start?

Officials have pointed to high winds and drought in the area, which has made vegetation very dry and easy to burn.

The likely impact of climate change has also been cited been blamed - although the exact circumstances remain unclear.

Some 95% of wildfires in the area are started by humans, according to David Acuna, a battalion chief at the Californian Fire Service, although officials are yet to state how they think the current fires started.

An important factor that has been cited in the spread of the blazes is the Santa Ana winds, which blow from inland towards the coast. With speeds of more than 60mph (97 km/h), these are believed to have fanned the flames.

Malibu seafront left devastated after wildfires

What role has climate change played?

Although strong winds and lack of rain are driving the blazes, experts say climate change is altering the background conditions and increasing the likelihood of such fires.

US government research is unequivocal in linking climate change to larger and more severe wildfires in the western United States.

"Climate change, including increased heat, extended drought, and a thirsty atmosphere, has been a key driver in increasing the risk and extent of wildfires in the western United States," the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says.

And following a very warm summer and lack of rain in recent months, California is particularly vulnerable.

Fire season in southern California is generally thought to stretch from May to October - but the state's governor, Gavin Newsom, has pointed out earlier that blazes had become a perennial issue. "There's no fire season," he said. "It's fire year."

Speaking to the BBC, Mr Acuna said the Palisades Fire represented only the third occasion in the past 30 years that a major fire had broken out in January.

A map titled: "How big is the area burnt by the Palisades wildfires on the outskirts of LA?" This shows an outline of the shape and size of the fire superimposed on maps of New York City and London - showing that the fire would cover a significant area of both city centres

Danes struggle with response to Trump Greenland threat

Getty Images Denmark’s Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, wearing a dark green textured blazer with gold buttons and a black turtleneck, speaks at a press event. She stands in front of a light blue backdrop featuring the flags of Greenland and the European Union. Her expression is serious as she addresses the audience, with a microphone visible in the foreground.Getty Images
Denmark's prime minister, Mette Frederiksen, has been tasked with providing the national response to Trump's threat

Copenhagen's gloomy January weather matches the mood among Denmark's politicians and business leaders.

"We take this situation very, very seriously," said Foreign Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen of Donald Trump's threats to acquire Greenland – and punish Denmark with high tariffs if it stands in the way.

But, he added, the government had "no ambition whatsoever to escalate some war of words."

Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen downplayed Trump's own suggestion that the US might use military force to seize Greenland. "I don't have the fantasy to imagine that it'll ever get to that," she told Danish TV.

And Lars Sandahl Sorensen, CEO of Danish Industry, also said there was "every reason to stay calm... no-one has any interest in a trade war."

But behind the scenes, hastily organised high-level meetings have been taking place in Copenhagen all week, a reflection of the shock caused by Trump's remarks.

Greenland PM Mute Egede flew in to meet both the prime minister and King Frederik X on Wednesday.

And on Thursday night, party leaders from across the political spectrum gathered for an extraordinary meeting on the crisis with Mette Frederiksen in Denmark's parliament.

Faced with what many in Denmark are calling Trump's "provocation," Frederiksen has broadly attempted to strike a conciliatory tone, repeatedly referring to the US as "Denmark's closest partner".

AFP Greenland's leader Mute B Egede smiles wearing a silky blue top as he talks to reporters in DenmarkAFP
Greenland's leader Mute B Egede has met Denmark's leaders on a trip to Copenhagen this week

It was "only natural" that the US was preoccupied by the Arctic and Greenland, she added.

Yet she also said that any decision on Greenland's future should be up to its people alone: "Greenland belongs to the Greenlanders... and it's the Greenlanders themselves who have to define their future."

Her cautious approach is twofold.

On the one hand, Frederiksen is keen to avoid escalating the situation. She's been burned before, in 2019, when Trump cancelled a trip to Denmark after she said his proposal to buy Greenland was "absurd".

"Back then he only had one more year in office, then things went back to normal," veteran political journalist Erik Holstein told the BBC . "But maybe this is the new normal."

But Frederiksen's comments also speak to the Danish resolve not to meddle in the internal affairs of Greenland – an autonomous territory with its own parliament and whose population is increasingly leaning towards independence.

"She should've been much clearer in rejecting the idea," said opposition MP Rasmus Jarlov.

"This level of disrespect from the coming US president towards very, very loyal allies and friends is record-setting," he told the BBC, although he admitted Trump's forcefulness had "surprised everybody."

The conservative MP believed Frederiksen's insistence that "only Greenland... can decide and define Greenland's future" placed too much pressure on the island's inhabitants. "It would've been prudent and clever to stand behind Greenland and just clearly state that Denmark doesn't want [a US takeover]."

AFP An airplane with the name Trump taxis at an airport in GreenlandAFP
Donald Trump Jr flew to Greenland this week to press his father's point

The Greenland question is a delicate one for Denmark, whose prime minister officially apologised only recently for spearheading a 1950s social experiment which saw Inuit children removed from their families to be re-educated as "model Danes".

Last week, Greenland's leader said the territory should free itself from "the shackles of colonialism."

By doing so he tapped into growing nationalist sentiment, fuelled by interest among Greenland's younger generations in the indigenous culture and history of the Inuit.

Most commentators now expect a successful independence referendum in the near future. While for many it would be seen as a victory, it could also usher in a new set of problems, as 60% of Greenland's economy is dependent on Denmark.

An independent Greenland "would need to make choices," said Karsten Honge. The Social Democrat MP now fears his preferred option of a new Commonwealth-style pact "based on equality and democracy" is unlikely to come about.

Map of Greenland

Sitting in his parliamentary office decorated with poems and drawings depicting scenes of Inuit life, Honge said Greenland would need to decide "how much it values independence". It could sever ties with Denmark and turn to the US, Honge said, "but if you treasure independence then that doesn't make sense."

Opposition MP Jarlov argues that while there is no point in forcing Greenland to be part of Denmark, "it is very close to being an independent country already".

Its capital Nuuk is self-governed, but relies on Copenhagen for management of currency, foreign relations and defence - as well as substantial subsidies.

"Greenland today has more independence than Denmark has from the EU," Jarlov added. "So I hope they think things through."

As Mette Frederiksen has the awkward task of responding firmly while not offending Greenland or the US, the staunchest rebuttal to Trump's comments so far has come from outside Denmark.

The principle of the inviolability of borders "applies to every country... no matter whether it's a very small one or a very powerful one," German Chancellor Olaf Scholz warned, while French Foreign Minister Jean-Noël Barrot said the EU would not let other nations "attack its sovereign borders".

Their comments gave away the deep concern within the EU about how to handle the upcoming Trump presidency. "This is not just very serious for Greenland and Denmark – it is serious to the whole world and to Europe as a whole," MP Karsten Honge said.

"Imagine a world – which we may be facing in just a few weeks – where international agreements don't exist. That would shake everything up, and Denmark would just be a small part of it."

The Danish trade sector has similarly been engulfed by deep nervousness after Trump said he would "tariff Denmark at a very high level" if it refused to give up Greenland to the US.

A 2024 Danish Industry study showed that Denmark's GDP would fall by three points if the US imposed 10% tariffs on imports from the EU to the US as part of a global trade war.

Singling out Danish products from the influx of EU goods would be near-impossible for the US, and would almost certainly result in retaliatory measures from the EU. But trade industry professionals are taking few chances, and in Denmark as elsewhere on the continent huge amounts of resources are being spent internally to plan for potential outcomes of Donald Trump's second term in the White House.

As his inauguration approaches, Danes are preparing as they can to weather the storm. There is guarded hope that the president-elect could soon shift his focus to grievances towards other EU partners, and that the Greenland question could be temporarily shelved.

But the disquiet brought on by Trump's refusal to rule out military intervention to seize Greenland remains.

Karsten Honge said Denmark would have suffer whatever decision the US takes.

"They just need to send a small battleship to travel down the Greenland coast and send a polite letter to Denmark," he said, only partly in jest.

"The last sentence would be: well, Denmark, what you gonna do about it?

"That's the new reality with regards to Trump."

UK records coldest night of winter as snap to last into weekend

PA Media A 4x4 makes its way through a snow-covered road in Scotton, Harrogate, North YorkshirePA Media
A 4x4 makes its way through a snow covered road in Harrogate, North Yorkshire

Commuters are being warned of icy roads and travel disruption, as temperatures plummeted again overnight across the UK.

Fresh weather warnings have been issued, with snow, ice and fog forecast across southern England, Wales, Northern Ireland and northern Scotland on Thursday.

It will be mainly dry elsewhere with winter sunshine, but temperatures could fall again to as low as -16C on Thursday night.

The cold snap has already brought heavy snowfall to some areas, and dozens of flood alerts and warnings are in place due to either heavy rain or melting snow.

On Wednesday the lowest temperature recorded was -8.4C (16F) in Shap, Cumbria, according to the Met Office.

It comes as an amber cold health alert remains in place for all of England until Sunday, meaning the forecast weather is expected to have significant impacts across health - including a rise in deaths.

The Hills/BBC Weather Watcher A sheep in Huddersfield in snow The Hills/BBC Weather Watcher
A sheep walks in snow in Huddersfield

The Met Office says travel disruption to road and rail services is likely on Thursday in areas covered by warnings, as well potential for accidents in icy places.

There are five warnings in place:

  • A yellow warning for snow and ice is in place for northern Scotland until midnight on Thursday
  • A yellow warning for ice has been issued until 10:30 across southern England and south-east Wales
  • Two yellow warnings for snow and ice are in force until 11:00 GMT - one across western Wales and north-west England, and south-west England; and another for Northern Ireland
  • A yellow warning for fog until 09:00 in Northern Ireland
Sue B/BBC Weather Watchers A snow sculpture in a garden in LeedsSue B/BBC Weather Watchers
A teenager made a snow sculpture of Venus in her garden in Leeds

On Wednesday snow caused some roads to close and motorists to be stationary for "long periods of time" in Devon and Cornwall, according to authorities there.

Gritters working into Thursday morning have been fitted with ploughs to clear routes in the area.

Car insurer RAC said it has seen the highest levels of demand for rescues in a three-day period since December 2022.

"Cold conditions will last until at least the weekend, so we urge drivers to remain vigilant of the risks posed by ice and, in some locations, snow," said RAC breakdown spokeswoman Alice Simpson.

National Rail have also advised passengers to check before they travel, as ice and snow can mean speed restrictions and line closures.

On Wednesday evening, poor weather was affecting Northern and Great Western Railway.

Buses are also replacing trains between Llandudno Junction and Blaenau Ffestiniog until Monday.

Reuters An car covered in snow in Buxton Reuters
A car covered in snow on a road in Buxton, Derbyshire

The wintry conditions have caused significant disruption across the UK since snow swept many parts of the country at the weekend.

Hundreds of schools were closed in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland, including schools in Yorkshire, Merseyside, the Midlands and Aberdeenshire.

The country has also been hit by widespread flooding in recent days. Currently there are 68 flood warnings - meaning flooding is expected - in England and three in Wales.

The weather is expected to be less cold over the weekend.

Reeves' China trip defended after borrowing cost nerves

PA Media Rachel Reeves speaking to the media at a banking hubPA Media

The Chancellor Rachel Reeves is travelling to China in a bid to boost trade and economic ties, as she faces pressure over government borrowing costs hitting their highest level in years.

The three day-visit has been criticised by some Conservatives who claim she should have cancelled the trip to prioritise dealing with economic issues at home.

Government borrowing costs have hit their highest levels for several years, meaning that uses up more tax revenue, leaving less money to spend on other things.

Economists have warned this could mean spending cuts affecting public services or tax rises that could hit people's pay or businesses' ability to grow.

On Thursday, the pound fell to its lowest level in more than a year - but the Treasury said markets continued to "function in an orderly way".

Travelling to China with the chancellor are senior financial figures, including the governor of the Bank of England and the chair of HSBC.

There she will meet China's Vice Premier He Lifeng in Beijing before flying to Shanghai for discussion with UK firms operating in China.

The government is looking to revive an annual economic dialogue with China that has not been held since the pandemic.

Ties have been strained in recent years by growing concerns about the actions of China's Communist leaders, allegations of Chinese hacking and spying and its jailing of pro-democracy figures in Hong Kong.

The Conservatives have criticised the chancellor for proceeding with the planned trip rather than staying in the UK to address the cost of government borrowing and slide in the value of the pound.

Shadow chancellor Mel Stride accused Reeves of being "missing in action" and said she should have stayed in the UK.

But Chief Secretary to the Treasury Darren Jones, standing in for Reeves in the Commons on Thursday, said the trip was "important" for UK trade and there was "no need for an emergency intervention".

Former chancellor Philip Hammond also told the World at One programme on Thursday that he "wouldn't personally recommend the chancellor cancels her trip to China. This can wait until she gets back next week".

Line chart showing 10-year UK government bond yields, from 2004 to January 2025. The yield was 4.9% on 2 January 2004, and rose to a peak of 5.5% in July 2007. It then gradually fell to a low of 0.1% in August 2020, before starting to climb again. On 9 January 2025, it hit 4.9%, the highest since 2008.

Governments generally spend more than they raise in tax so they borrow money to fill the gap, usually by selling bonds to investors.

Interest rates - known as the yield - on government bonds have been going up since around August, a rise that has also affected government bonds in the US and other countries.

The yield on a 10-year bond has surged to its highest level since 2008, while the yield on a 30-year bond is at its highest since 1998, meaning it costs the government more to borrow over the long term.

Reeves has previously committed only to make significant tax and spend announcements once a year at the autumn Budget.

But if higher borrowing costs persist, there is the possibility of cuts to spending before that or at least lower spending increases than would otherwise happen.

Any further spending cuts could be announced in the chancellor's planned fiscal statement on 26 March , ahead of a spending review that has already asked government departments to find efficiency savings worth 5% of their budgets.

Two more lynx spotted in the Highlands, a day after others recaptured

Getty Images A lynx walking in deep snow in an area of woodland.Getty Images
Lynx were once native to Britain

Police say two more lynx have been spotted in the same area where a pair of the wild cats were captured on Thursday.

They were seen near Kingussie in the Cairngorms National Park.

Police Scotland have warned members of the public not to approach the animals and said officers are working with specially-trained personnel to capture them.

The force said inquiries suggested that the sighting was connected with the release of the two lynx which were captured on Thursday.

A spokesperson said: "Members of the public are asked not to approach the animals and officers are working with specially trained personnel to capture them."

The latest lynx were spotted at about 07:10 on Friday.

The two animals captured earlier this week have been taken into the care of the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS).

It has condemned the illegal release of the animals as "highly irresponsible".

Experts from the charity worked with police to humanely trap the cats overnight.

They are now being cared for in quarantine facilities at Highland Wildlife Park before they are transferred to Edinburgh Zoo.

UK security officials monitor Elon Musk's posts

PA Media A mobile phone showing the official account of Elon Musk on social media app X (formerly Twitter), displaying a pinned post - a poll asking if 'America should liberate the people of Britain from their tyrannical government'. This held up against a computer screen displaying a BBC story headlined 'Starmer attacks those 'spreading lies' on grooming gangs, with an out-of-focus image of Keir Starmer. PA Media

UK officials are monitoring social media posts by Elon Musk and others as a possible security risk.

The monitoring is being carried out by a team in the Home Office's Homeland Security group, which is responsible for reducing national security risks and, according to a government website, "focuses on the highest harm risks to the homeland".

They are looking at the reach of posts and who is engaging with them.

The Home Office declined to comment.

But a source told the BBC said it was being done to make sure they were on top of whatever challenges were being posed by "non-state actors".

The monitoring of Musk's social media output, first revealed by the Daily Mirror, is understood to have begun after he made comments about Safeguarding Minister Jess Phillips.

The US tech billionaire, who renamed Twitter X when he bought the company, called Phillips a "rape genocide apologist" and said she should be jailed.

The Labour minister, who ran a domestic abuse refuge before becoming an MP and has long campaigned to tackle violence against women, told the BBC threats to her had increased as a result of the post.

The BBC has confirmed that officials in the Home Office are monitoring the social media posts of Musk, who is an adviser to US President-elect Donald Trump, along with other accounts that also have large numbers of followers.

Over the past week, Musk has been attacking the UK government over rejecting a fresh inquiry into grooming gangs, with the PM insisting victims need "action" not more inquiries.

The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, which lasted seven years and made 20 recommendations, reported in 2022 under the Conservative government but none of the recommendations have yet been implemented.

On Monday, Home Secretary Yvette Cooper set out action she would be taking on three recommendations.

Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has criticised what he described "lies and misinformation" around historic child sex abuse investigations.

He has also robustly defended his record as Director of Public Prosecutions on his work to tackle child abuse and sexual exploitation, which included bringing the first prosecution of an "Asian grooming gang" in Rochdale and prosecuting the highest number of child sexual abuse cases on record.

Reform UK MP Rupert Lowe, who has been praised by Musk, has asked the Home Office for the cost of the reported probe to taxpayers by the counter-extremism unit.

He said: "I have asked the Home Office how many of Musk's posts have been investigated, for what reason, by how many officers and at what cost to the taxpayer.

"They will spy on Musk's online activity, but no inquiry into thousands of foreign rapists. Pathetic."

Fire evacuation alert sent to millions in error

Watch: Residents return to burned homes as LA fires rage on

Residents were already on edge as more fires erupted across the Los Angeles region, traumatising millions of people who feel that after four days there's no end in sight.

Then on Thursday afternoon came another jolt in the form of a text alert.

This one was mistakenly sent to every cell phone in the county - home to about 10 million people - warning them the blaze was close and they should prepare to evacuate.

Rebecca Alvarez-Petit was on a video work call when her phone started blaring.

"An EVACUATION WARNING has been issued in your area," the text message said.

The sound echoed around her as each of her colleagues received the same startling message.

"It was like a massive panic that I was watching in real-time," she said.

Twitter alert saying that the previous alert was sent in error

She and colleagues started researching and trying to see whether they were in imminent danger.

Instant relief came in the form of a corrected alert telling them to disregard the warning but this soon gave way to newfound anger, she said.

"We're all on pins and needles and have been anxiously sitting by our phones, staring at the TV, having the radio going - trying to stay as informed as possible because there wasn't a good system in place," said Ms Alvarez-Petit, who lives in West Los Angeles.

"And then this. It's like - you have got to be kidding me."

The death toll from the wildfires has continued to climb with at least 10 people known to have died and that toll may grow.

For many, the anxiety about saving lives and property has turned into a sense of frustration over the handling of the fires.

A mayor's frustration

Officials have acknowledged some of the complaints, from hydrants running dry that hindered firefighting efforts to questions about preparedness and fire mitigation investment.

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass returned to the city from a pre-planned trip to Africa to find it on fire. She faced intense questions on Thursday about the region's preparedness, her leadership in this crisis and the water issues that failed firefighters.

"Was I frustrated by this? Of course," Mayor Bass said, answering a question about water issues and whether the area was prepared enough. She noted that is an "unprecedented event".

Like other officials, she stressed the fires were able to spread on Tuesday because of strong winds - the same winds that prevented aircraft from dropping water or fire retardant on the blazes. She said urban water systems and neighbourhood fire hydrants are not built to handle dousing thousands of acres of fire.

She noted there will be reviews of how the incident unfolded that will examine how officials and agencies handled it.

"When lives have been saved and homes have been saved, we will absolutely do an evaluation to look at what worked, what didn't work, and to correct or to hold accountable any body, department, individual," she said.

"My focus right now is on the lives and on the homes."

Larry Villescas stands in front of the charred remains of his neighbourhood.
Larry Villescas

Water shortage questions

The evolving disaster has turned into a need to understand why this happened and how it escalated into the most destructive fire in the history of Los Angeles.

As one of the now five fires burning in Los Angeles County approached Larry Villescas' home on Tuesday, he grabbed the only tool he could - a garden hose.

He and his neighbour made quick work of the embers falling on their homes from the Eaton Fire and igniting grass.

Then the hose ran dry.

He watched his neighbours' home in Altadena ignite. Then there was a boom - a nearby home was ablaze and sounded as though it exploded. He had to leave.

As he drove away, he watched the fire take hold of his garage.

"If we had water pressure, we would have been able to fight it," Mr Villescas said, standing in front of the charred remains of his home.

He remembered seeing firefighters that night - as the community burned - sitting in their trucks, unable to help.

"I remember my rage. It was like 'do something,' but they can't - there's no water pressure," he said. "It's just infuriating. How could this happen?"

Some experts have said the water shortage is due to unprecedented demand not mismanagement.

"The problem is that the scope of the disaster is so vast that there are thousands of firefighters and hundred of fire engines drawing upon water," Daniel Swain, a climate scientist at the California Institute for Water Resources, told the BBC.

"Ultimately only so much water can flow through pipes at a time."

Other neighbours shared their sense the state was not prepared despite routinely seeing destructive fires.

Hipolito Cisneros, who was surveying the remains of his now-destroyed home, said the public utilities in the area have needed upgrades for years.

"We've lived here for 26 years and we've never seen it tested," he says about the fire hydrant at the end of his block that failed to draw water when it was needed most.

Down the street, Fernando Gonzalez helped his brother sift through the rubble of his home of 15 years.

He noted that his own home in Santa Clarita - about 45 minutes away in Los Angeles County - was also being threatened by a different set of wildfires.

"We've just been on high alert," he said. "It's all around us, you know."






南方周末记者 王航
































































































Supreme Court to Hear Challenge to Law That Could Shut Down TikTok

The justices are expected to rule quickly in the case, which pits national security concerns about China against the First Amendment’s protection of free speech.

© Jason Andrew for The New York Times

The Supreme Court’s decision will be among the most consequential of the digital age, as TikTok has become a cultural phenomenon that provides entertainment and information touching on nearly every facet of American life.

What Dr. Ruth Left Behind

Archivists from the Kinsey Institute are helping the family of the sex therapist Ruth Westheimer with a common quandary: How much of someone’s stuff do you keep?

© James Estrin/The New York Times

Books and memorabilia in the apartment of the sex therapist Ruth Westheimer, including one of her oversize dollhouses. “Her dollhouses are cluttered, just like her real house,” her son said.

With Hearings Imminent, Partisan Fight Escalates Over Trump Cabinet

Democrats are demanding that Republicans slow consideration of picks for the new administration until they can review background checks, as the G.O.P. faces major pressure to quickly confirm them.

© Eric Lee/The New York Times

President-elect Donald J. Trump has made a special appeal for Pete Hegseth, left, his choice for defense secretary, who is scheduled to appear before the Armed Services Committee on Tuesday.