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特朗普“第一哥们”干涉德国大选 欧盟选择避免与马斯克发生冲突


(德国之声中文网)欧盟委员会数字问题发言人托马斯·雷格尼尔(Thomas Regnier)强调,无论是在欧盟的线上还是线下,马斯克都可以表达自己的政治观点。即使与选项党(AfD)领导人韦德尔举行对谈也不违反欧盟《数字服务法案》(DSA) 。雷格尼尔解释道:“DSA中没有任何条款禁止此类直播。”





目前生病仍在休养中的欧盟委员会主席冯德莱恩和欧盟负责数字政策的专员维克库宁(Henna Virkkunen)都尚未对此事发表评论。冯德莱恩的发言人为委员会主席保持沉默辩护称:“不去激化这场争论是一项政治决定。”


去年以来,布鲁塞尔一直在抱怨马斯克的平台X存在多项违规行为。 X通过使用标注蓝钩或者白钩欺骗用户,让用户相信这些账号是真实的和经过验证的。然而,实际上每个付费客户都会获得一个蓝钩或者白钩“认证”。 X上的广告发布者信息通常也不透明。

欧洲监管中心 (CERRE) 数字研究项目学术主任德·斯特里尔 (Alexandre de Streel) 表示:“毫无疑问,人们不愿意正面攻击特朗普和马斯克,因为害怕对方有可能做出的反应。”






© 2025年德国之声版权声明:本文所有内容受到著作权法保护,如无德国之声特别授权,不得擅自使用。任何不当行为都将导致追偿,并受到刑事追究。


Vinicius Pereira

(德国之声中文网)2024年12 月 23 日一早,气温就已超过了 30 摄氏度。巴西劳工检察官办公室 (MPT) 领导的一个特别工作组人员来到汽车巨头比亚迪位于北部巴伊亚州卡马萨里的工厂,从施工现场解救出 163 名中国工人。在巴西劳工检察官办公室看来,这些中国工人当时正在奴工式的条件下工作。


巴西劳工检察官办公室还指责该公司扣压工人的护照,并扣留其60%的工资——其余 40% 是以人民币支付。


163 名获救工人被送往酒店。几天后,巴西政府停止向比亚迪发放临时工作签证。这家汽车制造商表示,正在与巴西当局合作,不会容忍对巴西法律和人类尊严的触犯。


“这一举措意义重大,因为这家公司在巴西的投资对总统卢拉再工业化的项目具有重要意义,无论是在联邦政府还是在巴伊亚州,都享有强大的政治支持,”里约热内卢州立大学政治学者、国际关系学教授桑托罗( Maurício Santoro) 指出。



周二,巴西劳工检察官办公室调查人员会见了比亚迪和参与建设的公司代表。 所有获救工人都已收到解雇金并返回中国。对现场的视察报告将于下周完成,工人赔偿问题将在随后的会议上讨论。

圣保罗FIA商学院经济学者、教授费尔德曼(Paulo Feldmann)表示,比亚迪使用中国工人建造工厂与中国跨国公司在非洲和其它拉丁美洲国家的经营方式类似。

费尔德曼告诉德国之声,这种做法对接受投资的国家几乎没有好处。 “对于巴西来说,如果这些工人是当地人会更好,因为他们可以为自己和家庭创造收入,对社区产生积极影响,并获得专业技能的培训。这样也更容易监管他们的劳工条件。”



与此同时,巴西工业生产大幅下降,2021 年仅占国内生产总值 (GDP) 的 11%。

当卢拉2022 年第三次当选总统并承诺复兴巴西工业时,其政府寻找有意在该国设址的合作伙伴公司。次年,中国巨头比亚迪宣布投资约 5 亿美元,在原福特厂址所在的部分土地上建造一家新工厂,生产电动汽车。

比亚迪的到来也给当地经济带来期待。汽车顾问内托(Milad Kalume Neto)向德国之声表示:“福特当年设立了多家公司来支持其运营。不仅是供应商,还有提供服务的小公司。随着福特的离开,这些公司不得不降低经营活动,如今他们又有机会为一家大型汽车制造商工作。”








中国劳动力市场以所谓的“996”工作文化而闻名,即每周工作六天,从早上 9 点到晚上 9 点,这违反了劳动法。这种现象在科技行业尤为普遍。







© 2025年德国之声版权声明:本文所有内容受到著作权法保护,如无德国之声特别授权,不得擅自使用。任何不当行为都将导致追偿,并受到刑事追究。













CDT 档案卡
作者: 蚂乙







































Tetyana Klug

 (德国之声中文网)1月3日,德国外长贝尔博克(Annalena Baerbock)和法国外长巴罗(Jean-Noel Barrot)受欧盟委托,共同出访大马士革,和叙利亚新掌权者以及公民社会代表进行了会谈。然而在拜访沙姆解放组织(HTS)领导人沙拉(Ahmed al-Sharaa,曾用名朱拉尼)的时候,发生了一些小插曲,并且在社交平台和媒体上广为流传。







据德国之声调查,这些照片是由一个名为Almharar的Telegram账号发布的,其简介中自称是“自由叙利亚的官方新闻网络”。瑞士伯尔尼大学伊斯兰学退休教授舒尔策(Reinhard Schulze)对德国之声介绍,就在去年12月伊斯兰反叛武装沙姆解放组织推翻阿萨德政权之前,这个账号的名称还是“被解放北方的新闻网络”。


舒尔策解释道,这个账号背后的组织和伊德利卜的一些新正统派伊斯兰教士联系紧密,包括知名的萨拉菲派人士。“从2013年开始,沙姆解放组织就已经开始逐步脱离(这些人所代表的)传统教义了。”这位伊斯兰研究学者指出, 该网络组织过去曾以伊斯坦布尔为据点,现在应该是回到叙利亚境内活动了。








© 2025年德国之声版权声明:本文所有内容受到著作权法保护,如无德国之声特别授权,不得擅自使用。任何不当行为都将导致追偿,并受到刑事追究。

Hollywood Hills blaze rapidly expanding, fire chief says

Reuters A firefighter tackling a fire in the Palisades area of Los Angeles. They sit in the foreground with their back to the camera holding a hose. A stream of water is going from the hose towards a tire in the roof of a building in the background. Reuters

A mandatory evacuation order has been issued in the Hollywood Hills following the spread of the wildfires raging across Los Angeles.

The Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) said there was an "immediate threat to life" in the area and that it was being legally closed to the public.

At least five fires are currently active across Los Angeles, with five people confirmed to have been killed.

More than 130,000 people have already had to evacuate, and the homes of a number of celebrities - including Paris Hilton and Billy Crystal - have been destroyed.

The first fire began on Tuesday in the Pacific Palisades neighbourhood, near Malibu, with others subsequently breaking out across the north of the city.

As of 20:15 local time (04:00 GMT), four fires in the areas of the Palisades, Pasadena, Sylmar, and the Hollywood Hills covered more than 27,000 acres (42 sq miles; 109 sq km) and were 0% contained, according to the LAFD.

One fire in the Acton area had been partially contained, while two others had been completely contained.

The fire in the Hollywood Hills - a residential neighbourhood overlooking the historic Hollywood area of the city - began at around 18:00 local time on Wednesday.

Less than two hours later, much of the heart of Hollywood was blanketed with thick smoke, and the tops of the palm trees that line its streets were barely visible.

People used sweatshirts to cover their faces to help them breathe, while others - clearly surprised by the fire - wore only pyjamas. Many carried bags and suitcases, talking on their phones as they made plans for where to go.

Many of the roads near the fire - including Hollywood Boulevard, home to the Hollywood Walk of Fame - were gridlocked with traffic. Some people even drove on the wrong side of the road as they tried to get out of the area.

Resident Anna Waldman told the BBC she had set out to walk her dog but smelled smoke almost instantly when she went outside.

She went back inside and, looking out her back windows, saw fire, and watched as it moved quickly thought the Hollywood Hills, coming to within a block of her home.

She packed what she could: food, clothes, blankets, food for her three small dogs.

"I can't believe this," she said in exhaustion, pulling down her face mask.

Makayla Jackson, 26, and her two-year-old son, Ramari, had been evacuated from a homeless shelter that was in danger of burning, and now stood on the street waiting for a ride to a high school where help was being offered to people.

"They just told us to get out and go," she said.

Hollywood resident Anna Waldman stands in a car park after wildfires forced her to leave her home. She has a trolley of belongings and a buggy in which is sat her three small white dogs. She is wearing glasses and a face mask and is doing a peace sign at the camera.
Anna Waldman told the BBC she had had to flee her home with her three dogs

Firefighters tackling the blazes have experienced water shortages and have had to resort to taking water from swimming pools and ponds.

Officials said three separate one-million-gallon tanks were full before the fires began, but that the elevation of the fires meant water couldn't move quickly enough to hydrants in the affeted areas.

The city also doesn't typically see fires of this magnitude - the Palisades blaze is already the most destructive in its history - and its systems are designed for urban use, not fighting wildfires.

Chad foils attempt to destabilise country - minister

Facebook Foreign Minister Abderaman Koulamallah seen in a video apparently shot at the presidential palace in N'Djamena. He is wearing a blue shirt. Behind him are lines of palm trees and a lawn. Over his shoulder is also a group of soldiers in camo uniforms. Facebook
Foreign Minister Abderaman Koulamallah seen in a video apparently recorded at the presidential palace in N'Djamena

The government of Chad has insisted the situation in capitol N'Djamena is stable after gunshots were heard near the presidential palace.

Foreign Minister Abderaman Koulamallah said in a video apparently recorded within the palace complex that there had been a "little incident" but that "everything is calm".

Sources close to the African state's government said clashes had occurred between security forces and "terrorist elements".

The French news agency AFP quoted Koulamallah as saying that 18 attackers and a member of the security forces had been killed.

Following the incident, tanks were seen in the area and all roads leading to the palace were closed, the agency said

In the video, posted to Facebook, Koulamallah is seen surrounded by members of the government forces.

"Nothing serious has happened," he says.

"We are here and we will defend our country at the price of our blood. Be calm.

"This whole attempt at destabilisation has been thwarted."

He is then seen taking photos with, and raising his fist with, the soldiers.

Koulamallah was quoted by AFP as saying the assault had been launched by a 24-man commando unit, adding that six of the attackers had suffered injuries.

A further three members of the government forces also suffered injuries, he added.

The incident came just hours after a visit to the former French territory by China's Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, who met President Mahamat Déby and other senior officials.

Manchester Airport reopens runways after heavy snow

PA Media A 4x4 makes its way through a snow-covered road in Scotton, Harrogate, North YorkshirePA Media
A 4x4 makes its way through a snow covered road in Harrogate, North Yorkshire

Commuters are being warned of icy roads and travel disruption, as temperatures plummeted again overnight across the UK.

Fresh weather warnings have been issued, with snow, ice and fog forecast across southern England, Wales, Northern Ireland and northern Scotland on Thursday.

It will be mainly dry elsewhere with winter sunshine, but temperatures could fall again to as low as -16C on Thursday night.

The cold snap has already brought heavy snowfall to some areas, and dozens of flood alerts and warnings are in place due to either heavy rain or melting snow.

On Wednesday the lowest temperature recorded was -8.4C (16F) in Shap, Cumbria, according to the Met Office.

It comes as an amber cold health alert remains in place for all of England until Sunday, meaning the forecast weather is expected to have significant impacts across health - including a rise in deaths.

The Hills/BBC Weather Watcher A sheep in Huddersfield in snow The Hills/BBC Weather Watcher
A sheep walks in snow in Huddersfield

The Met Office says travel disruption to road and rail services is likely on Thursday in areas covered by warnings, as well potential for accidents in icy places.

There are five warnings in place:

  • A yellow warning for snow and ice is in place for northern Scotland until midnight on Thursday
  • A yellow warning for ice has been issued until 10:30 across southern England and south-east Wales
  • Two yellow warnings for snow and ice are in force until 11:00 GMT - one across western Wales and north-west England, and south-west England; and another for Northern Ireland
  • A yellow warning for fog until 09:00 in Northern Ireland
Sue B/BBC Weather Watchers A snow sculpture in a garden in LeedsSue B/BBC Weather Watchers
A teenager made a snow sculpture of Venus in her garden in Leeds

On Wednesday snow caused some roads to close and motorists to be stationary for "long periods of time" in Devon and Cornwall, according to authorities there.

Gritters working into Thursday morning have been fitted with ploughs to clear routes in the area.

Car insurer RAC said it has seen the highest levels of demand for rescues in a three-day period since December 2022.

"Cold conditions will last until at least the weekend, so we urge drivers to remain vigilant of the risks posed by ice and, in some locations, snow," said RAC breakdown spokeswoman Alice Simpson.

National Rail have also advised passengers to check before they travel, as ice and snow can mean speed restrictions and line closures.

On Wednesday evening, poor weather was affecting Northern and Great Western Railway.

Buses are also replacing trains between Llandudno Junction and Blaenau Ffestiniog until Monday.

Reuters An car covered in snow in Buxton Reuters
A car covered in snow on a road in Buxton, Derbyshire

The wintry conditions have caused significant disruption across the UK since snow swept many parts of the country at the weekend.

Hundreds of schools were closed in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland, including schools in Yorkshire, Merseyside, the Midlands and Aberdeenshire.

The country has also been hit by widespread flooding in recent days. Currently there are 68 flood warnings - meaning flooding is expected - in England and three in Wales.

The weather is expected to be less cold over the weekend.

William shares message to wife Kate on her 43rd birthday

Kensington Palace A black and white picture of Catherine posted by Kensington PalaceKensington Palace

The Prince of Wales has wished his wife, Catherine, a happy birthday as she turns 43.

"To the most incredible wife and mother. The strength you've shown over the last year has been remarkable," William wrote in a message posted on social media.

"George, Charlotte, Louis and I are so proud of you. Happy Birthday, Catherine. We love you. W."

The princess has returned to royal duties after having preventative chemotherapy treatment as a result of being diagnosed with cancer last year.

Kensington Palace posted the personal written message from William alongside a previously unseen picture of Catherine taken by Matt Porteous in Windsor last summer.

The black and white picture showed the princess looking relaxed and smiling, wearing jeans, a white shirt and a scarf.

The Royal Family also wished her a happy birthday.

The monarchy's official media account shared a message on X saying: "Happy Birthday to The Princess of Wales!" along with a birthday cake emoji.

The post also had a photo of Catherine collecting flowers from wellwishers while attending church in Sandringham on Christmas Day.

That was the last time the Prince and Princess of Wales were seen together in public.

Some councils ordered to increase home building by 400%, new BBC tracker shows

BBC Promotional image for the housing target tracker. There is a young couple in the middle looking at some paperwork. Around them are various images of details from buildings and stylised charts. The palette is predominantly orange.BBC

Some local councils in England would need to see at least a five-fold increase in new housing to meet government targets, analysis by BBC Verify suggests.

The BBC's figures lay out the immense challenge Labour has set itself in government with its "milestone" of building 1.5 million new homes in England over five years.

In total, 16 local authorities across England have new annual targets that are five times or more what they have recently delivered.

Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has said setting a specific target will "give the British people the power to hold our feet to the fire".

With that in mind, the BBC has created a new online tool for tracking the government's progress towards this key goal.

Type in your postcode and see the house building situation in your own area.

The government has also set annual housing targets for each local authority in England, based on what it judges their contribution to the overall total should be.

The most demanding target is for the London Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, which has been set a target for new homes nearly 22 times its recent average.

The target for Sevenoaks in Kent is five times what it has been delivering on average in recent years, while the target for Portsmouth is more than eight times the average.

These specific targets will enable us to incorporate information into the tracker on what's happening on house building in every district in England.

It will show the number of homes added in an area and compare it with the local target set by ministers.

Our postcode lookup tool also shows the share of planning applications for new homes granted permissions in an area in the most recent year there is data for, and compares it with the England-wide average rate, so you can judge whether your council is approving enough building plans.

The tracker will be updated when relevant official data becomes available.

Hugely ambitious

The new government has described its housebuilding objective as "hugely ambitious" and that is no exaggeration.

To deliver 1.5 million homes, defined as "net additional dwellings", over five years implies a strike rate of about 300,000 a year - a number not achieved since the 1970s.

Chart showing how challenging Labour's target of building 1.5 million new homes in the next five years is. It implies an average of 300,000 net additional dwellings per year, which has not been achieved over the period covered by the chart going back to 1992. The most managed over that period was just under 250,000 in 2019 and 2020.

But while the England-wide target is highly ambitious in a historical context, the targets handed down to some local authorities are arguably even more so.

To create our postcode tracker we processed local data on:

  • the number of annual net additional dwellings required
  • the number of net additional dwellings created on average each year since 2021
  • recent residential planning decisions by councils.

BBC Verify's analysis shows Kensington and Chelsea, a London borough, has been given a target of 5,107 new homes every year for the next five years. But the borough delivered an average of only 236 net additional dwellings between 2021-22 and 2023-24.

It did, however, approve 89% of planning applications for housing in the year to June 2024, considerably higher than the national rate of 71%.

Portsmouth, on the south coast, also has a very stretching target. The local council is being asked to deliver 1,021 new homes per year, almost nine times the 120 it delivered on average over the most recent three years.

Hastings has been tasked with a smaller total: 710. But this is still five times the 142 it has delivered on average in recent years.

Portsmouth approved 74% of residential planning applications in the year to June 2024 and Hastings 75%.

Councils were consulted on the targets last summer, with many expressing concerns they were "unrealistic", and the numbers were revised.

Councillor Elizabeth Campbell, leader of Kensington and Chelsea, said it was "out of touch to let algorithms set targets without understanding local context".

"You only have to walk through the streets of our densely built borough to see how unachievable it would be to build 5,107 homes a year here; this borough is only 4.5 miles squared."

She said there were two major sites in the borough that would provide 6,000 new homes in total.

Councillor Darren Sanders, cabinet member for housing at Portsmouth City Council, said the target "does not work" because "most of the city is an island" with a dense population and "important heritage and natural assets".

"Portsmouth has approved more than 4,000 new homes in 2023 and 2024. Any lack of delivery is down to the rising cost of development," he said, "not whether the council approves them."

Sevenoaks councillor Julia Thornton said it was a "top priority" to protect greenbelt land, but added: "We will have a duty to do everything possible to meet the government's new housing targets."

Sir Keir's housing minister, Matthew Pennycook, has said if councils fail to deliver enough houses the government could intervene.

"The government can take a local plan off a local authority that is resisting putting one in place, and we are absolutely willing to do it, if we have evidence that [they] are refusing to comply," he told the BBC.

The obstacles

The government said it had "inherited the worst housing crisis in living memory" and "all areas must play their part".

It has set out "a major planning overhaul… unblocking barriers to building, and setting out targets for councils to ramp up housebuilding, so new homes are built where they are most needed."

Most housing experts agree planning reform is necessary.

Yet analysts say it is not the only obstacle.

The construction industry has warned it is dealing with a chronic shortage of skilled workers.

The Home Builders Federation has cited aging workers and Brexit as some of the factors behind shortages.

The Construction Industry Training Board estimates the sector needs to attract the equivalent of 50,300 extra workers per year to meet the levels of work expected.

There are also concerns about the availability of basic building materials including bricks and timber.

The Construction Leadership Council has warned a shortage of these could hinder the government's ability to get near its target.

Finally, many housing experts doubt private housebuilders are capable of delivering enough new homes each year to reach the targets.

This is because private housebuilders have a commercial interest in not building so many new homes that their average price declines.

The Competition and Markets Authority concluded in February 2024 "private developers produce houses at a rate at which they can be sold without needing to reduce their prices".

A sharp decline in residential planning permissions in England in the year to June 2024 - hitting a new record low - was due to a collapse in applications from private builders, not a decline in the share of applications being approved by local authorities.

This collapse in applications probably reflected the impact of still-high mortgage interest rates and high house prices relative to average incomes, undermining the ability of people to afford newly built houses.

That's why some argue meeting the government's targets will also require a major increase in Whitehall grants to not-for-profit local housing associations, enabling them to build tens of thousands of new social and affordable homes, mainly to be rented out, in the coming years.

Interactive tool developed by Allison Shultes, Scott Jarvis and Steven Connor

About the data

Annual data on new homes for England comes from the government's "net additional dwellings" statistics.

These figures are estimates of changes in the total number of homes in each area, taking account of new build homes and existing building conversions, minus any demolitions.

The targets are the government's new "local housing need" calculations, released following a public consultation.

Planning statistics are taken from quarterly data and combine applications decided for "minor" housing developments (fewer than 10 homes) and "major" schemes (10 homes or more).

The planning data for England is at local authority level. Applications decided by special authorities, such as those in charge of national parks, are not included.

We have included the latest data on new housebuilding "completions" by local authority area for Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, but the 1.5 million homes target applies only in England.

BBC Verify logo

Pound falls further as UK borrowing costs soar

Getty Images Three pound coins placed on top of British bank notes.Getty Images

The pound has fallen to its lowest level for nine months after UK government borrowing costs continued to rise.

The drop came as UK 10-year borrowing costs surged to their highest level since the 2008 financial crisis when bank borrowing almost ground to a halt.

Economists have warned the rising costs could lead to further tax rises or cuts to spending plans as the government tries to meet its self-imposed borrowing target.

The government said it would not say anything ahead of the official borrowing forecast from its independent forecaster due in March.

"I'm obviously not going to get ahead ... it's up to the OBR (Office for Budget Responsibility) to make their forecasts."

"Having stability in the public finances is precursor to having economic stability and economic growth," the Prime Minister's official spokesman said.

Shadow chancellor Mel Stride claimed that the Chancellor's significant spending and borrowing plans from the Budget are "making it more expensive for the government to borrow".

"We should be building a more resilient economy, not raising taxes to pay for fiscal incompetence," he said in a post on X.

Gabriel McKeown, head of macroeconomics at Sad Rabbit Investments, said the rise in borrowing costs "has effectively eviscerated Reeves' fiscal headroom, threatening to derail Labour's investment promises and potentially necessitate a painful recalibration of spending plans."

The warning comes after the cost of borrowing over 30 years hit its highest level for 27 years on Tuesday.

Meanwhile the pound dropped by as much as 1.1% to $1.233 against the dollar, marking its lowest level since April last year.

The government generally spends more than it raises in tax. To fill this gap it borrows money, but that has to be paid back - with interest.

One of the ways it can borrow money is by selling financial products called bonds.

Globally, there has been a rise in the cost of government borrowing in recent months sparked by investor concerns that US President-elect Donald Trump's plans to impose new tariffs on goods entering the US from Canada, Mexico and China would push up inflation.

Laith Khalaf, head of investment analysis at AJ Bell, said chancellor Rachel Reeves' Budget in October, which increased borrowing, may have had a small impact but said the UK rises were similar to those in the US.

"In the UK higher yields put pressure on government finances and increase the risk that Reeves will come back with another tax raising Budget," he said.

But he also said the current rises in borrowing costs could be "a storm in a tea cup which dissipates quickly."

The official forecaster, the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR), will start the process of updating its forecast on government borrowing next month to be presented to parliament in late March.

Lynx captured after illegal release in Highlands

Getty Images LynxGetty Images

Police are investigating the illegal release of two lynx in the Highlands and have urged the public not to approach the wild cats.

The alarm was raised at about 16:20 when they were spotted in the Drumguish area, near to Kingussie.

Specially trained staff from the Highland Wildlife Park are assisting officers to trace the animals.

The Cairngorms National Park Authority said they were shy and a "low risk" to humans but added they should not be approached.

A spokesperson said: "We condemn the illegal release of wild animals in the strongest possible terms and we are also concerned for the welfare of the lynx that have been released."

The authority also said people should not attend the area and appealed to anyone with information about the lynx to contact police.

The wild cats were once native to Britain, but were driven to extinction 500 to 1,000 years ago.

But some conservation groups have been campaigning to have the wild cats reintroduced to Scotland.

Lynx to Scotland, a three-charity partnership working to restore lynx to the Scottish Highlands, said it had been made aware of the release.

Peter Cairns, executive director of Scotland: The Big Picture, one of the charities involved, said: "The Lynx to Scotland Project knows nothing of the origin of these two lynx, their history, health status, or who may have released them.

"We understand the frustration of all those who wish to see lynx restored to the Scottish landscape, but an illegal release is not the way to achieve that aim."

Getty Images LynxGetty Images
Lynx were once native to Britain

Mr Cairns said the project had never supported or condoned illegal releases.

He added: "This is unwelcome and grossly irresponsible, but comes at the worst possible time, when stakeholders are engaging in good faith with productive discussions about the possibility of a responsibly managed and fully resourced legal reintroduction."

RSPB Scotland said it was collaborating with the police, relevant governing bodies and partner organisations.

A spokesperson said: "Whilst we support lynx reintroduction as a formerly native species to Scotland, we work within official conservation translocation guidelines and therefore do not support unofficial releases which only set back approved conservation projects."

A spokesperson for farmers' union NFU Scotland said: "We hope that the released predators are caught as soon as possible and before any livestock or any other animals are destroyed.

"We ask all those living and working in the local rural community to be vigilant and report any sightings."

Kevin Keane corr box

There is huge anger among campaigners who have long been arguing for these apex predators to be returned to the wild in Scotland.

It is a highly controversial plan and has required some careful manoeuvring by conservationists to try and make it a reality.

They are convinced these two animals have been illegally released by someone who has grown tired of that process and taken the law into their own hands.

It has happened before with another species.

Beavers were released illegally in Perthshire while consultations over their formal reintroduction were still ongoing and the population has since exploded.

Farmers hate the idea of wild lynx because of concerns they might target their lambs for food.

If that happens in the coming days, campaigners fear it would end their ambitions of a reintroduction for decades.

It is possible the two cats could disappear into the wild, mate and produce the first genuinely wild lynx in more than five centuries.

But experts say the fact these secretive animals have been spotted several times suggests they might actually be too domesticated to survive in the wild.

Red line

'Where do I go?': Chaos on Hollywood streets as people flee

Christal Hayes Anna Waldman gestures a peace sign as she stands with her belongings and three dogs in a trolley. Christal Hayes
Anna Waldman with her three dogs.

Raging wildfires surrounding Los Angeles have spread to Hollywood Hills, a residential neighbourhood overlooking the historic Hollywood area of the city.

The Sunset fire broke out at around 18:00 (14:00 GMT) local time on Wednesday, covering much of Hollywood in thick smoke and forcing an evacuation order.

While driving in Hollywood, I saw many people running away from their homes with whatever belongings they could carry.

As I pulled over, some of them responded to me in fear and anxiety.

"Are you here to help people? Where do I go?" Anna Waldman asked as I got out of my car.

"Where is it safe?"

Above us, sirens had gone off and helicopter blades were whipping.

As I helped her get to a safe area, she told me she was walking her dogs and had planned to stop by a grocery store when she smelled heavy smoke.

She went back home, looked out her windows, and watched the fire move quickly through the Hollywood Hills to within a block from her home.

She packed what she could: food, clothes, blankets, food for her three small dogs.

"I can't believe this," she said in exhaustion.

Makayla Jackson, 26, held her two-year-old son Ramari on the corner of a street as they waited for a ride. They had been evacuated from a homeless shelter that was in danger of burning.

"They just told us to get out and go," she told me.

She said she was heading toward Hollywood High School, where more help was being offered.

Christal Hayes A woman with her daughter stands on a road with a suitcase in one hand and a bag in another. Christal Hayes

Much of the heart of Hollywood is blanketed in thick smoke. You can barely see the tops of the towering palm trees that line streets here.

It is utter chaos on the streets near the fire. People are using sweatshirts to cover their faces so they can breathe. Many are carrying bags and suitcases looking for a place to go.

Some are wearing pyjamas, clearly taken by surprise.

Christal Hayes Several cars lined up on a road near the blaze. 

Christal Hayes

Many of the roads near the blaze, such as the iconic Hollywood Boulevard, which includes the Hollywood Walk of Fame, are gridlocked with traffic.

Some are even driving on the wrong side of the road to escape.

The inferno could be seen from nearby freeways, lighting up the dark with bright red hues.

On the outskirts of the legendary city though, it is as though nothing is happening. People are eating dinner, shopping and going about their evenings.

Oscar nominations postponed because of LA fires

Getty Images A close up image of an Academy Award trophyGetty Images
This year's Oscars ceremony will take place in Hollywood on 2 March

The announcement of this year's Oscar nominations has been delayed by two days because of the deadly wildfires raging in the Los Angeles area.

It had been scheduled for Friday 17 January, but the stars and films up for Academy Awards will now be revealed on 19 January.

The voting for the nearly 10,000 Academy members, which opened on 8 January, has also been extended by two days, until Tuesday 14 January.

Former Oscars host Billy Crystal is among the celebrities who have lost homes in the blaze, as well as Paris Hilton, James Woods and Miles Teller.

'We are thinking of you'

In a letter sent to members on Wednesday, Academy CEO Bill Kramer said: "We want to offer our deepest condolences to those who have been impacted by the devastating fires across Southern California.

"So many of our members and industry colleagues live and work in the Los Angeles area, and we are thinking of you."

Conan O'Brien will host the 2025 Oscars ceremony at the Dolby Theater on Hollywood Boulevard on 2 March.

The fires have caused havoc for residents in Hollywood, as well as the area's film and TV industry.

A raft of LA events and movie premieres - including Unstoppable, Wolf Man, Robbie Williams' Better Man and The Pitt - have been cancelled or postponed.

On Wednesday, an event to announce the nominees for the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Awards was also called off.

The contenders were announced in a press release instead, with Wicked leading the nominations.

The Substance actress Demi Moore boosted her chances of an Oscar nomination by bagging a Golden Globe award last weeeknd.

The Globes, the first major ceremony of awards season, are considered to be a strong measure of which films have momentum ahead of the Oscars. Other film winners included Emilia Pérez, The Brutalist and Wicked.

In maps: Thousands of acres on fire

BBC Firefighter tackling blazeBBC

Firefighters in Los Angeles are battling a number of blazes in city suburbs, as tens of thousands of residents are forced to flee.

The rapidly changing situation is compounded by Santa Ana winds and extremely dry conditions. Currently authorities say there is no possibility of bringing the fires under control.

The Palisades fire, which is closest to the coast and also the largest, has ripped through picturesque suburbs which are home to many Hollywood stars. More than 1,000 buildings have already been destroyed.

Here's how the fires have spread and are affecting the Los Angeles area.

An overview of the current fires

Map of the current four major fires

Four major fires are currently being tackled.

The Palisades fire was first reported at 10:30 (18:30 GMT) on Tuesday, and grew in just 20 minutes from a blaze of 20 acres to more than 200 acres, then more than tenfold in a matter of a few more hours. At least 30,000 people have so far been ordered to leave their homes.

The Eaton fire grew to cover 1,000 acres within the first six hours of breaking out. It started in Altadena in the hills above Pasadena at around 18:30 local time on Tuesday.

The Hurst fire is located just north of San Fernando. It began burning on Tuesday at around 22:10 local time, growing to 500 acres, according to local officials. It has triggered evacuation orders in neighbouring Santa Clarita.

The latest of the four fires is the Woodley fire, currently 75 acres in size. It broke out at approximately 06:15 local time on Wednesday.

How did the Palisades fire spread?

Map showing three stages of the development of the Palisades fire

The Palisades fire has so far burnt through more than 2,900 acres. The map above shows how rapidly the blaze spread, intensifying in a matter of hours. At just after 14:00 on Tuesday it covered 772 acres and within four hours it had expanded approximately to its current size.

Thousands of people have been forced to evacuate, as more than 1,400 firefighters try to tackle the blaze.

How does the Palisade fire compare in size with New York and London?

Maps showing the size of the Palisade fire when superimposed on to maps of New York (L) and London (R)

To give an idea of the size of the Palisades fire, we have superimposed it on to maps of New York and London.

As you can see, it is comparable in size with the central area of UK's capital, or with large areas of lower Manhattan and Brooklyn.

How the fires look from space

NASA Smoke from the Palisades fire seen drifting out to sea off the California coastNASA

Another indication of the scale of the Palisades fire comes from Nasa's Earth Observatory.

The images captured on Tuesday show a huge plume of smoke emanating from California and drifting out to sea.

Effects of the Eaton fire

Google Earth/Getty Images/BBC Before and after images of the Jewish Temple in PasadenaGoogle Earth/Getty Images/BBC

The Palisade fire is not the only one to have a devastating effect on neighbourhoods of Los Angeles.

The above images show the Jewish Temple in Pasadena before and during the Eaton fire.

The Jewish Temple and Centre's website says it has been in use since 1941 and has a congregation of more than 400 familes.

How far will Donald Trump go to get rid of illegal immigrants?

Briefing | Deportation fixation

It is his signature policy, but the obstacles are daunting

 Asylum-seeking migrants walk along the US-Mexico border fence near the Jacumba Hot Spring, California
Photograph: Getty Images

“We’ll get National Guard, and we’ll go as far as I’m allowed to go, according to the laws of our country,” said Donald Trump in November, explaining his plan to rid America of illegal immigrants to Time magazine. “Whatever it takes to get them out.”

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南方周末记者 翟星理





















太平洋-帕利塞德地区居民 彼得:我们看到燃烧的碎片掉落到路上,离我们站着的地方很近,所以在我看来,我们还是逃吧。不论我失去了什么,都已经失去了,我对此无能为力。





受灾民众 德韦恩:简直就像是世界末日,我开车经过时感觉像是穿过战区,我不知道该说什么。我无以言表,太震惊了,我为我们的社区被摧毁感到难过。现在,我甚至不知道,我们该怎么从这些损失中恢复过来。


央视记者 刘骁骞:我身后天空弥漫的浓烟就是正在蔓延的帕利塞德山火。和大家来介绍一下最新的采访情况。我们刚刚前往圣塔莫尼卡市采访,刚到没多久,我们的手机上就收到了大量洛杉矶县政府发出的强制撤离的短信,要求所有居民必须立刻撤离,因为山火正在向居民区蔓延。在一个街角,我们看见警察拉起了一层又一层的警戒线,因为地势比较高的居民区已经有火势,我看见很多居民想要回家取东西,但是都被阻拦了。






其中,太平洋-帕利塞德地区的山火已烧毁超过15800英亩(约63.94平方公里)的土地,摧毁至少1000栋建筑,成为洛杉矶县有史以来最具破坏性的火灾;另一场位于帕萨迪纳以北的伊顿大火(Eaton Fire)也已扩展至逾10000英亩(约40.47平方公里),约13000栋建筑受到威胁,当地民众被迫紧急撤离。



帕利塞德大火(Palisades Fire),面积超过15800英亩;

伊顿大火(Eaton Fire),占地10500英亩;

赫斯特大火(Hurst Fire),占地约850英亩;

利迪亚大火(Lidia Fire),已蔓延到80英亩;

伍德利大火(Woodley Fire),已蔓延到30英亩。

日落大火(Sunset Fire),已蔓延到20英亩。


洛杉矶消防局局长 克里斯汀·克劳利:强风和周围的地形加剧了火势,这对我们消防人员来说,是极大的挑战。



欧洲森林研究所专家 林登·普龙托:我认为加州一年到头都有山火季节并不奇怪,然而如此破坏规模的山火在一月份并不常见。







21世纪经济报道 见习记者 林秋彤
















南方周末记者 李桂













我们崇尚这个古老行业的知性和审美,坚信这些禀赋在任何时代都将不可阻挡地成长,坚信人们终将拥有老康德在二百年前所说的,“在一切事情上公开运用自己理性的自由” 。



2025年1月9日 此前有很多读者询问二十周年纪念册和过往的图书如何购买。 纪念册在这个链接中可以看到:, 最后一段时间的合作方,如南京大学出版社和商务印书馆,他们的网店中还能够买到我们的书,大家可自行搜索。



CDT 档案卡



三辉图书的最后一本书是蒂莫西·米切尔(Timothy Mitchell,1955— )的《碳民主:石油时代的政治权力》(Carbon Democracy:Political Power in the Age of Oil)(石油储量如何影响现代民主|新书)。这本书由三辉图书与南京大学出版社合作出版,豆瓣网上的信息显示出版时间是2024年6月,或许此书的出版过程也不少波折。



2016年三辉图书被新京报书评周刊评为“年度出版品牌 ”,颁奖词如下:


















