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Apple has just released an update to XProtect

Apple has just released an update to XProtect for all versions of macOS from El Capitan to Sonoma, but not for Sequoia, bringing it to version 5274. Version 5273 was for Sequoia only.

Apple doesn’t release information about what security issues this update might add or change. This replaces the previous rule for MACOS.449a7ed with a modified version for MACOS.BUNDLORE.KUDU.5, that for MACOS.e4644f7 with MACOS.BUNDLORE.KUDU.3, and that for MACOS.0e62876 with MACOS.BUNDLORE.WBTLS. New format Yara rules that were added to 5273 for Sequoia don’t appear, suggesting that Yara rules have been forked, with one fork for Sonoma and earlier, the other for Sequoia only.

You can check whether this update has been installed by opening System Information via About This Mac, and selecting the Installations item under Software.

A full listing of security data file versions is given by SilentKnight, LockRattler and SystHist for El Capitan to Sonoma available from their product page. If your Mac hasn’t yet installed this update, you can force it using SilentKnight, LockRattler, or at the command line.

If you want to install this as a named update in SilentKnight, its label is XProtectPlistConfigData_10_15-5274.

I have updated the reference pages here which are accessed directly from LockRattler 4.2 and later using its Check blog button.

I maintain lists of the current versions of security data files for Sonoma on this page, Ventura on this page, Monterey on this page, Big Sur on this page, Catalina on this page, Mojave on this page, High Sierra on this page, Sierra on this page, and El Capitan on this page.

更新至 iOS18 后,健康 App 出现许多的“ iPhone ”设备。

WoodLake: 1.更新至 iOS18 后,在「健康 App-右上角头像-隐私-“设备”」中,出现了许多“iPhone”设备,图 1 ;
2.选择任意一个“iPhone”,进去之后选择某数据项如“步数”,再选择某一条“样本”,在“样本详细信息”中的“来源”为当前升级至 iOS18 的设备名称,图 2 ;
3.直接在健康 App 的健康数据中选择“步数”,下滑至底部“数据源与访问”,在跳转后的“数据源”处没有“大量的 iPhone”设备,仅有实际的设备数量,图 3 ;
4.在 iPad ( iPadOS 17.7 )设备上,仅显示实际的数量,图 4 。

这个在 iPhone 上要怎么解决啊?强迫症患了。。。这些 iPhone 设备似乎都是以前的老设备,我当前使用的设备在 iOS17.6.1 的时候,显示的数量与图 4 一致。这个要等更新才能解决吗?

图 1:
图 2:
图 3:
图 4:

尝试了从 1Password 7 迁移到 Apple Password

nZWVjowEHkQN: 结论 : 迁移失败, 还是继续两者共用

看到苹果加强了密码这个 app 其实刚开始还是挺开心的, 因为 1Password 8 改成订阅制, 所以一直停留在 1Password 7 这个版本

昨天尝试了一下迁移, 首先从 1Password 中将密码导出为 csv, 然后导入到 Apple Password. 因为我之前一直是两者共用, iCloud 钥匙串主要用于自动填充, 所以出现了不少重复项. 刚开始有接近一千个密码, 去重花费了好几个小时

去重的过程中对密码进行了整理, 发现 1Password 中的附加项是无法导入的, 比如路由器有 2.4G/5G/6G 和后台登录密码, 这些导入的时候要么丢失, 要么空的, 要么就是没有任何名称的密码. 另外, 群组在导入的时候好像是直接失败

Apple Password 感觉像是半成品, 我最需要的群组/密码分类 (像 1Password 那样分成网页密码, 纯密码, 服务器, 路由器等这种) 都没有, 另外产生密码也不能像 1Password 那样自定义, 只有两种固定格式固定长度可选

好在 1Password 7 在 macOS 15 上可以正常使用, 也不算完全没成果吧, 至少整理了 iCloud 钥匙串里那好几年没动过的密码, 删掉了一些关闭的网站

iOS 18.1 beta 4 已支持国内运营商 RCS 信息 (5G 消息)



设置-搜索-RCS 或 设置-App-信息-RCS 信息,打开 RCS 信息开关进行注册激活。 目前测试移动、电信、联通均可正常激活开通。


移动:中国移动 5G 消息应用号商城

登录后在官方应用推荐 Banner 内关注相应的 Chatbot 即可体验下发 RCS 消息。

电信:发送 RCS 消息至 10000

手表新功能 睡眠呼吸暂停 可以强制开启么

Jackiee007: 看小红书反应这个功能是跟之前手表心电图功能类似的锁区功能,只需要在支持的地区使用一下便可以永久激活。我在强制开启 apple intelligence 的软件 misakax 的最新 2.2 版本也就是支持 18.1 beta4 版本看到一个 sleep apnea 也就是睡眠呼吸暂停,但是我勾选后 apply 重启之后看到睡眠那里仍旧是不可用


xhuang327: 目前 15pro ,已下单 AW S10 和 airpods 4 。
想看下各位有什么价格不太贵的无线充电方式,听说是耳机可以用手表的充电器,看了安克的三合一充电 带 QI2 协议,就是价格不低。
各位有没有什么价格不太高的无线充电器分享,能支持 15w 最好~

XProtect updates are available again

Apple’s software update servers are once again offering and providing updates to XProtect data for macOS Sonoma and earlier, as of about 0500 GMT today, 18 September 2024.

Software Update, the command tool softwareupdate, and SilentKnight should now be able to find XProtect version 5272, released on 28 August 2024, and install that for versions of macOS before Sequoia. I have verified this in both Sonoma and Monterey.

Although the update to version 5273 that was released on 16 September only for Sequoia 15.0 and later is still available, it remains unreliable. softwareupdate and SilentKnight report that both versions 5272 and 5273 are available, which is bizarre, and may then install either of them. If 5273 (or 5272) is installed into the local XProtect bundle, you can then get XProtect to ‘install’ it locally using the command sudo xprotect update. You may then end up with either version 5272 or 5273.

If you experience any difficulties with updating XProtect, please contact Apple Support so that they can report this within Apple.

Thanks to Joe for reporting this.






一上车,汉洋就问我,为什么这次有空来了?我说,重度抑郁症休病假了。他和 Tim 很自然地说,哦,这个咱们身边搞创作的朋友很多,然后就开始直奔沈阳。汉洋还给我拿着一台他刚从日本淘回来的 Mamiya 645 1000s,这是我第一次正经使用一台胶片相机,并且是一台 120 画幅的腰平取景器的机械单反。


出发前,脑放电波的 Nixon 问我要不要在苹果发布会之前合作一期节目。我下意识地想婉拒,但另一个声音说:




在东北的路上,我们在车里聊起理想 mega、小米 SU7 的设计,汉洋说我们回去之后录一期节目吧。我其实不太想,毕竟工业设计这个母题太大了,轮不到我这个在设计领域里并无建树的人来说。但是,可以先答应吧,万一能聊出什么来呢?后来回到深圳,汉洋跟轶轩一起,我们仨在汉洋的酒店房间里聊了两个小时,在轶轩那些简单、外行、尖锐的问题的触动下,我觉得那一期节目剪出来之后应该不会太差。虽然可能只是很基础的科普,但大体上应该只得一听。



也许有鼓励的成份,但有几张我很喜欢,回头要找 Tim 用飞思精扫再制作出来。


最后一天我在 Tim 的工作室里问他:经常接触不一样的项目,你会觉得疲惫吗?他的回答是,如果经常做一样的事,我就会觉得非常疲惫。


那天还偶遇了梁源,他们在楼下录了一下午节目,聊黑悟空里的佛教文化和文物。我旁听了几小段,挺有意思的。节目这两天也陆续上线了,虽然我说很感兴趣,但也确实提不起劲儿去点开它们,只能先 Mark 在列表里。

去找 Tim 的前一天,跟汉洋去了他们现在的工作室。养伤的 JT 在做日常的康复力量训练,看上去也很迷茫。晚上跟重轻一起吃饭,他看着也挺疲惫,疲于应付白天无聊活动的倦怠。我似乎向来都很喜欢这般真性情的人,嬉笑怒骂都可以自然流露。依稀记得也曾有人这样评价我,但又似乎是很遥远的故事碎片。


好吧,虽然我原本可能想搞一期《设以观复》的,但我可能做不动了,如果有他们一起搞的话,是不是我自己的节目真的无所谓,但起码算是对一直关注我的人们有一个交待吧。他俩八月份就问过我和 Toby 要不要在发布会后一起录一期播客,没曾想居然还凭空出来期视频。




我过去很紧张,要有安排,要有预期,要有 planB 和后手,但渐渐发现有这些也不怎么管用,突发状况永远层出不穷,它们总能在预想之外的地方出现。先答应,硬着头皮上,反而似乎并没有我以为的那么多阻力。




Apple has just released an update to XProtect

Apple has just released an update to XProtect for Sequoia only, bringing it to version 5273.

Apple doesn’t release information about what security issues this update might add or change. This adds Yara definitions for MACOS.DOLITTLE.CT, MACOS.SHEEPSWAP.CT and MACOS.SOMA.CT using a new format of rule, with each rule given a UUID and listing SHA256 hashes of file size.

You can check whether this update has been installed by opening System Information via About This Mac, and selecting the Installations item under Software.

A full listing of security data file versions is given by SilentKnight, LockRattler and SystHist for El Capitan to Sequoia available from their product page. If your Mac hasn’t yet installed this update, you can force it using SilentKnight, LockRattler, or at the command line.

If you want to install this as a named update in SilentKnight, its label is XProtectPlistConfigData_10_15-5273.

If you’ve upgraded to Sequoia and are still stuck at a version number of 0 or 5272, you can either leave macOS to catch up with this in its own good time, or you can force an update by typing into Terminal
sudo xprotect update
then entering your admin password.

I have updated the reference pages here which are accessed directly from LockRattler 4.2 and later using its Check blog button.

I maintain lists of the current versions of security data files for Sonoma on this page, Ventura on this page, Monterey on this page, Big Sur on this page, Catalina on this page, Mojave on this page, High Sierra on this page, Sierra on this page, and El Capitan on this page.

Updated 17 September 2024 making it clear this update is only for Sequoia.

Apple has released macOS 15.0 Sequoia and security updates to 14.7 and 13.7

As promised last week, Apple has released the upgrade to macOS 15.0 Sequoia, together with security updates to bring Sonoma to version 14.7, and Ventura to 13.7. There should also be Safari updates to accompany the latter two.

The Sequoia update is around 6.6 GB for Apple silicon Macs, and 14.7 is around 1.6 GB. For Intel Macs, 15.0 is around 4.9 GB as an ‘update’, and 14.7 is around 860 MB.

Security release notes for Sequoia list around 77 vulnerabilities addressed, including two in the kernel, none of which Apple is aware may have been exploited in the wild. Release notes list 36 vulnerabilities addressed in Sonoma 14.7 here, and there are 30 listed for Ventura 13.7 here.

iBoot firmware is updated to version 11881.1.1, Intel T2 firmware to version 2069. (iBridge 22.16.10353.0.0,0), and Safari to 18.0 (20619.

After completing the upgrade to 15.0, you are likely to see that the installed XProtect version is 0, in other words that there is no XProtect data. You can leave your Mac to automatically download the required data from iCloud, or manually force it using the command
sudo xprotect update
then entering your admin password. That will normally ‘activate’ the XProtect data previously installed, and set the version to 5272, although that will then need to be updated to 5273 separately. Don’t be surprised if you end up repeating the trip to Terminal to get this to work.

If you use .NET, you may wish to delay upgrading to Sequoia: see this article for further details. Thanks to Raoul for pointing this out.

Last updated 0810 GMT 17 September 2024.

b 站这吃相实在是有点太难看了,为了省那么点流帮苹果淘汰 a17 以前的设备


最近发现手上的 iPhone 随便刷刷 b 站就发热非常严重,比以前发热严重得多,在 wifi 下看个半个小时手机就会很热,感觉如果是在外面拿蜂窝刷的话长时间必定低温烫伤的程度了。查了一圈以后确定原因应该是是近三个月的某一个时间点开始,b 站开始强制在 app 端包括 iOS 上使用 av1 替代原先的 hevc 作为默认编码格式,结果就是除了这次发布的新 iPhone 和 15pro 以外的其他设备解码功耗都变大了好几倍。但哪怕是低码率下 av1 能比 hevc 再节约有百分之 15 吗? 不知道有没有什么解决的办法,现在浏览器那边还有可以优先选择 hevc ,app 这边连个选的地方都没有。
