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From quarantine to provenance: how xattrs are copied

In the previous article, I outlined what extended attributes do, and how they work in macOS. I also started to explain how some are considered ephemeral, while others are persistent. This article continues from there, by documenting how macOS decides what to do with them when a file containing xattrs is copied.

Although Apple does now explain a little about this in the context of the FileProvider framework and syncing with cloud services, the only useful documentation is provided in man xattr_name_with_flags, and two source code files that are part of the open source copyfile component.

In 2013, as part of its enhancements for iCloud in particular, Apple added support for flags on xattrs to indicate how those xattrs should be handled when the file is copied in various ways. Rather than change the file system, Apple opted for what’s perhaps best seen as an elegant kludge: appending characters to the end of the xattr’s name.

If you work with xattrs, you’ve probably already seen this in those whose name ends with a hash # then one or more characters: that’s actually the flags, not part of the name, what Apple refers to as a ‘property list’. To avoid confusion I won’t use that term here, but refer to them as xattr flags. A common example of this is, which is seen quite widely. In recent years, Apple has added one flag, B, and there’s another to come with Sequoia.

Xattr flags

Flags can be upper or lower case letters C, N, P, S or B, and invariably follow the # separator, which is presumably otherwise forbidden from use in a xattr’s name. Upper case sets or enables that property, while lower case clears or disables that property. There are currently (macOS 14.6.1) five properties:

  • C: XATTR_FLAG_CONTENT_DEPENDENT, which ties the flag and the file contents, so the xattr is rewritten when the file data changes. This is normally used for checksums and hashes, text encoding, and position information. The xattr is preserved for copy and share, but not in a safe save.
  • P: XATTR_FLAG_NO_EXPORT, which doesn’t export or share the xattr, but normally preserves it during copying.
  • N: XATTR_FLAG_NEVER_PRESERVE, which ensures the xattr is never copied, even when copying the file.
  • S: XATTR_FLAG_SYNCABLE, which ensures the xattr is preserved during syncing with services such as iCloud Drive. Default behaviour is for xattrs to be stripped during syncing, to minimise the amount of data to be transferred, but this will override that.
  • B: XATTR_FLAG_ONLY_BACKUP, which keeps the xattr only in backups, including Time Machine (added recently).

These operate within another general restriction of xattrs: their name cannot exceed a maximum of 127 UTF-8 characters.


macOS provides a standard ‘whitelist’ of default flag settings for different types of xattr. These aren’t contained in a configuration file, but are baked into the xattr flag code, where as of macOS 14.6.1 the following default flags are set for different types of xattr (* here represents the wild card):

  •* (except those above) – PS

Copy intents

Also contained in the source code is a table of intents, that explains how different types of copy are affected by different combinations of xattr flag. Currently, those are:

  • XATTR_OPERATION_INTENT_COPY – a simple copy, preserves xattrs that don’t have flag N or B
  • XATTR_OPERATION_INTENT_SAVE – save, where the content may be changing, preserves xattrs that don’t have flag C or N or B
  • XATTR_OPERATION_INTENT_SHARE – share or export, preserves xattrs that don’t have flag P or N or B
  • XATTR_OPERATION_INTENT_SYNC – sync to a service such as iCloud Drive, preserves xattrs if they have flag S, or have neither N nor B
  • XATTR_OPERATION_INTENT_BACKUP – back up, e.g. using Time Machine, preserves xattrs that don’t have flag N


If you want a xattr preserved when it passes through iCloud, you therefore need to give it a name ending in the xattr flag S, such as co.eclecticlight.MyTest#S. Sure enough, when xattrs with that flag are passed through iCloud Drive, those xattrs are preserved even if the default rule would treat them differently. Similarly, to have a xattr that is stripped even when you just make a local copy of that file, append #N to its name.

There’s a further limit imposed on xattrs synced by FileProvider, including those for iCloud Drive, that strips all individual xattrs that are larger than a certain size. Apple gives that as “about 32KiB total for each item”, and my measurements performed in the recent past put that at about 32,650 bytes, slightly less than 32,767.

In itself, this information is valuable if you ever use any metadata stored in xattrs. It’s used in my intergrity-checking utilities Dintch, Fintch and cintch to ensure the xattr containing a file’s hash isn’t stripped by passage through iCloud Drive, for instance. On Tuesday morning next week, once Sequoia has been released, I’ll explain how Apple has extended this system to achieve something that many have been wishing for.

兔走临龙,也不能完全不立 Flag 对吧?


比如,一向不太愿意接商单的我,放开态度接品牌的约稿合作了。之前那么多年都几乎不接,从 2021 年开始松口,接了六个项目。前年和去年因为经济上的缺口,开始增加合作的次数。2022 年依然保持着全年六个的节奏,算是勉强平了缺口吧。去年为了把人情借款全部还清,为了续上小柒在舞蹈上的课时费,为了置换一些家里用了几年甚至十几年的破破烂烂的大家电,接单数量一下子翻了一倍,总共接了十三个项目。链接汇总如下:

包括 2022 年的六个项目(OPPO Find X5 文章 / 视频索尼 SONY LinkBuds方太集成烹饪中心TCL Q10 冰箱OPPO Find N2vivo X90)在内,我基本上做到了最开始对自己的要求:不写违背内心的东西,借商单的机会夹带一些面向大众的设计科普,并倡导一些自己相信的理念。在索尼的项目上,我还借机做了一期《设以观复》和两条简短的分析视频(包装设计 / 形态生成逻辑)。虽然这三期视频都不是索尼要求做的,但我自己有很多话想说,也就花心思做了出来。





冰箱,是 2012 年从红点跳槽去嘉兰图,搬家去南光村时,跟筱烨在实体商场里买的。具体多少钱我不记得了,大概是什么家电下乡的款式,补贴后差不多七八百上下的样子吧。一直用到我们搬去龙华、再搬回南山、再搬到龙岗,跟着我们跑遍了深圳。制冷倒是没什么大问题,就是不密封了,容量也太小了。从我们两个人,用到一家四口另加十几只小动物,作为日常储量的仓库,是不够用了。于是,在 2023 年底换了一台大的。


第三件就是前两天刚换上的电视机。原本的电视是 55 寸的 TCL,其实也没什么大问题,就是反应慢了一些。年前买了新的遥控器,发现其实是遥控器的问题,心说还可以再干几年。谁知道,就是年二九那晚,九点来钟,正准备出门去宠物医院的店长家里给她喂猫,这电视突然就坏了。一开始还以为是小故障,我一检查,好家伙,有声音没画面,仔细一看,画面隐约可见,但只有特定角度下隐隐能看到。得,背光烧了。先不说修一下大几百,赶上半台电视的价格,这大过年的,也没人来修啊,况且人家有没有对应的背光零件可以换上去也是一个巨大的问号。心一铁,觉得也是用了快五年的老电视了,换台新的吧。等过了除夕和初一二三那几天,就下单了创维 75 寸的新款。来安装电视的师傅说,大概就是前一阵回南天湿气重,给弄坏的。













如果不是 Lizilong 自杀,我还没意识到自己内心之强大。尽管这种所谓的坚强,是建立在无数个自我欺骗之中的。但在小柒进入我的人生后,我才充分明白了,那些都是我在创伤后应激综合症下对自己的保护,是我自己让我自己活了下来,是我一次次打消了自己纵身一跃的冲动,那些美梦无人告诉过我,是我游向了岸边。








但,我也无法掩盖 CPTSD 对我的影响



回顾到此结束,今年,2024 年,我要完成一些目标:

1、从三月起,每月至少产出 1 条视频

2、每日饮水量平均数达到 2.5L 以上

3、三月起,每月累计跑 40km 以上

4、恢复周期性运动训练,目标是增肌,体重 65-67kg,体脂率 15-16%;

5、每日至少冥想 10 分钟,睡眠 7 小时,日照 75 分钟,0:30 前入睡;

6、读完 7 本书


