The group’s leaders, Govs. JB Pritzker of Illinois and Jared Polis of Colorado, are ambitious Democrats likely to try to fill the party’s looming leadership void.
Democrats will soon have a leadership vacuum, and there will be no shortage of highly ambitious governors, senators and transportation secretaries looking to fill it.
在一周的时间内,她接受了《60分钟》(60 Minutes)和《观点》(The View)的采访,上了史蒂芬·科尔伯特的深夜节目,还上了播客节目《叫她爸爸》(Call Her Daddy)和霍华德·斯特恩的广播节目。这是一场范围广泛的媒体闪电战,旨在争取“可接触性”从0到100的所有人,部分原因是特朗普拒绝参加第二场辩论。