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uBlock Origin 被 Chrome(干了!把 Chrome 回退并暂停更新


实际上不需要回退,只要保留这个插件并再次 enable 就可以了。

macOS 下禁止更新的命令如下 sudo defaults write checkInterval 0

sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/

sudo chmod -x /Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate/GoogleSoftwareUpdate.bundle/Contents/MacOS/GoogleSoftwareUpdate

sudo mv /Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate /Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate.disabled

第一个是停止更新,第二个是干掉 daemon ,第三个是让它无法执行,第四个是给他改名字。

plex 如何实现 302 重定向到 115 直链播放?


药丸的这个 plex 添加网盘挂载路径并使用 302 直链播放 有介绍方案,但是时间已经比较久了,它是利用了 embyExternalUrl 的 Plex2Alist 这一部分实现的,已经比较久了,我试了用这个项目的最新提交去尝试,结果就是网页端 plex 可以重定向到直链,但是无法播放,提示 错误代码:s1002 (网络),而客户端的 plex 无法重定向。


USB 网络共享串口报错


本地环境:macOS 远端环境:天翼云桌面 使用软件:VirtualHere+zerotier 需求:有些流程必须要经过读证+活体授权才能审批。又不想 Mac 装个 windows 虚拟机,本地 macOS 连接身份证识别仪器(卡尔),云桌面可以访问连接该仪器,读取证件。 目前本地 macOS 连接身份证识别仪器,开启 VirtualHere 服务端+zerotier ,远端开启 VirtualHere 客户端+zerotier ,远端可以正常识别到该设备,但是进行读证测试就会提示串口报错。 现在只有 win 天翼云适配了 USB 重定向,Mac 直接写明了不支持...,身份证识别仪器厂家驱动也是只适配了 win ,没法直接开 sslvpn 在 macOS 直接使用,就很难受。不知道各位大佬有啥好建议么。 报错提示: 森锐系列 API:时间戳超时失效 SenterApi:山东信通 DLL 异常,如果看到这个信息请联系维护人员处理 JlSdtApi:开启串口 1000 失败,设备可能未连接或缺失驱动! 卡尔 Api:开启串口失败,设备可能未连接或缺失驱动! 南京亿数 API:没有找到设备! 银安科技 API:打开串口-1 失败! SenterApi:山东信通 DLL 异常,如果看到这个信息请联系维护人员处理 JlSdtApi:开启串口 1001 失败,设备可能未连接或缺失驱动! SenterApi:山东信通 DLL 异常,如果看到这个信息请联系维护人员处理 JlSdtApi:开启串口 1002 失败,设备可能未连接或缺失驱动! SenterApi:山东信通 DLL 异常,如果看到这个信息请联系维护人员处理 JlSdtApi:开启串口 1003 失败,设备可能未连接或缺失驱动! SenterApi:山东信通 DLL 异常,如果看到这个信息请联系维护人员处理 JlSdtApi:开启串口 1004 失败,设备可能未连接或缺失驱动!

使用 在 SG 机器上 部分 google 域名解析会到国内


在某台位于 SG 机器上使用的 DNS 服务器是

最近发现一些域名,比如:(域名前面代表次数 可以忽略)

通过 解析,拿到的结果是 CN 的; 通过 解析,拿到的就都是 US 的;


  • 这些域名本身确实在北京有节点(大概率是事实)
  • 并不支持 ECS ,所以并不会就近解析;
  • 支持 ECS ,这台 SG 机器和某些 CN 碰巧在一个自治域内。国内用户(通过国内 DNS )查询后,cdn 返回了国内的 ip ,同时这个请求被当前自治域的公共 dns 缓存。所以当国外用户查询(即使通过 )的时候,公共 dns 就直接返回了缓存的国内 ip ,从而导致这个问题。

目前感觉除了替换 DNS 没有别的方案,话说有没有适合 SG 的本地的 DNS 服务器啊。 ( smartdns 里面配置用,SG 节点供应商未提供自己的 DNS 服务器)

关于视频远程视频剪辑,多人共同集中操作数 NAS 数据源。


有同学做视频拍摄和视频剪辑的。老是跟我唠叨说: 远程家里的性能 PC 主机去做视频剪辑,但是有时候又需要笔记本做剪辑。这导致需要老是拷贝同一份数据(或多硬盘存放同一份数据),是否有方案实现远程视频剪辑直接打开的目标项目就是 NAS 视频源,而非通过远程客户端去控制本地 PC 端去操作。

我在想有无视频剪辑软件(达芬奇)剪辑的操作作为操作标注记录,远程剪辑时使用 NAS 临时副本视频(压缩、低存储文件),每次的修改结果实际就是一个工程文件。最终的产生再以工程文件去对源视频去实现剪辑渲染导出呢?

(好像达芬奇官方正版就支持这么一个工程操作方式,但是收费模式客观) 我没有任何剪辑经验,纯属好奇。

iPad iPhone 有什么 APP 第三方 APP 可以只把声音投到 AppleTV 上?

kijnife4: 想要一个可以单独把声音投到 AppleTV 的 APP ,原因是下面第二条。

一:本来想在 AppleTV 把 Homepod 设默认播放设备,把电脑显卡 HDMI 口连接 AppleTV 的 HDMI 口利用 eARC 把电脑声音用 Homepod 来播放,但是最后发现显卡根本就识别不了设备,插上去没反应,我猜是显卡没识别到 AppleTV 这台显示器所以没有交换数据,打算后续再买个 HDMI 一分二镜像器试下。

然后这时发现投影仪有两个 HDMI 口,其中一个是支持 ARC ,所以把显卡跟 AppleTV 的 HDMI 口都接上去发现可以实现电脑使用 Homepod 作为扬声器这个目标,而且即使经过了几层中转也发现延迟居然还很低,感觉比蓝牙音箱还低,问题是中途不能关闭投影仪。

二:基于上面的低延迟,想充分利用 AppleTV ,把 Ipad 的所有声音先中转到 AppleTV ,然后通过 Homepod 放出来,因为视频 APP 即使适配了,如果 Ipad 直接跟 Homepod 连接,声音依旧有点延迟,而且按下暂停后要等两秒声音才停下。所以想先投到 AppleTV ,但投屏后画面只在 AppleTV 上面显示,Ipad 不显示画面,不知道有什么第三方 APP 可以只把声音投到 AppleTV 上面。

三:推荐下安卓下的 Airmusic 这个 APP ,在安卓平台完美实现了我想要的所有东西,如果已经 ROOT ,则可以把全局音频投到所有 Homepod 上面或者 AppleTV 上,无论有多少个 Homepod 还是 Mini ,有没组立体声都可以投,而且延迟比 Ipad 连 Homepod 还低,也不存在播放视频暂停后两秒声音才停下的问题,因为投的是全局音频。



我对成为数字游民很有兴趣,因为上班实在是太难受了。但是其实能远程的工作比较有限,远程工作事实上也有可能比 on-site 更累(相同收入的情况下)。

所以我很好奇,v2ex 上的数字游民工程师主要集中在哪些领域呢?

web3 ?前端?产品?亦或是独立开发?收取报酬的开源贡献者?


Letter Calling for Tracking People of Color Circulates in an Oregon County

The letter, distributed in Lincoln County, Ore., tells community members to report people who may be undocumented, the sheriff’s office said.

© Faith Cathcart/The Oregonian, via Associated Press

Lincoln City, Ore., in Lincoln County, where the sheriff condemned a letter circulating in the coastal county that asks people to write down the license plates of cars that may be driven by immigrants.


luck2023: 老家南方农村的,今年 34 岁了,没有对象,也没有买房,结婚不太现实。在 IT 这行工作差不多十年了,N 年之前走错过一段路,损失了不少钱。现在已经上岸了,目前手上存款 10 万左右。年底面临裁员,大概率要失业了,按照目前的经济行情,找工作已经很难了,想考虑回老家养羊,在 pdd 上看,一头羊也就 1500 块钱,买个 20 头羊养,不知道大家对我这个想法怎么看了,提些建议了。


chenyongchanggg: 学生 a ,b 是一个班的朋友, 表现都不好。

班主任教育 b 的时候说:你想跟 a 学吗,他爸妈因为他经常吵架都想离婚了。

下课后 a 问 b:班主任都说什么了,b 说班主任说你爸妈瞒着你都离婚了。a 大怒 摔了班主任杯子,在教室辱骂班主任。



Tributes to nine-year-old killed in German Christmas market attack

Facebook André GleißnerFacebook

A local fire brigade has paid tribute to a nine-year-old killed in an attack on a German Christmas market.

André Gleißner died after a car drove into a crowd of shoppers at the market in Magdeburg on Friday evening, according to the Schöppenstedt fire department.

In a statement they said he was a member of the children's fire brigade in Warle, which is about an hour's drive from Magdeburg.

Four women, aged 45, 52, 67 and 75, also died in the attack. Authorities are holding a suspect in pre-trial detention on counts of murder, attempted murder and dangerous bodily harm.

Frank Gardner: Saudi warnings about Magdeburg suspect were ignored

EPA A man mourns at the mourning site in front of St. John's Church following a vehicle-ramming attack on the Christmas market in Magdeburg, Germany,  22 December 2024EPA
People have been leaving floral tributes for the victims of Friday's attack on the Christmas market in Magdeburg, Germany

The Saudi authorities, I am told, are currently working flat out to collate everything they have on the Magdeburg market suspect, Taleb al-Abdulmohsen, and to share it with Germany's ongoing investigation "in every way possible".

Inside the imposing sand coloured and fortress-like walls of the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Riyadh there is a perhaps justifiable sense of pique.

The ministry previously warned the German government about al-Abdulmohsen's extremist views.

It sent four so-called "Notes Verbal", three of them to Germany's intelligence agencies and one to the foreign ministry in Berlin. There was, the Saudis say, no response.

Part of the explanation for this may lie in the fact that Taleb al-Abdulmohsen was granted asylum by Germany in 2016, one year after the former Chancellor Angela Merkel threw open her country's borders to let in more than a million migrants from the Middle East, and 10 years after al-Abdulmohsen had taken up residence in Germany.

Coming from a country where Islam is the only religion permitted to be practiced in public, al-Abdulmohsen was a very unusual citizen.

He had turned his back on Islam, making himself a heretic in the eyes of many.

Born in the Saudi date palm oasis town of Hofuf in 1974, little is known about his early life before he decided to leave Saudi Arabia and move to Europe aged 32.

Active on social media, on his Twitter (later X) account he labels himself as both a psychiatrist and founder of Saudi rights movement, together with the tag @SaudiExMuslims.

He founded a website aimed at helping Saudi women flee their country to Europe.

The Saudis say he was a people trafficker and the Ministry of Interior's investigators, the Mabaatheth, are said to have an extensive file on him.

There have been reports in recent years of dissident Saudis coming under hostile surveillance from Saudi government agents, in Canada, the US and in Germany.

There is no question that the German authorities, both federal and state, have made some serious errors of omission in the case of al-Abdulmohsen.

Whatever their reasons for not responding, as the Saudis claim, to the repeated warnings about his extremism, he was clearly a danger to his adopted host country.

There is also, separately, the failure to close off, or at least guard, the emergency access route to Magdeburg Alter Markt that allowed him to allegedly drive his BMW into the crowds.

German authorities have defended the market's layout and said an investigation into the suspect's past is ongoing.

But a complicating factor here is that Saudi Arabia, although considered a friend and ally of the West, has a poor human rights record.

Until June 2018 Saudi women were forbidden to drive and even those women who publicly called for that ban to be lifted before then have been persecuted and imprisoned.

Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, still only in his 30s, just, is immensely popular in his own country.

Reuters Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman looks on as he meets U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, October 23, 2024Reuters
The Saudi crown prince pictured in Riyadh during a meeting with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in October

While Western leaders largely distanced themselves from him after his alleged involvement in the grisly murder of the Saudi dissident Jamal Khashoggi in 2018, which the crown prince denies, at home his star is still in the ascendant.

Under his de-facto rule, Saudi public life has transformed for the better, with men and women allowed to associate freely, and cinemas reopening, along with big, spectacular sports and entertainment events, even gigs performed by Western artists like David Guetta and the Black Eyed Peas.

But there is a paradox here.

While Saudi public life has flourished there has been a simultaneous crackdown on anything that even hints at more political or religious freedom.

Harsh prison sentences of 10 years or more have been handed down for simple tweets.

No-one is permitted to even question the way the country is run.

It is against this backdrop that Germany appears to have dropped the ball with Taleb al-Abdulmohsen.

Cyclone Chido kills 94 people in Mozambique

Reuters A drone view of destroyed houses and buildings following cyclone Chido in Pemba, Mozambique, December 18, 2024Reuters

Cyclone Chido has killed 94 people in Mozambique since it made landfall in the east African country last week, local authorities have said.

The country's National Institute of Risk and Disaster Management (INGD) said 768 people were injured and more than 622,000 people affected by the natural disaster in some capacity.

Chido hit Mozambique on 15 December with winds of 260 km/h (160mph) and 250mm of rainfall in the first 24 hours.

The same cyclone had first wreaked havoc in the French Indian Ocean territory of Mayotte, before moving on to Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe.

In Mozambique, the storm struck northern provinces that are regularly battered by cyclones. It first reached Cabo Delgado, then travelled further inland to Niassa and Nampula.

The country's INGD said the cyclone impacted the education and health sector. More than 109,793 students were affected, with school infrastructure severely damaged.

Some 52 sanitary units were damaged, the INGD said, which further risks access to essential health services. This is exacerbated further in areas where access to healthcare facilities were already limited before the cyclone.

Daniel Chapo, leader of Mozambique's ruling party, told local media the government is mobilising support on "all levels" in response to the cyclone.

Speaking during a visit to Cabo Delgado on Sunday, one of the most badly affected areas, Chapo said the government is working alongside the INGD to ensure those affected in the provinces of Mecúfi, Nampula, Memba and Niassa can rebuild.

In Mayotte, Chido was the worst storm to hit the archipelago in 90 years, leaving tens of thousands of people reeling from the catastrophe.

The interior ministry in its latest update confirmed 35 people had died.

Mayotte's prefect previously told local media the death toll could rise significantly once the damage was fully assessed, warning it would "definitely be several hundred" and could reach thousands.

More than 1,300 officers were deployed to support the local population.

One week on, many residents still lack basic necessities, while running water is making a gradual return to the territory's capital. The ministry has advised people to boil water for three minutes before consuming it.

Around 100 tonnes of equipment are being delivered each day, the ministry said, as an air bridge was built between Mayotte, Reunion and mainland France.

In a statement on Friday, interior minister Bruno Retailleau said 80 tonnes of food and 50 tonnes of water had been distributed across Mayotte that day.

A visualised graphic shows the path of Cyclone Chido over Mayotte, Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe, with dots showing destroyed and damaged sites on two islands in the Mayotte archipelago

Tropical cyclones are characterised by very high wind speeds, heavy rainfall, and storm surges, which are short-term rises to sea-levels. This often causes widespread damage and flooding.

The cyclone, the INGD said, "highlights once again, the vulnerability of social infrastructures to climate change and the need for resilient planning to mitigate future impacts".

Assessing the exact influence of climate change on individual tropical cyclones can be challenging due to the complexity of these storm systems. But rising temperatures do affect these storms in measurable ways.

The UN's climate body, the IPCC, previously said there is "high confidence" that humans have contributed to increases in precipitation associated with tropical cyclones, and "medium confidence" that humans have contributed to the higher probability of a tropical cyclone being more intense.

Woman Dies After Being Set on Fire in Subway Car, Police Say

The police said “criminality is suspected” in the death, which they said appeared to be a homicide. It happened aboard a subway car at the Coney Island-Stillwell Avenue station on Sunday morning.

© Victor J. Blue for The New York Times

Police officers responded to a report of a woman on fire in the middle car of a train at the Coney Island-Stillwell Avenue subway station.

Tributes paid to nine-year-old killed in German Christmas market attack

Facebook André GleißnerFacebook

A local fire brigade has paid tribute to a nine-year-old killed in an attack on a German Christmas market.

André Gleißner died after a car drove into a crowd of shoppers at the market in Magdeburg on Friday evening, according to the Schöppenstedt fire department.

In a statement they said he was a member of the children's fire brigade in Warle, which is about an hour's drive from Magdeburg.

Four women, aged 45, 52, 67 and 75, also died in the attack. Authorities are holding a suspect in pre-trial detention on counts of murder, attempted murder and dangerous bodily harm.
