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苹果 AI 总结新闻闹乌龙,这比「标题党」更令人担心

万万没想到,苹果 AI 也会有被大骂「标题党」的一天。这对于迟迟没有推出 Apple Intelligence 完全体的苹果可不是一个好消息。

实际情况可能比「标题党」这个不痛不痒的形容词严重得多。如果说标题党只是通过夸张和断章取义的手法来博眼球的话,苹果 AI 的所作所为可以说是「颠倒黑白」。

需要澄清的是,这次「闯祸」的责任完全在于苹果 AI,跟 ChatGPT 的接入没有任何关系。


近日,英国广播公司(BBC)发布了一系列关于路易吉·曼吉奥内(Luigi Mangione)谋杀美国联合健康保险公司首席执行官布莱恩·汤普森(Brian Thompson)的新闻和跟踪报道,提到了其将面临一级谋杀指控等细节。

然而,BBC 提供的一张截图显示,苹果 AI 总结生成的新闻摘要是「路易吉·曼吉奥内开枪自杀了」(Luigi Mangione shoots himself)。这与事件的真实走向大相径庭:据报道,目前他仍被关押在宾夕法尼亚州的监狱中。



针对这一令人啼笑皆非的错误,BBC 已经向苹果正式提出投诉,要求后者要求采取纠正措施,并且防止此类错误再次发生。BBC 发言人表示其「致力于实现最高标准的准确性和公正性,并努力避免故意严重误导我们的读者」。

此外,无国界记者组织(Reporters Without Borders,简称 RSF)也敦促苹果放弃其生成式人工智能功能。该组织表示「虚假标题」事件表明「生成式 AI 服务仍然太不成熟,无法为公众提供可靠的信息」。

无国界记者组织的技术和新闻部门负责人文森特·伯蒂尔(Vincent Berthier)表示 AI 是概率机器,事实不能通过掷骰子来决定。他还指出《欧洲人工智能法案》并未将信息生成类 AI 归为高风险系统,留下了「严重的法律真空」。


实际上,这不是苹果 AI 摘要第一次「新闻造假」了。上个月,美国调查新闻网站「ProPublica」的一位名为肯·施文克(Ken Schwencke)的记者在 Bluesky 上分享了一张截图。

截图中的第一条新闻赫然写着「内塔尼亚胡已经被逮捕」(Netanyahu arrested)。然而,真实的情况是国际刑事法院对以色列总理内塔尼亚胡发出逮捕令。

这篇被苹果 AI 严重歪曲的报道来自《纽约时报》(NYTimes),后者目前并未对此事发表评论。


苹果 Apple Intelligence 的智能生成摘要功能于今年下半年正式推出。苹果的本意,是它能「通过其深度语言理解帮助提炼对你最重要的信息,通知会生成摘要以便你一览重要详细信息」。

看来,苹果所提到的「深度语言理解」似乎水分很大。伦敦城市大学的媒体政策教授佩特罗斯·伊奥菲迪斯(Petros Iosifidis)表示苹果的错误「看起来很尴尬」。


▲Petros Iosifidis(图源:伦敦城市大学)

生成式 AI 技术发展到今天,我们似乎很自然地认为用其来总结一篇文章对于 AI 来讲是「小菜一碟」。事实上,大多数 AI 工具在使用时很少会出现「瞎编」的情况,理解有误或者「断章取义」的情况倒是比较常见。

除了苹果之外,谷歌和微软等科技企业也在尝试使用人工智能技术来对新闻进行分类、排序和摘要总结。这类 AI 工具虽然能够增强用户体验,但其在没有人工干预的情况下一旦出错,所引发的「误会」便可能成指数级传播。


虽说 AI 已经能在大多数场景下出色地帮助人们提高工作效率,但其出错的概率绝不为零。于是,我们不得不在「承担错误风险」和「享受 AI 的便利」之间做出几乎唯一的选择。



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‘Nutcracker’ Is a Casualty of a ‘Quarantine’ of Russian Culture in Lithuania

Lithuania’s national opera house had stopped showing Tchaikovsky’s 1892 masterpiece in solidarity with Ukraine over the war with Russia. Then a new minister expressed fondness for the Russian composer, igniting a furor.

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Saturday Mac riddles 287

Here are this weekend’s Mac riddles to entertain you through family time, shopping and recreation.

1: Comfort for the organ cabinet and shows entries from 2.

2: Mass of wood measures a ship’s speed for the jottings of your Mac.

3: Guide points the way to measure performance in 2.

To help you cross-check your solutions, or confuse you further, there’s a common factor between them.

I’ll post my solutions first thing on Monday morning.

Please don’t post your solutions as comments here: it spoils it for others.

Google Proposes Fix to Solve Search Monopoly

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Sugar cane workers in Maharashtra, western India, in 2023. An investigation by The New York Times and The Fuller Project this year revealed a brutal, endemic labor system there.

5 Takeaways From an Investigation Into Hysterectomies in India’s Sugar Industry

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Loading sugar cane to transport it to mills in the Satara district of India’s Maharashtra State in March last year. Laborers often work in couples, paid through contractors.

Your Car Might Be Making Roads Safer

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Darcy Bullock, a civil engineering professor at Purdue, uses data from connected cars to identify dangerous road conditions.

Gisèle Pelicot’s Testimony in France Rape Trial Becomes a Message of Hope

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Gisèle Pelicot leaving the courthouse in Avignon, France, after judges sentenced her former husband on Thursday to 20 years for serially raping her.

Gisèle Pelicot’s Testimony in France Rape Trial Becomes a Message of Hope

Dozens of men who abused Gisèle Pelicot were convicted, including the man who invited them to do so: her husband of 50 years. She wanted the public trial to show rape victims they were not alone.

© Miguel Medina/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Gisèle Pelicot leaving the courthouse in Avignon, France, after judges sentenced her former husband on Thursday to 20 years for serially raping her.

Amazon Delivery Drivers at Seven Hubs Walk Out

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© Kamil Krzaczynski/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Workers picketing today at an Amazon delivery station in Skokie, Ill. Amazon workers who deliver packages from seven Amazon facilities across the country went on strike Thursday morning.