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Inside M4 chips: CPU core management

Whether you’re a developer or user, gaining an understanding of how macOS manages the cores in an Apple silicon CPU is important. It explains what you will see in action when you open Activity Monitor, how your apps get to deliver optimal performance, and why you can’t speed up background tasks like Time Machine backups. In this series (links below) I’ve been trying to piece this together for the M4 family, and this article is my first attempt to summarise as much of the story as I know so far. I therefore welcome your comments, counter-arguments and improvements.


For the purposes of this article, I’ll consider a single thread that macOS is ready to load onto a CPU core for execution. For that to happen, five decisions are to be made:

  • which type of core, P or E,
  • which cluster to run it in,
  • which core within that cluster,
  • what frequency to run that cluster at,
  • the mobility of that thread between cores in the same cluster, and between clusters (when available).

Which type of core?

Since the early days of analysing M1 CPUs, it has been clear that the choice between P and E core types is made on the Quality of Service (QoS) assigned to the thread, availability of a core of that type, and whether the thread uses a co-processor such as the AMX. For the sake of generality and simplicity, I’ll here ignore the last of those, and consider only threads that are executed by the CPU alone.

QoS is primarily set by the process owning that thread, in the setting exposed to the programmer and user, although internally QoS is modulated by other factors including thermal environment. Threads assigned a QoS of 9 or less, designated Background, are allocated exclusively to E cores, while those with higher QoS of ‘user’ levels are preferentially allocated to P cores. When those are unavailable, they may be allocated to E cores instead.

This can be changed on the fly, reassigning higher QoS threads to run on E cores, but that’s not currently possible the other way around, so low QoS threads can’t be run on P cores. The sole exception to that is when run inside a virtual machine, when VM virtual cores are given high QoS, allowing low QoS threads within the VM to benefit from the speed of P cores.

Which cluster?

M4 Pro and Max variants have two clusters of P cores, so the next decision is which of those to run a higher QoS thread on:

  • if both clusters are shut down, one will be chosen and its frequency brought up;
  • if one cluster is already running and has sufficient idle residency (‘available residency’) to accommodate the thread, that will be chosen;
  • if one cluster already has full active residency, the other cluster will be chosen;
  • if both clusters already have full active residency, then the thread will be allocated to the E cluster instead.

This fills an active P cluster before allocating threads to the inactive one, and fills both P clusters before allocating a higher QoS thread to the E cluster.


Cluster allocation is of course simpler on the base M4, where there’s only one E and one P cluster. Should Apple make an M4 Ultra as expected, then that would not only have four P clusters, but two E clusters. Until that happens, we can only speculate that similar would then apply, including the E clusters.

Which core within the cluster?

This is perhaps the simplest decision to make. If there’s only one core with available residency in that cluster, that’s the only choice. Otherwise macOS picks an arbitrary core from those available, apparently to ensure roughly even use of cores within each cluster.

What frequency?

For the E cluster, choice of frequency appears straightforward, with low QoS threads being run at minimum E core frequency of 1,020 MHz or slightly higher, and higher QoS threads spilt over from fully occupied P clusters are run at E core maximum frequency of 2,592 MHz.

P cluster frequency appears to be determined by the total active residency of that cluster after the new thread has been added. When that’s the only thread running in that cluster, maximum frequency of 4,512 MHz is chosen, but rising total active residency reduces that in steps down to about 3,852 MHz when all the cores in the cluster are at 100% active residency. In most cases, the big reduction in frequency occurs when going from about 200% to 300% total active residency. This currently appears to be part of a strategy to pre-emptively minimise the risk of thermal stress within the chip.


Thread mobility

Once the thread has been loaded into a core in the optimal cluster running at the chosen frequency, it’s likely to be moved periodically, both to any other free core within that cluster, and to another cluster, when available. While this does occur in previous M-series CPUs, it appears particularly prominent in M4 variants.

Movement of threads within a cluster can occur quite frequently, every 0.1 second or so, particularly within the E cluster. Movement between clusters occurs less frequently, about every 4-5 seconds, and would only occur when the other cluster is shut down or idle, so free to run all the threads of the current cluster. This is most probably to ensure even thermal conditions within the chip.


The whole strategy is shown in the following diagram, also available as a tear-out PDF from here: m4coremanagement1


Previous articles

Inside M4 chips: P cores
Inside M4 chips: P cores hosting a VM
Inside M4 chips: E and P cores
Inside M4 chips: CPU core performance
Inside M4 chips: CPU power, energy and mystery
Inside M4 chips: Matrix processing and Power Modes
Inside M4 chips: Controlling frequency


Residency is the percentage of time a core is in a specific state. Idle residency is thus the percentage of time that core is idle and not processing instructions. Active residency is the percentage of time it isn’t idle, but is actively processing instructions. Down residency is the percentage of time the core is shut down. All these are independent of the core’s frequency or clock speed.

Inside M4 chips: Controlling frequency

To realise best performance and energy efficiency from the big.LITTLE architecture in Apple’s M-series chips requires careful management on the part of macOS. There’s much more to it than balancing loads over conventional multi-core CPUs with a single type of core, as each execution thread needs to be run in an optimal location. When deciding where to run a CPU thread, macOS controls:

  • which type of core, P or E, primarily determined by the thread’s Quality of Service (QoS), and core availability;
  • which cluster to run it in, for chips with more than one cluster of that type, set to try to keep as few clusters active as necessary;
  • which core within that cluster, determined by core availability, and semi-randomised to even out core use;
  • what frequency to run that cluster at, in turn depending on the core type and the thread’s QoS;
  • mobility of that thread between cores in the same cluster, and between clusters (when available).

Over the last four years, I have explored the rules apparently used for the first two, and the choice of frequency in E cores. This article looks in more detail at how the frequency of P clusters appears to be determined in M1, M3 and particularly M4 chips.

powermetrics provides more frequency figures than you know what to do with, although most are derived and to some extent imaginary, making reconciliation difficult. In tests reported in the previous article, I used those given as Cluster HW active frequency to demonstrate distinctive patterns seen on M4 P cores running different numbers of test threads.


This graph shows those frequencies for the active P cluster by the number of threads, for floating point, NEON and vDSP_mmul tests detailed previously. Frequencies for the first two tests are identical, at P core maximum for a single thread, then falling sharply from 2 to 3 threads. When more threads are run, a cluster that’s fully active is run at the same frequency as that for 5 threads (P cluster size on this M4 Pro), while the other P cluster follows the same frequencies shown in the graph for the number of threads it’s running.

To examine this further I first climbed a mountain.

Climbing a mountain

For this test I used three copies of my test app to run a total of three identical threads of my in-core floating point test code in a mountain pattern. I first started powermetrics gathering data, then launched the first thread, followed by the second, and then the third. My objective was to observe an initial period when just one test thread was running, a second with the second test thread in addition, a third when all three threads would be running, and then watch the sequence reverse as each thread ended. This is shown in the results below.


This chart shows active residencies by core and cluster for the P cores in an M4 Pro, with 5 P cores in each of its two P clusters, during this test. For the first 15 sample periods (1.5 seconds), a single test thread is moved around between cores in the second P cluster (P1). That’s joined by the second thread run on another core in the same cluster, until sample 30, when the third thread is added, pushing the total active residency to 300%.

At that point, all three threads are moved to three cores in the first P cluster (P0), whose bars are shown in blues and green. The first thread completes in sample 37, leaving two threads with 200% active residency to continue in that cluster until sample 50, when the second thread completes, leaving just one running. In sample 54 (5.4 seconds after test start), that one remaining thread is moved back to complete on core P11 in the second cluster late in sample 63.

In that period of 6.3 seconds, each of the two P clusters has run 1, 2 and 3 threads.


This graph shows cluster frequencies over the same period, this time given in seconds elapsed rather than sample number. The red line and points show the frequency of cluster P1, and blue for P0. Those undergo step changes when each cluster is running test threads. The inactive cluster is normally shut down with a frequency of 0 MHz, although there are some brief spikes from that as well.


Combining active residency bars in yellow with core frequency lines, it’s clear that cluster frequency is close to core maximum at 4,500 MHz when only a single thread is running. With two threads, it’s reduced to 4,400 MHz, and down to 3,900 MHz when all three threads are running. Those changes are symmetrical for loading and unloading clusters, and shown no signs of hysteresis (different values during loading and unloading).

Closer examination gives frequencies of 4,511 MHz at 100% active residency, 4,415 MHz at 200%, and 3,924 MHz at 300%e. The latter is 87% of maximum frequency, a large enough reduction to be reflected in performance. Essentially identical figures are found for NEON tests as well as these for floating point.

Although this test method can give highly reproducible results, the floating point and NEON tests used don’t resemble threads seen in everyday use. The next step is to extend that by looking at thread numbers and frequency when running more normal code.

Compressing a file

Fortunately, I have already built a suitable platform for real-world testing in a one-trick pony named Cormorant, a basic compression-decompression utility using Apple Archive. Although not a patch on serious apps like Keka, Cormorant can set the number and QoS of threads to be run during compression/decompression. Because it relies on Apple’s framework, it actually runs more than just the threads set in its controls, but still provides a way to control active residency. I therefore ran a test compression (15.5 GB IPSW image file) at maximum QoS to ensure it’s dispatched to P cores, and 1-3 threads.

Time taken to compress the test file changes greatly according to the number of threads used:

  • 1 thread takes 49.6 s, at 313 MB/s;
  • 2 threads takes 26.8 s, at 578 MB/s, 191% of the throughput of the single thread;
  • 3 threads takes 18.7 s, at 829 MB/s, 265% of the single thread.

These appear to follow the pattern of frequencies observed on my in-core tests.


This chart shows the opening 3 seconds of single-thread compression, with cluster frequency in the points and line, and total active residency multiplied by 10 (to scale to a common y axis) in pale blue bars. Two significant periods are shown: in samples 12-21, active residency is high, between 300-430%, and frequency is lower at around 4,000 MHz. Following that, active residency falls to about 200% and frequency rises to 4,200 MHz.

Because active residency was so variable in these tests, I pooled paired values for that and cluster frequency, gathered over 3 second periods, and plotted those.


Although at active residencies below about 180% there’s a wide scatter, above that there’s a good linear regression, showing steady decline in frequency over active residencies ranging from 180% to 450%.

The following two graphs show equivalents for tests using 2 and 3 threads. The first of those has two outliers at total active residencies above 490%, corresponding to unusual conditions during the test. I have therefore excluded those from subsequent analyses.



The last step is to pool paired results from all three test conditions, and arrive at a line of best fit.


Between total cluster residencies of 150-500%, this works best with a quadratic curve with the equation
F = 4630.05 – (2.0899 x R) + (0.0010107 x R^2)
from which a different relationship is predicted between F, frequency in MHz, and R, total active residency in %.

My other real-world test makes use of the fact that, when virtualising macOS, the number of virtual cores on the host is specified.

Hosting virtual cores

Although virtualisation relies on frameworks run on the host, experience is that its demand on host P cores is constrained to the number of virtual cores allocated, with each of those resulting in 100% active residency, equating to the whole of a P core on the host. powermetrics started collecting sample periods immediately before a macOS 14 VM was launched, and the first 3 seconds (30 samples) were collected and analysed for VMs with 1-3 virtual cores.


This shows the first of those, a VM allocated just a single virtual core, with cluster frequencies shown as red and blue lines, and total active residency multiplied by 10 in the pale blue bars. With a steady total active residency of 100%, active cluster frequency was about 4,500 MHz. Note that sample 7 included transfer of the threads from P1 to P0 in a sharp peak to a total active residency of over 500%.

Average frequencies can thus be calculated for each of the three tests, at 100-300% active residencies.

Set frequencies

I now have estimates of cluster frequencies for cluster total active residencies from:

  • in-core tests using floating point
  • in-core tests using NEON
  • compression
  • virtualisation

against which I compare a matrix multiplication test that may be run on shared matrix co-processors (AMX). These are shown in the table below.


Running a single thread in a cluster should result in a total active residency of 100%, for which macOS sets the cluster frequency at P core maximum, of 4,400-4,511 MHz. That for 200% is lower, at between 4,000-4,400 MHz, and falls off further to about 3,800 when all 5 cores are at 100% active residency. Frequencies set for the vDSP_mmul test are significantly lower throughout, supporting the proposal that test isn’t being run conventionally in P cores, but in a co-processor.

A sixth thread would then be loaded onto the other P cluster, where cluster frequency would be set at P core maximum again, progressively reducing with additional threads until that cluster was also running at about 3,800 MHz.

Following this, I returned to the tests I have performed over the last four years on M1 and M3 P cores. Although I haven’t analysed those formally, I now believe that their frequencies are controlled by macOS as follows:

  • M1 1 core at 3,228 MHz, 2 cores 3,132 MHz, 3-6 cores 3,036 MHz.
  • M3 1 core at 3,624 MHz (below maximum of 4,056), 2-6 cores 3,576 MHz.

The range of frequencies in the M1 and M3 is narrower, resulting in less difference in performance between single- and multi-core tests. However, the M4 falls to 87% maximum frequency at 3 threads and more, which is substantial. It’s worth noting that Geekbench single-core results for the M4 are around 3,892 and would scale up to a multi-core result of 38,920 on an M4 Pro with 10 P cores, whereas the actual multi-core score is about 22,700, 58% of the scaled value. Although the effects of lower frequency can’t account for all that difference, they must surely contribute to it.


Two plausible contenders for the reason that macOS reduces P cluster frequency with increasing active residency are for thermal management, hence reliability, and when competing for a limited resource, perhaps the L2 cache shared within each cluster.

Reductions in cluster frequency seen here isn’t thermal throttling, though. Tests were intentionally kept brief in order to accommodate their results in reasonably short series of powermetrics results. Power use was highest in the NEON and vDSP_mmul tests, and lowest in floating point, although there don’t appear to be matching differences in frequency control. As noted in the previous tests, High Power mode didn’t alter frequency control, although frequencies were reduced in Low Power mode.

It’s most likely that this frequency regulation is pre-emptive, and based not just on CPU cores, but allows for likely heat output in the rest of the Mac.

Key information

  • When running on Apple silicon Macs, macOS modulates ‘cluster HW active frequency’ of P cores, limiting frequency to below maximum when cluster total active residency exceeds 100%.
  • Although small in M1 variants, this is most prominent in M4 variants, where a total active residency of 300% may reduce cluster frequency to 87% of maximum.
  • Frequency limitation is most probably part of a pre-emptive strategy in thermal management.
  • Frequency limitation is at least partly responsible for non-linear changes in performance with increasing recruitment of P cores, as illustrated in single- and multi-core benchmarks.
  • Control of P cores by macOS is complex, particularly in M4 variants.

Previous articles

Inside M4 chips: P cores
Inside M4 chips: P cores hosting a VM
Inside M4 chips: E and P cores
Inside M4 chips: CPU core performance
Inside M4 chips: CPU power, energy and mystery
Inside M4 chips: Matrix processing and Power Modes


Residency is the percentage of time a core is in a specific state. Idle residency is thus the percentage of time that core is idle and not processing instructions. Active residency is the percentage of time it isn’t idle, but is actively processing instructions. Down residency is the percentage of time the core is shut down. All these are independent of the core’s frequency or clock speed.


Several of you have contributed to discussions here, but Maynard Handley has for several years provided sage advice, challenging discussion, and his personal mine of information. Thank you all.

Inside M4 chips: CPU power, energy and mystery

Few comparisons or benchmarks for M-series chips take into account the reason for equipping Apple silicon chips with more than one CPU core type, according to Arm’s big.LITTLE architecture. Measuring single- or multi-core performance ignores the purpose of E cores, and estimating overall power use can’t compare those core types. This article tries to estimate the cost in terms of power and energy of running identical tests on M4 P and E cores, and thereby provide insight into some of the most distinctive features of Apple silicon, and their benefits.


To run these two in-core performance tests I use a GUI app wrapped around a series of loading tests designed to enable the CPU core to execute that code as fast as possible, and with as few extraneous influences as possible. Both tests used here are written in assembly code, and aren’t intended to be purposeful in any way, nor to represent anything that real-world code might run. Those are:

  • 64-bit floating point arithmetic, including an FMADD instruction to multiply and add, and FSUB, FDIV and FADD for subtraction, division and addition;
  • 32-bit 4-lane dot-product vector arithmetic (NEON), including FMUL, two FADDP and a FADD instruction;

Source code of the loops is given in the Appendix.

The GUI app sets the number of loops to be performed, and the number of threads to be run. Each set of loops is then put into the same Grand Central Dispatch queue for execution, at a Quality of Service of the maximum of 33. That ensures they are run preferentially on P cores, but will spill over to E cores when no P core is available, when more than 10 threads are run concurrently. Timing of thread execution is performed using Mach Absolute Time, and the time for each thread to be executed is displayed at the end of the tests.

For these tests, the total number of loops to be executed in each thread was set at 5 x 10^8 for floating point, and 3.5 x 10^9 for NEON. Those values were chosen to take 2-3 seconds per thread, to ensure the whole test period was available for analysis.

Immediately before running each test, I launch powermetrics from the command line, to gather core power and performance data in sampling periods of 0.1 second for a total of 50 samples. Its output is piped into a text file, which is then analysed using Numbers and DataGraph. All tests were conducted on a Mac mini M4 Pro with 10 P and 4 E cores, running macOS 15.1.1 in standard power mode.

Each test was inspected individually, and seen to contain the following phases:

  1. small initial activity resulting from bringing the GUI app into focus, and clicking the Run button;
  2. a brief period of low activity, typically with total CPU power at below 50 mW;
  3. 1-2 sample periods when threads are loaded onto the cores;
  4. 15-21 sample periods when threads are run, whose total CPU power measurements are collected for analysis;
  5. 1-2 sample periods when threads are unloaded;
  6. a return to low activity, typically with total CPU power returning below 50 mW.

Means and standard deviations were then calculated for each series of power measurements, and pooled with times taken to execute threads.

Power used by thread

The first pair of graphs shows average power use for the number of threads run, shown here with error bars giving the range of +1 standard deviation. These show two sections: for 1-10 threads, when all were running on P cores, and for 11-14 threads, when the 10 P cores were fully committed and 1-4 threads spilt over to run on E cores at their maximum frequency. Maximum power used during testing was just short of 34 W.


That for the floating point test above, and NEON below, have regression lines fitted, indicating that:

  • Each additional floating point thread required 1,300 mW on P cores, and 110 mW on E cores.
  • Each additional NEON thread required 3,000 mW on P cores, and 280 mW on E cores.
  • P cores thus required 11-12 times the power of E cores, or E cores used 8-9% of the power of P cores.


Although linear regressions aren’t a bad fit, there’s consistent deviation from the linear relationship seen in previous analyses on M1 and M3 cores. More remarkably, the pattern of deviation is identical between these two tests, although they run in different units in these cores. In both cases, power use was high for 2 and 7 threads, while that for 3 and 8 threads was slightly lower. The only unusual pattern seen in powermetrics output was that, when running 2 and 7 threads, thread mobility was much higher than in other tests.

Previous tests on M1 and M3 P cores found that each additional floating point thread run on those requires about 935 mW, indicating a substantial increase in power used by M4 P cores when running at their higher maximum frequency. E cores in an M1 Pro require about 100 mW each when running at maximum frequency, similar to those in the M4.

Execution time

As power is the rate of energy use over time, the next step is to examine total execution time for all the threads running concurrently, which should form a linear relationship with different gradients for P and E cores. The next two graphs demonstrate that.


For both floating point (above) and NEON (below), there’s a tight linear relationship between total execution time and numbers of threads. Floating point demonstrates that each thread costs 2.4 seconds on P cores and 3.6 seconds on E cores, making E core execution time 150% that of P cores. NEON is similar, at 2.5 seconds on P cores and 3.4 seconds on E cores, for a ratio of 136%.


Time taken for the slowest thread to complete execution shows interesting finer detail.


For both tests, performance falls into several sections according to the number of threads run. With less than 5 threads run, there’s a sharp rise in time taken per thread. From 5-10 threads, time required remains constant, before increasing from 10-14 threads, when additional threads are spilt over onto E cores.

This has implications for anyone trying to measure core performance, as it demonstrates that a single thread can run disproportionately fast, compared with 3-10 threads. Basing any conclusion or comparison on a single thread completing in little more than 2 seconds, when 5 concurrent threads would take 2.34 seconds, 117% of the single thread, could be misleading.


Energy use

Although power use determines heat production, so is an important factor in determining cooling requirements, total energy required to execute threads is equally important for Macs running from battery. Simply reducing core frequency will reduce power used, but by extending the time taken to complete tasks, it may have no effect on energy used, and battery endurance. My final two graphs therefore show estimated total energy used when running test threads on P and E cores, the ultimate test of any big.LITTLE CPU design such as that in the M4.


Graphs for floating point (above) and NEON (below) are inevitably similar in form to those for power, with a near-linear section from 1-10 cores, when the threads are run only on P cores, and from 11-14 cores when they also spill over to E cores.

Fitted regression lines provide the energy cost for each additional thread:

  • For floating point, each thread run on a P core costs 3.1 J, and for an E core 1.5 J, making the energy used by an E core 47% that of a P core.
  • For NEON, P cores cost 7.7 J per thread, and E cores 3.0 J, making the energy used by an E core 38% that of a P core.

It’s important to remember that the E cores here aren’t being run at frequencies for high efficiency, but at their maximum so they can substitute for the P cores that are already in use.


Considering the small deviations from those linear relationships, it appears that running 2, 6 or 7 threads on P cores requires slightly more energy than predicted from the regression lines shown.

Unfortunately, assessing the energy used by E cores running at low frequencies, as they normally do when performing background tasks, is fraught with inaccuracies due to their low power use. My previous estimate for floating point tests is that a slow-running E core uses less than 45 mW per thread, and for the same task requires about 7% of the energy used by a P core running at maximum frequency, but I have lower confidence in the accuracy of those figures than in those above for higher frequencies.

Key information

  • When running the same code at maximum frequency, E cores used 8-9% of the power of P cores.
  • Power use when running 2 or 7 threads was anomalously high, possibly due to high thread mobility.
  • Execution on E cores was significantly slower than on P cores, at 136-150% of the time required on P cores.
  • Single-core performance measurements may not be accurate reflections of performance on multiple cores.
  • When running the same code at maximum frequency, energy used by an E core is expected to be 38-47% that of a P core.

Previous articles

Inside M4 chips: P cores
Inside M4 chips: P cores hosting a VM
Inside M4 chips: E and P cores
Inside M4 chips: CPU core performance

Appendix: Source code

STR LR, [SP, #-16]!
MOV X4, X0
ADD X4, X4, #1
SUBS X4, X4, #1
B.EQ fp_while_done
FMADD D0, D4, D5, D6
FSUB D0, D0, D6
FDIV D4, D0, D5
FADD D4, D4, D7
B fp_while_loop
LDR LR, [SP], #16

STR LR, [SP, #-16]!
LDP Q2, Q3, [X0]
FADD V4.4S, V2.4S, V2.4S
MOV X4, X1
ADD X4, X4, #1
SUBS X4, X4, #1
B.EQ dp_while_done
FMUL V1.4S, V2.4S, V3.4S
FADDP V0.4S, V1.4S, V1.4S
FADDP V0.4S, V0.4S, V0.4S
FADD V2.4S, V2.4S, V4.4S
B dp_while_loop
LDR LR, [SP], #16
