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常见 Hash、对称加密算法时间复杂度对比

By: 胡中元
20 March 2017 at 23:45


于是用 Node.js 写了一个小程序完成了计算,并且将结果生成为一张排行榜,很是有趣,发布到这里,说不定以后会用得上的。



CPU:i7 4700-MQ @ 2.40GHz


Node.js v7.4.0

测试数据:8MB 随机二进制文件

对称加密秘钥:8B 随机字符串




我的代码虽然运行于 Node.js,但调用的是其内置模块 crypto,也就是用 C/C++ 编写的加密算法模块,并不是原生 Javascript。并且实际运行时 CPU 占用率为 15%,单核 CPU 满负荷,所以可以反应这些算法的实际运行效率。


Hash 算法输出运行时间、结果转换为 hex 后的字符串长度。按算法执行时间升序排列。



测试了 Node v7.4.0 中支持的所有 Hash 算法和对称加密算法。比较遗憾没有 chacha20.

其中部分对称加密算法在这个版本的 Node 中是不支持的,已跳过。GCM/CCM 对称加密算法在该版本下只支持加密不支持解密,在结果中标注为了 unknown,并且平均时间直接等于加密时间,但实际上解密时间基本都大于加密时间。

(亏我用的还是 stable 版的 Node,提供了方法一调用却抛出异常,都是坑啊…!)

Hash 摘要算法排行榜

time↓ retLength name
12.38 40 ecdsa-with-SHA1
12.39 40 dsaWithSHA
12.39 40 dss1
12.41 40 ssl3-sha1
12.41 40 DSA-SHA1-old
12.42 40 dsaWithSHA1
12.42 40 DSA-SHA1
12.44 40 sha1
12.45 40 DSA-SHA
12.49 40 dsaEncryption
12.51 40 DSA
12.52 40 sha1WithRSAEncryption
12.54 40 RSA-SHA1-2
12.54 40 RSA-SHA1
14.72 32 RSA-MD4
14.72 32 md4
14.74 32 md4WithRSAEncryption
17.31 32 ssl2-md5
17.33 32 ssl3-md5
17.33 32 md5
17.33 32 RSA-MD5
17.34 32 md5WithRSAEncryption
18.52 128 sha512WithRSAEncryption
18.55 96 sha384
18.55 128 sha512
18.55 96 sha384WithRSAEncryption
18.79 128 RSA-SHA512
19.42 96 RSA-SHA384
21.78 40 sha
21.82 40 shaWithRSAEncryption
22.22 40 RSA-SHA
27.05 56 sha224WithRSAEncryption
27.06 64 sha256WithRSAEncryption
27.27 56 RSA-SHA224
27.37 56 sha224
27.57 64 RSA-SHA256
27.60 64 sha256
57.38 40 rmd160
57.39 40 ripemd160WithRSA
57.39 40 ripemd
57.39 40 ripemd160
57.53 40 RSA-RIPEMD160
78.92 128 whirlpool
657.74 32 mdc2WithRSA
658.35 32 mdc2
659.48 32 RSA-MDC2


cipherTime decipherTime avgTime↓ name
26.33 unknown 26.33 id-aes128-GCM
26.49 unknown 26.49 aes-128-gcm
26.52 unknown 26.52 id-aes192-GCM
27.35 unknown 27.35 id-aes256-GCM
27.48 unknown 27.48 aes-192-gcm
27.94 unknown 27.94 aes-256-gcm
25.12 30.89 28.01 aes-128-xts
25.29 30.87 28.08 aes-192-ctr
26.54 31.42 28.98 aes-256-ctr
27.22 31.28 29.25 aes-128-ctr
26.12 32.41 29.26 aes-256-xts
38.23 unknown 38.23 aes-128-ccm
38.29 unknown 38.29 id-aes128-CCM
37.07 43.09 40.08 rc4
25.70 55.17 40.43 aes-192-ecb
26.24 54.79 40.52 aes-128-ecb
25.91 55.21 40.56 aes-256-ecb
41.40 unknown 41.40 id-aes192-CCM
40.07 45.45 42.76 aes-128-ofb
44.35 unknown 44.35 aes-256-ccm
44.58 unknown 44.58 id-aes256-CCM
39.14 54.62 46.88 aes-128-cbc
39.50 55.86 47.68 aes128
45.21 50.54 47.87 aes-128-cfb
46.30 51.85 49.07 aes-256-ofb
41.94 57.43 49.69 aes-192-cbc
44.25 55.84 50.05 aes256
45.72 55.95 50.83 aes-256-cbc
49.21 53.30 51.26 aes-192-cfb
38.77 66.82 52.79 aes-128-cbc-hmac-sha1
51.51 56.69 54.10 aes-256-cfb
44.75 67.53 56.14 aes-256-cbc-hmac-sha1
54.38 59.59 56.98 rc4-hmac-md5
68.07 55.45 61.76 aes192
73.48 50.08 61.78 aes-192-ofb
53.46 81.27 67.36 aes-128-cbc-hmac-sha256
67.95 unknown 67.95 aes-192-ccm
53.43 85.33 69.38 aes-256-cbc-hmac-sha256
92.37 96.32 94.35 camellia-128-cfb
86.76 118.05 102.41 camellia-128-cbc
89.88 119.94 104.91 camellia-128-ecb
115.26 98.84 107.05 camellia-128-ofb
111.06 118.04 114.55 camellia-256-ofb
113.69 117.35 115.52 camellia-256-cfb
113.71 117.39 115.55 camellia-192-cfb
118.05 117.26 117.66 camellia128
107.79 137.33 122.56 camellia256
107.93 137.41 122.67 camellia-192-cbc
107.63 137.71 122.67 camellia192
107.78 137.58 122.68 camellia-256-cbc
109.79 140.16 124.98 camellia-256-ecb
110.63 143.20 126.91 camellia-192-ecb
140.93 116.48 128.70 camellia-192-ofb
131.18 138.02 134.60 cast5-ofb
123.23 152.91 138.07 cast
123.20 153.14 138.17 cast-cbc
124.30 153.77 139.03 cast5-cbc
123.54 154.71 139.12 bf-ecb
128.97 153.40 141.18 blowfish
139.52 143.40 141.46 bf-cfb
129.20 154.59 141.90 bf
128.50 155.55 142.02 bf-cbc
140.97 151.75 146.36 cast5-cfb
160.98 138.92 149.95 bf-ofb
153.84 153.59 153.71 cast5-ecb
169.80 175.30 172.55 seed-ofb
175.17 171.99 173.58 idea-cbc
179.36 197.25 188.30 seed
180.20 199.18 189.69 seed-cbc
204.93 179.90 192.41 seed-cfb
192.36 197.95 195.16 des-ofb
190.88 212.10 201.49 des-cbc
190.91 212.15 201.53 des
200.83 203.79 202.31 des-cfb
190.93 216.70 203.81 desx-cbc
212.52 215.72 214.12 des-ecb
193.71 247.75 220.73 desx
285.34 208.45 246.90 rc2-ecb
287.99 207.70 247.84 rc2-64-cbc
383.14 407.20 395.17 aes-128-cfb8
428.57 433.04 430.80 aes-192-cfb8
472.68 478.71 475.69 des-ede3-ofb
473.08 478.73 475.90 des-ede-ofb
466.29 495.94 481.12 des-ede
466.96 496.02 481.49 des-ede3
469.45 494.77 482.11 des-ede-cbc
470.11 495.39 482.75 des3
480.87 485.29 483.08 des-ede-cfb
471.00 496.02 483.51 des-ede3-cbc
478.58 508.53 493.55 aes-256-cfb8
510.35 485.85 498.10 des-ede3-cfb
1144.31 1161.45 1152.88 camellia-128-cfb8
1433.53 1452.09 1442.81 des-cfb8
1486.53 1500.01 1493.27 camellia-192-cfb8
1490.02 1501.36 1495.69 camellia-256-cfb8
3486.28 3491.02 3488.65 aes-128-cfb1
3742.25 3749.80 3746.02 des-ede3-cfb8
3875.10 3877.43 3876.26 aes-192-cfb1
3990.26 3974.18 3982.22 des-ede3-cfb1
4271.61 4273.34 4272.48 aes-256-cfb1
9526.06 9744.03 9635.05 camellia-128-cfb1
12183.0 12151.8 12167.4 camellia-256-cfb1
12180.5 12200.0 12190.2 camellia-192-cfb1
12273.5 12334.8 12304.2 des-cfb1