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前 Android 团队再度聚首,计划开发 AI 时代的「操作系统」
人工智能助理,或者「AI 代理」无疑是近期 AI 领域的热词之一,许多科技公司都已经在这条赛道上押宝。
以移动端为例,苹果为了使其智能助理「Siri」更加聪明,为其接入了大语言模型 ChatGPT,并计划使其拥有感知和理解屏幕内容的能力。
荣耀在不久之前发布的 Magic 9.0 系统则标志着手机正式进入「自动驾驶」时代,其内置的「YOYO 智能体」得益于 AI 内核的加持,还能实现「一句话操控手机」。
而在 AI 技术同样深度介入的 PC 端,人工智能助理的能力也不容忽视:Anthropic 在上个月发布的最新 Claude 模型中同步推出了「computer use」功能,旨在代替用户直接与计算机进行交互。
据悉,OpenAI 也有计划入局该领域,将于明年 1 月推出一款名为「Operator」的 AI 代理。OpenAI 首席产品官凯文·韦尔(Kevin Weil)表示让 ChatGPT 具备自主执行任务的能力将是明年 OpenAI 的一大重点。
在 Android 操作系统出现之前,即使移动平台的前景相当广阔,但作为开发者来讲,在移动设备上构建任何东西都很困难。
对此,前 Google 高管大卫·辛格尔顿(David Singleton)认为在人工智能时代,同样的情况正在上演。他指出「我们可以看到 AI 的前景,但作为开发人员,构建任何好的东西真的很难」。
基于以上理念和考虑,辛格尔顿同前 Google 副总裁雨果·巴拉(Hugo Barra)等人联合创办了 AI Agent 操作系统创企「/dev/agents」。后者于 26 日在 X 上公开宣布了这一消息。
▲图源 :X
/dev/agents 在今年 10 月成立,总部位于美国旧金山,目前已经不再处于隐身状态。正如巴拉在推文中所说,新公司将「回到我们的 Android 根源,为人们和 AI 代理构建一个新的操作系统」。
换句话说,目前开发者缺乏构建 AI 代理的标准工具和系统,而 /dev/agents 计划构建一个统一的、基于云的跨平台操作系统,进而充分实发挥 AI 代理的潜力。公司预计将在明年初到中旬推出其产品的第一个版本。
这相当于一个「通用技术框架」,类似于 iOS 或者 Android 操作系统。此外,该公司还计划使用生成式 AI 提供个性化的用户界面,让人们能够更自然地与硬件设备上的代理进行交互。
值得一提的是,/dev/agents 的联合创始人们个个来头不小。公司的 CEO 辛格尔顿在谷歌期间领导了安卓核心应用的开发和 Google Store 团队,末期则主要负责可穿戴设备安卓系统。后来离开谷歌,加入了金融科技企业 Stripe。
/dev/agents 的 CPO 巴拉此前在谷歌担任移动业务产品经理,负责移动与安卓业务,后来加入 Android 团队,负责整个安卓生态系统的软硬件业务,一路升至谷歌副总裁的职位。2013 年,巴拉加入小米集团,全权负责其海外业务。
公司的 CTO 和设计负责人分别由费卡斯·柯克帕特里克(Ficus Kirkpatrick)和尼古拉斯·吉特科夫(Nicholas Jitkoff)担任,前者负责安卓 1.0 版本从内核到应用程序所有层级的软件堆栈,后者则是初代安卓语音搜索和操作的负责人。
除了四位联合创始人以外,/dev/agents 还有另外两名员工。巴拉表示「这是一个构建了过去三代操作系统(安卓系统、可穿戴设备和 AR/VR)的团队」。
▲David Singleton(图源:CNBC)
也正是因为如此「豪华」的初创阵容,使得 /dev/agents 已经筹集到了 5600 万美元的种子轮融资,与此同时本轮融资对公司的估值达到 5 亿美元。
领投的风险投资公司「Index Ventures」的合伙人尼娜·阿查吉安(Nina Achadjian)认为创始人的背景是决定投资的核心,并且表示她抓住了支持该公司的机会:
这是一个非常困难的技术问题,也是一个非常大的想法。如果有一个团队来做这件事的话,从头开始构建 Android 和 Stripe 的团队,应该成为这个团队。
联合领投的 Alphabet 的独立成长基金 CapitalG 更是毫不吝啬对四位联合创始人的赞美,称他们是「本世纪每一次重大计算平台转变的先驱」,并且作为投资者,「遇到像这样出色的创始团队确实很少见」。
许多投资者相信 AI 代理的功能将会越来越齐全,但同时他们也承认目前仍然没有通用的 AI 基础设施。尽管不少公司正在开发 AI 代理框架的不同部分,但 /dev/agents 的支持者认为,新的第三方操作系统将会成为释放潜力的关键。
另外,辛格尔顿表示 /dev/agents 的商业模式与 Android 的获利方式大致相同,可能会从销售额中分成,或向用户收取订阅费用。他还表示公司计划保持相对灵活的运营模式,类似于 Android 早期。
辛格尔顿在接受彭博社采访时说「我们需要一个类似 Android 的 AI 时刻」,这也是他对 /dev/agents 和人工智能代理的未来愿景。
AI 生态浪潮下,TWS 耳机应有怎样的自我修养?
不知道你有没有发现,AI 大模型正在潜移默化地影响着我们在数字生活里的许多行为习惯。
从拍照识图到 AI 对象消除,从多轮对话到近乎真人的 AI 情感陪伴,AI 大语言模型等技术不仅拓宽了手机等终端设备的功能边界,也进一步加强了我们对它的依赖。
虽然在现有的市场格局下,那些所谓的 AI OS 尚未产生重大影响,但大模型的潜力不可忽视,未来的智能手机、AI 耳机、智能手表未必一定是今天的样子。
所以业内现在已经存在着一个共识:AI 并非万能,但没有 AI 却是万万不能。
在今年 6 月的 HDC2024 上,鸿蒙操作系统迎来了自诞生以来最大的一次更新,正式发布了 HarmonyOS NEXT 系统,也就是剥离安卓源代码的「纯血鸿蒙」,并且带来了系统级 AI 能力。
「鸿蒙原生智能」把分散在大模型和应用里的 AI 能力,聚合成为适用于每个普通用户的日常体验,从底层架构开始追逐全场景智能的高效协同体验。
11 月 26 日,随着华为Mate 70 系列的发布,我们也迎来了第一款搭载 HarmonyOS NEXT 系统的旗舰 TWS 耳机——华为FreeBuds Pro 4。
鸿蒙 NEXT 的 AI 能力,也开始从手机延伸到原生鸿蒙的 TWS 耳机之中。
近十年间,消失于智能手机之上的 3.5mm 耳机孔,催生了 TWS 耳机的繁荣业态。换句话说,几乎每人一部智能手机的同时,也意味着几乎每人都会拥有一副 TWS 耳机。
在 IDC 最新的《全球可穿戴设备追踪报告》中可以看到,耳穿戴设备预计在 2024 年依然保持着稳健增长。
换句话说,消费者对新时代耳机日益增长的功能需求,正促使厂商进行新一轮的技术革新和产品迭代。而在 AI 大模型赋能系统交互的浪潮下,TWS 耳机与手机之间的关系正变得前所未有的紧密。
皆因手机和耳机之间,逐渐形成了「主机与终端」的关系联结——手机作为核心计算和连接枢纽,为 TWS 耳机提供了不可或缺的算力和网络连接能力;同时耳机也延伸并增强了手机的 AI 交互体验,在用户的耳边提供了智能语音助手的自然入口,并在多场景之中将手机的 AI 能力延伸到更加便捷和多元的使用场景。
正如刚刚发布的华为FreeBuds Pro 4,只要你将耳机佩戴在耳边并与手机保持连接,随时随地都能够轻声说出「小艺小艺」这句话来唤醒手机内的「小艺智能体」并来到你的耳边,聆听你的指令。
▲ 通过华为FreeBuds Pro 4 来直接调用手机上的小艺智能体
尤其是需要轻声细语且不便掏出手机的场景,你也可以通过触碰耳机上的触控按钮来唤醒小艺,让华为FreeBuds Pro 4 耳机腔体上的三麦克风来精准地拾录你的语音指令,再将结果传递到你的耳边。
▲ 「小艺翻译」内搭载的「面对面翻译」功能,可以调用FreeBuds Pro 4 来聆听对话并进行翻译语音反馈
首发的「小艺翻译」功能更是支持「面对面翻译」和「同声传译」功能——只需要佩戴着华为FreeBuds Pro 4,耳机就能够收录对方的声音,并实时将翻译结果传达到你的耳边,传译所需的时延极低,戴着耳机就像是身边带着一个专业的翻译助理。
显然,基于大语言模型升级之后的小艺智能体,已经成为一个称职的私人生活管家、办公助手、娱乐助理。从这个角度来看,为了打造一种「用过就离不开」的 AI 交互体验,华为FreeBuds Pro 4 应该就是搭载原生鸿蒙系统的华为手机们,最亲密的智慧伴侣。
在 AI 时代,TWS 耳机和智能手机的「连接」,不仅是对基础听音功能的实现,更是成为对 AI 智慧能力尽情发挥的关键环节。尤其是 AI 驱动的功能,例如智慧问答、智慧翻译等功能,都是需要耳机和手机之间进行高频且大量的数据交换,这也就意味着手机和耳机之间,需要具备超低延迟且高带宽的传输能力。
不难看出,要满足手机和耳机 1+1>2 的 AI 智慧交互体验,对 TWS 耳机与手机之间传输的低延时、稳定性和速度,又提出了新的要求。
为了获得「无线胜有线」的连接能力,华为在 TWS 耳机上引入了星闪连接核心技术——暨 Polar 码技术。
得益于麒麟 A2 芯片和星闪连接技术,华为FreeBuds Pro 4 的传输速率有了 53% 的提升——除了可以基于 L2HC 4.0 编解码技术提供 2.3Mbps 无损音质传输以外,还大幅提升了无线抗干扰能力,在更远的距离上依然能够与鸿蒙原生手机保持稳定的连接,同时也保持着更低的时延和更高的响应效率。
当然,对于 TWS 耳机而言,有了紧密的无线连接也还是需要直面「随手丢」的遗落痛点,在社交媒体上我们经常可以看到有用户在抱怨 TWS 耳机不小心弄丢了的情况,甚至因为 TWS 耳机太多人遗失了单边耳机或者耳机盒,社媒上还催生了「无线耳机相亲角」的相关话题。
为此,华为FreeBuds Pro 4 支持「离线查找」功能,启用「查找」之后,即便耳机或充电盒不在身边,也能通过远距离地图定位具体的位置,并且支持智能遗落提醒和耳机上线通知功能。同时有赖于「强连接」的星闪功能,华为FreeBuds Pro 4 的耳机盒支持「星闪查找」功能,用户可以在清晰的方位指引下,快速定位耳机盒的位置,而且耳机盒还可以响铃提升,帮助用户快速寻回。
华为表示,FreeBuds Pro 4 还支持「楼层定位」功能,可以通过华为查找网络查看丢失耳机的具体楼层位置。预计到 2024 年底,楼层定位能力将覆盖全国超过 300 个省市地区的 8000 多个大型商场、机场、高铁站等公共场所。
AI 生态中,TWS 耳机应有怎样自我修养?
不难发现,现有的 TWS 耳机使用痛点,无论是音质、稳定性、抗干扰等等,本质上都是「连接」的问题。
显然,擅长于「连接好一切」的华为,早已明晰了提升 TWS 耳机连接能力的重要性,并持续通过技术创新来解决一切与「连接」相关的难题。
作为全球领先的通信设备供应商,华为在移动通信领域拥有丰富的经验和技术储备。从 2G 到 5G,华为始终处于行业前沿,提供高质量的网络设备和解决方案,确保全球数十亿用户的稳定连接。
值得一提的是,星闪技术起源于华为的超级蓝牙(绿牙)技术,绿牙不但能够涵盖传统蓝牙的功能,而且实测下来的稳定性和极限距离都远超当时的传统蓝牙技术。为了加快我国科技自立自强的步伐,华为继续投入研发这个新一代无线短距通信技术,并作为主要的技术贡献方,在 2020 年牵头成立了负责制定和规范星闪技术的「星闪联盟」。
作为中国自主原生的新一代无线短距通信技术,星闪在低时延、多链接、局域无线长距离高速要求等场景下均有显著优势。在 HDC2023 上,华为终端正式宣布,将星闪技术纳入到鸿蒙生态当中,让星闪为鸿蒙生态的万物互联提供一个坚实可靠的连接技术底座。
于是在 AI 浪潮迅速席卷全球消费电子领域的当下,我们在搭载原生鸿蒙系统的华为FreeBuds Pro 4 身上,确实是可以窥见智慧耳机必备的一些「自我修养」。
核心,是智慧耳机必须要与手机长期保持「强连接」,用更加粗壮的无形耳机线来拓宽 TWS 耳机音质和降噪的上限,让耳机的「基本功」表现得更加扎实。
其次,作为手机 AI 能力的延伸,TWS 耳机不再是单一的音频设备,而是化身成为 AI 生态里深度整合的交互终端,以「强连接」来实现对精准语音的识别并带来几乎无延迟的反馈,让小艺智能体可以像《钢铁侠》里的贾维斯一样,做到如影随形,瞬时响应并且越用越懂你。
可能随着未来技术的进一步发展,AI 耳机内在的算力会进一步暴涨,有望真的可以在端侧加载一个像「贾维斯」那样复杂的拟人化 AI 助手,可以完成更多的事情。我们也在华为的专利库当中,看到了 TWS 耳机有望增加一个低功耗的摄像头来智能识别周遭环境路况,从而提升佩戴者的出行安全。
但就目前而言,唯有让手机与耳机之间实现高效协作,依托于手机的算力和耳机的交互特性,才能让 AI 能力真正能够融入用户的日常生活,带来更优的体验。
说到这里,大家应该就可以理解,为什么能够说华为FreeBuds Pro 4 作为首款搭载 HarmonyOS NEXT 的智慧耳机,与首款出厂就预装 HarmonyOS NEXT 的华为 Mate 70 系列手机,天生便是一体。
AI 会促使设计师成为更完整的人
最近关于 AIGC 的关注度太高了,自己也时不时会抽空去了解一些情况,或者尝试去用一些工具。很多关于 AI 要替代人的观点大行其道,也一直有不少 AI 要让设计师失业的看法在坊间流传。但我自己的感受和看法是:
在 Midjourney、Stable Diffusion、ChatGPT 这些 AI 工具出现后,「手头功夫」并没有因此丧失意义,它们只是不再具备作为门槛的价值,但依旧是重要的前提。因为「手头功夫」是培养我们发掘问题、判断优劣和快速取舍的重要训练,缺少这部分锻炼,会让人在这一系列 AI 工具面前感到无力。准确地识别问题并提出诉求,这是未来教育的重中之重,也会反过来强调人的价值。
正好,前段时间后浪送了我一本书,是前微软包容性设计的首席总监 Kat Holmes 写的《误配》。一边看这本书,我就一边在结合自己的工作和最近关于 AIGC 的思考,我觉得这本书里提倡的理念,正好回应了当下的舆论思潮。
大部分谈论设计的书,都在试图通过图形和案例来构建一类理论和范式。但在这个 AIGC 日进八万步的新时代里,设计师要以什么身份来参与?我认为所有的既定范式,都会在三到五年之内被全部击碎。串联、融汇、杂交才是新世界的主流,创作者的身份将愈加模糊,甲乙方的界限也会逐渐消失或扭转。怎么回应这样的快速变化?我觉得《误配》这本首版于五年前的「旧书」,提出了很适合当下思考的母题:
这更坚定了我今年一定要 重新启动设计纪录片 的决心了!
为什么 Linux 和 macOS 不需要碎片整理
为什么早期的 Windows 需要整理碎片
Linux Command Line Reference for Common Operations (2)
with over 3.5 million hits in nearly 5 years. So I've decided to start compiling
another list of somewhat more involved/esoteric commands.
Examples marked with • are valid/safe to paste without modification into a terminal, so
you may want to keep a terminal window open while reading this so you can cut & paste.
Command | Description | |
• | grep . /proc/sys/net/ipv4/* | List the contents of flag files |
• | set | grep $USER | Search current environment |
• | tr '\0' '\n' < /proc/$$/environ | Display the startup environment for any process |
• | echo $PATH | tr : '\n' | Display the $PATH one per line |
• | kill -0 $$ && echo process exists and can accept signals | Check for the existence of a process (pid) |
• | find /etc -readable | xargs less -K -p'*ntp' -j $((${LINES:-25}/2)) | Search paths and data with full context. Use n to iterate |
Low impact admin | ||
# | apt-get install "package" -o Acquire::http::Dl-Limit=42 \ -o Acquire::Queue-mode=access | Rate limit apt-get to 42KB/s |
echo 'wget url' | at 01:00 | Download url at 1AM to current dir | |
# | apache2ctl configtest && apache2ctl graceful | Restart apache if config is OK |
• | nice openssl speed sha1 | Run a low priority command (openssl benchmark) |
• | chrt -i 0 openssl speed sha1 | Run a low priority command (more effective than nice) |
• | renice 19 -p $$; ionice -c3 -p $$ | Make shell (script) low priority. Use for non interactive tasks |
Interactive monitoring | ||
• | watch -t -n1 uptime | Clock with system load |
• | htop -d 5 | Better top (scrollable, tree view, lsof/strace integration, ...) |
• | iotop | What's doing I/O |
# | watch -d -n30 "nice | tail -n $((${LINES:-12}-2))" | What's using RAM |
# | iftop | What's using the network. See also iptraf |
# | mtr | ping and traceroute combined |
Useful utilities | ||
• | pv < /dev/zero > /dev/null | Progress Viewer for data copying from files and pipes |
• | wkhtml2pdf http://.../linux_commands.html linux_commands.pdf | Make a pdf of a web page |
• | timeout 1 sleep 3 | run a command with bounded time. See also timeout |
Networking | ||
• | python -m SimpleHTTPServer | Serve current directory tree at http://$HOSTNAME:8000/ |
• | openssl s_client -connect </dev/null 2>&0 | openssl x509 -dates -noout | Display the date range for a site's certs |
• | curl -I | Display the server headers for a web site |
# | lsof -i tcp:80 | What's using port 80 |
# | httpd -S | Display a list of apache virtual hosts |
• | vim scp://user@remote//path/to/file | Edit remote file using local vim. Good for high latency links |
• | curl -s | gpg --import | Import a gpg key from the web |
• | tc qdisc add dev lo root handle 1:0 netem delay 20msec | Add 20ms latency to loopback device (for testing) |
• | tc qdisc del dev lo root | Remove latency added above |
Notification | ||
• | echo "DISPLAY=$DISPLAY xmessage cooker" | at "NOW +30min" | Popup reminder |
• | notify-send "subject" "message" | Display a gnome popup notification |
echo "mail -s 'go home' < /dev/null" | at 17:30 | Email reminder | |
uuencode file name | mail -s subject | Send a file via email | | | mail -a "Content-Type: text/html" | Send/Generate HTML email | |
Better default settings (useful in your .bashrc) | ||
# | tail -s.1 -f /var/log/messages | Display file additions more responsively |
• | seq 100 | tail -n $((${LINES:-12}-2)) | Display as many lines as possible without scrolling |
# | tcpdump -s0 | Capture full network packets |
Useful functions/aliases (useful in your .bashrc) | ||
• | md () { mkdir -p "$1" && cd "$1"; } | Change to a new directory |
• | strerror() { python -c "import os; print os.strerror($1)"; } | Display the meaning of an errno |
• | plot() { { echo 'plot "-"' "$@"; cat; } | gnuplot -persist; } | Plot stdin. (e.g: • seq 1000 | sed 's/.*/s(&)/' | bc -l | plot) |
• | hili() { e="$1"; shift; grep --col=always -Eih "$e|$" "$@"; } | highlight occurences of expr. (e.g: • env | hili $USER) |
• | alias hd='od -Ax -tx1z -v' | Hexdump. (usage e.g.: • hd /proc/self/cmdline | less) |
• | alias realpath='readlink -f' | Canonicalize path. (usage e.g.: • realpath ~/../$USER) |
• | ord() { printf "0x%x\n" "'$1"; } | shell version of the ord() function |
• | chr() { printf $(printf '\\%03o\\n' "$1"); } | shell version of the chr() function |
Multimedia | ||
• | DISPLAY=:0.0 import -window root orig.png | Take a (remote) screenshot |
• | convert -filter catrom -resize '600x>' orig.png 600px_wide.png | Shrink to width, computer gen images or screenshots |
mplayer -ao pcm -vo null -vc dummy /tmp/Flash* | Extract audio from flash video to audiodump.wav | |
ffmpeg -i filename.avi | Display info about multimedia file | |
• | ffmpeg -f x11grab -s xga -r 25 -i :0 -sameq demo.mpg | Capture video of an X display |
DVD | ||
for i in $(seq 9); do ffmpeg -i $i.avi -target pal-dvd $i.mpg; done | Convert video to the correct encoding and aspect for DVD | |
dvdauthor -odvd -t -v "pal,4:3,720xfull" *.mpg;dvdauthor -odvd -T | Build DVD file system. Use 16:9 for widescreen input | |
growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/dvd -dvd-video dvd | Burn DVD file system to disc | |
Unicode | ||
• | python -c "import unicodedata as u; print" | Lookup a unicode character |
• | uconv -f utf8 -t utf8 -x nfc | Normalize combining characters |
• | printf '\300\200' | iconv -futf8 -tutf8 >/dev/null | Validate UTF-8 |
• | printf 'ŨTF8\n' | LANG=C grep --color=always '[^ -~]\+' | Highlight non printable ASCII chars in UTF-8 |
• | fc-match -s "sans:lang=zh" | List font match order for language and style |
Development | ||
• | gcc -march=native -E -v -</dev/null 2>&1|sed -n 's/.*-mar/-mar/p' | Show autodetected gcc tuning params. See also gcccpuopt |
• | for i in $(seq 4); do { [ $i = 1 ] && wget -qO-|| ./a.out; } | tee /dev/tty | gcc -xc - 2>/dev/null; done | Compile and execute C code from stdin |
• | cpp -dM /dev/null | Show all predefined macros |
• | echo "#include <features.h>" | cpp -dN | grep "#define __USE_" | Show all glibc feature macros |
gdb -tui | Debug showing source code context in separate windows | |
udev | ||
• | udevadm info -a -p $(udevadm info -q path -n /dev/input/mouse0) | List udev attributes of a device, for matching rules etc. |
• | udevadm test /sys/class/input/mouse0 | See how udev rules are applied for a device |
# | udevadm control --reload-rules | Reload udev rules after modification |
Extended Attributes (Note you may need to (re)mount with "acl" or "user_xattr" options) | ||
• | getfacl . | Show ACLs for file |
• | setfacl -m u:nobody:r . | Allow a specific user to read file |
• | setfacl -x u:nobody . | Delete a specific user's rights to file |
setfacl --default -m group:users:rw- dir/ | Set umask for a for a specific dir | |
getcap file | Show capabilities for a program | |
setcap cap_net_raw+ep your_gtk_prog | Allow gtk program raw access to network | |
• | stat -c%C . | Show SELinux context for file |
chcon ... file | Set SELinux context for file (see also restorecon) | |
• | getfattr -m- -d . | Show all extended attributes (includes selinux,acls,...) |
• | setfattr -n "" -v "bar" . | Set arbitrary user attributes |
BASH specific | ||
• | echo 123 | tee >(tr 1 a) | tr 1 b | Split data to 2 commands (using process substitution) |
meld local_file <(ssh host cat remote_file) | Compare a local and remote file (using process substitution) | |
Multicore | ||
• | taskset -c 0 nproc | Restrict a command to certain processors |
• | find -type f -print0 | xargs -r0 -P$(nproc) -n10 md5sum | Process files in parallel over available processors |
sort -m <(sort data1) <(sort data2) >data.sorted | Sort separate data files over 2 processors |
Linux Command Line Reference for Common Operations
This is a linux command line reference for common operations. Examples marked with • are valid/safe to paste without modification into a terminal, so you may want to keep a terminal window open while reading this so you can cut & paste. All these commands have been tested both on Fedora and Ubuntu. See also more linux commands. |
Command | Description | |
• | apropos whatis | Show commands pertinent to string. See also threadsafe |
• | man -t ascii | ps2pdf - > ascii.pdf | make a pdf of a manual page |
which command | Show full path name of command | |
time command | See how long a command takes | |
• | time cat | Start stopwatch. Ctrl-d to stop. See also sw |
dir navigation | ||
• | cd - | Go to previous directory |
• | cd | Go to $HOME directory |
(cd dir && command) | Go to dir, execute command and return to current dir | |
• | pushd . | Put current dir on stack so you can popd back to it |
file searching | ||
• | alias l='ls -l --color=auto' | quick dir listing |
• | ls -lrt | List files by date. See also newest and find_mm_yyyy |
• | ls /usr/bin | pr -T9 -W$COLUMNS | Print in 9 columns to width of terminal |
find -name '*.[ch]' | xargs grep -E 'expr' | Search 'expr' in this dir and below. See also findrepo | |
find -type f -print0 | xargs -r0 grep -F 'example' | Search all regular files for 'example' in this dir and below | |
find -maxdepth 1 -type f | xargs grep -F 'example' | Search all regular files for 'example' in this dir | |
find -maxdepth 1 -type d | while read dir; do echo $dir; echo cmd2; done | Process each item with multiple commands (in while loop) | |
• | find -type f ! -perm -444 | Find files not readable by all (useful for web site) |
• | find -type d ! -perm -111 | Find dirs not accessible by all (useful for web site) |
• | locate -r 'file[^/]*\.txt' | Search cached index for names. This re is like glob *file*.txt |
• | look reference | Quickly search (sorted) dictionary for prefix |
• | grep --color reference /usr/share/dict/words | Highlight occurances of regular expression in dictionary |
archives and compression | ||
gpg -c file | Encrypt file | |
gpg file.gpg | Decrypt file | |
tar -c dir/ | bzip2 > dir.tar.bz2 | Make compressed archive of dir/ | |
bzip2 -dc dir.tar.bz2 | tar -x | Extract archive (use gzip instead of bzip2 for tar.gz files) | |
tar -c dir/ | gzip | gpg -c | ssh user@remote 'dd of=dir.tar.gz.gpg' | Make encrypted archive of dir/ on remote machine | |
find dir/ -name '*.txt' | tar -c --files-from=- | bzip2 > dir_txt.tar.bz2 | Make archive of subset of dir/ and below | |
find dir/ -name '*.txt' | xargs cp -a --target-directory=dir_txt/ --parents | Make copy of subset of dir/ and below | |
(tar -c /dir/to/copy) | ( cd /where/to/ && tar -x -p ) | Copy (with permissions) copy/ dir to /where/to/ dir | |
(cd /dir/to/copy && tar -c .) | ( cd /where/to/ && tar -x -p ) | Copy (with permissions) contents of copy/ dir to /where/to/ | |
(tar -c /dir/to/copy ) | ssh -C user@remote 'cd /where/to/ && tar -x -p' | Copy (with permissions) copy/ dir to remote:/where/to/ dir | |
dd bs=1M if=/dev/sda | gzip | ssh user@remote 'dd of=sda.gz' | Backup harddisk to remote machine | |
rsync (Network efficient file copier: Use the --dry-run option for testing) | ||
rsync -P rsync:// file | Only get diffs. Do multiple times for troublesome downloads | |
rsync --bwlimit=1000 fromfile tofile | Locally copy with rate limit. It's like nice for I/O | |
rsync -az -e ssh --delete ~/public_html/'~/public_html' | Mirror web site (using compression and encryption) | |
rsync -auz -e ssh remote:/dir/ . && rsync -auz -e ssh . remote:/dir/ | Synchronize current directory with remote one | |
ssh (Secure SHell) | ||
ssh $USER@$HOST command | Run command on $HOST as $USER (default command=shell) | |
• | ssh -f -Y $USER@$HOSTNAME xeyes | Run GUI command on $HOSTNAME as $USER |
scp -p -r $USER@$HOST: file dir/ | Copy with permissions to $USER's home directory on $HOST | |
scp -c arcfour $USER@$LANHOST: bigfile | Use faster crypto for local LAN. This might saturate GigE | |
ssh -g -L 8080:localhost:80 root@$HOST | Forward connections to $HOSTNAME:8080 out to $HOST:80 | |
ssh -R 1434:imap:143 root@$HOST | Forward connections from $HOST:1434 in to imap:143 | |
ssh-copy-id $USER@$HOST | Install public key for $USER@$HOST for password-less log in | |
wget (multi purpose download tool) | ||
• | (cd dir/ && wget -nd -pHEKk | Store local browsable version of a page to the current dir |
wget -c | Continue downloading a partially downloaded file | |
wget -r -nd -np -l1 -A '*.jpg' | Download a set of files to the current directory | |
wget ftp://remote/file[1-9].iso/ | FTP supports globbing directly | |
• | wget -q -O- | grep 'a href' | head | Process output directly |
echo 'wget url' | at 01:00 | Download url at 1AM to current dir | |
wget --limit-rate=20k url | Do a low priority download (limit to 20KB/s in this case) | |
wget -nv --spider --force-html -i bookmarks.html | Check links in a file | |
wget --mirror | Efficiently update a local copy of a site (handy from cron) | |
networking (Note ifconfig, route, mii-tool, nslookup commands are obsolete) | ||
ethtool eth0 | Show status of ethernet interface eth0 | |
ethtool --change eth0 autoneg off speed 100 duplex full | Manually set ethernet interface speed | |
iwconfig eth1 | Show status of wireless interface eth1 | |
iwconfig eth1 rate 1Mb/s fixed | Manually set wireless interface speed | |
• | iwlist scan | List wireless networks in range |
• | ip link show | List network interfaces |
ip link set dev eth0 name wan | Rename interface eth0 to wan | |
ip link set dev eth0 up | Bring interface eth0 up (or down) | |
• | ip addr show | List addresses for interfaces |
ip addr add brd + dev eth0 | Add (or del) ip and mask ( | |
• | ip route show | List routing table |
ip route add default via | Set default gateway to | |
• | host | ookup DNS ip address for name or vice versaL |
• | hostname -i | Lookup local ip address (equivalent to host `hostname`) |
• | whois | Lookup whois info for hostname or ip address |
• | netstat -tupl | List internet services on a system |
• | netstat -tup | List active connections to/from system |
windows networking (Note samba is the package that provides all this windows specific networking support) | ||
• | smbtree | Find windows machines. See also findsmb |
nmblookup -A | Find the windows (netbios) name associated with ip address | |
smbclient -L windows_box | List shares on windows machine or samba server | |
mount -t smbfs -o fmask=666,guest //windows_box/share /mnt/share | Mount a windows share | |
echo 'message' | smbclient -M windows_box | Send popup to windows machine (off by default in XP sp2) | |
text manipulation (Note sed uses stdin and stdout. Newer versions support inplace editing with the -i option) | ||
sed 's/string1/string2/g' | Replace string1 with string2 | |
sed 's/\(.*\)1/\12/g' | Modify anystring1 to anystring2 | |
sed '/ *#/d; /^ *$/d' | Remove comments and blank lines | |
sed ':a; /\\$/N; s/\\\n//; ta' | Concatenate lines with trailing \ | |
sed 's/[ \t]*$//' | Remove trailing spaces from lines | |
sed 's/\([`"$\]\)/\\\1/g' | Escape shell metacharacters active within double quotes | |
• | seq 10 | sed "s/^/ /; s/ *\(.\{7,\}\)/\1/" | Right align numbers |
sed -n '1000{p;q}' | Print 1000th line | |
sed -n '10,20p;20q' | Print lines 10 to 20 | |
sed -n 's/.*<title>\(.*\)<\/title>.*/\1/ip;T;q' | Extract title from HTML web page | |
sed -i 42d ~/.ssh/known_hosts | Delete a particular line | |
sort -t. -k1,1n -k2,2n -k3,3n -k4,4n | Sort IPV4 ip addresses | |
• | echo 'Test' | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' | Case conversion |
• | tr -dc '[:print:]' < /dev/urandom | Filter non printable characters |
• | tr -s '[:blank:]' '\t' </proc/diskstats | cut -f4 | cut fields separated by blanks |
• | history | wc -l | Count lines |
set operations (Note you can export LANG=C for speed. Also these assume no duplicate lines within a file) | ||
sort file1 file2 | uniq | Union of unsorted files | |
sort file1 file2 | uniq -d | Intersection of unsorted files | |
sort file1 file1 file2 | uniq -u | Difference of unsorted files | |
sort file1 file2 | uniq -u | Symmetric Difference of unsorted files | |
join -t'\0' -a1 -a2 file1 file2 | Union of sorted files | |
join -t'\0' file1 file2 | Intersection of sorted files | |
join -t'\0' -v2 file1 file2 | Difference of sorted files | |
join -t'\0' -v1 -v2 file1 file2 | Symmetric Difference of sorted files | |
math | ||
• | echo '(1 + sqrt(5))/2' | bc -l | Quick math (Calculate φ). See also bc |
• | seq -f '4/%g' 1 2 99999 | paste -sd-+ | bc -l | Calculate π the unix way |
• | echo 'pad=20; min=64; (100*10^6)/((pad+min)*8)' | bc | More complex (int) e.g. This shows max FastE packet rate |
• | echo 'pad=20; min=64; print (100E6)/((pad+min)*8)' | python | Python handles scientific notation |
• | echo 'pad=20; plot [64:1518] (100*10**6)/((pad+x)*8)' | gnuplot -persist | Plot FastE packet rate vs packet size |
• | echo 'obase=16; ibase=10; 64206' | bc | Base conversion (decimal to hexadecimal) |
• | echo $((0x2dec)) | Base conversion (hex to dec) ((shell arithmetic expansion)) |
• | units -t '100m/9.58s' 'miles/hour' | Unit conversion (metric to imperial) |
• | units -t '500GB' 'GiB' | Unit conversion (SI to IEC prefixes) |
• | units -t '1 googol' | Definition lookup |
• | seq 100 | (tr '\n' +; echo 0) | bc | Add a column of numbers. See also add and funcpy |
calendar | ||
• | cal -3 | Display a calendar |
• | cal 9 1752 | Display a calendar for a particular month year |
• | date -d fri | What date is it this friday. See also day |
• | [ $(date -d '12:00 +1 day' +%d) = '01' ] || exit | exit a script unless it's the last day of the month |
• | date --date='25 Dec' +%A | What day does xmas fall on, this year |
• | date --date='@2147483647' | Convert seconds since the epoch (1970-01-01 UTC) to date |
• | TZ='America/Los_Angeles' date | What time is it on west coast of US (use tzselect to find TZ) |
• | date --date='TZ="America/Los_Angeles" 09:00 next Fri' | What's the local time for 9AM next Friday on west coast US |
locales | ||
• | printf "%'d\n" 1234 | Print number with thousands grouping appropriate to locale |
• | BLOCK_SIZE=\'1 ls -l | Use locale thousands grouping in ls. See also l |
• | echo "I live in `locale territory`" | Extract info from locale database |
• | LANG=en_IE.utf8 locale int_prefix | Lookup locale info for specific country. See also ccodes |
• | locale -kc $(locale | sed -n 's/\(LC_.\{4,\}\)=.*/\1/p') | less | List fields available in locale database |
recode (Obsoletes iconv, dos2unix, unix2dos) | ||
• | recode -l | less | Show available conversions (aliases on each line) |
recode windows-1252.. file_to_change.txt | Windows "ansi" to local charset (auto does CRLF conversion) | |
recode utf-8/CRLF.. file_to_change.txt | Windows utf8 to local charset | |
recode iso-8859-15..utf8 file_to_change.txt | Latin9 (western europe) to utf8 | |
recode ../b64 < file.txt > file.b64 | Base64 encode | |
recode /qp.. < file.qp > file.txt | Quoted printable decode | |
recode ..HTML < file.txt > file.html | Text to HTML | |
• | recode -lf windows-1252 | grep euro | Lookup table of characters |
• | echo -n 0x80 | recode latin-9/x1..dump | Show what a code represents in latin-9 charmap |
• | echo -n 0x20AC | recode ucs-2/x2..latin-9/x | Show latin-9 encoding |
• | echo -n 0x20AC | recode ucs-2/x2..utf-8/x | Show utf-8 encoding |
CDs | ||
gzip < /dev/cdrom > cdrom.iso.gz | Save copy of data cdrom | |
mkisofs -V LABEL -r dir | gzip > cdrom.iso.gz | Create cdrom image from contents of dir | |
mount -o loop cdrom.iso /mnt/dir | Mount the cdrom image at /mnt/dir (read only) | |
cdrecord -v dev=/dev/cdrom blank=fast | Clear a CDRW | |
gzip -dc cdrom.iso.gz | cdrecord -v dev=/dev/cdrom - | Burn cdrom image (use dev=ATAPI -scanbus to confirm dev) | |
cdparanoia -B | Rip audio tracks from CD to wav files in current dir | |
cdrecord -v dev=/dev/cdrom -audio -pad *.wav | Make audio CD from all wavs in current dir (see also cdrdao) | |
oggenc --tracknum='track' track.cdda.wav -o 'track.ogg' | Make ogg file from wav file | |
disk space (See also FSlint) | ||
• | ls -lSr | Show files by size, biggest last |
• | du -s * | sort -k1,1rn | head | Show top disk users in current dir. See also dutop |
• | du -hs /home/* | sort -k1,1h | Sort paths by easy to interpret disk usage |
• | df -h | Show free space on mounted filesystems |
• | df -i | Show free inodes on mounted filesystems |
• | fdisk -l | Show disks partitions sizes and types (run as root) |
• | rpm -q -a --qf '%10{SIZE}\t%{NAME}\n' | sort -k1,1n | List all packages by installed size (Bytes) on rpm distros |
• | dpkg-query -W -f='${Installed-Size;10}\t${Package}\n' | sort -k1,1n | List all packages by installed size (KBytes) on deb distros |
• | dd bs=1 seek=2TB if=/dev/null of=ext3.test | Create a large test file (taking no space). See also truncate |
• | > file | truncate data of file or create an empty file |
monitoring/debugging | ||
• | tail -f /var/log/messages | Monitor messages in a log file |
• | strace -c ls >/dev/null | Summarise/profile system calls made by command |
• | strace -f -e open ls >/dev/null | List system calls made by command |
• | strace -f -e trace=write -e write=1,2 ls >/dev/null | Monitor what's written to stdout and stderr |
• | ltrace -f -e getenv ls >/dev/null | List library calls made by command |
• | lsof -p $$ | List paths that process id has open |
• | lsof ~ | List processes that have specified path open |
• | tcpdump not port 22 | Show network traffic except ssh. See also tcpdump_not_me |
• | ps -e -o pid,args --forest | List processes in a hierarchy |
• | ps -e -o pcpu,cpu,nice,state,cputime,args --sort pcpu | sed '/^ 0.0 /d' | List processes by % cpu usage |
• | ps -e -orss=,args= | sort -b -k1,1n | pr -TW$COLUMNS | List processes by mem (KB) usage. See also |
• | ps -C firefox-bin -L -o pid,tid,pcpu,state | List all threads for a particular process |
• | ps -p 1,$$ -o etime= | List elapsed wall time for particular process IDs |
• | last reboot | Show system reboot history |
• | free -m | Show amount of (remaining) RAM (-m displays in MB) |
• | watch -n.1 'cat /proc/interrupts' | Watch changeable data continuously |
• | udevadm monitor | Monitor udev events to help configure rules |
system information (see also sysinfo) ('#' means root access is required) | ||
• | uname -a | Show kernel version and system architecture |
• | head -n1 /etc/issue | Show name and version of distribution |
• | cat /proc/partitions | Show all partitions registered on the system |
• | grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo | Show RAM total seen by the system |
• | grep "model name" /proc/cpuinfo | Show CPU(s) info |
• | lspci -tv | Show PCI info |
• | lsusb -tv | Show USB info |
• | mount | column -t | List mounted filesystems on the system (and align output) |
• | grep -F capacity: /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info | Show state of cells in laptop battery |
# | dmidecode -q | less | Display SMBIOS/DMI information |
# | smartctl -A /dev/sda | grep Power_On_Hours | How long has this disk (system) been powered on in total |
# | hdparm -i /dev/sda | Show info about disk sda |
# | hdparm -tT /dev/sda | Do a read speed test on disk sda |
# | badblocks -s /dev/sda | Test for unreadable blocks on disk sda |
interactive (see also linux keyboard shortcuts) | ||
• | readline | Line editor used by bash, python, bc, gnuplot, ... |
• | screen | Virtual terminals with detach capability, ... |
• | mc | Powerful file manager that can browse rpm, tar, ftp, ssh, ... |
• | gnuplot | Interactive/scriptable graphing |
• | links | Web browser |
• | xdg-open . | open a file or url with the registered desktop application |
另外这里还有非常多的命令, 可以作为参考。
# uname -a # 查看内核/操作系统/CPU信息 # head -n 1 /etc/issue # 查看操作系统版本 # cat /proc/cpuinfo # 查看CPU信息 # hostname # 查看计算机名 # lspci -tv # 列出所有PCI设备 # lsusb -tv # 列出所有USB设备 # lsmod # 列出加载的内核模块 # env # 查看环境变量
# free -m # 查看内存使用量和交换区使用量 # df -h # 查看各分区使用情况 # du -sh <目录名> # 查看指定目录的大小 # grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo # 查看内存总量 # grep MemFree /proc/meminfo # 查看空闲内存量 # uptime # 查看系统运行时间、用户数、负载 # cat /proc/loadavg # 查看系统负载
# mount | column -t # 查看挂接的分区状态 # fdisk -l # 查看所有分区 # swapon -s # 查看所有交换分区 # hdparm -i /dev/hda # 查看磁盘参数(仅适用于IDE设备) # dmesg | grep IDE # 查看启动时IDE设备检测状况
# ifconfig # 查看所有网络接口的属性 # iptables -L # 查看防火墙设置 # route -n # 查看路由表 # netstat -lntp # 查看所有监听端口 # netstat -antp # 查看所有已经建立的连接 # netstat -s # 查看网络统计信息
# ps -ef # 查看所有进程 # top # 实时显示进程状态
# w # 查看活动用户 # id <用户名> # 查看指定用户信息 # last # 查看用户登录日志 # cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd # 查看系统所有用户 # cut -d: -f1 /etc/group # 查看系统所有组 # crontab -l # 查看当前用户的计划任务
# chkconfig --list # 列出所有系统服务 # chkconfig --list | grep on # 列出所有启动的系统服务
# rpm -qa # 查看所有安装的软件包
Linux 文件结构大全 |