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Yesterday — 16 September 2024Main stream

First Day of a ‘New Life’ for a Boy With Sickle Cell

16 September 2024 at 22:37
Kendric Cromer, 12, is among the first patients to be treated with gene therapy just approved by the F.D.A. that many other patients face obstacles to receiving.

© Kenny Holston/The New York Times

Kendric Cromer undergoing infusion gene therapy for his sickle cell disease at Children’s General Hospital in Washington last week.

Looming Insurance Crisis Threatens Taxis and Ubers in New York City

American Transit, the largest insurer of the city’s for-hire vehicles, is insolvent. Its collapse could create a crisis that would take thousands of cars out of service.

© Karsten Moran for The New York Times

American Transit Insurance Company provides coverage for about 74,000 for-hire vehicles in New York, or more than 60 percent of the available cars, according to city records.

Changing Paintings: 37 The fall of Icarus

By: hoakley
16 September 2024 at 19:30

The architect and artificer Daedalus had been introduced by Ovid in his account of the death of the Minotaur, and the next myth in Metamorphoses tells of the tragic end to Daedalus’ stay on the island of Crete, where he and his son Icarus had effectively been imprisoned since the construction of the labyrinth that had confined the minotaur. Much as Daedalus yearned to leave the island and King Minos, there was no hope of him departing by sea, so he decided to take to the air.

Daedalus built two sets of wings made from feathers held together by beeswax. Once they were completed, he tested his by hovering in the air. He then cautioned his son to fly a middle course: neither so low that the sea would wet the feathers and make them heavy, nor so high that the heat of the sun would damage them. He also told Icarus to follow his lead, and not to try navigating by the stars.

Daedalus fitted his son with his wings, and gave him further advice about how to fly with them. He shed tears as he did that, and his hands trembled. Once they were both ready, Daedalus kissed his son, and flew off in the lead just like a bird with its fledgeling chick in tow.

Charles Le Brun (1619–1690), Daedalus and Icarus (1645-46), oil on canvas, 190 x 124 cm, Hermitage Museum Государственный Эрмитаж, Saint Petersburg, Russia. Wikimedia Commons.

Towards the end of his career in Rome in 1645-46, the great French painter Charles Le Brun painted Daedalus and Icarus. This shows the master artificer fastening wings made of feathers and wax on his son’s back, prior to their escape from Crete.

Andrea Sacchi (1599–1661), Daedalus and Icarus (c 1645), oil, 147 x 117 cm, Musei di Strada Nuova, Genova, Italy. Wikimedia Commons.

Andrea Sacchi’s Daedalus and Icarus (c 1645) shows Daedalus at the left, fitting Icarus’ wings, prior to the boy’s flight. Icarus has his right arm raised to allow the fitting, and looks intently at his new wings. Daedalus is concentrating on adjusting the thin ribbons passing over his son’s shoulders, and may be explaining to him the importance of flying at the right altitude.

Anthony van Dyck (1599–1641), Daedalus and Icarus (1615-25), oil on canvas, 115.3 x 86.4 cm, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Canada. Wikimedia Commons.

Anthony van Dyck’s Daedalus and Icarus (1615-25) shows Daedalus giving his son the vital pre-flight briefing. From the father’s gestures, he is here explaining the importance of keeping the right altitude.

Frederic, Lord Leighton (1830–1896), Icarus and Daedalus (c 1869), oil on canvas, 138.2 × 106.5 cm, Private collection. Wikimedia Commons.

Frederic, Lord Leighton’s Icarus and Daedalus (c 1869), shows the pair on the roof of a tower overlooking the coast. Daedalus is fitting his son’s wings, and looks up at Icarus. The boy holds his right arm up, partly to allow his father to fit the wings, and possibly in a gesture of strength and defiance, as the two will shortly be escaping from Crete. Icarus looks to the right, presumably towards their mainland destination, and Daedalus is wearing a curious scalp-hugging cap intended for flight.

Charles Paul Landon (1760–1826), Icarus and Daedalus (1799), oil on canvas, 54 × 43.5 cm, Musée des Beaux-Arts et de la Dentelle d’Alençon, Alençon, France. Wikimedia Commons.

Charles Paul Landon’s (1760–1826) Icarus and Daedalus (1799) shows the moment that Icarus launches into flight from the top of the tower, his arms held out and treading air with his legs during this first flight. Daedalus stands behind, his arms still held horizontally forward from launching his son.

The pair flew over a fisherman holding his rod, a shepherd leaning on his crook, and a ploughman with his plough, amazing them with the sight. They flew past Delos and Paros, and approached further islands, but Icarus started to enjoy the thrill of flying too much, and soared too high. As he neared the sun, the wax securing the feathers in his wings softened, and his wings fell apart.

As Icarus fell from the sky, he called to his father, before entering the water in what’s now known in his memory as the Icarian Sea, between the Cyclades and the coast of modern Turkey. All Daedalus could see were the feathers, remnants of wings, on the surface of the water.

Peter Paul Rubens (1577–1640), The Fall of Icarus (1636), oil on panel, 27 x 27 cm, Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels. Wikimedia Commons.

Rubens’ initial oil sketch of The Fall of Icarus (1636) above, was presumably turned into a finished painting by his apprentice Jacob Peter Gowy, below. Icarus, his wings in tatters and holding his arms up as if trying to flap them, plunges past Daedalus. The boy’s mouth and eyes are wide open in shock and fear, and his body tumbles as it falls. Daedalus is still flying, though, his wings intact and fully functional; he looks towards the falling body of his son in alarm. They are high above a bay containing people with a fortified town at the edge of the sea.

Jacob Peter Gowy (c 1615-1661), The Fall of Icarus (1635-7), oil on canvas, 195 x 180 cm, Museo del Prado, Madrid. Wikimedia Commons.
Merry-Joseph Blondel (1781-1853), The Sun or the Fall of Icarus (1819), mural, 271 x 210 cm, Denon, first floor, Rotonde d’Apollon, Musée du Louvre, Paris. By Jastrow (2008), via Wikimedia Commons.

Merry-Joseph Blondel’s spectacular painted ceiling showing The Sun or the Fall of Icarus (1819) combines a similar view of Daedalus flying onward, and Icarus in free fall, with Apollo’s sun chariot being driven across the heavens.

Joos de Momper (II) (1564–1635), Landscape with the Fall of Icarus (c 1565), oil on panel, 154 x 173 cm, Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, Sweden. Wikimedia Commons.

Joos de Momper’s Landscape with the Fall of Icarus (c 1565), above, show Icarus’ descent within a much bigger landscape, including some of Ovid’s finer details:

  • an angler catching a fish with a rod and line,
  • a shepherd leaning on a crook,
  • a ploughman resting on the handles of his plough.

To aid the viewer, de Momper has painted their clothing scarlet.

De Momper may also have made the copy, below, of Pieter Brueghel the Elder’s famous Landscape with the Fall of Icarus. Here, Brueghel makes the viewer work harder to see the crucial elements of the story: all there is to be seen of Icarus are his flailing legs and some feathers, by the stern of the ship at the right. Daedalus isn’t visible at all, but the shepherd leaning on his crook is looking up at him, up to the left. As in de Momper’s own version, Brueghel also shows the ploughman and the angler.

Pieter Brueghel the Elder (1526/1530–1569), Landscape with the Fall of Icarus (copy of original from c 1558), oil on canvas mounted on wood, 73.5 × 112 cm, Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels. Wikimedia Commons.
Vlaho Bukovac (Biagio Faggioni) (1855–1922) The Fall of Icarus (panel of diptych) (1898), oil, dimensions not known, National Museum of Serbia, Beograd, Serbia. Wikimedia Commons.

Vlaho Bukovac (Biagio Faggioni) (1855–1922) painted two different versions of Icarus reaching earth: in The Fall of Icarus (1898), one panel of a diptych about this story, he shows Icarus on the seabed, as he drowns, the remains of his wings still visible.

Vlaho Bukovac (Biagio Faggioni) (1855–1922) Icarus on the Rocks (1897), oil on canvas, dimensions not known, Moderna Galerija, Zagreb, Croatia. Wikimedia Commons.

His earlier Icarus on the Rocks (1897) departs from Ovid’s account and has Icarus crash onto rocks; his posture is similar in the two paintings.

Herbert James Draper (1863–1920), Lament for Icarus (1898), oil on canvas, 182.9 x 155.6 cm, The Tate Gallery, London. Wikimedia Commons.

Finally, Herbert Draper’s (1863–1920) Lament for Icarus (1898) shows an apocryphal and more romantic view, in which three nymphs have recovered the apparently dry body of Icarus, and he is laid out on a rock while they lament his fate to the accompaniment of a lyre. Perhaps influenced by contemporary thought about human flight, Draper gives Icarus huge wings, and those are shown intact, rather than disintegrated from their exposure to the sun’s heat.

Daedalus was full of remorse, and buried his son’s body on the nearby island. As he was digging his son’s grave, a solitary partridge watched him from a nearby oak tree. The partridge had originally been Daedalus’ nephew, who had been brought to him as an apprentice. As the nephew’s skills and ingenuity grew, Daedalus became envious of him, seeking to kill him and pretend it had been an accident. When Daedalus threw him from the roof of her temple on the Acropolis, Pallas Athena saved the apprentice by transforming him into a partridge in mid-air. The bird still remembers being saved from its fall, and to this day won’t fly far above the ground.

Solutions to Saturday Mac riddles 273

By: hoakley
16 September 2024 at 16:00

I hope that you enjoyed Saturday’s Mac Riddles, episode 273. Here are my solutions to them.

1: Resign, stop and almost quite is final.

Click for a solution


Resign (quit a job), stop (quit) and almost quite (it’s quite without the last letter) is final (it’s the last command).

2: Almost all round opens a window first.

Click for a solution


Almost (about a number) all round (about a location) opens a window (it opens the About window) first (it’s the first command).

3: Past preferences when celestial bodies sink below the horizon.

Click for a solution


Past preferences (what it used to be called) when celestial bodies sink below the horizon (when the sun/moon/planets/stars set in the sky).

The common factor

Click for a solution

They are all standard commands in the app menu.

I look forward to your putting alternative cases.

Tommy Cash, Country Singer and Younger Brother of Johnny, Dies at 84

16 September 2024 at 08:24
While his career never approached the heights of his famous older brother’s, Tommy Cash drew inspiration from him and made his own name in country music.

© Jason Davis/Getty Images — Getty Images

Tommy Cash performed at a birthday celebration in 2014 for his brother, the musician Johnny Cash, who died in 2003.
Before yesterdayMain stream

Held Involuntarily in a Psychiatric Hospital

15 September 2024 at 23:00
Responses to an exposé about the Acadia Healthcare chain of psychiatric hospitals. Also: Taxes on tips; nonpartisan elections; sitting still in school.

3 Georgia Women, Caught Up in a Flood of Suspicion About Voting

15 September 2024 at 17:04
An election skeptic challenged hundreds of voter registrations, including one for a voting rights activist. A county official is dealing with the mess.

© Hilary Swift for The New York Times

Despite Relentless Russian Attack, Life in Kharkiv Endures Underground

Kharkiv, Ukraine, has adjusted to life amid the threat of bombings. Its resilience is manifested in a curious blend of life above and below ground.

Despite constant bombings, residents of Kharkiv, Ukraine, have found opportunities for joy and emotional release.

How a Tourist Paradise Became a Drug-Trafficking Magnet

Costa Rica’s lush rainforests, which blanket a quarter of the country, are being infiltrated by cartels on a quest to find new trafficking routes to evade the authorities.

© Alejandro Cegarra for The New York Times

Costa Rican Border Police agents patrolling in a tropical forest in Sierpe, Costa Rica.

Climate Lawsuits Are Exploding. Are Homicide Charges Next?

13 September 2024 at 03:44
The courts have become one of the most important battlegrounds in the fight over planet-warming emissions. Here are prominent cases to watch.

© Hilary Swift for The New York Times

Flooding in Barre, Vt., last summer. Around the world, lawsuits are targeting oil companies and governments over global warming.

Yesterday’s Broadway Warhorses, Saddled With Today’s Concerns

12 September 2024 at 21:32
Revivals of “Romeo and Juliet,” “Our Town,” “Gypsy” and “Sunset Boulevard” aim to show that rethinking for the present is what makes classics classic.

© Julie Benbassat

联想携手英特尔高通 AMD 和微软,试图重塑 AIPC 的新世代体验

By: 谢东成
15 September 2024 at 15:30

在 IFA2024 正式启幕之前,英特尔正式发布了采用新一代低功耗移动平台架构 Lunar Lake 的「酷睿 Ultra 200V」处理器。至此,高通、AMD、英特尔芯片平台都准备好去拥抱微软的 Copilot+ PC 标准。


紧接着,在联想创新世界 2024(Innovation World 2024)大会上,联想正式发布了一系列 AI PC 产品,芯片平台覆盖了英特尔、高通还有 AMD。

爱范儿在德国柏林的发布会现场,亲眼见证了这个前所未见的 AIPC 阵容,相当浩大且来势汹汹。

ThinkBook Auto Twist:全球首款自动旋转屏 AI PC

本届联想创新世界大会的主舞台之上,早早就放置了一众搭载英特尔、高通、AMD 芯片的 AIPC 产品。

但舞台上还有一个涂装鲜明的 Lenovo logo 立柱,正等待着全场最抢眼的产品。

它便是 ThinkBook Auto Twist AI PC,一款具备自动旋转屏幕的 AIPC 概念机。




那么,到底是怎样的契机让推动联想造出这个概念验证机呢?联想的工作人员告诉爱范儿,是因为有了 AI。

Twist 内置了联想的 AI 大模型,笔记本自带的麦克风可以实时聆听你的语音指令。它给我的第一印象会有点像极越 01 这部车,在车外就可以通过语音指令来打开车门。


当然,它也可以围绕纵向的 Y 轴实现 360° 的旋转,屏幕可以自己转动到「平板模式」,将屏幕转向背面,然后再直接盖上,让笔记本变成一块熟悉的 Windows 触控平板。

既然有了 AI 大模型,那么这个自动旋转屏幕更多是为了改变交互方式而存在,它能够聆听指令,能够自主地变换到用户所需的形态,甚至是实现主动响应,在视频通话/在线会议的时候做到自动追踪你的人脸,让发言者时刻保持在画面中心。


但目前来说,这个 ThinkBook Auto Twist 依然是一个「概念机」的状态,暂时没有一个可以预期的量产时间。但这样的创新形态,其实也代表着联想在 AIPC 时代渴求创新的决心。

考虑到这个量产机上手的成熟度已经很高,很可能在不久的将来就能够看到量产的产品。ThinkBook Auto Twist 的产品团队显然对此充满了信心。

只不过联想产品团队还需要继续发掘能凸显它形态优势的使用场景和应用生态,我认为那将会是 Auto Twist 从概念走向现实的关键一步。

联想 × Intel 共创的 Aura Edition:业界独一无二

AI 大模型的到来,让多年持续低迷的 PC 行业看到了新的机会。而新时代的 AIPC,也有了新的定义和产品形态。

不难发现,在联想发布的一众 AIPC 新品当中,唯有搭载英特尔 Lunar Lake 芯片的产品可以直接通过产品命名来得以区分。

因为它们都有一个相同的后缀:「Aura Edition」。

这里的 Aura 象征着 AI 新时代的到来,也传达了 AIPC 更具个性化的意味。

在多年一起制造 PC 产品之后,联想已经和英特尔达成了非常紧密的合作关系,基于这样的合作关系,早在大约两年前,双方就已经开始重新思考:在 AI 时代到来之后,新的 PC 能够给用户带来哪些独特的新体验。

为此,联想和英特尔进一步加深了合作关系,建立了联合实验室,双方均派遣员工和技术专家进驻,投入了巨大的人力物力和研发资源来进行开发。最核心的目的,是基于英特尔的 Lunar Lake 芯片,打造出一种与众不同的崭新电脑体验。

最终,联想 Aura Edition 就是双方共创的产品成果。

可见,Aura 系列产品均由 Lunar Lake 芯片驱动,也就是刚刚发布的 Ultra 200V 系列芯片,它获得了英特尔有史以来「最快的 CPU 核心」、「最好的集显」以及「最佳的 AI 性能」。

在 GPU 性能提升 50%,NPU 提供最高 67 TOPS 算力的同时,其整体功耗,仅有前代 Meteor Lake 的一半。

于是,无论是 YOGA Slim 7i 还是新的 ThinkPad X1 Carbon,都具备轻薄的产品特性,并且在极致轻薄的机身当中,满足用户对卓越性能和长效续航这样「既要又要」的需要。

从这个角度来看,敏捷的处理效率和摆脱充电焦虑的长效续航,是 Aura Edition 这类 AIPC 给到消费者最直观的革新印象。

除了在硬件端实现高集成度的定制化设计,Aura Edition 也在软件端做了相当多的定制化独占功能。

包括 SmartMode、SmartShare 和 SmartCare,这些都是针对目前用户在使用 PC 时所出现的一些痛点,而提供的「智慧」式解决方案。

英特尔执行副总裁 Michelle Johnston Holthaus 在发布会后告诉爱范儿,虽然 AURA edition 的 Smart Share 能力是基于通用的 Intel Unison 应用能力,但联想在这个基础上联合英特尔,实现了领创式的全新交互能力。

其中一个最直观的例子是,我们可以将手机向笔记本电脑的显示屏边框轻轻地敲一下,电脑和手机就可以完成互联,激活「SmartShare」功能,实现智能手机和 AIPC 之间的无缝图像共享。

相较于以往需要通过连线或者插卡的方式,甚至是用「文件传输助手」来完成照片和视频的传输,联想的 SmartShare 可以比较便利高效地解决 PC 和手机互联的问题。

皆因 SmartShare 这个「碰一碰」的交互方式其实是基于传感器的整体感知,电脑上所配备的硬件传感器会经过 AI 算法来协调感知,包括物理方式传递的震动,还有蓝牙的配对「握手」,从而可以让笔记本知晓智能手机何时触碰到笔记本电脑的显示屏,进而通过 WiFi 网络完成数据连接。

就现场体验的配对成功率来说,SmartShare 的感知能力非常高效灵敏,PC 不会对未配对过的手机产生反应,即便已配对的手机就在旁边。

得益于对物理震动的感知,所以 SmartCare 完全不挑 iOS 或 Android 设备,具有广泛的通用性;在 PC 上可以直接看到手机上的媒体内容,直接可以将照片/视频拖进诸如 PS、LR、PR 等应用当中。

第一次体验这个功能的时候,我会比较好奇,为什么联想不考虑置入一个 NFC 模块来完成手机和电脑的交互连接?

带着这个问题,我在现场和联想的工程师交流之后了解到,这部电脑本身就已经内置了足够多的传感器,这些传感器配合 AI 大模型的能力就可以完成「触碰感知」,无需额外配置一个 NFC 模块了。

另外,若是使用 NFC 模块的话,会比较难去满足「适配通用性」的要求,「用手机敲一敲电脑边框」这个动作,相对比较直观而且基于物理方式,可以快速适配主流的 iOS 和 Android 系统连接,响应速度也更加快。

Aura Edition 还配备了 SmartModes 功能,用户可以按照当前工况所需去选择预设的智能模式,除了可定制的模式以外,还包括了:

  • 屏蔽模式:提供隐私警报和隐私保护等安全增强功能,确保数据保护。
  • 协作模式:通过弱光增强和背景模糊等功能优化视频通话设置,改善虚拟会议体验。
  • 健康模式:通过提醒用户休息、改善姿势和减少眼睛疲劳的功能,促进数字健康。
  • 电源模式:可以快速访问电源设置,以帮助优化电池寿命和性能,最大限度地延长充电间隔时间。

在不同的模式下,芯片会切换至合适的性能策略,并且调节诸如屏幕等元器件来适应续航需要,通过系统级调节通知提醒和应用能力,同时端侧 AI 模型也会去学习用户习惯,在适当的时候给予合适的提醒。

按照联想的定义,Aura 的 SmartModes 会越用越聪明,越用越流畅。

最后的 SmartCare 是通过联想的 Premier Support Plus 服务,提供 7×24 堪称全年无休的实时支持。用户可以通过视频、语音或文本聊天的方式与联想技术人员联系,以解决故障和问题。

Michelle 认为,虽然 OEM 厂商们现在都能够使用到英特尔相同的芯片,但要如何去使用它去实践创新才能区分出不同的厂商。而 Aura Edition 展示了联想在 AIPC 时代创新的和投资决心。

而联想推出 Aura Edition 的目的,就是想要用这些个性化定制功能来改变用户与 AIPC 交互的方式,这可能会是一个循序渐进比较缓慢的过程,但最终目的依然是让用户与 AIPC 相处的每一刻,都能感觉到更加高效和愉悦。

AMD 卷起 50TOPS 的 NPU,性能续航全都要

联想在 2024 创新世界大会发布的 AIPC 阵容当中,有数款产品都采用了 AMD 最新的 Ryzen AI 处理器,均采用了第三代 Ryzen AI 技术,将 NPU 性能卷到了领先的 50TOPS。

可以看到,联想 ThinkPad T14s AMD Gen 6 便是 x86 AIPC 的代表作之一。

它由新一代 AMD Ryzen AI PRO 与新的 Radeon 集成显卡驱动,同时 NPU 提供了 50TOPS 的性能表现,和前几代产品相比,其 AI 性能提升了 3 倍。

这套基准性能这意味着它能够高效处理一些复杂的任务,例如 4K 视频编辑或者 3D 模型渲染,甚至用它来打打游戏,也是毫无压力。

AMD 表示,其性能是 Apple M3 的 1.7 倍以上。

在坐拥较优性能的前提下,搭载 AMD Ryzen AI 9 处理器的 ThinkPad T14s AMD Gen 6 还实现了 17 小时的续航表现,这有望改变大众对 x86 轻薄 PC 的固有印象,大家也不用在应用兼容性和可靠性之间做出选择,可以直接既要性能,又要续航,更要轻薄便携了。

而且高通 Copilot+ PC 独占期即将结束,搭载英特尔最新酷睿 Ultra 200V 系列、AMD 最新锐龙 AI 300 系列处理器的笔记本,最快将于今年 11 月开始,可以使用到 Copilot+ AI 功能,成为真正意义上的 AIPC。

8 核心的骁龙 X 芯片,让 AIPC 的入门门槛更低一些

骁龙 X 处理器的出现,曾被微软看作是「打败 MacBook」的赌注和「重振 Windows on ARM」的希望。

得益于 10 核心的 X Elite 和 10 核心的 X Plus 芯片,Windows on ARM 生态从未如此繁荣,微软也将 Copilot+ AI 功能作为骁龙 X 芯片的独占功能。

可以说,在今年 11 月之前,骁龙 X 芯片就是体验完整 Copilot+ PC 的唯一选择。但想用打开更多市场份额的话,降低用户选购设备时的入门门槛,是必由之路。

在联想 2024 创新世界大会正式举办的前一天,高通也在德国柏林发布了骁龙 X Plus 8 核平台,来进一步降低 AIPC(Copilot+ PC)的入门成本。

虽然 8 核心平台缩减了 CPU 核心数,降低了极限性能,但依然保证了 NPU 具备 45TOPS 的算力,这意味着搭载 8 核心 X Plus 的电脑也将会支持完整的 Copilot+ 功能。

所以,对于选择基于 ARM 的入门级 AIPC 的消费者来说,联想最新发布的两款 Copilot+PC 都搭载了骁龙 X Plus 处理器。超薄的 IdeaPad Slim 5x 只有 16.9 毫米的厚度,而重量仅为 1.5 公斤;全新的 IdeaPad 5x 二合一是可翻转笔记本电脑,特别的形态具备更多的功能性。

更重要的是,在确保流畅的前提下,这两款 Copilot+PC 都具备超长的续航表现,在轻度办公、开会的工况下可以实现长达 10 小时的续航,似乎出门上班都不用带充电器了。

高通计算部门高级副总裁 Kedar Kondap 表示,「通过新的骁龙 X Plus 8 核,将覆盖更广泛的价格段,为用户带来具有 Copilot+体验的下一代 AIPC。」

对于消费者来说固然是一件好事,这代表着新世代的 AI 功能,不再被锁定在旗舰设备的价位上,消费者将会有更多灵活的可选项,用更低的入门级价格来抢先体验到轻盈且高效的 AIPC 产品。


联想创新世界大会结束之后,爱范儿等多家媒体有幸和联想智能设备业务集团 (IDG) 总裁 Luca Rossi ,Intel 执行副总裁、客户端计算事业部总经理 Michelle Johnston Holthaus 坐在圆桌之上,探讨一些关于 AIPC 的问题。

无论是 Aura edition 的横空出世,还是推出自动旋转屏幕 ThinkBook Auto Twist 等多个举动,都在彰显着联想在 AIPC 时代浪潮到来之时的主动性和积极性。

Luca 认为,现在 PC 行业的复杂性比以前多了不少,包括 PC 制造商和芯片制造商,都需要发展一个新的「肌肉」——那就是软件方面的能力。

以往,PC 制造商总是被定义为 OEM 的角色,在软件方面的定义能力非常孱弱,但如今为了应对 AI 和创新体验,联想决心在软件方面进行大量投资。

Luca 提到联想 AIPC 的愿景,是让每台 PC 都变得个性化:

在未来 1 到 2 年内,你将拥有一台 AIPC,无论是否 Aura 版,它都将内置一个基础模型。这个模型可能是一个小型的基础模型,参数在 20 亿到 70 亿之间,具体取决于多个供应商。它带有大量的个性化功能,未来将不再是「每台 PC 都是一样的」。

于是,联想在海外也正式发布了 Creator Zone 软件套件,它利用自然语言处理技术来生成和编辑图像,由经过精细优化的 Stable Diffusion 3.0 AI 模型提供支持。

加入了 Stability AI 最新的图像生成模型 Stable Diffusion 3.0,并针对联想 AIPC 进行了优化,提供文本生成图像、草图生成图像、图像生成图像以及高级图像编辑的能力。

实际体验时会发现,Creator Zone 生成的图片会有着比较精美的细节处理,连湖水里的倒影都能够精细地刻画出来。

联想 Creator Zone 预计将于 10 月在配备独立 GPU 的联想 Yoga 设备之中(例如 Yoga Pro 9i),作为可选下载推出,未来该应用也将扩展支持到更多的联想 AIPC 设备,无需订阅就可以免费使用。

其实在今年 4 月份的时候,联想已经在 TechWorld 上发布了面向中国消费市场的 AIPC 个人智能体「联想小天」,其中还有十余款联想小天核心应用,包括 AI 画师、AI PPT、文档总结、智会分身等。

其中,「AI 画师」支持快速文生图以及深度编辑,通过联想小天可快速调用这一应用生成相应画面,同时在图形训练和图生图等方面也有极致的创作表现。

在不久的将来,联想也会推出一个可能被称之为「Gaming Zone」的软件套件,目的是在游戏场景下用一些 AI 的方法来增强用户的体验。

例如一些辅助功能,或者是玩完游戏的时候 AIPC 会智能地意识到用户刚才是有几个表现特别优秀的时刻,于是 AIPC 帮你自动地录了屏,并帮你生成好了一段剪辑过的「高光时刻」。

有了这些精细化的 AI 工具类应用,联想的 AIPC 产品已经具备品牌自身的辨识度和差异化卖点,从而有望加快 AIPC 产品的更替与普及。

联想集团董事长兼 CEO 杨元庆在 TechWorld 上曾经直言:「到 2026 年,按照联想严格定义的 AIPC,渗透率可能达 50%-60%。大多数人的下一代 PC 将是 AIPC,没有 AI 功能大家都不爱用。」

如今在全球范围内,联想正携手英特尔,AMD,高通,微软和 Stability AI 等合作伙伴,挖掘人工智能革命的巨大潜力,让 AI For ALL,也让 AI For You。


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1: Resign, stop and almost quite is final.

2: Almost all round opens a window first.

3: Past preferences when celestial bodies sink below the horizon.

To help you cross-check your solutions, or confuse you further, there’s a common factor between them.

I’ll post my solutions first thing on Monday morning.

Please don’t post your solutions as comments here: it spoils it for others.

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