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Writing a third-generation log browser using SwiftUI: 2 Displaying log entries

By: hoakley
16 July 2024 at 14:30

In the first article explaining how I’m developing my third-generation log browser, I considered how it obtains its log entries using the OSLog API in macOS. Those end up in a structure containing the individual contents of each of the fields in a log entry. Here I explain how those entries are displayed to the user, with SwiftUI.

There are several options for displaying log entries. Console adopts a column view that really doesn’t work well even on a 27-inch display.


Experience developing Ulbow has shown that use of semantic colour to distinguish fields in log entries is superior.


Rather than confine fields to columns of even width, and leave several of them empty according to the fields used in that type of log entry, I have therefore opted for a display based on that in Ulbow.


This is most effective in Dark mode.

Styled text

It’s common for log browsers like Ulbow to be called on to display thousands of log entries, even when predicates are used by experts. Ulbow accomplishes that using the building block for Rich Text, NSAttributedString. Each field has a colour attribute applied to it, and those are appended to one another to build the line representing each log entry. Those lines are then appended to one another to assemble the full NSAttributedString to be displayed in the text scroller forming the lower section of Ulbow’s document window, using AppKit.

The equivalent using SwiftUI uses the almost identically named AttributedString, then displayed as a Text view in a SwiftUI Scroller.

My first experiment was therefore to repeat the same process using AttributedStrings instead of NSAttributedStrings. In code:
let theProcess = self.setAttrStr(string: (log.process + " "), color:

var theProcess = AttributedString(log.process + " ")
theProcess[AttributeScopes.AppKitAttributes.ForegroundColorAttribute.self] = .green

to colour the Process name in green and append it to the log entry.

Working entirely using the newer AttributedString, this proved unusable. Even displaying just a couple of hundred log entries in a single AttributedString took several seconds, and when there were 1,000 or more the whole window was unusable after taking 15 seconds to open.


When assessed using Instruments, a small test log excerpt took over 1.6 seconds to open, little of that taken by the view itself, but much of that period apparently being used by the CPU, presumably handling the AttributedString.

The code was refactored to compare the following variations:

  • creating the AttributedString one field at a time, appending those in a single entry into one Attributed String, then appending that to the whole AttributedString to be displayed;
  • creating an NSAttributedString for each entry, converting that to an AttributedString, then appending that to the whole AttributedString to be displayed;
  • creating each entry as an NSAttributedString, appending those into a single NSAttributedString, and converting that into an AttributedString for display.

There was no significant difference in their performance, so I abandoned further attempts to display log entries as styled text in a SwiftUI Text Scroller.

Styled list

The other obvious choice for display of log entries is SwiftUI’s List, as I had already used in less demanding lists such as that in Unhidden. This approach iterates through each log entry when building the view, styling each field as it goes, for example in:
if !line.process.isEmpty {
if #available(macOS 14.0, *) {
} else {

This has to contain two alternative calls to set the foreground colour of the text, as foregroundStyle() is required for macOS 14 and later, while foregroundColor() is required in older versions of macOS. Unfortunately, because of its rapid change, SwiftUI is riddled with such version conflicts.

To my surprise, this List approach performed much better than using AttributedString, and windows typically open in less than a second even when there are more than 1,000 log entries to be displayed.


This is demonstrated again by Instruments, here opening a log window of the same size as shown above for the Text Scroller implementation. The whole process took 0.44 seconds, most of which was in handling the view. Memory use was also substantially less than for AttributedString. This scales well, with 10,000 log entries remaining brisk, and even 20,000 being perfectly usable.

This is how log entries are displayed in LogUI (to rhyme with doggy), available as a notarized app from here: logui01

Source code for the List view is given in the Appendix at the end of this article.

Copy and save

Unlike similar views in AppKit, List views have little or no intrinsic support for common features, such as selection and copying of content, or saving in Rich Text format, a feature that also appears to have been omitted from AttributedString, although there’s helpful support provided for NSAttributedString.

Having proved the concept of obtaining log entries using OSLog rather than the log show command, and displaying those entries in a SwiftUI List view, I’m now refactoring this into a document-based app, which should at least facilitate saving log extracts in Rich Text format.


SwiftUI List view in Apple Developer Documentation

Appendix: Source code

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var messageInfo = Logger()
    var body: some View {
        let _ = messageInfo.getMessages()
        if (self.messageInfo.logList.count > 0) {
            VStack {
                List(self.messageInfo.logList) { line in
                MessageRow(line: line)
            .frame(minWidth: 900, minHeight: 200, alignment: .center)
        } else {
            Text("No results returned from the log for your query.")

struct MessageRow: View {
    let line: LogEntry

    var body: some View {
        HStack {
            Text( + "  ")
            if #available(macOS 14.0, *) {
            } else {
            if !line.activityIdentifier.isEmpty {
//          etc.

Writing a third-generation log browser using SwiftUI: 1 Getting log entries

By: hoakley
15 July 2024 at 14:30

The most difficult feature of macOS is getting to grips with its log. I know developers of the highest calibre and advanced users who simply can’t make any sense of it, and I’ve heard of researchers who’d rather disassemble code than try reading the log.

My first attempt to open access to the Unified log was an AppleScript-based app named LogLogger, released here a month after Apple unleashed the new log system on us in Sierra, nearly eight years ago.


That developed into Consolation, written in Swift 3 and released in its first beta four months later.


With Consolation in version 3, at the end of 2019, I released the first beta of Ulbow, with its cleaner interface, filters and colour formatting of log entries, the second generation.


Over those years, each app has relied on calling the log show command and parsing resulting extracts in JSON. This is largely because Apple didn’t provide an API with direct access to read the Unified log until macOS Catalina five years ago. That API is Spartan in comparison with the riches of log show, and appears to be little-used or exemplified. The time has come now to switch from parsing JSON to grappling direct with macOS, in a third generation of log utilities based on OSLog.

Get log entries with OSLog

On the face of it, getting entries from the log is straightforward using OSLogStore.getEntries(). This takes two important parameters: an OSLogPosition indicating the starting point for the sequence of entries, and an NSPredicate to be used to filter those entries. An outline sequence of calls is:
let store = try OSLogStore.local()
to select the local active log store, rather than a logarchive saved previously.
entries = try store.getEntries(with: [], at: secsInterval, matching: pred)
where secsInterval is an OSLogPosition and pred is an NSPredicate, or nil to fetch all log entries. This returns a sequence of OSLogEntry entries.

A quick glance at the documentation for OSLogEntry, though, shows that it contains only three fields out of the many accessible in each log entry:

  • composedMessage, a string containing the message field for that entry
  • date, a Date containing the timestamp of that entry
  • storeCategory, an enumeration setting how long that entry should be retained in the log.

It looks as if OSLog provides only very basic access to the log, until you consider the other classes descended from OSLogEntry. Together with two protocols, these actually expand to support five different types of log entry, of which three contain many fields. This is because different classes of log entry contain different fields, as shown in the diagram below.


In any sequence of entries, most will be OSLogEntryLog, with many Signposts of OSLogEntrySignpost class holding 15 fields in all. OSLogEntryBoundary are least frequent, and only likely to be encountered in the announcement at the start of the kernel boot process.

To separate these out from the sequence of entries returned by OSLogStore.getEntries(), you therefore have to determine which class each entry belongs to, with code such as
for ent in entries {
if let log = ent as? OSLogEntryLog {

// process OSLogEntryLog class
} else if let log = ent as? OSLogEntryActivity {
// process OSLogEntryActivity (Activity) class
and so on.

To store extracted field data for each log entry, I thus create a LogEntry structure with a variable to contain data for each of the fields available, and each entry is used to complete one of those structures in a sequence. That and my code are provided in the Appendix at the end of this article.

Time period

The next challenge in accessing the log using OSLog is specifying the time period for which you want entries. This appears enigmatic as OSLogStore.getEntries() doesn’t allow you to specify two time points, merely a location in the log as an OSLogPosition, which comes in three flavours:

  • a specified date and time point
  • a time interval since the latest log entry
  • a time interval since the last boot

Using any of those three, passed as a parameter to OSLogStore.getEntries(), entries will continue until they reach the end of the log. To illustrate how to use these in practice, here are two examples.

If you want log entries between 04:31:15 and 04:32:30, you can obtain the OSLogPosition for 04:31:15, getEntries() using that, check the timestamp on each log entry until the first for 04:32:30 appears, then return out of the iteration. Alternatively, you could set the OSLogPosition at the end and use the OSLogEnumerator.Options to iterate in reverse (although others have reported that doesn’t work).

If you want the last 12 seconds of log entries, you can set the TimeInterval since the latest log entry to -12.0 seconds, and use the OSLogPosition to start iterations 12 seconds ago. Here you’ll want to keep track of the total entries returned and perhaps limit that to 1,000 or 10,000, or your code might blow up somewhere, and that’s simple to do using a loop count and return.


Those difficulties pale in comparison to the last of the parameters to OSLogStore.getEntries(), the predicate. This is simplest when you want all entries, as you then pass nil. For this article, I’ll give the next simplest solution, a single predicate specifying the subsystem. This can be generated using
let pred = NSPredicate(format: "subsystem == %@", predicate)
where predicate is a String containing the name of the subsystem, such as


I have now wrapped this in a simple SwiftUI interface as a demonstration, in LogUI (to rhyme with doggy), available as a notarized app from here: logui01


This gives you control over three parameters:

  • a subsystem to use as a predicate
  • the number of seconds to go back from the current end of the log, to start collecting from, as explained above
  • the maximum number of log entries to display

as configured in its Settings. Its single-page Help file explains the colour code used to display extracts.

In the next article I’ll consider how best to display log extracts using SwiftUI, and how I arrived at the solution in LogUI.


OSLog, Apple Developer Documentation

Appendix: Source code

struct LogEntry: Identifiable {
    let id = UUID()
    var type: Int = 0
    var activityIdentifier: String = ""
    var category: String = ""
    var composedMessage: String = ""
    var date: String = ""
    var level: String = ""
    var parentActivityIdentifier: String = ""
    var process: String = ""
    var processIdentifier: String = ""
    var sender: String = ""
    var signpostIdentifier: String = ""
    var signpostName: String = ""
    var signpostType: String = ""
    var storeCategory: String = ""
    var subsystem: String = ""
    var threadIdentifier: String = ""
    func getMessages() -> Bool {
       var predicate = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "predicate") ?? ""
       let period = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "period") ?? "-5.0"
       let maxCount = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "maxCount") ?? "1000"
       let theMaxCount = Int(maxCount) ?? 1000
       var theSecs = Double(period) ?? -5.0
       if theSecs > 0.0 {
           theSecs = -theSecs
       let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
       dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"
       do {
            let store = try OSLogStore.local()
            var theCount = 0
            let secsInterval = store.position(timeIntervalSinceEnd: theSecs)
            var entries: AnySequence<OSLogEntry>
            logList = []
            if !predicate.isEmpty {
                let pred = NSPredicate(format: "subsystem == %@", predicate)
                entries = try store.getEntries(with: [], at: secsInterval, matching: pred)
            } else {
                entries = try store.getEntries(with: [], at: secsInterval, matching: nil)
            for ent in entries {
                var theLineEntry = LogEntry()
                if let log = ent as? OSLogEntryLog {
                    theLineEntry.type = 1
                    theLineEntry.category = log.category
						 // etc.
                } else if let log = ent as? OSLogEntryActivity {
						 // etc.
                } else {
                    let log = ent as OSLogEntry
                    theLineEntry.type = 10
                    theLineEntry.composedMessage = log.composedMessage
           = dateFormatter.string(from:
                    theLineEntry.storeCategory = "\(log.storeCategory.rawValue)"
                if (theLineEntry.type != 4) && (theLineEntry.type != 0) {
                    theCount += 1
                if theCount > theMaxCount {
                    return true
            return true
        } catch {
            return false
