flutter 启动 ios 项目失败 n 次,求大神帮忙
8 January 2025 at 23:37
avenhen: 我已经被这个破报错折腾了俩晚上了,google 上各种方法都尝试了,就是绕不过去。求大神解答。
## 启动报错内容
Failed to build iOS app
Error output from Xcode build:
--- xcodebuild: WARNING: Using the first of multiple matching destinations:
{ platform:iOS Simulator, id:16524F90-A508-4F0D-9091-F0CF7A5A6686, OS:17.5, name:iPhone 14 Pro }
{ platform:iOS Simulator, id:16524F90-A508-4F0D-9091-F0CF7A5A6686, OS:17.5, name:iPhone 14 Pro }
Xcode's output:
Writing result bundle at path:
/Users/cloud_prg/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.flutter-io.cn/wakelock-0.5.3+3/ios/Classes/messages.m:4:9: fatal error: 'Flutter/Flutter.h' file not found
#import <Flutter/Flutter.h>
1 error generated.
In file included from /Users/cloud_prg/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.flutter-io.cn/wakelock-0.5.3+3/ios/Classes/WakelockPlugin.m:1:
/Users/cloud_prg/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.flutter-io.cn/wakelock-0.5.3+3/ios/Classes/WakelockPlugin.h:1:9: fatal error: 'Flutter/Flutter.h' file not
#import <Flutter/Flutter.h>
1 error generated.
/Users/cloud_prg/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.flutter-io.cn/video_player-2.1.15/ios/Classes/messages.m:8:9: fatal error: 'Flutter/Flutter.h' file not
#import <Flutter/Flutter.h>
1 error generated.
Command SwiftEmitModule failed with a nonzero exit code
/Users/cloud_prg/Documents/project/github/FLUTTER/flutter_bolg_manage/ios/Runner.xcodeproj: warning: The iOS Simulator deployment target
'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 11.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 12.0 to 17.5.99. (in target 'Runner' from
project 'Runner')
warning: Run script build phase 'Thin Binary' will be run during every build because it does not specify any outputs. To address this warning,
either add output dependencies to the script phase, or configure it to run in every build by unchecking "Based on dependency analysis" in the
script phase. (in target 'Runner' from project 'Runner')
warning: Run script build phase 'Run Script' will be run during every build because it does not specify any outputs. To address this warning,
either add output dependencies to the script phase, or configure it to run in every build by unchecking "Based on dependency analysis" in the
script phase. (in target 'Runner' from project 'Runner')
Lexical or Preprocessor Issue (Xcode): 'Flutter/Flutter.h' file not found
Lexical or Preprocessor Issue (Xcode): 'Flutter/Flutter.h' file not found
Lexical or Preprocessor Issue (Xcode): 'Flutter/Flutter.h' file not found
Uncategorized (Xcode): Command SwiftEmitModule failed with a nonzero exit code
Could not build the application for the simulator.
Error launching application on iPhone 14 Pro.
## podFile 内容
# Uncomment this line to define a global platform for your project
platform :ios, "14.0"
# CocoaPods analytics sends network stats synchronously affecting flutter build latency.
project "Runner", {
"Debug" => :debug,
"Profile" => :release,
"Release" => :release,
def flutter_root
generated_xcode_build_settings_path = File.expand_path(File.join("..", "Flutter", "Generated.xcconfig"), __FILE__)
unless File.exist?(generated_xcode_build_settings_path)
raise "#{generated_xcode_build_settings_path} must exist. If you're running pod install manually, make sure flutter pub get is executed first"
File.foreach(generated_xcode_build_settings_path) do |line|
matches = line.match(/FLUTTER_ROOT\=(.*)/)
return matches[1].strip if matches
raise "FLUTTER_ROOT not found in #{generated_xcode_build_settings_path}. Try deleting Generated.xcconfig, then run flutter pub get"
require File.expand_path(File.join("packages", "flutter_tools", "bin", "podhelper"), flutter_root)
target "Runner" do
flutter_install_all_ios_pods File.dirname(File.realpath(__FILE__))
post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
target.build_configurations.each do |config|
config.build_settings["IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"] = "14.0"
## 启动报错内容
Failed to build iOS app
Error output from Xcode build:
--- xcodebuild: WARNING: Using the first of multiple matching destinations:
{ platform:iOS Simulator, id:16524F90-A508-4F0D-9091-F0CF7A5A6686, OS:17.5, name:iPhone 14 Pro }
{ platform:iOS Simulator, id:16524F90-A508-4F0D-9091-F0CF7A5A6686, OS:17.5, name:iPhone 14 Pro }
Xcode's output:
Writing result bundle at path:
/Users/cloud_prg/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.flutter-io.cn/wakelock-0.5.3+3/ios/Classes/messages.m:4:9: fatal error: 'Flutter/Flutter.h' file not found
#import <Flutter/Flutter.h>
1 error generated.
In file included from /Users/cloud_prg/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.flutter-io.cn/wakelock-0.5.3+3/ios/Classes/WakelockPlugin.m:1:
/Users/cloud_prg/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.flutter-io.cn/wakelock-0.5.3+3/ios/Classes/WakelockPlugin.h:1:9: fatal error: 'Flutter/Flutter.h' file not
#import <Flutter/Flutter.h>
1 error generated.
/Users/cloud_prg/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.flutter-io.cn/video_player-2.1.15/ios/Classes/messages.m:8:9: fatal error: 'Flutter/Flutter.h' file not
#import <Flutter/Flutter.h>
1 error generated.
Command SwiftEmitModule failed with a nonzero exit code
/Users/cloud_prg/Documents/project/github/FLUTTER/flutter_bolg_manage/ios/Runner.xcodeproj: warning: The iOS Simulator deployment target
'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 11.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 12.0 to 17.5.99. (in target 'Runner' from
project 'Runner')
warning: Run script build phase 'Thin Binary' will be run during every build because it does not specify any outputs. To address this warning,
either add output dependencies to the script phase, or configure it to run in every build by unchecking "Based on dependency analysis" in the
script phase. (in target 'Runner' from project 'Runner')
warning: Run script build phase 'Run Script' will be run during every build because it does not specify any outputs. To address this warning,
either add output dependencies to the script phase, or configure it to run in every build by unchecking "Based on dependency analysis" in the
script phase. (in target 'Runner' from project 'Runner')
Lexical or Preprocessor Issue (Xcode): 'Flutter/Flutter.h' file not found
Lexical or Preprocessor Issue (Xcode): 'Flutter/Flutter.h' file not found
Lexical or Preprocessor Issue (Xcode): 'Flutter/Flutter.h' file not found
Uncategorized (Xcode): Command SwiftEmitModule failed with a nonzero exit code
Could not build the application for the simulator.
Error launching application on iPhone 14 Pro.
## podFile 内容
# Uncomment this line to define a global platform for your project
platform :ios, "14.0"
# CocoaPods analytics sends network stats synchronously affecting flutter build latency.
project "Runner", {
"Debug" => :debug,
"Profile" => :release,
"Release" => :release,
def flutter_root
generated_xcode_build_settings_path = File.expand_path(File.join("..", "Flutter", "Generated.xcconfig"), __FILE__)
unless File.exist?(generated_xcode_build_settings_path)
raise "#{generated_xcode_build_settings_path} must exist. If you're running pod install manually, make sure flutter pub get is executed first"
File.foreach(generated_xcode_build_settings_path) do |line|
matches = line.match(/FLUTTER_ROOT\=(.*)/)
return matches[1].strip if matches
raise "FLUTTER_ROOT not found in #{generated_xcode_build_settings_path}. Try deleting Generated.xcconfig, then run flutter pub get"
require File.expand_path(File.join("packages", "flutter_tools", "bin", "podhelper"), flutter_root)
target "Runner" do
flutter_install_all_ios_pods File.dirname(File.realpath(__FILE__))
post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
target.build_configurations.each do |config|
config.build_settings["IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"] = "14.0"