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Yesterday — 16 September 2024Main stream
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Earlier Investigation of Georgia School Shooting Suspect Ended Too Soon, Experts Say

The teen suspect was questioned last year about online threats, though nothing conclusive emerged. Many local police departments lack the resources to take deeper looks at suspicious actors.

© Christian Monterrosa for The New York Times

Community members gathered at a makeshift memorial in front of Apalachee High School, where two students and two teachers were killed in the shooting.

Three Americans Sentenced to Death for Failed Congo Coup

14 September 2024 at 06:25
The punishments were handed down months after the Democratic Republic of Congo lifted a moratorium on carrying out the death penalty.

© Chris Milosi/EPA, via Shutterstock

Benjamin Zalman-Polun, Marcel Malanga and Tyler Thompson, American citizens sentenced to death for an attempted coup, waited to hear the final trial verdict in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, on Friday.


By: Steven
20 March 2023 at 22:28


最开始是从去年八月开始接触 AI 创作,短短半年时间,到今年二月就明显感受到了巨大的进步。如果说前面几年的各种什么元宇宙元年、AR/VR 元年、Web3 元年都还只是一波波热钱推动的热闹的话,那么这一波 AIGC 所带来的冲击,已经不是元年这种概念了。它已经直接冲到了我们的面前,正在以肉眼可见的速度,迅速拓展到各种方面。我向来都是技术进步派,这种变化让我感到兴奋,比起担心、忧虑,我更加希望参与其中,拥抱这一切的变化。




第三晚,回深圳前去现场 say bye,却遇到了启发我做视频的 Flypig


其实在 2015 年的下半年那几个月,我做过一个叫做《搭讪》的设计采访栏目,一共做了七期,采访了不同领域、不同阶段的设计师。后来因为工作原因,就搁置了。大概从前年开始吧,我就隐隐希望把这件事再拾起来。尤其在看到《拍照的人》第一集播出后,更加刺激了我要把这件事重新拾起来的想法。


第一晚留到最后的人:熊小默、苏兆阳、akira 以及所有参展艺术家和朋友们








在上海的第二天,在雨医生和 Kael 的带领下,参观了即刻。



雨医生一直在向我发出录播客的邀请,她和 Kael 都是我的观众,总说我这样的内容在互联网上独此一家,很难得。前一晚,熊小默和苏兆阳也是这么说我的视频。独特才是最重要的,不存在所有人都喜欢的东西。这也是我所赞赏的。我还有一个理论,是关于把两个领域结合在一起做到自己独门独院的工作才是最好的状态。只是,我目前还不知道可以用播客聊什么。



同样在进行工作和生活转变的,还有 yoga 和显卡的B站频道












vendor 的咖啡师拍的我

今晚用在 coffee venodr 写博客的方式过生日,让杠杠帮我拍了两张照片记录一下,快到九点的时候还送了我今天的最后一块蛋糕做生日蛋糕。


“ 地球还是蛮不错的!我应该还能再住 60 年吧!”

Commemorating the centenary of the death of Kuroda Seiki, Japanese Impressionist

By: hoakley
15 July 2024 at 19:30

A century ago today, on 15 July 1924, one of the most influential Japanese Impressionist painters died: Viscount Kuroda Seiki (黒田 清輝) (Kuroda Kiyoteru). For more than a quarter of a century he was one of the leading Japanese artists who trained in France and took his art back to lead the transformation of painting in Japan.

The son of a samurai in Kagoshima (in the far south-west of Japan), he moved to Tokyo, where he first learned English, then switched to French. He travelled to Paris in 1884 to study law, being supported by his brother-in-law, a member of the Japanese diplomatic mission in France.

However, after two years there, he changed to study painting in the atelier of Raphael Collin, where he met Kume Keiichirō, also a student of Collin’s; together they explored plein air painting. In 1890 he moved to the international artists’ colony at Grez-sur-Loing, south of Paris.

Kuroda Seiki, Woman Reading (c 1890), oil on canvas, 38.6 x 30.9 cm, Tokyo National Museum, Tokyo. Wikimedia Commons.
Kuroda Seiki (黒田 清輝) (1866–1924), Woman Reading (c 1890), oil on canvas, 38.6 x 30.9 cm, Tokyo National Museum, Tokyo. Wikimedia Commons.

He painted this Woman Reading in about 1890, making it one of his earliest surviving works.

Kuroda Seiki, Girl of Bréhat (1891), oil on canvas, 80.6 x 54 cm, Bridgestone Museum of Art, Tokyo. Wikimedia Commons.
Kuroda Seiki (黒田 清輝) (1866–1924), Girl of Bréhat (1891), oil on canvas, 80.6 x 54 cm, Bridgestone Museum of Art, Tokyo. Wikimedia Commons.

The following year his style had become more painterly, in this Girl of Bréhat (1891). Bréhat is an island just off the northern coast of Brittany.

Kuroda Seiki (黒田 清輝) (1866–1924), Dead Leaves (1891), media and dimensions not known, National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, Japan. Wikimedia Commons.

In the autumn of that year, he painted this fine landscape of Dead Leaves (1891), with its rich colours and textures.

Returning to Paris in 1893, he painted Morning Toilette (destroyed during World War Two), the first painting of a nude to be shown in public in Japan. He then went back to Japan, and started to paint Japanese subjects in his Impressionist style. By introducing Impressionist light and colour to yōga (Western style) painting, in what was known as ‘Southern School’ or murasaki (violet), he was a major influence in developing it from its Barbizon style. He transformed Yamamoto Hōsui’s Seikōkan academy into the Tenshin Dōjō.

Kuroda Seiki, Maiko Girl (1893), oil on canvas, 80.4 x 65.3 cm, Tokyo National Museum, Tokyo. Wikimedia Commons.
Kuroda Seiki (黒田 清輝) (1866–1924), Maiko Girl (1893), oil on canvas, 80.4 x 65.3 cm, Tokyo National Museum, Tokyo. Wikimedia Commons.

His Maiko Girl from 1893 is less controversial, and considered one of his masterworks.

Morning Toilette caused uproar when it was first exhibited in Kyoto in 1895, as did his other paintings shown at the yōga salon later that year. The following year, together with Kume Keiichirō, he formed a new group known as the Hakubakai (‘The White Horse Society’), to promote yōga painting in its thirteen exhibitions until it dissolved in 1911.

Kuroda Seiki (黒田 清輝) (1866–1924), Lakeside (湖畔) (1897), oil on canvas, 69 × 84.7 cm, Kuroda Memorial Hall (黒田記念館), Tokyo. Wikimedia Commons.
Kuroda Seiki (黒田 清輝) (1866–1924), Lakeside (湖畔) (1897), oil on canvas, 69 × 84.7 cm, Kuroda Memorial Hall (黒田記念館), Tokyo. Wikimedia Commons.

In 1896 he was appointed director of a new department of Western Painting at the forerunner of Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, where he surprisingly placed emphasis on the teaching of history painting.

Kuroda Seiki, Sunny Day (1897), oil on canvas, 50.2 x 61 cm, Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art, Nagoya. Wikimedia Commons.
Kuroda Seiki (黒田 清輝) (1866–1924), Sunny Day (1897), oil on canvas, 50.2 x 61 cm, Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art, Nagoya. Wikimedia Commons.

Sunny Day (1897) returns to painterly brushstrokes and brilliant colour.

Kuroda Seiki (黒田 清輝) (1866–1924), Triptych: Wisdom Impression Sentiment (before 1898), oil, other details not known, Kuroda Memorial Hall (黒田記念館), Tokyo. Wikimedia Commons.
Kuroda Seiki (黒田 清輝) (1866–1924), Triptych: Wisdom Impression Sentiment (before 1898), oil, other details not known, Kuroda Memorial Hall (黒田記念館), Tokyo. Wikimedia Commons.

His triptych of nudes Wisdom Impression Sentiment (before 1898) won a silver medal at the International Exposition held in Paris in 1900, and in 1910 he was appointed an Imperial Court painter.

Kuroda Seiki (黒田 清輝) (1866–1924), Sun Setting on a Wild Garden (1910), media and dimensions not known, Otaru Art Base, Otaru, Hokkaido, Japan. Wikimedia Commons.

His later landscape paintings continued to develop his style, as seen in this Sun Setting on a Wild Garden from 1910.

Kuroda Seiki (黒田 清輝) (1866–1924), At Kamakura (at Kotsubo) (1915),oil on panel, 14 x 18 cm, Kuroda Kinenkan, Tokyo National Museum, Japan. Wikimedia Commons.

Throughout his career, he made vigorous oil sketches in front of the motif, here At Kamakura (at Kotsubo) in 1915. Kamakura is a former capital of Japan, on the coast to the south of Tokyo, and a site for many of Kuroda’s sketches.

He inherited the title of Viscount in 1917, and was awarded the Grand Cross of the French Legion d’Honneur. He was finally awarded the Order of the Rising Sun immediately after his death in 1924.

Kuroda was trained to paint in Impressionist style, and did so throughout his career. He was one of the founding fathers of the Western painting tradition in Japan, thus an artist of singular importance in its culture. He was also widely acclaimed in his day as a painter of significance in Europe, yet he is now hardly known outside the country of his birth.


