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k8s GUI 三大工具:Monokle vs. Lens vs. K9s

By: venhow
21 June 2023 at 11:04

Lens Desktop (and its open-source version in OpenLens, which lacks some features like log access) has tools for exploring Kubernetes clusters in a visual environment, with statistics, events, and logs for troubleshooting.

K9s is a terminal-based UI for observing and managing deployed applications on Kubernetes clusters.

Monokle is a suite of tools designed to help everyone from developers to platform engineers manage the application configuration lifecycle in Kubernetes.


By: venhow
12 October 2022 at 15:07



安装:pip install gitlabber

使用:gitlabber -t <personal access token> -u <gitlab url>


安装:scoop install ghorg


使用:ghorg clone 项目 –base-url= –scm=gitlab –token=自己的token –preserve-dir


By: venhow
11 October 2022 at 14:22

Log Parser

Log Parser(是微软公司出品的日志分析工具,它功能强大,使用简单,可以分析基于文本的日志文件、XML 文件、CSV(逗号分隔符)文件,以及操作系统的事件日志、注册表、文件系统、Active Directory。它可以像使用 SQL 语句一样查询分析这些数据,甚至可以把分析结果以各种图表的形式展现出来。

Log Parser 2.2下载地址:

Log Parser 使用示例:


Logparser.exe –i:EVT –o:DATAGRID "SELECT * FROM c:\xx.evtx"

使用Log Parser分析日志


LogParser.exe -i:EVT –o:DATAGRID  "SELECT *  FROM c:\Security.evtx where EventID=4624"

LogParser.exe -i:EVT –o:DATAGRID  "SELECT *  FROM c:\Security.evtx where TimeGenerated>'2018-06-19 23:32:11' and TimeGenerated<'2018-06-20 23:34:00' and EventID=4624"

LogParser.exe -i:EVT  –o:DATAGRID  "SELECT EXTRACT_TOKEN(Message,13,' ') as EventType,TimeGenerated as LoginTime,EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings,5,'|') as Username,EXTRACT_TOKEN(Message,38,' ') as Loginip FROM c:\Security.evtx where EventID=4624"


LogParser.exe -i:EVT –o:DATAGRID  "SELECT *  FROM c:\Security.evtx where EventID=4625"

LogParser.exe  -i:EVT "SELECT  EXTRACT_TOKEN(Message,13,' ')  as EventType,EXTRACT_TOKEN(Message,19,' ') as user,count(EXTRACT_TOKEN(Message,19,' ')) as Times,EXTRACT_TOKEN(Message,39,' ') as Loginip FROM c:\Security.evtx where EventID=4625 GROUP BY Message"


LogParser.exe -i:EVT –o:DATAGRID  "SELECT TimeGenerated,EventID,Message FROM c:\System.evtx where EventID=6005 or EventID=6006"

LogParser Lizard

对于GUI环境的Log Parser Lizard,其特点是比较易于使用,甚至不需要记忆繁琐的命令,只需要做好设置,写好基本的SQL语句,就可以直观的得到结果。


依赖包:Microsoft .NET Framework 4 .5,下载地址:


Event Log Explorer

Event Log Explorer是一款非常好用的Windows日志分析工具。可用于查看,监视和分析跟事件记录,包括安全,系统,应用程序和其他微软Windows 的记录被记载的事件,其强大的过滤功能可以快速的过滤出有价值的信息。




Oh my ZSH with zsh-autosuggestions zsh-syntax-highlighting zsh-fast-syntax-highlighting and zsh-autocomplete

By: venhow
26 August 2022 at 11:22

Install ZSH.

sudo apt install zsh-autosuggestions zsh-syntax-highlighting zsh

Install Oh my ZSH.

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Install plugins.

  • autosuggesions plugin git clone $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions
  • zsh-syntax-highlighting plugin git clone $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting
  • zsh-fast-syntax-highlighting plugin git clone $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/zsh-fast-syntax-highlighting
  • zsh-autocomplete plugin git clone --depth 1 -- $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/zsh-autocomplete

Enable plugins by adding them to .zshrc.

  • Open .zshrc nvim ~/.zshrc
  • Find the line which says plugins=(git).
  • Replace that line with plugins=(git zsh-autosuggestions zsh-syntax-highlighting zsh-fast-syntax-highlighting zsh-autocomplete)
  • . ~/.zshrc to reload config

Mac Setup for Web Development [2022]

By: venhow
7 May 2022 at 15:08


  • Dock
    • Remove most applications from Dock
    • Automatic Hide
    • Smaller Dock
    • “Show recent applications in Dock” off
    • “Show indicators for open applications” on
    • Battery -> “Show Percentage”
  • Display
    • Nightshift
  • Security
    • Touch ID
  • Notifications
    • Off, except for Calendar
  • Siri
    • Disable
  • Trackpad
    • Tap to Click
    • Point & Click -> Look up & data detectors off
  • Keyboard
    • Text
      • disable “Capitalise word automatically”
      • disable “Add full stop with double-space”
      • disable “Use smart quotes and dashes”
      • use " for double quotes
      • use ' for single quotes
  • Spotlight
    • Disable Spotlight except for Applications and System Preferences
  • Mission Control
    • Hot Corners: disable all
  • Finder
    • Sidebar:
      • activate all Favorites
      • move Library to Favorites
    • Hide all Tags
    • Show all Filename Extensions
    • Remove Items from Bin after 30 Days
    • View -> Show Preview (e.g. image files)
  • Sharing
    • “Change computer name”
      • Also terminal:
        • sudo scutil –set ComputerName “newname”
        • sudo scutil –set LocalHostName “newname”
        • sudo scutil –set HostName “newname”
    • “Make sure all file sharing is disabled”
  • Security and Privacy
    • Turn on FileVault
    • Add Browser to “Screen Recording”
  • Storage
    • Remove Garage Band & Sound Library
    • Remove iMovie
  • Trackpad
    • Speed: 9/10
  • Accessibility
    • Scroll Speed: 6/8


Override more system preferences from the terminal …

# take screenshots as jpg (usually smaller size) and not pngdefaults write type jpg
# do not open previous previewed files (e.g. PDFs) when opening a new onedefaults write ApplePersistenceIgnoreState YES
# show Library folderchflags nohidden ~/Library
# show hidden filesdefaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
# show path bardefaults write ShowPathbar -bool true
# show status bardefaults write ShowStatusBar -bool true
killall Finder;


  • If files from previous machine are needed, transfer via external drive instead of cloud


Install Homebrew as package manager for macOS:

# paste in terminal and follow the instructions/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Update everything in Homebrew to recent version:

brew update

Install GUI applications (read more about these in GUI Applications):

brew install --cask \  bitwarden \  google-chrome  \  firefox \  brave-browser \  tor \  iterm2 \  visual-studio-code \  sublime-text \  docker \  rectangle \  slack \  discord \  signal \  vlc \  calibre \  figma \  maccy

Install terminal applications (read more about these in Terminal Applications):

brew install \  wget \  exa \  git \  nvm \  pnpm \  graphicsmagick \  commitzen \  cmatrix \  vips


  • Bitwarden (password manager)
    • Preferences:
      • enable dark mode
      • enable Touch ID
  • Google Chrome (web development, web browsing)
  • Firefox (web development)
  • Brave (web browsing, wallet)
  • Tor (secret web browsing)
  • iterm2 (terminal)
  • Visual Studio Code (web development IDE)
  • Sublime Text (editor)
  • Docker (Docker, see setup)
    • used for running databases (e.g. PostgreSQL, MongoDB) in container without cluttering the Mac
    • Preferences
      • enable “Use Docker Compose”
  • Rectangle (window manager)
    • use Rectangle settings, not Spectacle
  • Slack (team messenger)
  • Discord (community messenger)
  • Signal (messenger)
  • VLC (video player)
    • use as default for video files
  • Calibre (epub/ebook editor)
  • Figma (design)
  • Maccy (clipboard manager)
    • enable “Launch at Login”


  • iMessage
    • sync iCloud for iMessages just for the sake of syncing, then disable iCloud again
    • sync contacts on iCloud
    • iPhone: activate message forwarding to new Mac
  • Pages
    • show word count
  • Apple Mail
    • set up all email accounts
    • show most recent message at top
  • Notes
    • New notes start with: Body
  • Quick Time Player
    • save to Desktop



The look and feel we want to achieve from our terminal:

  • Make iterm2 Default Term
  • Preferences ->
    • General -> Window
      • unselect “Native full screen windows”
    • Appearance ->
      • Windows
        • select “Hide scrollbars”
      • Tabs
        • unselect “Show tab bar in fullscreen”
      • Dimming
        • Unselect all dimming
    • Profiles -> Window
      • Transparency: 30
      • Style: Full Screen
      • Screen: Main Screen
    • Profiles -> Advanced
      • Semantic History -> Open with editor … -> VS Code
    • Open new split pane with current directory
    • Natural Text Editing
  • Bring it to fullscreen Command + Enters


When you open iTerm2, you see that MacOS already comes with zsh as default shell. Install Oh My Zsh for an improved (plugins, themes, …) terminal (here: iTerm2) experience:

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Update everything (e.g. plugins) in Oh My Zsh to recent version:

omz update

Important: If you change something in your Zsh configuration (.zshrc), force a reload:

source ~/.zshrc

Oh My Zsh Theme + Fonts:

Install Starship as your new terminal theme. We will use Homebrew, but you can use an alternative from the website too:

brew install starship

Make it the default theme for Oh My ZSH from the terminal:

echo 'eval "$(starship init zsh)"' >> ~/.zshrc

As font we will be using Hack Nerd Font in iTerm2, VS Code, and Sublime Text. Install it via:

brew tap homebrew/cask-fontsbrew install --cask font-hack-nerd-font

Use the new font in iTerm2: Preferences -> Profile -> Text -> Font: font-hack-nerd-font.

If the theme and font changes do not apply, reload your zsh configuration (.zshrc) or close/open iTerm2.

Oh My Zsh Plugins

ZSH Configuration File (.zshrc):

# Path to your oh-my-zsh installation.export ZSH="$HOME/.oh-my-zsh"
# Which plugins would you like to load?# Standard plugins can be found in $ZSH/plugins/# Custom plugins may be added to $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/# Example format: plugins=(rails git textmate ruby lighthouse)# Add wisely, as too many plugins slow down shell startup.plugins=(  git  zsh-completions  zsh-autosuggestions  zsh-syntax-highlighting)
# get machine's ip addressalias ip="ipconfig getifaddr en0"
# edit global zsh configurationalias zshconfig="vim ~/.zshrc"# reload zsh configurationalias zshsource="source ~/.zshrc"# reload zsh configurationalias ohmyzsh="cd ~/.oh-my-zsh"
# navigate to global ssh directoryalias sshhome="cd ~/.ssh"# edit global ssh configurationalias sshconfig="vim ~/.ssh/config"
# edit global git configurationalias gitconfig="vim ~/.gitconfig"
# git aliasesalias gits="git status"alias gitd="git diff"alias gitl="git lg"alias gita="git add ."alias gitc="cz commit"
# type sublime . to open current folder in Sublime Textalias sublime="/Applications/Sublime\ --new-window $@"
# load zsh-completionsautoload -U compinit && compinit
# use nvmsource /opt/homebrew/opt/nvm/
# use starship theme (needs to be at the end)eval "$(starship init zsh)"


The look and feel we want to achieve from our IDE:




  • move Search feature from Activity Bar to Panel

JSON Settings:

{  "breadcrumbs.enabled": false,  "files.trimTrailingWhitespace": true,  "explorer.confirmDelete": false,  "workbench.colorTheme": "Night Owl",  "workbench.sideBar.location": "right",  "workbench.startupEditor": "none",  "workbench.statusBar.visible": true,  "workbench.activityBar.visible": false,  "workbench.editor.restoreViewState": true,  "terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "Hack Nerd Font Mono",  "editor.fontFamily": "Hack Nerd Font Mono",  "editor.fontSize": 14,  "editor.tabSize": 2,  "editor.insertSpaces": true,  "editor.detectIndentation": false,  "editor.renderWhitespace": "none",  "editor.scrollBeyondLastLine": true,  "editor.minimap.enabled": false,  "editor.find.seedSearchStringFromSelection": "never",  // syntax highlighting  "files.associations": {    ".env*": "makefile"  },  // prettier  "prettier.singleQuote": true,  "prettier.printWidth": 70,  "editor.formatOnSave": false,  "[javascript]": {    "editor.formatOnSave": true,    "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"  },  "[javascriptreact]": {    "editor.formatOnSave": true,    "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"  },  "[typescript]": {    "editor.formatOnSave": true,    "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"  },  "[typescriptreact]": {    "editor.formatOnSave": true,    "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"  },  // eslint  "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {    "source.fixAll.eslint": true  },  "eslint.validate": ["javascript"],  "javascript.updateImportsOnFileMove.enabled": "never",  "typescript.updateImportsOnFileMove.enabled": "never",  // auto generated  "explorer.confirmDragAndDrop": false,  "js/ts.implicitProjectConfig.checkJs": true}


Not used for web development anymore. Primarily used for writing this blog.


  • use License


JSON Settings:

{  "caret_style": "solid",  "folder_exclude_patterns":  [    ".git",    "node_modules"  ],  "font_size": 14,  "font_face": "Hack Nerd Font",  "gutter": true,  "highlight_line": true,  "highlight_modified_tabs": true,  "ignored_packages":  [    "TypeScript",    "Vintage"  ],  "line_padding_bottom": 1,  "line_padding_top": 1,  "predawn_findreplace_small": true,  "predawn_sidebar_arrows": true,  "predawn_sidebar_narrow": true,  "predawn_sidebar_xsmall": true,  "predawn_tabs_small": true,  "rulers":  [    120  ],  "scroll_past_end": true,  "show_line_numbers": true,  "spell_check": false,  "tab_size": 2,  "theme": "Agila Origin.sublime-theme",  "theme_agila_compact_sidebar": true,  "theme_agila_compact_tab": true,  "theme_agila_horizontal_scrollbar_thinnest": true,  "theme_agila_sidebar_font_xsmall": true,  "theme_agila_sidebar_mini": true,  "theme_agila_vertical_scrollbar_thinnest": true,  "translate_tabs_to_spaces": true,  "trim_trailing_white_space_on_save": true,  "color_scheme": "Packages/Agila Theme/Agila Origin Oceanic Next.tmTheme",}


From terminal, set global name and email:

git config --global "Your Name"git config --global email ""

Improved git log:

git config --global alias.lg "log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit"

Now use:

git lg

Set the default branch to main instead of master:

git config --global init.defaultBranch main

Print global git configuration:

git config --list# or alias# gitconfig


There are two common strategies for SSH keys: one SSH key to rule them all or one SSH key per service. I use the latter one and will here run yout through it by connecting to GitHub via SSH.

First, create a new SSH key in the ~/.ssh folder:

# in case the folder is not there yetmkdir ~/.ssh
cd ~/.ssh# or alias# sshhome
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "github"# follow instructions# use file name: github# use passphrase and store it somewhere secure

Confirm whether passphrase was used properly by accessing private key:

ssh-keygen -y -f gitHub# confirm with passphrase

Create the SSH configuration file if it doesn’t exist yet:

# in case the file is not there yettouch ~/.ssh/config

In your ~/.ssh/config file, add the new SSH key, so that it can get picked up for every terminal session automatically:

Host *  AddKeysToAgent yes  UseKeychain yes  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github

Add SSH key to MacOS’ keychain:

ssh-add --apple-use-keychain ~/.ssh/github

Add the public key to your GitHub settings via the website or via the GitHub CLI (via brew install gh):

# copy public key and add it to ~/.ssh/ | pbcopy
# or use GitHub's CLIgh auth login# for the first login I think the SSH key gets added# without the next command, but if not:
gh ssh-key add ~/.ssh/ -t github

That’s it. You have created an SSH key locally for one specific service, secured it via a passphrase, made it automatically available for every terminal session, and applied it to GitHub. In the case of GitHub, you are now able to interact with GitHub via SSH.


The node version manager (NVM) is used to install and manage multiple Node versions. After you have installed it via Homebrew in a previous step, type the following commands to complete the installation:

echo "source $(brew --prefix nvm)/" >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc# or alias# zshsource

Now install the latest LTS version on the command line:

nvm install <latest LTS version from>

Afterward, check whether the installation was successful and whether the node package manager (npm) got installed along the way:

node -v && npm -v

Update npm to its latest version:

npm install -g npm@latest

And set defaults for npm:

npm set "your name"npm set ""npm set ""

If you are a library author, log in to npm too:

npm adduser

That’s it. If you want to list all your Node.js installation, type the following:

nvm list

If you want to install a newer Node.js version, then type:

nvm install <version> --reinstall-packages-from=$(nvm current)nvm use <version>nvm alias default <version>

Optionally install yarn if you use it as alternative to npm:

npm install -g yarnyarn -v

If you want to list all globally installed packages, run this command:

npm list -g --depth=0

That’s it. You have a running version of Node.js and its package manager.

I hope my setup helps other developers to get their Mac up and running. If you have any additional ideas or want to share your setup, let me know!



By: venhow
13 April 2022 at 11:15
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