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Yesterday — 16 September 2024Main stream

Solutions to Saturday Mac riddles 273

By: hoakley
16 September 2024 at 16:00

I hope that you enjoyed Saturday’s Mac Riddles, episode 273. Here are my solutions to them.

1: Resign, stop and almost quite is final.

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Resign (quit a job), stop (quit) and almost quite (it’s quite without the last letter) is final (it’s the last command).

2: Almost all round opens a window first.

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Almost (about a number) all round (about a location) opens a window (it opens the About window) first (it’s the first command).

3: Past preferences when celestial bodies sink below the horizon.

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Past preferences (what it used to be called) when celestial bodies sink below the horizon (when the sun/moon/planets/stars set in the sky).

The common factor

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They are all standard commands in the app menu.

I look forward to your putting alternative cases.

Before yesterdayMain stream

Saturday Mac riddles 273

By: hoakley
14 September 2024 at 16:00

Here are this weekend’s Mac riddles to entertain you through family time, shopping and recreation.

1: Resign, stop and almost quite is final.

2: Almost all round opens a window first.

3: Past preferences when celestial bodies sink below the horizon.

To help you cross-check your solutions, or confuse you further, there’s a common factor between them.

I’ll post my solutions first thing on Monday morning.

Please don’t post your solutions as comments here: it spoils it for others.

Solutions to Saturday Mac riddles 272

By: hoakley
9 September 2024 at 16:00

I hope that you enjoyed Saturday’s Mac Riddles, episode 272. Here are my solutions to them.

1: Used by courting birds with a haven for video and audio to replace the others.

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Used by courting birds (a courtship display) with a haven (a port) for video and audio (it can carry both) to replace the others (intended to replace the answers to 2 and 3, as well as VGA and others).

2: 506 Romans can handle analogue and digital to display.

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506 Romans (DVI in Roman numerals = 506) can handle analogue and digital (has both DVI-I for analogue support, and DVI-D digital-only) to display (it’s for video output to displays and TVs).

3: With CTA-861, 19 pins and five connectors, it’ll carry all your media, even HDCP.

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With CTA-861 (the standards it uses for video and more), 19 pins (in its connectors) and five connectors (it supports five different connectors now), it’ll carry all your media (it will), even HDCP (a form of DRM for use over HDMI).

The common factor

Click for a solution

They are all video interfaces that have been supported by Macs.

I look forward to your putting alternative cases.

Saturday Mac riddles 272

By: hoakley
7 September 2024 at 16:00

Here are this weekend’s Mac riddles to entertain you through family time, shopping and recreation.

1: Used by courting birds with a haven for video and audio to replace the others.

2: 506 Romans can handle analogue and digital to display.

3: With CTA-861, 19 pins and five connectors, it’ll carry all your media, even HDCP.

To help you cross-check your solutions, or confuse you further, there’s a common factor between them.

I’ll post my solutions first thing on Monday morning.

Please don’t post your solutions as comments here: it spoils it for others.

Solutions to Saturday Mac riddles 271

By: hoakley
2 September 2024 at 16:00

I hope that you enjoyed Saturday’s Mac Riddles, episode 271. Here are my solutions to them.

1: Table of chapters as the top-level directory.

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Table of chapters (contents of book) as the top-level directory (it’s the top-level folder in a macOS app bundle).

2: Real estate inventory, personal possessions or XML.

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Property list

Real estate (property) inventory (list), personal possessions (a property list) or XML (how it’s coded in the Info.plist file).

3: Reserves that could be human, such as strings and images.

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Reserves (resources) that could be human (human resources), such as strings and images (what goes inside the Resources folder in an app).

The common factor

Click for a solution

They are all key parts of a macOS app bundle.

I look forward to your putting alternative cases.

Saturday Mac riddles 271

By: hoakley
31 August 2024 at 16:00

Here are this weekend’s Mac riddles to entertain you through family time, shopping and recreation.

1: Table of chapters as the top-level directory.

2: Real estate inventory, personal possessions or XML.

3: Reserves that could be human, such as strings and images.

To help you cross-check your solutions, or confuse you further, there’s a common factor between them.

I’ll post my solutions first thing on Monday morning.

Please don’t post your solutions as comments here: it spoils it for others.

Solutions to Saturday Mac riddles 270

By: hoakley
26 August 2024 at 16:00

I hope that you enjoyed Saturday’s Mac Riddles, episode 270. Here are my solutions to them.

1: The periodical is secure when charged through this attractive force.

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The periodical (mag or magazine) is secure (safe) when charged through this attractive force (it’s a charging lead attached by magnetism).

2: Quick flash followed by thunder for power adaptor and more.

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Quick (lightning) flash followed by thunder (lightning) for power adaptor and more (what it’s for).

3: Might of military planes would have been magic for 8 and X until cancelled because of heat.

Click for a solution


Might of military planes (air power) would have been magic for 8 and X (it was a wireless charging system announced with iPhones 8 and X in 2017) until cancelled because of heat (Apple cancelled it in 2019 apparently because it got too hot).

The common factor

Click for a solution

They have been used to charge Macs and Apple devices, although the last never made it to market.

I look forward to your putting alternative cases.

全球 AI 产品 Top100 出炉!只有一个国产应用进前十

By: Anonymous
19 August 2024 at 13:18




8 月 21 日,硅谷知名投资机构 a16z,根据近半年的数据,选出了前 100 名 应用

大多数人在使用哪些 AI 产品?哪些类别更受欢迎?用户会坚持使用哪些 AI 产品,而不是转瞬即忘?接下来,我们一起来看看。

这已经是 a16z 第三次发布 AI 百强榜单了,第一次是 2023 年 9 月,第二次是 2024 年 3 月,半年一更,频率稳定。

a16z 的评选方法是,基于 Similarweb、Sensor Tower 的数据,每 6 个月排一次名,榜单分成 2 部分:

全球 AI 产品 Top100 出炉!只有一个国产应用进前十

▲网页端前 50

▲移动端前 50

网页端和移动端的 TOP10 里,美图秀秀国际版 Meitu 属于国产,靠粘土滤镜爆红的 Remini 最开始也是出海产品,后被一家意大利公司收购。

接下来我们分门别类地谈谈,首先是通用型 AI 助手。

第三次了,ChatGPT 还是遥遥领先,在网页和移动端都拿下第一,绝对的 killer app

与此同时,ChatGPT 不如对手们增长势头猛烈。谁才是最好的 AI 助理,尚且没有定论。


黄仁勋爱用的 AI 搜索 Perplexity 在网页端排名第三,并首次入围移动端榜单,正好排在第 50 名,差点名落孙山。

Perplexity 超过 7 分钟的用户平均停留时间,甚至略胜于 ChatGPT

比起 等传统搜索,Perplexity 直接提供简洁、实时、相对准确、可以引用信息来源的答案。数据说明,AI 搜索的形式在一定程度上走通了。

OpenAI 的 Sam Altman 也对这种形式保持认可,然而,OpenAI 的 AI 搜索 SearchGPT 还在小范围地内测,用户比 CEO 更着急。

ChatGPT 定位最像、竞争更直接的产品是 Claude,来自前 OpenAI 员工创立的 Anthropic。这次,Claude 的排名有所提升,在网页端排名第四,好过上个榜单的第十。

今年 6 月,Claude 推出的新功能 Artifacts 突破了聊天窗口的限制,可以实现实时可视化、互动编程等,拓展了用户与 Claude 交互的方式,好评不少。



字节跳动这次一次性上榜了五个产品:教育应用 Gauth、开发平台 Coze、通用助手豆包、豆包英文版 Cici、照片和编辑 Hypic。

除了 Hypic,其他都是首次出现在榜单,其中,豆包移动端第 26 名、网页端第 47 名,Cici 也在移动端排到第 34 名。


另外,AI 助手 Luzia 首次上榜移动端,一来就是第 25 名。

你可能没有听说过这款产品,它主要服务西班牙语环境,全球拥有 4500 万名用户。最初,Luzia 作为 WhatsApp 的聊天机器人出道,但 2023 年 12 月有了独立的 app

除了什么都能聊的通用助手,消费者对于 AI 还有哪些垂直的、特别的需求?

一个重要的趋势是,大家都在用 AI 搞创作,并且创作的形式越来越丰富了。

a16z 的网页端榜单里,52% 的公司支持图像、视频音乐、语音等的内容生成和编辑。

其中包括 7 家新上榜的公司,排名还不低,视频生成工具 Luma 排在第 14 名,音乐生成工具 Udio 排在第 33 名。

和 Udio 同一个赛道、被称为音乐界 ChatGPT 的 Suno,存在感更是暴涨,从今年 3 月的第 36 名,上升到今年 8 月的第 5 名。


但现在,图像生成的占比降到了 41%,只有一个图片生成工具(SeaArt)首次上榜,视频生成工具出现了三个新面孔(Luma、Viggle 和 Vidnoz)。


Udio 上线于今年 4 月,6 月则是 AI 视频工具爆发的一月,快手可灵、Dream Machine 的 Luma AI、Runway 的 Gen-3 Alpha 接二连三发布。

可以看到,不过半年,AI 在音乐和视频上的输出质量,都卷出了成绩。

至于移动端,最常见的创作形式是编辑图像、视频。相关工具占到榜单的 22%,是移动端的第二大产品类别。

▲Adobe Express

虽然也有初创公司涌现,但排名更高的,是那些在生成式 AI 浪潮里转型、推出更多玩法的传统创意公司。

其中有我们比较熟悉的名字,美图秀秀国际版 Meitu 在第 9 名,字节跳动旗下的照片和视频编辑器、醒图国际版 Hypic,位列第 19 名。

另外,韩国互联网巨擘 Naver 旗下的相机应用 SNOW 第 30 名,内置了 Adobe Firefly 生成式 AI 的 Adobe Express 第 35 名。

之前 washingtonpost 做过一个调查:人们会和聊天机器人说什么?他们分析了数千次对话,第一是搞黄色,第二是完成家庭作业。

最近也有一款很火的 P 肌肉应用 Gigabody,让你提前看看增肌之后的模样。它会产出很多照骗,也会打击健身人群的自信心,因为很可能练了半天,还不如 Gigabody。

举出这两个例子,是为了佐证 a16z 的结论。

a16z 移动和网页端的榜单,都出现了一个很有意思的新类别:美学和约会。

其中包括三个新入围移动端榜单的工具:LooksMax AI(第 43 名)、Umax(第 44 名)和 RIZZ(第 49 名)。


LooksMax 和 Umax 采集用户的照片并评分,然后给出建议,提升你的魅力。Umax 甚至会给出一个「满分模板」,也就是 AI 眼里你的完美模样。

LooksMax 不仅照顾到了颜控的看脸需求,也会分析用户声音的吸引力。

但它们的用户规模并不大,LooksMax 超过 200 万,Umax 在 100 万左右。

可能和这个赛道太卷有关,上网随便搜搜能够找到大量身体美颜滤镜,减肥、增肌、健身、变胖、换衣服,AI 都能帮忙,我们不再需要在 B 站学习复杂的 PS 教程

但这些应用的套路又都很类似,靠订阅赚钱,能赚多少是多少,Umax 每周收费 4.99 美元,LooksMax 每周收费 3.99 美元。

如果说 LooksMax 和 Umax 是认识更多发展对象的敲门砖,下一步就该用 RIZZ 了。

笨嘴拙舌的用户,可以用它提升回复约会 app 消息的水平。上传对话截图、个人资料等,RIZZ 都可以教你说些高情商表达。

古代的邹忌问身边人「吾与徐公孰美」,童话里的皇后问魔镜谁是世界上最好看的人,现在的人们则在问 AI:我怎么变得更帅、更漂亮、更有魅力,怎么不算一种科技与狠活呢?

食色性也,情感关系未必在人和人之间,也可以是人机。这次,AI 伴侣应用 Character.AI 排在移动端的第十,上次是第十六。

其实,上榜的还有一些尺度更大的 AI 伴侣应用,包括 Janitor、SpicyChat、、Crushon 等,但 a16z 没有特别强调出来。

拿 a16z 今年 8 月的榜单和今年 3 月相比,近 30% 的公司是新公司。

如果再拿今年 3 月和去年 9 月的榜单相比,那么这个数字是 40%。

可见 AI 产品竞争之激烈和残酷,新一代 AI 原生产品和公司的发展速度,前所未有地快。

下一个爆款的 AI 产品,可能会是什么?答案或许在社交产品 Discord 出现。

a16z 发现,Discord 的流量,能够体现一个产品有没有潜力,尤其在内容生成方面。

Discord 的好处是,提供了服务器和交流社区,开发者无需构建完整的前端产品,所以它很适合作为一个沙盒,用来验证 PMF(产品与市场契合度)。

很多产品都是从 Discord 起步,构建社区,测试功能,积累用户,然后才有自己的独立,比如 Suno 和

时至今日,Midjourney 还是所有 Discord 服务器邀请流量的第一名。

▲ 在 Discord 受欢迎的 AI 公司

截至 7 月,10 家 AI 公司在所有 Discord 服务器邀请流量中排名前 100,与 1 月相比,其中一半是新秀。

AI 继续发展下去,未来可能连 app 的概念都会消失,人手一个 agent,AI 主动帮我们解决需求,但现在,我们还是从被用户选择的 app 中,一窥 AI 的可用性如何被定义。


AI 也是这样,融资、刷屏、炒作之后,依然是沉默的大多数,做出最诚实也最落地的投票。其中,有没有你正在使用并欣赏的产品呢?

We crunched the data to find out: Which gen AI apps are people actually using? And which are they returning to, versus dabbling and dropping?

2024 年 3 月:

Thousands of new AI-native companies are vying for attention. We crunched the data to find out: Which generative AI products are people actually using?

2023 年 9 月:

Saturday Mac riddles 270

By: hoakley
24 August 2024 at 16:00

Here are this weekend’s Mac riddles to entertain you through family time, shopping and recreation.

1: The periodical is secure when charged through this attractive force.

2: Quick flash followed by thunder for power adaptor and more.

3: Might of military planes would have been magic for 8 and X until cancelled because of heat.

To help you cross-check your solutions, or confuse you further, there’s a common factor between them.

I’ll post my solutions first thing on Monday morning.

Please don’t post your solutions as comments here: it spoils it for others.

A brief history of the Finder Alias

By: hoakley
24 August 2024 at 15:00

It wasn’t until System 7 in 1991 that the Mac gained any feature that let the user create links to files or folders. Without a command shell, Unix traditions of symbolic and hard links weren’t available. Apple belatedly added what it termed an alias, created using the Make Alias command in the Finder’s File menu. This made a document-like object bearing the name of its original with alias appended, displayed in italics to distinguish it from the original. To help users locate the original file for an alias, the Finder’s Get Info dialog gained a button to Find Original, later moved to the File and contextual menus.

Later versions of classic Mac OS added refinements to this transformative feature, including the selection of a new target for a broken alias, creation by drag-and-drop of a file or folder with the Command and Option keys held, and a distinctive arrow badge to both the item’s icon and the pointer during drag-creation.

Internally, the alias was a small file of less than 5 KB size containing opaque data with more information than just the path to the original. Aliases were designed to support free movement within the same file system, at the time an HFS volume (or partition, as they’re the same in HFS and HFS+).

Aliases transferred across to Mac OS X, where the more adventurous could open Terminal and create both symbolic and hard links instead. It has remained a sign of the lasting schism between the GUI and Unix internals of Mac OS X that there are no standard command tools supporting Finder aliases, and there’s no way to create or maintain symbolic or hard links in the Finder.

Something happened to aliases when they transitioned into Mac OS X, and their size started to rise steadily until they reached 1-5 MB in El Capitan.


Back in Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger they were still fairly small, this one at 48 KB. Note the Select New Original… button in the Get Info dialog.

Aliases were all very good for the user, but OS X needed something similar that could be stored in property lists and other files, so the alias format was rejigged into more generalised form as the bookmark, introduced in OS X 10.6 in 2009. In early 2012 with 10.7.3, bookmarks could be security-scoped with permission on a per-app or per-document basis, to enable their use with the app sandbox. By OS X 10.9 Mavericks in 2013, bookmarks were in widespread use throughout the system.


In El Capitan (2015), bookmark size often reached 1 MB, while the Select New Original… button remained the same in the Get Info dialog.

macOS Sierra brought a major revision to both aliases and bookmarks, reducing their size substantially, but bringing other problems. As late as 10.12.1 they were still having problems resolving some links. The end result was worth the struggle, though, as they have since become more robust than ever, with a typical size of only 1 KB, making them almost as efficient as symbolic links.

Although aliases and bookmarks are still intended to be treated as opaque, their contents have become more accessible. Among the useful values each contains are:

    • _NSURLPathKey gives the full path to the file,
    • _NSURLFileIDKey gives the inode number of the file,
    • _NSURLBookmarkURLStringKey gives the file’s full URL,
    • NSURLCreationDateKey gives the file’s creation timestamp,
    • NSURLIsRegularFileKey indicates whether it’s a normal file,
    • NSURLIsPackageKey indicates whether it’s a package rather than a file,
    • _NSURLBookmarkSecurityScopeCryptoKeyKey is used if this is a Security-Scoped Bookmark, most used with sandboxed apps.

I even have a couple of utilities that work with them. Among the many features of Precize is the ability to generate bookmarks, and to analyse and resolve them. For those who want to bridge the divide between the GUI and command line, alisma is a tool that can both create aliases and resolve them to paths. Finally, Alifix helps you refresh and identify broken aliases.

内含大量保密数据的 iPhone 原型机流入二手市场,旧手机怎么处理才安全 | 附教程

By: 周奕旨
21 August 2024 at 16:31

五年前,苹果发布了史上第一支关于「隐私保护」的宣传片《Privacy Side》。

影片内容非常简单直白,总时长 45 秒的广告中,前 30 秒都在重复一件简单的事:阻碍别人的视线,给「你」留下隐私空间。

▲《Privacy Side》

为了这件简单的事儿,苹果可谓是绞尽脑汁:在硬件中引入了安全芯片,例如 Secure Enclave 与 T2 芯片,就专门用于加密储存指纹和面部识别这样的敏感数据;

▲ Mac 上的 T2 安全芯片

同时,在系统中提供软件保护支持,比如 Safari 的无痕模式、要求 app 在跟踪用户数据前必须征得用户同意,否则不许上架 App Store,以及邮箱隐私保护功能等。





这位名为布莱恩特的研究员用十几部破旧的第二代 iPhone SE 串联在一起,利用 Live Text 字符识别功能来查找二手市场中的照片,识别商品名称与商品照片中可能存在的库存标签、条形码或企业标签,如果发现可能是企业淘汰的设备,布莱恩特就会收到警报,凭借这个识别系统,他曾成功以 165 美元收购到一台 iPhone 14 的原型机。


这些原型机是相当诱人的宝藏,丝毫不亚于沉入海底的黄金,因为 iPhone 的原型机是安全研究人员与黑客梦寐以求的东西——它们通常搭载着特殊版本的 iOS 系统,开放性与调试性远高于消费版本的手机,对于深入研究该系统非常有价值。


不仅手机,在二手市场上,类似的其他硬件也屡见不鲜——识别系统帮布莱恩特发现了一台位于英国的 Time Capsule,这台设备上写着「Property of Apple Computer, Expensed Equipment(苹果公司资产,已支出的设备)」。

布莱恩特花了 38 美元将它买下,还付了 40 美元的邮费。


硬盘里的文件虽然已经清空,但当我研究它时,发现里面绝对不是空的,这里有你能想象到的一切:一个数据库,似乎是 2010 年代欧洲所有苹果旗舰店的主备份服务器的副本。这些信息包括服务单、员工银行账户数据、公司内部文件和电子邮件。

AirPort Time Capsule 发布于 2008 年,用于储存 Mac 的备份,苹果的欧洲旗舰店从那时候起一直在使用这台「自家设备」,于是,大量保密数据与隐私文件都存进了这台设备中。

在 2018 年停产后,这台老旧的设备也许没过多久就被清空并扔进了仓库,里面的数据也随着整个 AirPort 系列隐入时代的烟尘中,直到机缘巧合下飘洋过海落到布莱恩特的手里。

▲ AirPort Time Capsule 内部的硬盘

这下,Time Capsule 真成为名副其实的「时间胶囊」了,所幸,打开它的是一位专门从事安全研究的「正派」人士,他在与苹果公司联系后,将这台 Time Capsule 寄回了苹果伦敦安全办公室。


如其所愿,他找到了一台贴有大量富士康标签的 Mac Mini,这台电脑似乎曾在富士康的质量保证测试线上使用过。不过,这台 Mac 机身上有一个显眼的钻孔,所以被标记为零件。

在研究了各代 Mac Mini 的结构后,布莱恩特猜测钻孔也许并未摧毁储存数据的硬盘。于是他冒险从中国购买了这台伤痕累累的「富士康零件」,并在亲自检查后认为数据保存完好的可能性极大。

最终,洛杉矶的一家取证实验室帮他恢复了 Mac mini 中的所有数据:

一份苹果公司在工厂生产线上用于测试的内部软件,包括与原型机和 QA 设备通信的特殊接口,还包含富士康的凭证和日志。

布莱恩特再次联系了苹果公司,并将 Mac Mini 退还了回去。

事情到这里,就可以看出端倪了:以苹果为代表,这些成熟的商业硬件公司有一套完善的流程管理各种各样的设备,但几乎所有公司的设备在淘汰后,总有一小部分会流入到二手市场中——先后被找到的 AirPort Time Capsule 与 Mac mini 就足以证明。


对于任何一家公司来说,他们使用过的产品最终都会出现在 eBay 等网站或其他二手市场上,哪怕这家公司是世界 500 强企业,我想不出有哪家公司的某件设备没有在我的系统中出现过。












在 Windows 上使用 cipher 命令:

Windows 系统自带了一个名为 cipher 的命令,可以用来多次覆盖已删除的文件所在的磁盘空间。


  1. 打开命令提示符(以管理员身份运行)。
  2. 输入以下命令,并根据你想清理的文件路径替换:


DRIVE- LETTER 代表驱动器盘符,FOLDER-PATH 代表着文件夹路径,分别指定即可;

在 macOS 上使用 diskutil 和 dd 命令:

macOS 提供了一些工具来清除磁盘数据,其中 diskutil 和 dd 命令可以用来覆盖数据。


  1. 打开终端(Terminal)。
  2. 运行以下命令来列出你的磁盘

diskutil list

  1. 找到你要清除的磁盘的设备名称(如 /dev/disk2)。
  2. 使用 diskutil 来擦除整个磁盘并覆盖数据:

diskutil secureErase 3 /dev/disk2

secureErase 后的数字 3 表示使用 35-pass 写入随机数据进行覆盖。其他选项:
• 0: 快速擦除(不覆盖数据)
• 1: 一次覆盖数据
• 2: 三次覆盖数据
• 3: 35 次覆盖数据





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Solutions to Saturday Mac riddles 269

By: hoakley
19 August 2024 at 16:00

I hope that you enjoyed Saturday’s Mac Riddles, episode 269. Here are my solutions to them.

1: Palmtop with gravity was first with arm for five years.

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Palmtop (what it was, although Apple coined the term PDA) with gravity (first elaborated as the law of universal gravitation by Sir Isaac Newton) was first with arm (it was Apple’s first device to use an ARM processor) for five years (released in 1993, discontinued 1998).

2: Component framework took aim at OLE for a couple of years.

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Component framework (what it was) took aim (it was part of the foundation of the AIM Alliance between Apple, IBM and Motorola) at OLE (it was a competitor for Microsoft’s OLE) for a couple of years (released in 1995, discontinued 1997).

3: Blue-sky lab from Larry’s education brought quick things for over a decade.

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Advanced Technology Group (ATG)

Blue-sky lab (what it was) from Larry’s education (it sprung from the late Larry Tesler’s Education Research Group) brought quick things (responsible for Color QuickDraw, QuickTime and its VR and 3D versions, and more) for over a decade (formed in 1986, closed in 1997).

The common factor

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They were all cancelled by Steve Jobs on his return to Apple in 1997.

I look forward to your putting alternative cases.

Saturday Mac riddles 269

By: hoakley
17 August 2024 at 16:00

Here are this weekend’s Mac riddles to entertain you through family time, shopping and recreation.

1: Palmtop with gravity was first with arm for five years.

2: Component framework took aim at OLE for a couple of years.

3: Blue-sky lab from Larry’s education brought quick things for over a decade.

To help you cross-check your solutions, or confuse you further, there’s a common factor between them.

I’ll post my solutions first thing on Monday morning.

Please don’t post your solutions as comments here: it spoils it for others.

Solutions to Saturday Mac riddles 268

By: hoakley
12 August 2024 at 16:00

I hope that you enjoyed Saturday’s Mac Riddles, episode 268. Here are my solutions to them.

1: Notice how I appear at the top right then hide under the clock.

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Notice (a notification) how I appear at the top right (where they appear) then hide under the clock (where they disappear to).

2: Watchful modal view demands your attention.

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Watchful (alert) modal view (what it is) demands your attention (it does).

3: Distinguishing emblem as a number on an icon.

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Distinguishing emblem (a badge) as a number on an icon (how it’s displayed on an app icon in the Dock).

The common factor

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They are means of attracting the user’s attention.

I look forward to your putting alternative cases.

Saturday Mac riddles 268

By: hoakley
10 August 2024 at 16:00

Here are this weekend’s Mac riddles to entertain you through family time, shopping and recreation.

1: Notice how I appear at the top right then hide under the clock.

2: Watchful modal view demands your attention.

3: Distinguishing emblem as a number on an icon.

To help you cross-check your solutions, or confuse you further, there’s a common factor between them.

I’ll post my solutions first thing on Monday morning.

Please don’t post your solutions as comments here: it spoils it for others.

Mac mini 十四年来最大更新要来了,将成为史上最小苹果电脑

By: 苏伟鸿
9 August 2024 at 17:43

两年没更新的 Mac mini,原来是憋了个「小」的。

据科技记者 Mark Gurman 报道,即将亮相的全新 Mac mini 不仅只是常规「换芯」升级那么简单,还将时隔 14 年迎来全新设计,尺寸「比迷你更迷你」。

至于发布时间,据悉供应商将在这个月向苹果发货 M4 基础芯片版本,今年晚些时候正式发布;M4 Pro 版本则要等到 10 月才会准备就绪。

真·mini 来了

目前 Mac mini 的外观,基本沿用着 2010 年版的设计,因此,Mac mini 也是当今苹果在售产品中为数不多保留原汁原味乔布斯风格的产品。

▲ 2010 款 Mac mini

虽然这个铝制外壳的设计,在当下看来依旧可圈可点,但是在 Apple Silicon,也就是 M 系列芯片入主 Mac 产品线后,基本所有 Mac 产品都有了新外观,Mac mini 也是时候换新颜了。

况且,14 年前可以说还算小巧的 Mac mini,和现在的不少迷你 PC 一比,反而是庞然大物了。

▲右为 GEEKOM 迷你 PC,搭载一颗英特尔酷睿 i9 处理器,图源:Luke Miani

由于 M 系列芯片低功耗、高集成的优势,M1 系列的 Mac mini 主板已经比英特尔的旧型号小了几圈,只比一台 iPhone 13 略宽 。外网有人尝试魔改 Mac mini,把整个主机体积缩小到只有原本的三成左右。

▲ 上面的就是用户魔改版 Mac mini,图源:Snazzy Labs

那么,新的 Mac mini 大概会有多小呢?消息人士表示,宽度将更加接近 Apple TV 电视盒子(9.3 厘米),几乎只有目前 Mac mini(19.7 厘米)的一半,也就是说,平面尺寸大概为现在的四分之一;不过机身会更厚,超越现在的 3.58 厘米。

▲ 左为 Apple TV 机顶盒,图源:Unboxingalism

在接口方面,据悉目前正在测试的型号至少带有 3 个 USB-C 端口、一个电源线接口和一个 HDMI 接口。没有提到的 3.5 毫米耳机接口不清楚是否会保留,因为目前还没有砍掉这项「外星科技」的 Mac 产品。

▲ M2 版本 Mac mini 的接口

至于目前版本还配备的 USB-A 接口和以太网口,很大可能会跟随旧模具一同成为历史。

缩小的机身是否会看齐 MacBook Air 砍掉风扇,也暂时未知。

有消息人士透露,苹果设计新款 Mac mini 的思路,可以简单理解为将 M4 芯片的 iPad Pro 给「塞进」一个新机身内。新的设计会降低生产成本,但这不意味着消费者能买到更便宜的 Mac mini。

也不是所有人都想要一台更小的 Mac mini 。有些用户认为,目前较大的 Mac mini 机身刚好可以为 M4 芯片提供更多的空间进行被动散热。小机身不仅砍了接口,散热也可以预料会进一步弱化。

▲ M2 版本 Mac mini,内部肉眼可见还有空间,图源:iFixit


▲ 不少用户喜欢把 Mac mini 竖着放,也能节约不少空间,图源: Reddit@wiz_security

但对于苹果来说,为 Mac mini 瘦身不仅是产品变革的大势所趋,也很可能是产品战略布局的一步棋。

新设计将重整 Mac 产品线

Apple Silicon 为 Mac 产品线带来的变化,不仅仅局限于单个产品性能本身,可以说整条 Mac 的产品线都被打乱了。

比如 iMac 系列,这个一体机产品曾经能够选配更大的屏幕,更强悍的硬件,以应对更专业的任务,但是最新的 iMac 仅能选配最基础的 M3 芯片,并且取消了 27 寸屏幕的版本。

▲ 全新设计的 iMac

更多彩的新设计虽然养眼,但也象征着 iMac 变成了中低端产品线,因为苹果的 Pro 级产品,往往总以最朴素的黑白灰配色呈现。

Mac mini 的全新设计可能也暗藏了这么一点小心思。

Mac mini 的定位一直是苹果的最入门级别,作为苹果尺寸最小的台式电脑,不管是和曾经高端大气的专业级 iMac,还是超大机箱的性能怪兽 Mac Pro 对比,一眼就能看出并非为了硬核任务而生。

▲图源:Apple Track

但如果把 Mac mini 和高端新秀 Mac Studio 摆在一起,你会发现,两个产品明明定位分布在两极,撞脸程度却宛如亲兄弟。

▲ Mac Studio(左)和 Mac mini(右)宽度一致,图源:Apple Insider


因此,如果把 Mac mini 进一步缩小,在视觉上和 Mac Studio 拉开更多的差距,消费者也能一眼看得出,这个小巧可爱的主机要更适合日常使用,而另一个大块头明显是为了更复杂的任务而生。

据消息人士爆料,新的 Mac mini 还会保留和以前同款的铝制外壳,依我看,如果能和 Mac Studio 在配色上也做点区分会更好。

根据多方报道,M4 芯片将会今年和明年出现在目前所有 Mac 品类上,也就是说,自 Apple Silicon 诞生以来,Mac 整条产品线第一次进行全面更新。

这将是一个很好的机会,让苹果重新梳理一下目前比较混乱的 Mac 产品线,所以 Mac mini 的全新设计,来得恰逢其时。

最后附上 Mark Gurman 爆料的最新 M4 Mac 时间表:

  • 最早今年推出的:Mac mini、iMac 和 MacBook Pro
  •  明年春季:MacBook Air
  •  明年年中:Mac Pro 和 Mac Studio


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The Maps Express – 简单方便一键查询 Google 地图的 Chrome 扩展

By: Anonymous
9 August 2024 at 13:14




The Maps Express」是一款 扩展程序,支持各种常见浏览器例如 的 Safari、Chrome 上的 Edge、Chrome、Brave、Arc、Opera,安装后可在选取要查询的地点时通过鼠标右键菜单或快捷键快速查询 Maps,能保存最近查询的十条历史记录,还能将地点收藏〔支持导出、导入功能〕,非常方便!

值得一提的是 The Maps Express 有一项「 摘要」功能,通过 Google Gemini 对当前网页进行分析、快速找出可能的餐厅、咖啡店、商家或景点关键词,让用户以 Google Maps 快速查询相关结果。

No Description

进入 Chrome 程序商店页面,点击右上角「加到 Chrome」安装到浏览器后即可使用。

那么要如何进行查询呢?很简单,只要选取店家名称、右键菜单就有「通过 The Maps Express 查询」快速带入 Google Maps 查询地点,也可使用快捷键〔Ctrl+Shift+S/⌘+Shift+S〕进行操作。


The Maps Express 本身也具有查询功能,点击扩展按钮后会进入类似如下的窗口,最上方的查询字段就如同是 Google 地图查询功能,可以快速在地图查询指定地标,查询记录会保留近期查询的 10 条记录,这些信息只会存在用户的浏览器。

点击查询记录的地标会快速打开 Google 地图,将光标移到地标上可以「加入收藏」。

The Maps Express 收藏清单功能基本上可以算是更方便的 Google Maps 收藏功能,将地标加入收藏后还能利用下方的功能进行导出或导入〔格式为 .JSON〕。

再来介绍一下 The Maps Express 最有趣的「页面摘要,可以使用 AI 技术来摘要地点,第一次使用时需要设置一下 API 密钥,不过不会太难,只要有 Google 账户、几个步骤就能搞定。

点击 API 后会有设置说明,浅显易懂,先连接到 Google AI Studio 页面,第一次使用会有注意事项,勾选底下第一项同意使用条款,按下「Continue」继续到下一个步骤。

接着点击中间的「Create API key」建立一个 API 密钥。

按下「Create API key in new project」按钮,如下图箭头标示位置。

生成 API 密钥后按下「复制」获取这段代码,回到 The Maps Express 扩展贴上后即可进入 AI 功能。

The Maps Express 页面摘要工具是使用 AI 来摘要地点,简单来说,在网页点击「Gemini 摘要」后就会自动分析网页出现的地标,将相关结果自动加入、方便用户以 Google Maps 查询或是加入收藏。

下图就是使用 AI 页面摘要、分析上的文章后得出的相关地标,非常快速、准确!几乎把文章中列出来的所有咖啡店都呈现在列表,省去要一个一个复制查询的时间,如果平常会经常在网络上查询信息的朋友可以试试看这项功能〔只是前置需要几个设置步骤〕。

第一款 M4 Mac 要来了,外观可能有新变化

By: 周奕旨
6 August 2024 at 10:07

在今年的 WWDC 上,苹果时隔 18 个月更新了 iPad Pro。这台新 iPad 除了是历史最薄外,也是苹果首次在非 Mac 设备上首发桌面级处理器 M4。

而现在,搭载 M4 芯片的 Mac 即将登场。

据彭博社的 Mark Gurman 爆料,苹果可能在今年晚些时候推出搭载 M4 芯片的 MacBook Pro。如此一来,M3 也许会成为苹果最短寿的芯片之一,发布以来不到一年的时间便被 M4 芯片取代。

▲ Apple M 系列芯片发布时间

将在今年晚些时候搭载 M4 芯片的还有 iMac,上代 iMac 搭载 M3 芯片,在去年的 10 月 31 日与 M3 MacBook Pro 一起发布。


除此之外,Mac mini 在今年晚些时候迎来迭代,它的上一次更新是 2023 年 1 月发布的 M2 Pro 型号,这次更新将直接越过 M3 芯片,搭载最新的 M4 芯片。

而 MacBook Air、Mac Studio 与 Mac Pro 的升级可能需要等到 2025 年。

有趣的是,在这次的爆料中,Gurman 还带来一个消息:至少有一款设备将会得到更明显的变化。

将目光看向 Mac 系列设备的外观,在 2020 年苹果发布 M1 芯片后,大多数外观都得到了重新设计:

MacBook Pro 与 MacBook Air 由于实用性问题,放弃了「楔形」机身、取消了 TouchBar、缩减边框,并出现了刘海;iMac 更是摆脱了 2012 年就开始使用的设计,将屏幕大幅度变薄,并取消了背部曲线,加入了多种颜色。


到目前为止,Mac 家族只有 Mac Pro 与 Mac mini 还保持原有设计,Mac Pro 的上一次外观更新是 2019 年,而 Mac mini 则从推出以来几乎没有出现过任何变化。

▲ 这个小盒子从推出以来一直没有变化

从这个线索来看,Gruman 所指的「更明显的变化」也许会出现在 Mac Pro 与 Mac mini 上,不过 MacBook Pro 的设计也已经使用了近四年,不排除有换代的可能性。

这次爆料,其实不难看出 M4 芯片的特殊之处:一方面,苹果要保证 M3 芯片的寿命至少得到一点延续,快速又突然地更迭会影响用户的忠诚度;

另一方面,目前的 AI PC 已经将总体算力堆到了 30-40 TOPS 这个级别,比如 Intel Core Ultra 就提供了 34 TOPS 的算力,但 M3 芯片主要着重于 CPU 与 GPU 性能,只能提供 18 TOPS 的算力支持——这几乎无法面对 AI PC 强势算力的威胁,也不利于未来 Apple Intelligence 端侧 AI 大模型的部署。

内忧外患之下,长久没更新的 iPad 家族成为了救命稻草。

将 M4 芯片首发于 iPad 这一招的确有效,在苹果最新的财报中显示,新款 iPad 的推出帮助该类别销量增长了 25%;同时,新 iPad 的表现也将消费者的目光吸引过去,给 M3 芯片续命了一段时间,哪怕只有小半年。

与 iPad Pro「买前生产力,买后爱奇艺」的尴尬处境不同,Mac 家族一直是核心用户的可靠生产工具,备受用户关注。不久后,可以提供 38 TOPS 的 M4 芯片终于要登上 Mac,苹果的 AI PC 之路也许才刚刚开始。


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Solutions to Saturday Mac riddles 267

By: hoakley
5 August 2024 at 16:00

I hope that you enjoyed Saturday’s Mac Riddles, episode 267. Here are my solutions to them.

1: Where the store requires apps and kids to play in safety and grip the rails.

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Where the store requires apps (it’s a requirement of the App Store) and kids to play in safety (a sandbox) and grip the rails (also used by railway locos to apply to slippery rails to improve grip).

2: Benefit of a rightful claim to go beyond the confines of 1.

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Benefit of a rightful claim (an entitlement) to go beyond the confines of 1 (what an app entitlement does for a sandboxed app).

3: ISO 688 could be intermodal folder for 1, but only in ~/Library.

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ISO 688 could be intermodal (a shipping container) folder for 1 (what it is in macOS), but only in ~/Library (the only place you should find them).

The common factor

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They are parts of the app sandbox system in macOS.

I look forward to your putting alternative cases.

Saturday Mac riddles 267

By: hoakley
3 August 2024 at 16:00

Here are this weekend’s Mac riddles to entertain you through family time, shopping and recreation.

1: Where the store requires apps and kids to play in safety and grip the rails.

2: Benefit of a rightful claim to go beyond the confines of 1.

3: ISO 688 could be intermodal folder for 1, but only in ~/Library.

To help you cross-check your solutions, or confuse you further, there’s a common factor between them.

I’ll post my solutions first thing on Monday morning.

Please don’t post your solutions as comments here: it spoils it for others.

iPhone 不好卖了,库克:苹果 AI 将成为换机理由,还透露了这些重要消息

By: 肖凡博
2 August 2024 at 09:55

今天凌晨,苹果公布了 2024 第三季度的财报。


  • 第三财季营收为 857.8 亿美元,略高于市场预期的 845 亿美元,总营收增长 5%,上年同期为 818 亿美元。
  • 第三财季大中华区收入为 147.3 亿美元,市场预期 152.6 亿美元,上年同期为 157.58 亿美元。
  • iPhone 营收 393 亿美元,上年同期为 396.69 亿美元。
  • iPad 营收 71.62 亿美元,上年同期为 57.91 亿美元。
  • Mac 营收 70.1 亿美元,上年同期为 68.4 亿美元。
  • 服务类营收 242.1 亿美元,上年同期为 212.13 亿美元。
  • 可穿戴设备、家居与配件营收 81.0 亿美元,市场预估 77.9 亿美元。

相比于上个季度,苹果在过去的三个月里,终于有了些许起色:第二财季营收 907.5 亿美元,上年同期 948 亿美元;大中华区收入 163.7 亿美元,同比下降了 8.1%。


也正因如此,大中华区和 iPhone 的营收下降,就成了整张财报里最为显眼的两位,可能在苹果的视角里,还会有些扎眼。


遇到麻烦的 iPhone

每次看财报,大家的目光都会不自觉地先集中在「iPhone」那一栏,没啥别的原因,这是苹果生态里中流砥柱的产品,财报表现好不好,和 iPhone 的销量直接挂钩。

iPhone 营收 393 亿美元,上年同期为 396.69 亿美元,同比下降 1%。

三季度 iPhone 的销量用一句话来概括:看起来卖的很好,但还是差了点意思。

iPhone 卖得好与坏,会从财报表现,但不能只看财报,因为市场是变化和流动的:你可能真的卖的好,但友商和对手也在同时发力。

虽然库克在财报会上强调,苹果智能手机在中国城市销量排名前三,但拉远视角从第三方统计机构的数据报告来看 iPhone 在中国手机市场的表现,其实并没有那么乐观。

IDC 几天前发布的 2024 年第二季度中国智能手机市场出货量数据显示,苹果手机出货量下降 3.1%,在中国市场 4 年来排名首次跌出前五。

▲ 图片来自:Google

Counterpoint 的报告也指出,2024 年第二季度,vivo 以 18.5% 的份额稳居中国智能手机市场榜首,其次是苹果 (15.5%) 和华为 (15.4%)。

▲ 图片来自:Counterpoint

无论是吃老本行的市占率,还是引以为傲的销量,iPhone 都受到了不小的挑战,更何况这还是在二季度中国智能手机销量同比增长 6%,有 618 帮忙兜底的情况下发生的。

虽然 iPhone 在中国市场的销量和营收碰到了些「小麻烦」,但放眼全球市场来看,它依然是一座高山,且表现不凡。

库克称,iPhone 在多个国家(包括英国、西班牙、波兰、墨西哥)创造了季度记录,设备激活总计增长至历史新高。在多个地区,许多 iPhone 型号都占据了全球最畅销的智能手机之列。

另外,Counterpoint 还指出 iPhone 15 Pro 和 Pro Max 在中国 2024 年第二季度的销量占比约为 50%,高于去年同期 iPhone 14 Pro 和 Pro Max 的 47%。

也就是说,尽管 iPhone 争议不断,但众多消费者依然肯为此买单。

其实这也不难理解,一方面 iPhone 本身过硬的拍摄特别是视频录制的能力,在主流机型中算得上独一份,许多有录像需求的用户,除开专业相机,首选的大概率会是 iPhone,这种现象在媒体圈、科技圈会更为明显。

而且,iPhone 15 在电池续航、功耗控制、UI 设计特别是主屏幕自定义选项的加入,以及卫星消息等,都在补齐上半年落下的作业,通过 OTA 逐渐在系统和软件体验方面赶上了国内主流机型。

你可以说这些不是最重要的,但对于大部分普通用户而言,这些系统软件上的体验,往往是影响用户换新机时,继续选择 iPhone、考虑加入 iOS 生态的重要因素。

▲ 图片来自:Google

今天的财报会上,库克也被问到了「是什么会影响 iPhone 更换周期」的问题。

库克也毫不掩饰地指出,之后影响用户更换 iPhone 最大的因素将会是:



财报会后半部分的电话 Q&A 环节,一点不夸张地说,几乎被「苹果智能」给包场了。


如果你从今年的 WWDC 就开始关注苹果的新闻,就非常能理解大家的关心。

直到这两周,WWDC 上展示的极个别 AI 功能,才能在苹果设备上使用。


从全球市场来看,苹果智能目前的适用地区十分有限,想要在第一时间体验最新的 AI 功能,最有效的方式就是拿着美版的 iPhone 连着美国的网,用美区的 Apple ID 登录。




回到具体的功能体验,库克直接了当地在财报会上表示,当下 AI 主要服务于手机上的基础应用,像是邮件、短信这些几乎每天甚至每个小时都会用到的应用软件,因为库克希望苹果智能能以一种「对用户更自然的方式来实现」。

而后续在更多 App 中的适配,他也没有提及准确的上线时间。

不过库克明确表示了,在 WWDC 中展示的功能,并不会一块儿在 iOS 18 里出现,部分功能「有可能成为 iOS 19 的一部分」。


但就这两周的实际体验,我想给「iPhone 换机得靠苹果智能」的论断,打一个问号。

首先,更便宜的国产旗舰的 AI 功能更全,而且还在持续发力,相比之下的苹果智能,就有点儿不太智能了,目前在 iOS 18 beta 版里能看到的变化就是「写作工具」「UI 重构」「通话录音」,如果后两个也算得上智能功能的话,也行。

▲ 图片来自:Google

其次,本来就迟了大半年的苹果,以当下的进度可能还得跳票一段时间,就算按照原计划上线,那按照 AI 能是下一次换机的决定性因素的结论,加上早就起步甚至逐渐成熟的国产手机厂商的 AI,苹果智能的优势在哪?


由于对设备性能和算力的要求,所以只能在最新的顶配机型上体验新功能,目前 iPhone 支持智能更新的机型只有 iPhone 15 Pro 和 iPhone 15 Pro Max。

那更高的苹果智能体验起步价,会不会成为下一个 iPhone 营收和销量受阻的因素?


成为尖子生的 iPad 和 Mac

先看平板,三季度 iPad 营收 71.62 亿美元,相较于同期上涨约 24%。

这和全新 iPad 的推出有关,当然也和全新 iPad 的产品力挂钩。

iPad 最直观的更新在于外壳和手感,新款的 iPad 更像一款为线下而生的产品,因为拿起来的手感真的挺好。

而且,新款 iPad Pro 还成为了世上最薄的苹果产品,仅有 5.1mm(13 英寸)。哪怕是 11 英寸的,也只有 5.1mm

▲ 图片来自:Google

iPad 最核心的迭代在芯片上,首发的 M4 芯片竟然最先给 iPad 用上了,这在 iPhone 和 Mac 面前,有点倒反天罡的味儿了。

iPad 最成功的地方,是购买人群的变化。库克在会上称,全新 iPad 的购买人群「有一半都是第一次购买该系列的产品」。

iPad 最大的彩蛋,是全新的 Apple Pencil Pro,不管是压力感应、震动反馈,还是在屏幕上拟物化的投影,都算得上体验升级。

▲ 图片来自:Google

另一边的 Mac,也有不俗的表现。

Mac 在三季度营收 70.1 亿美元,上年同期为 68.4 亿美元,同比增长 2%。

库克称,这当中最大的功臣,是推出的全新 MacBook Air,外观上没什么改变,但芯片上做了升级,M3 的加入让 Air 赶上了 Pro 的进度。

根据苹果的统计数据,上季度用户最喜欢的 Mac 产品,是搭载了 M3 芯片的 13/15 英寸的 MacBook Air。

而且刚好在三季度财报结算的末尾,碰上了新生入学和返校季,教育优惠的推动,也一定程度上提升了 Mac 的整体营收。


但在 iPad 和 Mac 这两个更贴近娱乐影音、工作学习的产品,其实更应该发挥出苹果智能的作用。

iPad 在 WWDC 上最大的更新就是计算器。

听起来有点讽刺,但更多的是期盼在 M3 甚至 M4 这样高性能、高算力核心的加持下,这几款当家产品应该有更好的表现,像计算器这样不多见但看起来能有体验提升的软件更新,可以再来多一点。


对 iPad 和 Mac 是这样,对 iPhone 也是如此,当然 Vision Pro 也千万别忘了。

六月底,Apple Vision Pro 国行版正式开售,店面体验还是挺火爆的,但具体成交量也没有一个准确的数字。

叫好不叫座,可能是最适合形容 AVP 当下的处境的,它效果惊艳,体验超前,价格也离大众市场很远,主打一个全方位拉满。

而 Vision Pro 的当务之急,是要扩大生态的深度和广度。

国行发售后,我们在上面体验到了很多用心在做适配的三方 App,比如京东、淘宝;当然更多的只是从 iPadOS 复制粘贴到了 AVP 上,完全没有解释和展示「空间计算」。

库克在财报会上提到,现在已经有超过 2500 个本地空间应用程序和 150 万个与视觉操作系统兼容的 App。

从上两个季度财报会上的备受关注,到这次的无人问津,Vision Pro 和苹果,需要找到一些突破口。


彭博社的 Mark Gurman 在早些时候报道称:

苹果智能的部分功能会出现在开发者预览版的推送中,但正式版本的发布时间实际上要「晚于预期」。苹果目前计划在 10 月份的更新中向公众推出这些功能。

但是从库克在财报会的预告看来,完全体的苹果智能,可能会来得更晚一些,包括 ChatGPT 的上机时间,估计也得等到年底了。

▲ 图片来自:Google



都知道 AI 是下个时代,那站在时代门口的苹果究竟会交出一份怎样的「果味」答卷,不管你是看热闹、看笑话还是盼结果的,其实都挺值得期待的。


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Solutions to Saturday Mac riddles 266

By: hoakley
29 July 2024 at 16:00

I hope that you enjoyed Saturday’s Mac Riddles, episode 266. Here are my solutions to them.

1: Skipper or proprietor who might also live there as one of the users.

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Skipper (sometimes referred to as the ‘owner’ of a ship or aircraft) or proprietor (owner) who might also live there (owner-occupier) as one of the users (what the owner is).

2: Cluster or band such as staff or wheel.

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Cluster (a group) or band (a musical group) such as staff or wheel (two common groups in permissions).

3: The rest may be half or significant to everyone else.

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The rest (others) may be half (the other half) or significant (significant other) to everyone else (as in permissions).

The common factor

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They are the three classes used to set permissions.

I look forward to your putting alternative cases.

如果 MacBook 要搭载触摸屏,可能怎么做?

By: Steven
17 January 2023 at 17:32

问题来源:苹果或将在 2025 年推出触摸屏 Mac,此前其一直抵触触摸笔记本设计,如何解读这一改变?


媒体们捕风捉影的思路错了,克雷格可没有说是什么形态的 MacBook 啊。



2;苹果自家目前有着全球最好用、市占率最高的平板电脑 iPad,那么一个带触摸屏的外翻折笔记本可以给公司提供什么「价值」呢?有两个,一是冲击平板的销售,二是让 MacBook 变成另一个装了妙控键盘的 iPad Pro。可见,无论是从哪个角度来看,这件事对公司的经营都没有好处。

既然触摸屏 MacBook 不应该是 iPad Pro 的平替,那么如果非要做,可以怎么做呢?一个比较正常的产品思路是,跳出去,成为另一个东西,例如:

《设以观复 vol.14》视频位置 33:31 点击截图播放视频

图中自左向右的白块分别是:Apple Watch、iPhone、iPad 和 iMac

那么,如果苹果需要打造一款搭载触摸屏的 MacBook 的话,更好的做法一定不是直接在笔记本上装一块触摸屏,因为一款既不好用又影响销量和品牌声誉的产品,百无一用。但是,如果跳出笔记本现有形态的固有观念,在 iPad 和 iMac 之间仍然存在一个有待开发的产品形态:

《设以观复 vol.11》视频位置 13:04 点击截图播放视频

也就是说,这块可能存在的触摸屏不是给现在这个形态的 MacBook 使用的,而是为折叠屏形态的 MacBook 去准备的。从这个角度去理解克雷格说的「谁说得准呢?」,意思就完全不一样了。至少这么理解比较符合商业公司的基础利益逻辑,做一个世人都知道不合理的产品,它图什么?

从近几年的消息和产品更新来看,苹果正在全力打造 AR/VR 产品已经是不争的事实,问题只是发布时间在何时了;与此同时,各个产品线的更新一方面在性能和芯片上开始疯一般堆料,另一方面开始在交互设计上有各种动作,无论是AOD、台前调度、灵动岛、悬空的笔尖操作,都在指向那个万众瞩目的 AR/VR 产品方案。


何况现在公司的精力都在 AR/VR 和汽车这两件生死攸关的事情上,哪还有多余的研发力量折腾这种没钱途的东西?简单算一下投入产出,这项目就当场黄了。

*本篇内容为应 巫冬 邀请所写

Saturday Mac riddles 266

By: hoakley
27 July 2024 at 16:00

Here are this weekend’s Mac riddles to entertain you through family time, shopping and recreation.

1: Skipper or proprietor who might also live there as one of the users.

2: Cluster or band such as staff or wheel.

3: The rest may be half or significant to everyone else.

To help you cross-check your solutions, or confuse you further, there’s a common factor between them.

I’ll post my solutions first thing on Monday morning.

Please don’t post your solutions as comments here: it spoils it for others.

A brief history of kernel panics

By: hoakley
27 July 2024 at 15:00

Classic Mac OS didn’t have an operating system kernel as such, so on paper at least it couldn’t suffer kernel panics. Instead, the system simply crashed or froze, and the only way out was to force the Mac to restart or shut down. In those days before the HFS+ file system gained journalling (only added to OS X 10.2.2 in 2002), that was usually followed by checking and repairing the startup disk, as the file system there was often damaged in the process.

If you were really unlucky, when your Mac tried to start up again it would display a flashing question mark indicating that the system was too damaged to be run. That’s when you reached for the startup disk or CD-ROM, or a special disk you had ready to recover your Mac and restore the system. Recovery disks were almost essential, as app crashes often brought the whole system down with them.

Mac OS X brought a big change to that, with its kernel architecture to ensure that crashing apps were less likely to cause the whole system to collapse, although early versions of the kernel and its extensions often proved less stable that we’d hoped. In the first couple of versions of Mac OS X, handling of panics was fairly basic, with lines of text displayed, and the Mac left unresponsive for the user to force it to restart.

With Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar came the well-known panic display, in which a transparent grey curtain dropped down the display to reveal a multi-language message instructing the user to restart the Mac.

A traditional kernel panic prior to OS X 10.8.

From 10.2 in 2002 through 10.7 in 2011, minor variations were made to that panic display, including additional translations of its text. Because of the practical difficulties of getting a real screenshot of this event, that shown above is a slight cheat created by overlaying the display image stored in the system on a normal screenshot, but it’s a faithful reproduction of what we saw then.

This all changed in OS X Mountain Lion, in 2012, when the panic display disappeared and the user was informed of the panic only after their Mac had restarted automatically. Apple took to referring to them not as kernel panics, but in the euphemism unexpected restarts, and then removed the multi-language message altogether.

Instead, what was intended to happen was, shortly after the user had logged back into the automatically restarted Mac, a panic alert would appear, containing the panic log. Users were encouraged to send that to Apple, and most assumed that an engineer there would review it, and perhaps even respond to it if appropriate. In reality, panic logs were automatically and anonymously processed to provide Apple with overall statistics, and it seems extremely unlikely that any human read any of them individually unless they accompanied a bug report.

Kernel panics tended to break out in small epidemics confined to specific models. My own period of purgatory lasted six months, between the release of OS X 10.11.4 on 21 March 2016 and the upgrade to Sierra on 20 September that autumn/fall. Throughout that period, many newer MacBook Pros and iMacs suffered frequent kernel panics, in my iMac’s case every 2-5 days. Those may well have resulted from bugs in their graphics drivers, but were never fixed in El Capitan, as far as I’m aware.

Despite their frequency in the past, Apple has been remarkably reluctant to admit to them in its documentation. That for users avoids all mention of the term, merely referring to them as unexpected restarts “because of a problem”. Even that for developers buries them away in an ancient Tech Note from 14 August 2008, and still contains details for PowerPC models.

Maybe we’ve just been imagining them all those years.



Solutions to Saturday Mac riddles 265

By: hoakley
22 July 2024 at 16:00

I hope that you enjoyed Saturday’s Mac Riddles, episode 265. Here are my solutions to them.

1: Iron ore, manpower, reserve, fork.

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Iron ore (a natural resource), manpower (a human resource), reserve (a resource generally), fork (a resource fork of a file).

2: Use sedit again for classic customisation thanks to Sumit and Samiran.

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Use sedit again (re-sedit, where sedit is a Unix programmer’s editor) for classic customisation (used to customise apps and more in Classic Mac OS) thanks to Sumit and Samiran (Sumit Bando and Samiran Basak were authors of later versions).

3: Lengthened characteristic object swallowed 1 in X.

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extended attribute

Lengthened (extended) characteristic object (an attribute, e.g. of a deity) swallowed 1 in X (resource forks in riddle 1 were incorporated into Mac OS X as extended attributes).

The common factor

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These are all connected with resources and resource forks in Classic Mac OS.

I look forward to your putting alternative cases.

Saturday Mac riddles 265

By: hoakley
20 July 2024 at 16:00

Here are this weekend’s Mac riddles to entertain you through family time, shopping and recreation.

1: Iron ore, manpower, reserve, fork.

2: Use sedit again for classic customisation thanks to Sumit and Samiran.

3: Lengthened characteristic object swallowed 1 in X.

To help you cross-check your solutions, or confuse you further, there’s a common factor between them.

I’ll post my solutions first thing on Monday morning.

Please don’t post your solutions as comments here: it spoils it for others.

Solutions to Saturday Mac riddles 264

By: hoakley
15 July 2024 at 16:00

I hope that you enjoyed Saturday’s Mac Riddles, episode 264. Here are my solutions to them.

1: Lines that never meet in 2006 originated in Russia.

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Lines that never meet (parallel lines) in 2006 (when it was first released for Mac OS X) originated in Russia (where its products were first developed).

2: Roman 995 perhaps with ceramics from 2007, now part of an HP descendant.

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Roman 995 perhaps (could be VM in Roman numerals) with ceramics (ware) from 2007 (when it was first released for Mac OS X), now part of an HP descendant (it’s now part of Broadcom, which originated from Hewlett Packard in 1961, as HP Associates).

3: Emulate and host thanks to Fabrice’s flightless bird from 2003.

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Emulate and host (it’s both an emulator and virtualiser, and based on QEMU) thanks to Fabrice’s (QEMU was originally developed by Fabrice Bellard) flightless bird (the Emu, the origin of QEMU) from 2003 (when the first code for QEMU was published).

The common factor

Click for a solution

These are all virtualisers for the Mac.

I look forward to your putting alternative cases.

Saturday Mac riddles 264

By: hoakley
13 July 2024 at 16:00

Here are this weekend’s Mac riddles to entertain you through family time, shopping and recreation.

1: Lines that never meet in 2006 originated in Russia.

2: Roman 995 perhaps with ceramics from 2007, now part of an HP descendant.

3: Emulate and host thanks to Fabrice’s flightless bird from 2003.

To help you cross-check your solutions, or confuse you further, there’s a common factor between them.

I’ll post my solutions first thing on Monday morning.

Please don’t post your solutions as comments here: it spoils it for others.
