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Where has Safari gone, and why are macOS updates larger for Apple silicon?

By: hoakley
4 September 2024 at 14:30

My previous explanation of how recent versions of macOS merge their System and Data volumes into what appears to be a single volume, omitted a third component, including Safari. Look in the System/Applications folder where all the bundled apps are stored on the SSV, and there’s no Safari to be seen, yet it appears in the top-level Applications folder. This article explains how that now works using cryptexes, and how they differ between Intel and Apple silicon Macs.

Finding Safari

As the modern boot volume group evolved through Catalina to Big Sur, Safari and its supporting frameworks were stored in the Data volume. That stopped with the arrival of Ventura, and they’re now stored in the third components that complete the modern boot volume group. You can see when files are stored on a different volume using my free app Precize to reveal their full paths. Use that to examine three apps from the merged Applications folder, and you’ll understand what I mean:

  • has a path of /System/Applications/ demonstrating that it’s one of the apps bundled in the SSV, where almost all of the System folder is stored.
  •, like any other app you have installed, has a path of /Applications/, making it clear that it’s stored on the writable Data volume.
  • has the weird path of /System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/App/System/Applications/ that demands further explanation.

Note that the Finder’s Get Info dialogs aren’t as truthful, and don’t tell the full story.

Their volfs paths are also worth noting. On my Intel Mac, they are:

  • is at /.vol/16777240/1152921500311883667; because all macOS 14.6.1 SSVs are identical, your should have the same inode number too.
  • is at /.vol/16777240/461665725
  • is at /.vol/16777238/993517

The first two follow a familiar pattern you’ll see throughout the System and Data volumes: their volume ID 16777240 is common to both, and that assigned to the merged volumes, but their inode numbers are wildly different. Huge numbers like 1152921500311883667 come from the SSV, while smaller ones like 461665725 are from the Data volume. Then there’s a slightly lower volume ID of 16777238 and a small inode number of 993517 for Safari, demonstrating that it’s somewhere altogether different: that’s a cryptex, a cryptographically protected disk image with an interesting history.

Why a cryptex?

When the modern boot volume group was being designed and developed, it took into account Safari’s special needs by making it the only bundled app to be stored in the Data volume. This enables it to be updated without having to go through the whole process of building a new SSV, allowing Apple to deliver urgent security patches to Safari and its underlying WebKit and other frameworks. There could also have been political considerations in separating Apple’s bundled browser from the other apps included in macOS.

This changed in Ventura in the autumn/fall of 2022, when Apple applied technology it had originally developed for its customised iPhone, the Security Research Device, dubbed the cryptex, a name formed as a portmanteau for CRYPTographically sealed EXtension. This offers two advantages:

  • Safari, its supporting frameworks, and other components of macOS that Apple prefers not to build into the SSV, can be delivered in cryptexes. As I’ll explain later, this also enables tailoring of macOS to platform.
  • Some urgent security patches could be delivered in cryptexes, making them faster to release and simpler to install in a Rapid Security Response (RSR).

Since then, RSRs seem to have had their day, and appear to have fallen from favour. But, as a means of delivering Safari and other more changeable components of macOS, cryptexes have proved their worth.

How a cryptex works

Although a cryptex is at heart a read-only disk image that is mounted during the boot process, it has two properties of particular importance:

  • Its contents are cryptographically verified, in much the same way that the contents of the SSV are, using hashes of its entire contents.
  • Its internal file system is grafted into the root file system when it’s mounted, rather than being mounted as a separate volume.


Mounting a cryptex starts with validation of the payload and its manifest. It then undergoes a sequence of processes similar to the mounting of an APFS volume, with a checkpoint search to establish stable checkpoint indices, and a check to discover whether there’s anything to recover, which seems unlikely. The graft is then performed in a series of opaque steps, with root hash authentication and validation. The object ID is found, and the graft completed.

Once this has been completed for each of the standard cryptexes and any installed RSRs, the contents of those are effectively part of the system, as a hybrid of the SSV and cryptexes. In the case of the Safari app, this process effectively places it in the main Applications folder, even though the original app is actually located in the System/Applications folder of the App cryptex in /System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes.

As with the current boot System and Data volumes, grafted cryptexes aren’t unmounted or ungrafted until shutdown.

There are currently three main cryptexes in use, App containing Safari, its frameworks and other supporting files, and OS, with a range of other system items including additional frameworks, and several large dyld shared caches. You’ll also see an Incoming cryptex in /System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes. As they’re outside the SSV, new and replacement cryptexes are installed without rebuilding the SSV, and in some cases don’t even need a soft restart of macOS.

Architecture-specific cryptexes

In addition to providing Safari and its related components, cryptexes also provide useful economy in shared caches, and explain why macOS updates for Apple silicon Macs are invariably larger than those for Intel models.

While the contents of the SSV appear to be identical on both Intel and Apple silicon, thus have a single signature, the two architectures differ in their cryptexes. Those for Apple silicon Macs contain dyld shared caches for both architectures, and a set of aot shared caches, presumably to support Rosetta 2, and amounting to 5.24 GB in total size; those for Intel Macs only contain Intel dyld shared caches of 1.68 GB total size.

Given their sizes, that’s a valuable efficiency both for updates and in storage required, and is the major reason for updates for Apple silicon Macs always being larger than those for Intel. Thankfully, because those shared caches are supplied compressed, the difference in update sizes is much smaller than the 3.56 GB difference when they’re decompressed and installed.

macOS updates are shrinking, but what happened to RSRs?

By: hoakley
14 August 2024 at 14:30

When Apple introduced the Signed System Volume (SSV) in Big Sur, the size of macOS updates rose to their highest ever, as the overhead required for each update reaching 2.2 GB for Intel models and 3.1 GB for Apple silicon. Since then, they have steadily improved in efficiency. This article shows how they have performed in Sonoma, and asks whether Apple has abandoned its Rapid Security Responses (RSRs).

To keep my charts clearer, I here show the two architectures separately.

Total update size


This chart shows cumulative sizes of updates to macOS on Intel Macs from 10.14 Mojave, with its traditional single boot volume, through to macOS Sonoma 14.6. Each point represents the cumulative sum of all updates to that major version of macOS required to reach that minor version. Thus the point for 14.2 is the total of update sizes for 14.1, 14.1.1, 14.1.2 and 14.2. Sizes used aren’t those reported by Software Update, but those of the download itself, as reported in articles here, indexed on this page. That has made a significant difference for some updates for Apple silicon Macs, where the first reported update size has excluded additional architecture-specific overhead. RSRs have been excluded, as they’ve been duplicated in subsequent patch or minor updates. Lines shown are best fits by linear regression.

Update sizes rose markedly from Mojave, with its single boot volume, to Catalina, with its boot volume group, and again to a peak in Big Sur, with the SSV. They fell again as Monterey introduced greater efficiency, and Ventura and Sonoma have been almost identical, and smaller than Mojave.


Apple silicon Macs started with the huge updates of Big Sur, which were even larger than those for Intel models, and benefitted from the improved efficiency of Monterey and Ventura. Unlike Intel Macs, though, Sonoma has seen further reduction in update sizes, although in each update they remain significantly larger than those for Intel models.

Big Sur took a total of 36.7 GB on Intel, and a remarkable 50.07 GB on M1; Sonoma has taken 14.1 GB on Intel, and 21.2 on M1. On Intel, Sonoma required 38% of the update size as Big Sur; on M1, that proportion was slightly higher at 42%. Apple silicon updates were 136% the size of those for Intel models in Big Sur; in Sonoma that ratio has risen to 150%.

Minimum update sizes were about 400 MB for Intel, and 820 MB for Apple silicon, which must be close to the overhead required for macOS updates for the two architectures. These reflect the size of the ‘Update Brain’ required to install each update, and all bundled firmware updates. The latter have been steadily reducing as Intel updates have supported fewer models without T2 chips, but have remained the same if not grown for the substantially larger firmware updates for Apple silicon’s Secure Boot.

Unscheduled updates

Sonoma reached version 14.6 without an excessive number of patch updates. The number of patch versions released between the x.0 and x.6 scheduled versions ranges from 4 (Monterey) to 6 (Bug Sur, Ventura), with Sonoma taking just 5, although 14.6 has been closely followed by 14.6.1 in what appears to be a bug fix rather than the first security update.

What has been surprising is that Apple has released no RSRs for Sonoma, not one. The last RSR was the second released for 13.4.1 more than a year ago, on 12 July 2023. RSRs were introduced to Ventura in May 2023 as a method of replacing some components of macOS that aren’t installed in the SSV but in separate cryptexes, cryptographically verified disk images stored on the hidden Preboot volume. They were intended to let Apple promulgate important fixes to vulnerabilities in Safari, WebKit, and some other bundled components without waiting for a full macOS update. Unfortunately, Apple’s second RSR in July last year was fumbled badly when it broke Safari access to many popular websites including Facebook, and had to be replaced three days later.

Although it’s never clear when a patch update could have been issued as an RSR, Sonoma 14.1.2 should have been a candidate as it’s only reported to have fixed two vulnerabilities in WebKit, that appeared to have been addressed in Safari-only updates for macOS 12 and 13. It looks now as if Apple’s initial enthusiasm for RSRs has cooled, and they’re unlikely to be significant in the future.

Standalone updaters

Updates to macOS Catalina and earlier were also available in downloadable standalone installer packages. Apple discontinued those, amid much protest from users, when it introduced Big Sur. Although there were some suggestions that they might return in the future, as the new update mechanism matured, there has still been no sign of them. Currently the only form of updater available is the full macOS Installer app, typically over 13 GB in size. This remains a shortcoming compared with Catalina and earlier, but it appears that standalone updaters aren’t missed by most Mac users, or at least that Feedback to Apple has been insufficient to produce a response.

Major updates

Prior to macOS Ventura, upgrading to the first release of the next major version of macOS required downloading its full installer app. Although larger than necessary to perform the upgrade, it was relatively error-proof, as the user had to intentionally start the app’s installation process, which could also be cancelled once it was in progress.

Ventura was the first major version for which Software Update used a mechanism similar to that for minor updates, and didn’t download a discrete macOS installer app. As Apple hadn’t warned of that, it caught some users by surprise, when they found their Mac was being upgraded almost automatically. This was repeated with the release of Sonoma, and the problem compounded when some users appear to have been upgraded without their consent.

As Tom Bridge has pointed out, this requires smaller downloads that install considerably faster, but, on Intel Macs at least, don’t require user consent or authentication.

Apple is likely to employ the same update mechanism when it releases Sequoia and takes us on to the next cycle.

使用 TikZ 在 Hexo 博客中愉快地画图

By: prin
16 January 2024 at 04:00

一转眼就到 2024 年了!大家新年快乐!

前段时间在写文章时,需要一些配图,于是就使用了 TikZ 来绘制。TikZ 是一个强大的 宏包,可以使用代码的形式绘制出各种各样精美的矢量图。

如果你的阅读器看不到上面的 SVG 格式图片,可以点这里查看 PNG 格式。example-tikz-graph

上面的图对应的 TikZ 代码可以在这里找到。然而画是画爽了,想把它贴到博客里时却犯了难——目前竟然没有什么好办法可以直接在博客里使用 TikZ!


咱们废话不多说,直接上结果:我写了一个 Hexo 插件,可以直接把 Markdown 源码里的 TikZ 代码渲染成 SVG 矢量图,然后在博客构建时嵌入到页面 HTML 中,用起来就和 MathJax 写数学公式一样简单。

而且最重要的是渲染完全在构建时完成,浏览器上无需运行任何 JavaScript。同时构建机上也无需安装 环境,因为其底层运行的是 WebAssembly。

👉 prinsss/hexo-filter-tikzjax: Server side PGF/TikZ renderer plugin for Hexo.

npm install hexo-filter-tikzjax

注意:插件安装成功后,需要运行 hexo clean 清除已有的缓存。

安装插件后,只需要在博客文章中添加 TikZ 代码块:

---title: '使用 TikZ 在 Hexo 博客中愉快地画图'tikzjax: true---Markdown text here...```​​tikz\begin{document}  \begin{tikzpicture}    % Your TikZ code here...    % The graph below is from  \end{tikzpicture}\end{document}```


TikZ 教程


比如这就是我在写文章时画的图,全部用 TikZ 代码生成,画起来改起来都很方便。


在本插件之前,主流的在网页上渲染 TikZ 绘图的方式是使用 TikZJax。TikZJax 有点类似 MathJax,都是通过 JavaScript 去渲染 语法。

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""><script src=""></script><script type="text/tikz">  \begin{tikzpicture}    \draw (0,0) circle (1in);  \end{tikzpicture}</script>

然而这样做的问题是,太重了。在网页上动态加载 TikZJax,需要加载 955KB 的 JavaScript + 454KB 的 WebAssembly + 1.1MB 的内存数据,如果再另外安装一些宏包,最终打包产物大小甚至可以达到 5MB+。


那怎么办呢?答案就是 SSR / SSG,把渲染过程搬到服务端/构建时去做。这很适合博客这样的场景,尤其是静态博客,只需要构建时渲染一下,把生成的图片塞到 HTML 里就完事了,完全不需要客户端 JavaScript 参与,加载速度大幅提升。

因为 TikZJax 底层跑的是 WebAssembly,而 Node.js 也支持运行 WebAssembly,所以很自然地我就想,能不能把它的渲染流程直接搬到 Node.js 里面去做?

说干就干。于是就有了 node-tikzjax,一个 TikZJax 的移植版,可以在纯 Node.js 环境下运行,无需安装第三方依赖或者 环境。轻量化的特性很适合拿来做服务端渲染,也支持在 Cloudflare Worker 等 Runtime 上运行,非常好用。

hexo-filter-tikzjax 则是 node-tikzjax 的一个上层封装,主要就是在渲染 Hexo 博客文章时提取 Markdown 源码中的 TikZ 代码,交给 node-tikzjax 执行并渲染出 SVG 图片,然后将其内联插入到最终的 HTML 文件中。

如果是其他博客框架,也可以用类似的原理实现 TikZ 静态渲染的接入。


因为 node-tikzjax 并不是完整的 环境,所以不是所有宏包都可以使用。目前支持在 \usepackage{} 中直接使用的宏包有:

  • chemfig
  • tikz-cd
  • circuitikz
  • pgfplots
  • array
  • amsmath
  • amstext
  • amsfonts
  • amssymb
  • tikz-3dplot

如果希望添加其他宏包,可以参考 extractTexFilesToMemory 这里的代码添加。

如果在使用插件的过程中 TikZ 代码编译失败了,可以通过 hexo s --debug 或者 hexo g --debug 开启调试模式,查看 引擎的输出排查问题:

This is e-TeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6 (preloaded format=latex 2022.5.1)**entering extended mode(input.texLaTeX2e <2020-02-02> patch level 2("tikz-cd.sty" (tikzlibrarycd.code.tex (tikzlibrarymatrix.code.tex)(tikzlibraryquotes.code.tex) (pgflibraryarrows.meta.code.tex)))No file input.aux.ABD: EveryShipout initializing macros [1] [2] (input.aux) )Output written on input.dvi (2 pages, 25300 bytes).Transcript written on input.log.

或者也可以在这个 Live Demo 中输入你的 TikZ 代码,提交后可在控制台查看报错。


首先要感谢 @kisonecat 开发的 web2js 项目,这是一个 Pascal 到 WebAssembly 的编译器,使我们可以在 JavaScript 中运行 引擎,也是下面所有项目的基石。

这里有作者关于构建基于 Web 的 引擎的一篇文章,可以拜读一下:Both TEX and DVI viewers inside the web browser

感谢 @drgrice1 对 TikZJax 和 dvi2html 的修改,TA 的 fork 中包含了很多有用的新功能,并且修复了一些原始代码中的问题。

感谢 @artisticat1 对 TikZJax 的修改,这是基于上述 @drgrice1 的 fork 的又一个 fork,也添加了一些有用的功能。本插件依赖的 node-tikzjax,其底层使用的 WebAssembly 二进制和其他文件就是从这个仓库中获取的。

感谢 @artisticat1 开发的 obsidian-tikzjax 插件,这是本项目的灵感来源。本项目和该插件底层共享同一套 引擎,使用语法也很类似,基本可以在 Obsidian 和 Hexo 之间无缝切换(实际上也是我开发这个的原因 😹)。

如有任何问题,请在 GitHub 上提交 issue。祝使用愉快!
