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Why is kernel_task taking so much CPU?

By: hoakley
11 July 2024 at 14:30

Summer is the season of kernel_task. As temperatures in the northern hemisphere soar to new highs, so Macs can become sluggish, and kernel_task rises to the top of Activity Monitor’s CPU list. Before you’re tempted to try killing it, please read this article, as it’s not the cause of your Mac’s problems, but a sign of the heat. Don’t try shooting this messenger!

Macs contain several temperature sensors that are monitored by the Core Duet sub-system, which together with the System Management Controller (SMC) manages its internal environment and services. When a process runs away and takes over the cores, or any of the internal thermal sensors registers an abnormally warm temperature, Core Duet responds with a set of actions to try to keep it cool. These include its active cooling system of fans, which are run up to speed to blow cooling air over the most sensitive components, and easing off CPU load to reduce heat production. Where possible that slows processor speed, and blocks any runaway processes by occupying the CPU with kernel_task.

In the past, some users have taken to meddling with this system by trying to stop kernel_task from doing its job. That’s a bit like stopping someone who’s sweating because of the heat, from drinking to replace their fluid loss, and will only make matters worse. When the fans get loud and kernel_task hogs your CPU, it’s time to do all you can to let your Mac cool down.

There are rare occasions when fans blow full on and kernel_task goes wild without any thermal problem. In Intel Macs, resetting the SMC is usually curative, but this could instead be the result of a fault in a thermal sensor, or in the SMC itself. Hardware diagnostics are usually helpful, or one of several apps that let you check on sensor readings. By far the most common cause of more persistent problems, though, is dust and debris in the air ducts, and in the case of some Intel Mac notebooks, overheating of the left USB-C ports. For more details, see Apple’s note about kernel_task.

If your Mac is showing early signs of thermal strain and still running, encourage heat dissipation by immediately:

  • opening its lid wide if it’s in clamshell mode,
  • ensuring all ventilation openings in its case are free of obstruction,
  • clearing space around its entire case, including the underside, to aid convective cooling,
  • if the Mac is in sunlight, move it into the shade,
  • if you have an external fan, turn that on to cool its case by forced convection,
  • if air conditioning is available, move the Mac to a cooler area.

Reduce its heat production by immediately:

  • quitting all open apps, if necessary force-quitting any that won’t cooperate,
  • killing all non-essential processes that are taking more than 5-10% CPU in Activity Monitor except kernel_task, which is a sign of thermal strain and not a cause of it,
  • disconnecting any mains charging cable, provided there is sufficient charge in its battery.

Apple silicon Macs generate less than 5 W of heat when idling, and are therefore best left running in idle if their fans are running. Unless an Intel Mac has become so hot that it’s at risk of shutting itself down, it’s usually best to avoid shutting it down if its fans are running, although it’s likely to continue generating more heat. Some like to put cold packs against the case, which can cool the outside down more quickly than an external cooling fan. If you wish to try that, ensure that condensation doesn’t enter the Mac, particularly through its keyboard or ventilation openings, and don’t obstruct either the keyboard or those cooling ducts.

May you and your Mac stay cool this summer.


By: fivestone
10 October 2023 at 23:49



这些年 emo 的主线之一,就是看着曾经能够一起讨论的朋友、乃至喜欢的人,渐渐地沉到各种坑里。——「坑」当然只是我的视角,他们都很快乐。







我知道这一篇充斥着巨大的 ego。其中的很多环节,并不是必然的断言,只是我个人在这个时代的主观经历中,总结出的感受。不对劲的也很可能是我自己。我也能看到新的一代人的,可能的好的一面:虽然大多数人沉的更深,但幸存下来的人,也有更多的机会和氛围,变得更清醒,清醒到有足够能力来意识到,之前说的那些加诸自身的细微文化影响。希望能抱抱他们。

里世界 – 6

By: fivestone
14 August 2023 at 06:49







再变成「这样的地方不存在,那又能怎样呢」,然后再分析,那样的一个理想化的环境,——无论是期望现实中存在的,还是在脑海中凭空构造的,——它对我的吸引力,是由哪些因素导致的呢?很多因素,经过这样的分析后,都可以选择从自我身上去剔除(aka 修仙)。

Stop finding neverland,不是因为要脚踏实地了,而是接受「没有」的状态,让自己根本不再需要,任何形式的 land,作为支撑。

