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用 Newbing 辅助写的第一篇 blog / The first blog to be aided by NewBing / NewBingによって助けられた最初のブログです

By: Steven
2 March 2023 at 11:54
一週裡有一半時間都坐在這裡工作 / I spend half of the time in a week working here / 私は一週間の半分の時間をここで働いています
我讓店裡特意給我保留的專用裂口杯 / I asked the store to keep a special slit cup for me / 私は店に特別なスリットカップを取っておいてもらった


I was originally notified that I had to meet with a client in the morning, but when I rode to the place where I usually park, I was told that it was not going to happen. Because I got up earlier than usual, I felt a little sleepy. So, I sat in the shop and meditated for five minutes, and took a couple of sips of caffeine to get some blood back.


在最近幾次冥想的過程中發現,Apple Watch 的這個呼吸頻率對我來說已經偏快了,如果完全按照我自己的節奏來控制,起碼得是 3 次,或者 2.5 次這個頻率,但 Apple Watch 已經不能設置更慢的呼吸節奏了。

I found out in the last few meditations that this breathing rate of Apple Watch is too fast for me. If I completely control it according to my own rhythm, it should be at least 3 times, or 2.5 times this frequency, but Apple Watch can no longer set a slower breathing rhythm.

最近の瞑想の過程で分かったのですが、Apple Watchのこの呼吸頻度は私にとっては早すぎます。自分のリズムに完全に合わせてコントロールするなら、少なくとも3回、あるいは2.5回この頻度でなければなりませんが、Apple Watchではもう遅い呼吸リズムを設定できません。

剛才測了一下時間,我三次呼吸(一呼一吸)的總時長是 2:03 (兩分零三秒)。這樣的話,換成 AW 的呼吸頻率計算方式應該是「每分鐘呼吸 1.5 次」。

I just measured the time and found that the total duration of my three breaths (one inhale and one exhale) was 2:03 (two minutes and three seconds). In this case, using AW’s breathing frequency calculation method, it should be “1.5 breaths per minute”.


*以上英語和日語翻譯採用 New Bing 的 AI 完成。

*The English and Japanese translations are done by New Bing’s AI.

*以上の英語と日本語の翻訳は、New Bing の AI によって行われました。


But after translating, it kept asking me new questions. Is it curious about me and my behavior?


不是的。據我所知,它只是一個根據字詞關係來生成對話的超大模型,這種對話其實非常可能來自人類語庫中不要讓話掉在地上的社交禮貌用例。所以,這種反問並不能證明這個對話 AI 已經具備了意識。

No. As far as I know, it is just a huge model that generates dialogue based on word relationships. This kind of dialogue is very likely to come from human language libraries that do not want to let the conversation fall to the ground. Therefore, this kind of rhetorical question cannot prove that this dialogue AI already has consciousness.

いいえ。私の知る限り、それは単に単語の関係に基づいて対話を生成する巨大なモデルです。このような対話は、会話を地面に落とさないようにする人間の言語ライブラリから非常に可能性が高く来ています。したがって、このような反語的な質問は、この対話 AI がすでに意識を持っていることを証明できません。

Could our Macs be CrowdStruck?

By: hoakley
22 July 2024 at 14:30

Thankfully, Macs weren’t affected by last week’s catastrophic CrowdStrike bug, but several of you have asked me whether macOS could be affected by something similar in the future. The short answer is that’s becoming increasingly unlikely, and for Apple silicon Macs in particular is no longer a significant risk. To understand why this is so, we need to know what happened to Windows systems with CrowdStrike protection installed, and how macOS differs.

CrowdStrike’s own account of the bug states that “an operating system crash” occurred as the result of a single logic error in one of many configuration files, known as Channel Files, that control the security protection provided by CrowdStrike’s Falcon sensor. That in turn led to the infamous Blue Screen of Death, or BSOD, the method used by Windows to inform the user that a kernel panic has occurred and the PC needs to reboot. Those configuration files are apparently automatically updated “several times a day”, without any user interaction or notification, in a long-established process used by CrowdStrike.

Researchers are currently discussing the exact point of failure and how it was able to have such serious consequences. For a single logic error to result in a kernel panic and the BSOD, it’s almost certain that the Falcon sensor runs with elevated privileges as a Kernel-Mode Driver, roughly equivalent to a kernel extension (kext) in macOS. It doesn’t seem credible that the Falcon sensor running with only user privileges would be able to bring the whole of Windows down in this way.

The macOS version of the Falcon sensor uses a kernel extension (kext) on Intel Macs prior to Big Sur, but because of the limitations of kexts on Apple silicon, it now uses an endpoint security System Extension instead.


Apple deprecated kexts years ago, and they can only be used on Apple silicon Macs if their startup security is dropped to Reduced Security and third-party kexts are explicitly allowed to load. For a vendor selling into enterprise and organisations, that requirement would be unacceptable to customers. As a result, almost all apps that used to use kexts have switched to modern System Extensions and their relatives. Those run with normal user privileges, so if they do go badly wrong shouldn’t be able to cause a kernel panic. They’re also designed to be installed and removed using the app that relies on them. If there’s a bug in a System Extension, you should be able to open its app and remove or update it from there.

When CrowdStrike for macOS started using a System Extension nearly four years ago, it even proclaimed that “reducing the need for privileged access is always a more secure approach and we are proud to embrace this new architecture.”

Apple’s road from kexts to System Extensions has been long, controversial, and only succeeded when Apple silicon Macs couldn’t use kexts without being run at Reduced Security. The devastation wrought by the CrowdStrike bug is vindication for all the pain that deprecation brought.

Where macOS remains at risk is with Apple’s own updates. Little more than eight years ago, on 26 February 2016, a silent automatic update to the macOS Incompatible Kernel Extension Configuration Data came close to breaking most Macs of the day. That list blocks old and incompatible kexts from being run, and version 3.28.1 inadvertently included one of Apple’s own kexts, that responsible for operating the Ethernet port on many Macs, including the latest models of iMacs and MacBook Pros at the time.

That didn’t cause a kernel panic, but once all those Macs had updated to the new version and restarted, their Ethernet ports vanished and couldn’t be used. That brought two serious problems: as the Ethernet port has been widely used to identify individual Macs, many apps were unable to run, and those without the fallback of WiFi networking were isolated from the Internet, so couldn’t download and install the emergency update that Apple released to fix the defective file.

Both Apple and macOS have come a long way since that happened in El Capitan. Although we all moan about bugs in macOS, quality control of macOS and security data updates has improved considerably, and updates have become much more consistent and reliable as a result of the Signed System Volume. The transition to Apple silicon is also simplifying testing and support with their more consistent hardware, compared to the gamut of different components used in Intel Macs.

As Rosyna Keller has written, this catastrophe wasn’t Microsoft’s fault but it is Microsoft’s problem. It’s a problem that Apple has addressed, and Microsoft has a lot to answer for in not making Windows more robust in the way that macOS is now. I suspect plenty of folk in Apple are feeling rather smug.


  • The CrowdStrike catastrophe occurred because a single logic error in a configuration file for its Falcon sensor escalated into a kernel panic.
  • This almost certainly occurred because the Falcon sensor runs with elevated privileges, in kernel space rather than user space.
  • Apple has almost eliminated third-party kernel extensions from macOS, replacing them with System Extensions running in user space. That has removed their propensity to cause kernel panics. In recent macOS, CrowdStrike’s Falcon sensor runs in user space as a System Extension.
  • Remaining risks of kernel panics are in macOS updates, which Apple has improved considerably to reduce risk.
  • Microsoft needs to remove third-party drivers from kernel space if Windows is to be more resilient to this type of failure.

Surface pro 7

6 December 2019 at 23:06

是的,为了能愉快的看PDF我又买了surface pro 7。

为什么不买iPad pro?

在确定购买surface pro之前确实非常认真地考虑过要不要买一台iPad pro,毕竟80%的时间我是需要爱奇艺的,但:

  1. 之前用过iPad pro 10.5寸两年左右吧,屏幕坏过两次,一次是保修期内一次过保,所以对苹果已经比较失望了。
  2. 不管是平板还是笔记本我都有打字的需求,用iPad打字实在是一种折磨,还不如galaxy tab s6,总不能出门带一个蓝牙键盘一个蓝牙鼠标再加一个支架吧。
  3. 我有Galaxy tab s6而且还打算继续使用。
  4. kickstand,就是surface背后那个支架,我在淘宝上花了半个小时想找到适用于iPad的kickstand支架,非常遗憾,没找到,kickstand这东西太方便了,不论是生产力还是爱奇艺。
  5. 我决定给surface pro一次机会。

用Surface pro 7 看PDF的目的达到了吗?





  1. 可以看PDF的平板
  2. 偶尔敲敲字的笔记本电脑
  3. 方便访问各种网络和网盘的设备
  4. 可以简单画画的平板
  5. 爱奇艺

那么surface pro是一个好的选择吗?



  1. usb type c接口,扩展性进一步增强,还能用充电宝充电。
  2. 快充,官方说法一小时充电80%,两个小时充满。
  3. 息屏待机,以前的surface经常一休眠就“死”过去了,得长按重启,而目前这台使用了几天,待机最长有十几个小时,目前还没遇到睡死过去的情况。
  4. 面部识别速度很快,当然还是无法跟手机比。
  5. 我买的i5版是没风扇的,非常安静,温度也不错,没遇到烫手的情况,当然我也没使用多大型的软件。
  6. 官方键盘盖的触控板非常舒服。
  7. 手写笔吸附在侧边框上的吸力非常大,很有安全感。
  8. WiFi 6。
  9. 完整的Windows体验,如果当笔记本电脑来使用的话,软件不是问题,敲字非常舒服。
  10. 没了。


作为一名surface pro 3的老用户,相隔这么多年后再次使用surface,本来期望在体验上能有全面的提升,但非常遗憾,并没有,所有我对于surface pro 3的记忆可以全部套在pro7上。

  1. 机器摸上去还是有塑料感,没有密实的感觉,边框某些地方甚至能按出响声,好像没粘牢一样。
  2. 手写笔在大部分软件中依然不跟手。
  3. 重量与surface pro3比也没有明显变化,轻了20多克。
  4. windows10这么多年了,surface产品出了十几款了,但对于触摸屏、手写笔的优化毫无进展,别说第三方了,自己家的系统都无法愉快的玩耍,比如不接键盘的话我要如何从一个全屏软件回到桌面?
  5. 平板模式下的软件特别匮乏,软件商店里的app没几款是针对surface触摸屏进行优化的。
  6. 大边框,无法理解的大边框。
  7. 屏幕颜色显示非常一般,即便是增强模式下也明显感觉颜色缺失,色彩偏灰饱和度不够。
  8. 面部识别的时候摄像头旁边会亮起一盏红色的灯,low爆了。
  9. 续航感觉毫无进步,我是说跟surface pro 3比,如果跟pro 6比甚至还差一点。
  10. 低配版没有颜色选择,想买黑色至少得i5 256G以上才有。另外微软是不是对“亮铂金”有什么误解啊?分明就是灰色嘛。
  11. 所有我试过的绘画软件,不论功能多少都无比卡顿,网上看,即便i7版本也一样,zoom一下都要等3秒,这要不是为了挣钱谁忍得了。
  12. 生态还是稀烂,如何将手机里的文件导入?思来想去可能还是微信最方便。
  13. 预装系统从以前的专业版变为家庭版,升级专业版得800块。
  14. 等等。






